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File: 11 KB, 265x363, Oswald Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12015493 No.12015493 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else astonished at how accurate Spengler predicted the future, compared to Marx? Marx wasted an immense amount of text to getting the epistemological basis of his theory right, and to truly elevate socialism to a science, only to make predictions that never really came about. Then Spengler comes along, who just shits on empiricism and theorism, and manages to make far more accurate predictions about the cultural, political, and millitary course of Western society.

Is he truly /ourphilosopherofhistory/?

>> No.12015510

His books are impossible to find in french so fuck that guy. I refuse to read a teutonic neighbor in angl*speak

>> No.12015514

Spengler was so accurate it's almost like he was a prophet or something. The only thing he got wrong was that America became the universal empire not Germany.

We can chalk this up to nativist sentiments for his people and the alien invasion of the Russian civilization throwing off course the natural development of Faustian culture.

Spengler unironically made me believe there is something metaphysical in reality above mere causality.

>> No.12015515

Spengler was shitpilled, he knew everything is shit.

>> No.12015523

What I find so astonishing about Spengler is the comfiness of his rich writing and the thrifty clarity of his ideas. Like Jung, however, he's perhaps a little too neat, even glib, but I did enjoy reading him.

>> No.12015527

He sounds great, where do I start?

>> No.12015538

I'd say Man and Technics and then his main work, the Decline of the West.

>> No.12015580

Except Spengler misunderstood the Italian Renaissance, perhaps on purpose to better fit his theory of the Germanic nature of the Faustian West. He saw it as an artificial ad-hoc fad of one class of intellectuals in one city that produced nothing of true importance. Reading Jacob Burckhardt shows how nothing could be further from the truth.

This misunderstanding profoundly affected his philosophy of history, because the concept of the renaissance contradicts the entire theory of decline. The concept of "renaissance," a rebirth of culture willed into existence, places primacy on the human mind, human endeavor, to take control of its fate and usher in golden ages given enough determination and talent -- in short, it is the philosophy of humanism.

Spengler's theory must condemn this in order to justify itself, and yet, there is the Italian renaissance, shining above all the works of Germanic medievaldom, laughing at Spengler as he lauds its turds, like Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival, over the high art of Raphael.

>> No.12015586

He unironically thought the "art" of Northern Europe in the earliest days of the medieval era was better than the works of the Renaissance because they showed true, genuine, organic culture rather than an alleged stiltified intellectualism in the Renaissance art. How fucking wrong, how ideology-serving can you get.

>> No.12015592

He's entirely right about that though. Dago l'artpourlartism can get fucked.

>> No.12015597

This is an anglo board, le sweetie.

>> No.12015608
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Don't know about that. Huizinga makes a strong case in that direction, and then of course there's Ruskin (and by extension Proust).

>> No.12015609
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>germany audendic :DD gultural springgdime !

>> No.12015625
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>nod audendic DD: pasda beble too smart

>> No.12015636

Marx was right about the future of capitalism. Everything he predicted about capitalism happened.

>> No.12015637

Didn't he predict that western civilization would collapse like the Roman Empire? How was he right about that? The degeneracy has been going strong for more than 50 years and we're objectively doing just fine.

>> No.12015647

lol no it didn't

>> No.12015659

lmao, how obviously assblasted can you be, luigi?

>> No.12015680

He predicted that Caesarism would kick in around the year 2000. With Caesarism he refers to strongmen and populists who wield (or seek to wield) power beyond any constitution.

>> No.12015691

France, England, Germany are all Germanic and thus so is USA. And the development of Germanic culture was not interrupted, it was already long dead before WWII.

>> No.12015699

Imagine missing the point this hard.

>> No.12015704

Yes, I realized the quality of discussion was shit

>> No.12015707

>Seek to wield power beyond the Constitution
They have always done this though; power is dynamic, and the German clockmakers have been wrong about society 100% of the time

>> No.12015709
File: 40 KB, 405x350, cosmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spengler unironically made me believe there is something metaphysical in reality above mere causality.
Indeed. Though if you ever need to use the word 'mere' to describe the whole world and existence, you're being wrong on purpose.

>> No.12015729

That only proves we are incapable of representing outside of our own image. That is not what the universe looks like at all; and look at our tools, from the steam shovel extending our arm to the computers modelling our brains, we create in our image and then somehow either intentionally or by stupidity, imagine that because it resembles us it must have some kind of message about who we are, the only message is that we are incredibly limited, there is a cave we will never be able to leave.

>> No.12015756

>people ascribing value judgments to Spengler

>> No.12015764

unironically read him in german, 's pretty good

>> No.12015841

>Spengler unironically made me believe there is something metaphysical in reality above mere causality.
How come?

>> No.12015969


>> No.12015985

Beause his history progresses by 'cosmic beat', not by things causing each other. 'analogy' appears between the stages of the culture, and a prime symbol informs how it develops in its specificity.

To me this is something outside spacetime cohering its development along specific lines. I am not a strict Spenglerian, my ideas have taken me elsewhere, but Spengler was the very first person I encountered who I felt was a kindred spirit where this 'otherworldly influence' was concerned, and the amount he taught me about world history is invaluable.

>> No.12015987

Finland will dominate the earth

>> No.12016034

Whih German edition of Der Untergang des Abendlandes should I buy? Any with particularly interesting commentaries? Any that are more complete than others?

