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/lit/ - Literature

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12017882 No.12017882 [Reply] [Original]

How is your library coming along?
Do you keep it private or open it up to other’s uses.

>> No.12017972

i have 4 shelves (ikea bookcases) that are filled. however im more into digital reading now so i dont think my collection will grow. i just keep them in guest rooms and offer the collection up, i have my own personal collection or rare and sentimental books that i keep in a seperate half height case

>> No.12017982

I've moved back with my parents and I have 6 unopened boxes full of books stacked around the room since there's not enough space on the shelves which are full with my books from 10 years ago

>> No.12017986

have you considered downsizing? honestly i dont know why i have so many books either, its not like im going to read them again

>> No.12018011

i have a folder with dozens of gigs of pirated books that im probably not gonna read since i just go on libgen and pick out epubs with good formatting instead

>> No.12018012

Room's too small for a library. I have two bookshelves filled with books. Other books that couldn't fit are in plastic bags.

>> No.12018128

I would like to share it, but that means that my books can get lost, or handled with much less attention that I have to them.

I am also too dumb to insert a thoughtful comment about stark similarity to human relationships in general.

>> No.12018168

>Other books that couldn't fit are in plastic bags.


>> No.12018169
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approaching 10,000 books strong.my library isn't very pretty (i live in an old house; the structural integrity cannot support a library, save for the basement) but it's extremely deep, broad and functional

i share with friends and colleagues in a private network in the DC area

if you're around DC, are smart/professional and want access to a world-class arts/humanities/social sciences library, HMU

>> No.12018179

Do you serve your own home-roasted coffee blend to visitors? This is important.

>> No.12018550

>Buying physical books

Holy shit, I hate fucking old people. I can’t wait until you all die off.

>> No.12018560
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I'd decided to go all in on late capitalist alienation and went e-reader only.

We must accelerate the process. Hiding in old timey rooms won't save you.

>> No.12018589

Ebooks are too continent to bother with physical. I only own around 10 books. Maybe when I settle down in a permanent location I'll think about getting more

>> No.12018594

I have houses in like four different cities. Every house has about 1000 books, i dont have a library or any such things.

>> No.12019195

Will you finger my ass behind the shelves? This is also important.

>> No.12019353

Behind the shelves? How, they’re flush with the wall.

>> No.12019444

Pretending no one knows about Love Chamber, aren't we?

>> No.12019694

I have like 30 books I think. I only keep books that Are worth reading more than once.

>> No.12019923

>Love Chamber

>> No.12020014

Not a single book ever written is worth reading more than once

>> No.12020099

that spindly ladder looks awful

>> No.12020197
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My goal is to slowly replace my collection of dog-eared paperbacks with folios and semi-fine press editions.

>> No.12020238

i bet the owner of those books has never read a single page of those sets of the greek myths and decline and fall of the roman empire

>> No.12020262

How do you all sort your libraries? Alphabetical? also >>12018169 is fucking maximum cozy

>> No.12020318


>> No.12020328

Pretty sure I've read almost everything that Robert Graves ever wrote. You're right about the Gibbon though, I'm still not at that point in my reading list.

>> No.12020331

I leant my mother my copy of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I saw it today and it's fucking ruined. She uses the fucking table as a bookmark

>> No.12020336

I stopped lending friends and family books because they never return it without it being fucked up.

>> No.12020345

my dad thoroughly destroys books. it's willful negligence, like that's his goal. if i want him to read something i either buy a copy as a gift or just give him a recommendation. my grandpa actually uses him as a book disposal of sorts. when he has some extra stuff taking up space, he brings it all to my dad. they slowly disappear as they are read.

>> No.12020640
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There are three bookshelves in my study:
The first bookshelf is categorized according to genre: religion, history, philosophy, magic, herbology, and some books on health, exercise and dieting. These I lend to friends and acquaintances if they care to read them, though I personally don't know anyone interested in books. I don't lend out books that I won't be able to easily replace.
Shelf two is classical literature and genre fiction. Same goes for these as above.
Shelf three is dedicated strictly to the "Dark Arts": Occult literature on left hand philosophy, black magic, demonology, necromancy, Afro-Caribbean religions, and a few books dealing with conspiracy theories and white supremacism coming from less than reputable sources (blacklisted books). These are all kept private. I refer to this part of the collection as "the restricted section".
My library, modest as it may be, is currently my life. Exploring the mysteries of life through the lens of those who have gone before me, while making my own contributions along the way, in the form of journals. I intend to compile them into a coherent text in the distant future.

>> No.12020667

I'm cleverer, true, than those fops of teachers,
Doctors and Magisters, Scribes and Preachers;
Neither scruples nor doubts come now to smite me,
Nor Hell nor Devil can longer affright me.

For this, all pleasure am I foregoing;
I do not pretend to aught worth knowing,
I do not pretend I could be a teacher
To help or convert a fellow-creature.
Then, too, I've neither lands nor gold,
Nor the world's least pomp or honor hold--
No dog would endure such a curst existence!
Wherefore, from Magic I seek assistance,
That many a secret perchance I reach
Through spirit-power and spirit-speech,
And thus the bitter task forego
Of saying the things I do not know

>> No.12020954

Mine has a lot of trash (old electro, beds and wood)
What should i do if i want to protect my books from the dust? no plastic or glass

>> No.12020969


In progress: Spinoza's Ethics, Gaddafi's Green Book (I got sidetracked and haven't finished, it's extremely short).

The other day, I purchased a hard copy of the Summa Theologica and Che's "Guerilla Warfare" at-a-stroke.

>> No.12021010


I sort by subject, also incorporating a common-sense scheme of keeping the heaviest books toward the bottom of the shelf. pic related.

>> No.12021018
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Let's try that again.

>> No.12021863

Christ, the autism

>> No.12021982
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Hey /lit/,
with the way things are turning out it's looking like i'm going to be double majoring philosophy and theoretical physics inb4 he fell for the double major phil and maths meme ad i've been trying to find outside books to help round out all my learning.

any books to help with this? (entry level to the more complex stuff)

maybe just a general thread of your major and books that helped you along the way

>> No.12021986


>> No.12022003

Literally read only what is assigned for classes. Attempting to work outside the framework will just fuck you up.

>> No.12022182


Literally superior in digital form, stop buying physical copies

>> No.12022438

Your children will relish having a massive library to choose from

>> No.12022443

>Holy shit, I hate fucking old people.
don't fuck them then duhh

>> No.12022471

this is a fire hazard

>> No.12022685

good point, not something i considered. i wonder how you teach someone the virtues of reading though, i never read much when i was younger

>> No.12022694

You make reading the only entertainment available to them

>> No.12022726

This. The outdoors and a good library, preferably somewhere relatively rural with lots of land.

Socializing and schooling are going to be the problem. Especially when all the kids there are running around with the latest gadgets and playing Fortnite. This is my biggest fear desu. Though I was basically addicted to vidya from 12 to 20 and I seem to have managed to turn it all around.

>> No.12022738

I moved recently and gave away 2/3rds of my collection. I only kept around two boxes of books.

>> No.12022757

good point. i certainly wont buy my kids video games, having played many myself they certainly ruined a fair part of my life

>> No.12023036

You going to be one of those dickhead parents who plays vidya but doesn’t allow the kids to?

>> No.12023039

no, i dont play anymore nor will i forbid them playing it. if they want a console feel free to get a console