>> No.12016040

I'd like that. I want a Varusteleka outlet in my local mall.

>> No.12016046

Consider that a human embryo does not develop linearly but rather metastatically..everything we dream up in metaphysics is only a reflection of our bodies.

>> No.12016074

I have the Anaconda edition

>> No.12016104

Okay. Is it nice-looking? Does it have any gimmicks? Does it smell good?

Is there any edition that you would rather have?

>> No.12016137
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Very spartanic and old school presentation. It was the most recent edition available (2017). There's another one by Albatros from 2007 which is practically the same apart from the cover design afaik.

>> No.12016244

Had a real hero ascended to the head of Germany and not the poser Hitler, Germany would've won the war and claimed hegemony over the West.

America's rise was only really made possible by their intervention in WW2 and their position to indebt the entirety of Europe to them and then sell them cheap goods.

yeah this is a good suggestion, Man and Technics is sort of a continuation on his Decline but it's a stand alone work in itself.

>> No.12016283

What makes you think he predicted the future? His concepts are so vague and nebulous you could twist them to any situation, as you could with any other fortune-teller.

>> No.12016763

t. Hans

>> No.12017116

>Vague and nebulous
>States that around the year 2000 populists would start to take unilateral decisions against the construction of Western countries
> Said that Hitler would fail in Germany and Russia would gobble most of Europe
>Long Winter of Western Civilization up to year 2200
Jesus Christ, /lit/ is retarded and doesn't even read

>> No.12017320

dtv if you can, literally doesn't matter though

>> No.12017368

>Implying Marx was an empiricist
>Implying Marx was a philosopher who advocated taking a purely theoretical approach to anything
I doubt you've read Spengler or Marx, OP.

>> No.12017376

Nice spoilers faggot, now I can't bother reading it anymore

>> No.12017550
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they're MINERALS marie

>> No.12017567

I believe you are more accurate than you think. Finland won't really be a part of it given that finns are just LARPing Germanics (see also: Hungary), but I believe that the FENNO-UGRIC man will show the way of the future. It is no coincidence that the developments of the pseudomorphic Eurasian/Russian organism and the break from Germanic culture have been spearheaded by Fenno-Ugrics like the Mordvin Lenin or Vepsian(?) Putin.

>> No.12017590

>reading for the plot

>> No.12017634
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vastly underappreciated post

>> No.12017639

>That only proves we are incapable of representing outside of our own image.
So what? There seems to be plenty to study in our own image.
>That is not what the universe looks like at all;
"Looks like"? You mean, according to sight - a quality of ours? Consider that our knowledge directly shapes the Universe, even if by mathematically miniscule bit, and that we are complex pattern replicators like all biology.

>> No.12017726

Woah... that image...

Science can be so amazing sometimes...
It reminds me of when i used LSD once. like how everything made sense and i understood all of mathematics and everything. So Cool!!!1

>> No.12017859

hurr if you admire universal shapes and order then youre just an acid hippie durr

>> No.12017897

dont care

>> No.12017900

everytime I hear one of his "arguments" it breaks down into nu/pol/speak; doesn't sound to me like a particularly worthwhile read to let alone the blatant retardation of his ideas.

>> No.12017913

He's only popular on here because his argument supports the /pol/ narrative about evil Jews and blacks destroying civilization

>> No.12017994

Whoa... My testical looks like a planet. Universal shapes man. That's cool science!!

>> No.12018006

Sounds pretty vague and nebulous and false

>> No.12018066

>Implying Marx was a philosopher who advocated taking a purely theoretical approach to anything
He didn't, but he should've. Whenever he tried to give practical advice, he failed miserably.

>> No.12018081

Marx didn't reserve himself to just theory, but the vast majority of his works were theoretical. And as >>12018066 said, whenever Marx ventured out of critique, he faltered severely, either because he made suggestions that are just stupid (voucher system, 'withering of the state') or predictions that did not came true (class consciousness).

>> No.12018113

Also, fractals are efficient and found everywhere in nature. It's not that "we resemble the universe WoooAoAahhhhh," it's that the universe resembles itself.

>> No.12018140

And we, in turn, resemble the Universe that we are part of.

>> No.12018173

You’re retarded

>> No.12018177

Cool argument bro

>> No.12018205

that is implied.

>> No.12018216

I honestly dislike anybody who lumps together the culturally diverse nations of Europe and the Anglsophere into some generic blob called "the West".

>> No.12018220

I blame the Americans and their racial fantasies

>> No.12018241

The worst thing about g*rmanic protestant ascendancy of the 19th and 20th century is that they were allowed to usurp the claim of being western civilization from the actual western civilization - that is to say, mediterranean, catholic Europe. I find it hard to believe anyone belives the inhuman northern barbarians when they claim they are even a civilization, let alone the western civilization. Thank God both protestantism and g*rmanics will be extinct by the end of the century. Even the umma is a more preferable neighbor.

>> No.12018405
File: 184 KB, 1240x1160, 1541023170448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah! Verily this be the summit of occident's artistic creation

>> No.12018437

It's because of Christianity. The West is the secularized name of Christendom. Which shows the extreme influence Christianity had on Europe and how it became an ethno-religion for Europe.

>> No.12018486

Ah, that explains why Ethiopia has always been considered part of the West

>> No.12018586
File: 1.30 MB, 908x1070, 1540027912400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be west
>include countries from all geographies, without any reference to any kind of "west"
>USA, australia, all of Europe
>No other country from Latin America, which is literally as "west" as America

West just basically means white desu. Nothing to do with geography, history, or religion.

>> No.12018624

based and redpilled fellow /pol/istine!

>> No.12018634

I think this would work out better as to distance away from the /pol/ retardation.

>> No.12018664

Spengler actually considered Eastern Orthodoxy to be different from the West, both in Russia and in Greece.

>> No.12018669
File: 16 KB, 200x245, Adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. has never read Spengler and knows nothing about him

>> No.12018735

what exactly has he predicted that has come true? And I mean concrete predictions, not nostradamus tier vagueness.

>> No.12018741

He predicted these dubs

>> No.12018745

Well, time to pack it up boys, Spengler's a fucking hack

>> No.12018774

The Roman Empire's degeneracy lasted far longer than 50 years and they were doing "just fine" until they weren't. They were a walking corpse after the mid 3rd century but still ostensibly survived for another 200 years. Economics can cover up a rotten foundation for a long time. Just look at how America has bought a strong economy now with massive debt that we'll have to face in the future

>> No.12018797

>They have always done this though
These people didn't exist under monarchy. You're misunderstanding Spengler's point. He's saying that after monarchy then comes the economic government and empire. This is what we saw throughout most of the 19th century and 20th outside of Germany/Italy. Then the strongmen start to arise as money either fails or people stop gaining meaning from it. In Germany money failed leading to Hitler's rise but money is still alive and well in the west today because America became the center of our society. But Americans are losing faith in money too and you can see this by how our politics have started to become a warzone. One of Spengler's predictions was that force politics would replace economic politics, which is what's happening. Both sides are more concerned with fighting each other than actually governing now. This is because the rootless urban mass is latching onto "causes" because money is no longer providing them meaning.

>> No.12018815


>> No.12018835

That's understandable, but Spengler wasn't really any kind of shitlord racist. The long and short of his theory was
>things are born and blossom
>then they decay and die
>whether flowers or civilizations

He never asserted that fascism was some kind of defense against it or that some racial enemy of the West was behind the decline. Toynbee held this view, independently of Spengler, though I find it strange he never mentioned being influenced by Spengler.

>> No.12018842

fractals don't have anything to do with selfsimilarity

>> No.12018843

Among many other things, that American democracy would do nothing more than displace the aristocracy of birth with the aristocracy of wealth. He also foresaw the difficulties the US would have in managing ethnic strife in a multicultural empire, predicting that militant blacks would become a problem for the state.

>> No.12018844
File: 49 KB, 636x476, Smirking_Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is with lit and elevating dollar store nazis to some position of understanding beyond reality? You realize bootlicking fascist dorks isn't cool anymore in 2018 America, right?

>> No.12018873

Look man I don't come into your Foucault threads and tell you to stop sucking cock or whatever it is you do.
Jokes aside, stop shitting up my thread you retarded falseflagger.

>> No.12018906

id say this is a troll, but ive seen anarchokiddies who were genuinely this retarded

>> No.12018908

>predicting that militant blacks would become a problem for the state.
Well he was completely wrong there. Militant blacks have never been a problem in America. The problem, from the very beginning and to the present day, has always been with the white racists.

>> No.12018914

Imagine actually believing this. You weren't alive during the days of rage, were you? Not even alive during the LA riots?

>> No.12018921

spengler doesn't shit on the Renaissance artists at all, he calls Michaelangelo one of the greatest artitsts of all time for example, he just describes his essentially tortured conditioned, as he was trying to bring to life an alien cultural form. He doesn't even criticize the works they produce he thinks theyre brilliant, he just says that their brilliance lies not in their imitation of the classical but in their Faustian symbolism

I swear nobody fucking reads Spengler

>> No.12018937

>I swear nobody fucking reads

>> No.12018941

youre not very aware of what is going on in America are you

>> No.12018951

So you'd agree the problem is white racists? Even if for arguments sake I agree those particular incidents were caused by militant blacks, they pale into insignificance when you consider racist whites caused the Civil War, and every other racial disturbance in American history

>> No.12018958


>> No.12018962

I'm aware there is a problem with white racists murdering and incarcerating blacks

>> No.12018967
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>if black racists do something then it's actually the white racists fault

you can justify anything with this. It's literally "Der ist Schuld am Kriege"

>> No.12018979

there is in fact a much larger(order of magnitude per capita wise) problem with blacks killing whites, often in blatantly racially motivated crimes. This pales in comparison to the numbers in which blacks kill each other of course.

Not that this is any surprise, pick a city, any city on earth, London, Montreal, Baltimore, the entire continent of Africa, what are you going to find? You know, I know, it's not a secret.

>> No.12018990

You're victim-blaming.

>> No.12019003

>muh white genocide myth
Do you think the Soviet Union really did have a problem with kulak saboteurs?
Not really. Whites have to own their racism

>> No.12019009

So you’re saying the crime statistics are wrong?

>> No.12019013

I don't think I even mentioned a white genocide. I just pointed out the ludicrous homicide rates of sub saharan africans in every country in which they exist.

There is only one demographic that beats them on that metric, the central americans, who are in a de facto civil war over control of the drug trade at the moment, and whose homicide rate should therefore not be taken as a normal measure.

>> No.12019020

>whites have to own their racism
>but niggers don't

Either everyone is responsible for their prejudices or no one is, but you cannot hang in limbo.

>> No.12019041

>arrest blacks on slightest pretext
>charge them with more severe offenses than whites for the same actions
>prosecute them more severely than whites charged with the same crimes
>claim this proves blacks were violent all along
You aren't very smart are you. Again, do you believe the Soviet Union really was riddled with kulak saboteurs? After all, lots got arrested and incarcerated, and its impossible for a criminal justice system to be unfair

>> No.12019052

This fag is just a troll, don't let him derail this thread. Just ignore him

The multicultural empire is the natural result of the people losing connection to their nation and becoming cosmopolitan. It comes from the activism and apathy of the baby boomers. We are outsourcing our workforce the same way Rome outsourced their army. Multiculturalism is a sign of decadence and exacerbates it, but the root cause is urbanization

>> No.12019061

So a large number of the black Americans now incarcerated for murder were convicted unfairly? Is that what you believe?

>> No.12019063

buddy walk through a black neighborhood in New Orleans and then get back to me on their supposedly peaceful nature

better yet visit South Africa where you cant even stop at traffic lights

>> No.12019084
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>mfw people dismiss Spengler as a reactionary when he has influenced people ranging from Adorno to Heidegger
>worse yet, people call him a nazi when he fell out with the nazis and probably would've gotten executed were it not for his influence within the German elite

Jesus Christ, just read Decline of the West and Man and Technics and form your own opinions on it.

>> No.12019094

it's not like Spengler's conclusions are remotely palatable to contemporary progressives, no he definitely wasn't a Nazi, but he can't really be salvaged to fit within any sort of of presently acceptable paradigm.

>> No.12019098

this thread is fucking filled with NPC's who don't bother to entertain any ideas that don't conform

>> No.12019101

Who cares about being palatable? That's just cowardice.

>> No.12019151

What "predictions" are you talking about? Spengler didn't get anything right as far as I know.

>> No.12019226

A lot of german writers from that era suffer in quality due to this tendency to get high on their own germanic farts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ztOV2wrrkY is truly a masterpiece

>> No.12019247


answer this, before i get hyped into reading him

>> No.12019266

>bootlicking fascist dorks
>isn't cool anymore in 2018
I don't care about what's hip and trendy, kid, because I am a real human being. Maybe one day you will understand, because you too might have the seed of intellectualism inside your brain, probably not, and then you will think back to this very moment and see that you were wrong and I was right, as I am.

>> No.12019297

Off the top of my head.

>predicted the decline of 'class' as an important political factor, which would give way to race
>predicted how all socialist movements inevitably would decay into capitalism
>predicted how armies would again shrink in size and become more professional
>predicted how coercive censorship will give way to softer censorship, which allows people to think freely, but nonetheless lets them think only what they are allowed to think

If you want a great reflection on it, then read Adorno's essay on Spengler in "Prisms"

>> No.12019309

>all this white fragility
The responses to any post pointing out this shit confirm it perfectly

>> No.12019329

What conclusions? It doesn't matter what we find palatable or not, as his works are virtually deterministic.

>> No.12019342

The USA is an engine for white supremacy, and the vast majority of black prisoners are political prisoners incarcerated to keep the social order in place through fear and repression. The only big difference between the Soviet Gulag system and the US penal system is that in the Soviet Union everyone knew the Gulag was bullshit, whereas in America people believe the propaganda

>> No.12019371

It's based off ideology, fool. For example modern Japan is Western, modern Chile is Western.

>> No.12019376

This. Except even more encompassing, China for example is also western.

>> No.12019436

>no sources or arguments

>> No.12019437
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>The USA is an engine for white supremacy, and the vast majority of black prisoners are political prisoners incarcerated to keep the social order in place through fear and repression

>> No.12019497
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Welcome to the world of human phenotypes.

>> No.12019513

Always knew I was an Atlantean.

>> No.12019538

> The only thing he got wrong was that America became the universal empire not Germany.
In "Prussianism and Socialism", he clearly says that it's there's a serious chance of the Anglo-American worldview becoming the dominant one in western civilization, and urges Germans to fight in order to let the German worldview do that instead. So he perfectly realized that there was a serious chance of America coming out on top at the end of it all

>> No.12019645
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>> No.12019656

Meh, those country-wide pics don't make any sense. Phenotypes is where it's at. Your picture only tells us about unspecific traits ignoring the differences and migrational waves.

>> No.12019686

Does that still exist? I thought you all moved to arabic by now.

>> No.12019708

Can someone quote me his prophecies and show what he got right?

>> No.12019751

But you're a retard. Marx is by far the most important philosopher after the Greeks.

>> No.12019848
File: 1.74 MB, 320x240, lCtbg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mongoloid Race
>Native Americans

>> No.12019866

that is accurate though, native americans come from siberia

>> No.12019878

Even if that were true (it is not, he's far too unoriginal for that), it would still not make him exempt from criticism. And one of the most common points of criticism against marx is that his positive alternatives to capitalism are flawed and that his vision of socialism is extremely vague, which has led to the disastrous attempts to actually implement Marxism.

>> No.12019897

>my ideas have taken me elsewhere
Where? Other historians or different modes of thought?

>> No.12019903

Incineroar and Ken in Smash.

>> No.12019911

Only the ones in North America.
Most of the americas are populated by south-east asians who most likely crossed the ocean.

>> No.12019928

>grouping pacific islanders, australoids and negritos with negroids

>> No.12019937

those would still be 'mongoloid' but I didnt know that theory was actually commonplace I thought it was sort of speculation?

>> No.12019948

Spengler wasn’t a fascist really, the Nazis had a schism with him and he wrote critiques of the rising regime when it was extremely dangerous to do so. Jünger did the same, Nietzsche as well was a posthumous critique of nationalist collectivism. Its startling how all 3 of the prophets of fascism rebuked it in some way.
How are white racists a problem?
>Their brilliance is alien
How is it alien? the Greco-Roman culture is native to the Mediterranean where the Rennaisance found its roots.
Angrier that people think Marx was wrong about limits to profit extraction and the democratic parliaments becoming vehicles for the bourgeoisie and capital’s dominion

>> No.12019967

>the Greco-Roman culture is native to the Mediterranean where the Rennaisance found its roots.
Spengler views civilizations as distinct organisms. Greco-Roman Classical civilization(Apollinian in his terminology) is distinct from Faustian civilization(England, France, Northern Italy, the low countries, West Germany).

Michaelangelo(and his contemporaries) was attempting to recreate Greek art but what he made was distinctly Faustian, in Spengler's opinion. He covers all this quite thoroughly in the Decline.

>> No.12019970

Yes I’ve read the entire section on art. I disagree that its Faustian, the Italian art strongly resembles Roman and Greek art and looks nothing at all like Germanic or Anglo artstyles or architecture. This seems like its a way of sullying the rennaisance in favor of the baroque, rococo and neo-classical periods

>> No.12019977

he's not sullying it though, he's saying it's just not what it seems. His contention is that the Greeks could never have made the David.

I mean you either agree with Spengler or you don't. If you do agree with him then it's literally impossible for the renaissance to be Classical. That culture is long dead, its forms can't be produced anymore.

>> No.12020093
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>> No.12020095

Follow the law, nigger.

>> No.12020105

>you either do or don’t
I agree that something like Faustian culture emergedin Northern Europe in the 17th century. I disagree that it has anything at all to do with the Rennaisance or any serious utility for analyzing art history. Plenty of other things he asserts are congruent with my own interpretation of cultural evolution, like the exhaustion of the 19th century leading to farcical revanchism in the 20th and culminating in the current Caesariam we’re seeing in America and Eurasia in the 21st. The dominion of finance and technica in the 20th and 21st.
He’s right regarding disproportionate incarceration of blacks for petty drug offenses but not at all for murder, robbery or rape.

>> No.12020219

>in the 17th century
well this is very far from Spengler's version which dates it to around 900ad, and uses the early Gothic Cathedral as the sort of central symbol.

But it's whatever, we can pick and choose what we like from these guys

>> No.12020485

Tocqueville > Spengler

far more prescient

>> No.12020569

That is the emergence of the western organism as a pseudomorphism of previous "western" culture (i.e. mediterranean/near easterns/west asian culture), it doesn't have its SPRING until Luther, thirty years war etc. paves the way for the enlightenment. Remember that culture is a PROCESS, for example like how the emergence of Magian culture (ca. ending of babylonian exile) was roughly concurrent with the beginning of the decline of classical civilization (beginning of classical period).

>> No.12021377

Thing about predictions is, if you are a very serious academic and everyone reads your work, people with jobs and responsibility are going to look for signs your predictions are coming true and then prevent that from happening, while if you are more obscure and less respected that might not happen. It's the old gypsy woman that knows the future.
>the Italian art strongly resembles Roman and Greek
I think Spengler was right here, Romans and Greek painted their statutes in weird colours afaik
To see some sort of appeal in depicting people as made out of marble is very typically faustian according to Spengler.

>> No.12021743

This. Not to mention that the term seems to be most conveniently used by Americans to criticize America alone throwing in other cultures to make it not seem as bad.

>> No.12021757

Not everyone lives in a third world country in 2018.

>> No.12022670

Bump for the greatest German philosopher of the 20th century

>> No.12022716

i wouldnt go that far

>> No.12022736

Japan is not Western. Japanese culture is a pseudomorphosis, Western on the outside, Japanese on the inside. This goes for most of today's cultures. Even countries like North Korea and Russia have a Western facade.

>> No.12022762

lmao get a load of this frog

>> No.12022790

lrn into german

>> No.12022842

No, but that self-similarity is produced by overall principles that dictate behavior of being. The way stars pulse varying kinds of matter into the Universe, as part of the prevalence of repeating processes out of the "mere" energy, and these planets pushing out organic matter - among many other things. Organisms of course prefer self-replicating themselves...
Repeated patterns are more longetive than singular, and are preferred behavioral pattern among all life. We have even abstracted this behavior and its ideal into a sense of morality that stands outside of context, and we are replicating even that. Though of course we do not "limit" ourselves to morality because we cannot ignore context.

These behavioral loops are then seen; life to death to life, awakening to sleep to awakening... We see the lifespan of stars, the awakening of nations-- It is only reasonable to see all patterns as 'alive.' Memes. Physics and chemistry align to produce them. They guide physical structure and chemical compounds to suit their needs - to survive and replicate.

>> No.12022858

That is wrong. He says both Dante (true) and Michelangelo (wrong) were outside of the Renaissance. As to Raphael, he specifically targets him with derision. Michelangelo doesn't interrupt his narrative because he defines him out of the Renaissance. Maybe you should reread the first volume.

>> No.12022887
File: 794 KB, 1420x1932, Spengler-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spengler gave me some great one-liners:
"Man is a beast of prey"
"Optimism is cowardice"
And when I'm feeling particularly edgy:
"There is but one end to all the conflict, and that is death—the death of individuals, of peoples, of cultures."

>> No.12022902

where is his hand

>> No.12022910

going for a quick jackoff during the photoshoot

>> No.12022969

Yeah, he's up there with Nietzsche when it comes to one liners and quotes.

>> No.12023323

It was published by Gallimard in 1948, espece de bougnoule mentale.

>> No.12023458

Using Spengler's definition of 'western', isn't every country today not western in one way or form, and not in decline as well? I mean, if you look at the birth rate of China or Japan, would Spengler not say that they are in rapid decline too?

>> No.12023694

i think he said that the entire world except for some arab cultures are basically faustian aka progressive western technophiles

at this point most of the arab world is the same

>> No.12023730

Fulcanelli expressed similar sentiments

>> No.12023901
File: 68 KB, 950x637, Le_Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and unironic
>Le Kek

>> No.12023908

this is the influence of the civilization on peoples without a culture, or with a weak, dormant culture

he mentions how Faustian culture impressed itself on Russia with Peter the Great. What we see all over the world today would be seen as the late Metropolitan, Civilization stage of Faustian development spreading all over earth, but the other peoples are just mimicking it.

>> No.12023927

>Marx wasted an immense amount of text to getting the epistemological basis of his theory right, and to truly elevate socialism to a science,
If you weren't howling with laughter two pages into Kapital then you need to get Bohm-Bawerkpilled

>> No.12024171

what's that

>> No.12024779

>He’s right regarding disproportionate incarceration of blacks for petty drug offenses but not at all for murder, robbery or rape.
Is this adjusted for prior offensives? I will accept there is something wrong if this discrepancy still holds.

>> No.12024903

nu/pol/ misappropriates him. they just read the title of his book, look at his stern face, hear that he is conservative and meme away. usually they just post a picture of him and say "he was right." and others nod to each other as if they are in some secret understanding. if they really took his ideas seriously they would not believe in western civ as being subverted by a foreign enemy, nor would they believe it is possible to revive western civ by intervening in politics. they would just accept its death as natural
based post
he is closer to a sociologist or historian than philosopher. durkheim and herbert spencer put the idea that society is like an organism before him, though they were trying to be scientific. spengler is more existential, even mythic

>> No.12024924

>And one of the most common points of criticism against marx is that his positive alternatives to capitalism are flawed and that his vision of socialism is extremely vague, which has led to the disastrous attempts to actually implement Marxism.
Whether or not that's a common criticism of Marx (it is), that doesn't make it a good criticism. Marx's attempts to implement socialism were far from purely theoretical. He was personally involved in the formation of socialist organizations and the advancement of their goals. He also wrote a lot and did a lot of research. Saying that he's "unoriginal" is preposterous--one does not have to be "original" to have powerful insights or to be significant in the history of philosophy. The important thing about Marx was the manner in which he arranged a set of theories that already existed into a new constellation that was an effective nucleus for political action and academic debate in the emerging contexts of his time. His vision of socialism isn't especially vague, especially compared to the other socialisms prevalent in his day and age. His predictions weren't entirely accurate but that doesn't really matter. Neither were Philip K. Dick's, but he's still hailed as a master of science fiction. Blade Runner is a good film even though we're not going to have androids, flying cars, and offworld colonies by the end of next year.

>> No.12025426

china is going to be the universal empire, america is too decayed to be an empire at this point, you already have the barbarians inside

>> No.12025489

dionysian>>>>appolonian bitch

>> No.12025636

>He unironically thought the "art" of Northern Europe in the earliest days of the medieval era was better than the works of the Renaissance because they showed true, genuine, organic culture rather than an alleged stiltified intellectualism in the Renaissance art.

>> No.12025645

No, they're just larping.

>> No.12025926

>they would just accept its death as natural
Yockey did not, hence Imperium.

>> No.12025947

please read tainter's collapse right now
stop reading kraut faggots ripping off nietzsche

>> No.12026123

mostly Goethe but nice try fag

>> No.12026172

>china is going to be the universal empire
It really is not. China has nothing.

>> No.12026408

Yockey is a baseder version of Spengler, can't believe he isn't more popular.

>> No.12026442

There's nothing wrong. The American criminal justice system is completely fair and devoid of bias, and is staffed by scrupulous professionals, closer to angels than men.

>> No.12026480

China is not part of Faustian culture in the first place

>> No.12026500

It has been part of it ever since it adopted communism and then adopted capitalism. In fact, every country and culture have been absorbed by the Faustian cycle. Whatever remained of genuine Chinese culture has been destroyed by Mao.

>> No.12026509

wasn't it Heidegger that wrote that modernization/westernization would come to china on the hands of the communists?

>> No.12026520

>While reading Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, I came across an intriguing comment on Chinese communism, which became the second opening quote of my book: “If communism in China should come to rule, one can assume that only in this way will China become ‘free’ for technology. What is this process?”

>> No.12026525

that's not how it works in Spengler. At most they adopt the superficial outward forms of the culture eg. Rome starting to make domed architecture when Magian culture was starting.

>> No.12026533

Then i'll have to disagree with Spengler on that, because it's quite obvious that all of China has been thoroughly infected and replaced by a purely western form of communism and capitalism thereafter.

>> No.12026546

I don't think he'd disagree with that it just wouldn't correspond to the universal empire stage in his civilizational development.

If Spengler could see the West today I believe he would conclude the empire stage had simply been preemptively broken by the incursion of Russia and we skipped right into decay. I highly doubt the United States or any Western European country is going to produce a Caesar before it all just collapses.

>> No.12026922

Tainter is good but how come he never talks about the collapse of the USSR?

>> No.12027026

And widespread infertility, don't forget that. Except that instead of a gentle decline as he predicted, countries like Italy and Germany are poised for a demographic implosion that's been never seen before in history.

>> No.12027074

funny how the most severe cases of infertility arent even in the West, but in westernized asian countries like China and Japan.

>> No.12027086

China seriously screwed themselves over with their one child policy, but yeah. Add Korea and Singapore to that list too. Dunno what it is with azns that won't fucking breed, is there even any way to assure stable and productive (as in tons of kids) unions that isn't religion?

>> No.12027114

Brazil and Chile also have lower birth rates than the USA does.

>> No.12027128

The actual native population in places like Germany are on par with Japan

>> No.12027164

Yes, agreed. However Counter Currents and the like are doing some promoting of his work, which is a good thing.

>> No.12028211

How do I my hands on Kissinger's 400 page undergraduate thesis on Spengler?

>> No.12028216

>Kissinger's 400 page undergraduate thesis on Spengler
is he redpilled?

>> No.12028256

The Meaning of history : reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant

We'll have to read it and find out anon but it's apparently only available in microfilm in person

where are the harvard posters when we need them

>> No.12028286

Kissinger is the most redpilled man in existence, you should already know this

>> No.12029307

You are weak

>> No.12029318

Go the FUCK away, nobody cares about your retarded shilling

>> No.12029655


I just requested it on my school's interlibrary loan. They've dug up random shit for me before so let's see if this works magically.

>> No.12029668

It’s almost certainly going to be easy to find, they’ll probably have copies on file at Kissinger’s alma mater and it might even be easily available to you online without the need to go through ILL.
t. college library employee

>> No.12029856

It's actually very difficult to find and, as far as I have seen, there are no copies of it available online.

Not really related but Spengler's metaphysical conception of race is spot on imo. The biological racialism, like what the Nazis espoused, is completely arbitrary which is why Spengler opposed it.

>> No.12029724

this but entirely unironically

>> No.12029742

this is fucking delusional lmao

>inb4 a picture of mcdonalds in hong kong means china is akshully western

>> No.12029759
File: 50 KB, 600x759, 1539731082016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Races arent phenotypes you fucking imbecile. New Guineans are genetically closer to Han Chinese than sub-Saharan Africans, I'm sorry that reality doesn't fit onto the narratives of your rage/cuck porn.

>> No.12030203

You, autist, need to take your medicine and bugger off. There is no shilling to be had in these comments, the other anon and I merely happen to have a certain appreciation for Yockey's works. In a thread about Spengler - who influenced Yockey enormously, this is more than appropriate. So STFU thank you.

>> No.12030268

Yockey was a Neo-Nazi demagogue, not a serious scholar of history.

>> No.12030381

>not a serious scholar of history.
and Spengler then?
>describes himself as a "poet"

>> No.12030414

Spengler certainly wasn’t a Neo-Nazi. That counts for quite a lot.

>> No.12030455

Your bias is showing. And your use of the term neo-Nazi is in itself quite problematic, to say the least. Fair enough but you ought to at least consider Yockey's development of Spengler's theses before dismissing him on a purely ideological basis. But perhaps you are one of these screeching no-platform imbeciles, which is your existential right - for now.

>> No.12030531

They are in the negroid rubric due to the pigmentation you retard,, not because they are genetically linked to blacks. Good lord, read more instead of kvetching like the tard you are.

>> No.12030543

>>Marx wasted an immense amount of text to getting the epistemological basis of his theory right,
...And failed

>> No.12030550

HBD is an autistic waste of time. Only low IQ white nats take it seriously.

>> No.12030551

how did he fail?

>> No.12030552

Litteraly the complete polar opposite happened.

>> No.12030606

Why are you always so obsessed with decline and decay that you will jump to anyone confirming your already pessimistic views?

>> No.12030618

HBD? I'm not autisticly into it, I simply enjoy the biodiversity and hereditary of phenotypes.

>> No.12030620

Why do people that never read him ascribe so many value judgements to him?

>> No.12030624

I agree that people ascribe value judgments to his work, especially Decline which he even thought was an unfortunate title, but Spengler was still pretty pessimistic. He does make value judgments in Man and Technics, and you can't help but feel that the man who famously said that "optimism is cowardice" was somewhat pessimistic.

>> No.12030632

Yes, but Decline in general is about as value neutral as it gets. His voice in that is purely that of a scientist.

>> No.12030646

Why the fuck is it so hard to find a copy of decline of the west? Especially volume 1.

>> No.12030668

That’s one word for it but probably not a good descriptor. Yockey’s politics make it impossible to take him seriously. I should know, I spent 2 years trying to take right-wing politics seriously. Eventually I had to give up because of people like (You).
Better not to be involved in political action than to back a retarded horse with two broken legs.

>> No.12030679

What should i read before Spengler?

>> No.12030681

Huh? Is this bait? I find Spengler a lot more interesting than Marx but Marx has been far more prophetic. It's not even close. Perhaps Spengler will be vindicated in the future. I swear, though, it's like you guys comment on Marx without having read his work.

>> No.12030683

The Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.12030685

Already read that.

>> No.12030687

just read Spengler, the prose is beautiful and he is easy to follow

you can read before Nietzsche and Goethe if you want but you can also read them afterwards

>> No.12030688

Such as? The greatest predictions were that capitalism would suffer ever increasing crises which would eventually cause the proletariat to rise up, but this hasn't happened in any way.

>> No.12030713

The first part of your statement I can accept, you have researched and reasoned and come to differing conclusions than I. That is your right. But there is no need for a silly and (im)personal dig - in cauda venenum, such as you include, that is unwarranted, we are not on /pol/.
As to your second statement, it is plain silly. Anyhow, back to the discussion at hand.

>> No.12030718

that's true, the proletariat was Marx's worst concept, he was good when talking about capitalist dynamics otherwise

>> No.12030733

What does /his/ think of Glubb's Fate of Empires? I know it achieved some meme level spin online a few yeas back, but it is a thought provoking study at any rate, and a hell of a lot more concise than Spengler's weighty tomes...

>> No.12030753

fuck off back to your /pol/ offshoot, imbecile

>> No.12030759

now there's a /pol/ tier reply.

>> No.12030764

you would know.
don't reply to me again

>> No.12030768

what's your problem with Glubb's work? care to elaborate instead of schoolyard insults?

>> No.12030779

are you slow?
look at the post and the thread you are in
fuck off

>> No.12030780

I do not agree with Yockey’s politics or his methods and I find his motivations suspect. I don’t respect you at all. Stop replying to me. I don’t care about your input. Nobody who sticks up for Neo-Nazi charlatans this much deserves to be able to read.

>> No.12030787

>accurate predictions about the cultural, political, and millitary course of Western society.
So Glubb has nothing of value to add on this topic? You truly are retarded,

>> No.12030788

How about you tell us about this Glubb fellow and make us give a shit about his wet farts instead of being a faggot about it?

>> No.12030789

did you respond to the wrong post?

>> No.12030791

keep working on it moron maybe you will figure it out one day and perhaps your little sausage fingers will even manage to hit the dot button on your keyboard

>> No.12030797

Embarassing and very left wing post.

>> No.12030798

Marx essentially employs Hegel's dialectic in assuming that the synthesis of class struggle and proletarian dictatorship is a classless society. He forgot about that pesky human nature thing.

>> No.12030810

I’m embarrassed to be arguing with someone who takes Francis Yockey to be anything other than a demagogue

>> No.12030815


>> No.12030837



>> No.12030857

ok keyboard warrior.

>> No.12030862
File: 47 KB, 657x879, 1537919884824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human nature

>> No.12030864

>claim AIDS is a capitalist lie
>die of AIDS
yeah, human nature.

>> No.12030874

Marx actually spent a good deal of time analyzing how humans work. The idea that there is an eternal human nature that is not malleable flies in the face of all theories of evolution.

>> No.12030890

How embarrassing is it to be in the same thread as some faggot who thinks Spengler and Marx are somehow compatible?

>> No.12030895

It doesn't. If such a human nature would change then it wouldn't really be a nature, and any change of nature that occurs only occurs because a species evolves from one species into another, which means it no longer is the first species. In the human case, this means that the nature can only change by changing a human into something non-human, which means you will no longer have a human nature but a different nature altogether.

Also i know Marx devoted a significant part of his work to figuring out how humans work. It's just that he got much of it wrong.

>> No.12030897

Do you deny the existence of instinctive and emotional behaviour?

>> No.12031021
File: 71 KB, 645x773, 1507546828335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are two philosophers of history comparable

>> No.12031023


>> No.12031029

You’re fucking retarded

>> No.12031049

The idea that there aren't immutable natures in evolution is fucking retarded, famsci. We've been over this with the New Synthesis. Also one of Marx' 4 forms of alienation under capitalism is alienation from himself, which already implies some form of unalterable nature within every human.

>> No.12031274

Continue being retarded if you want but stop replying to me

>> No.12031292


>ive got no arguments and know nothing but you're wrong rreeeeeeeeee

>> No.12031312

learn how into reading comprehension, numbskull

>> No.12031318

this newfag is obviously having his fun all by his autistic self, let him have free rein I say.

>> No.12031320

I know you’re retarded because you tried to downplay the fact that Yockey is a Neo-Nazi. There is no argument to be made against someone like you.

>> No.12031322

oh right, in that case you're just a moron for implying that anyone was thinking spengler and marx were compatible, because no one did that.

>> No.12031330

my first post in this thread was >>12030895, i never even mentioned Yockey you braindead mongoloid.

>> No.12031362

And how am I supposed to know that when all of you /pol/ cocksuckers type the same exact way to express the same exact opinions?

>> No.12031373

>implying i'm /pol/
i just think Marx got a lot wrong and i believe human nature exists. Neither of those opinions are /pol/ in any way

>> No.12031628

Stop replying to me, moron

>> No.12031640

why do you keep writing that? if you're so unhappy, all you have to do is leave, or take your xanax.

>> No.12031650
File: 12 KB, 236x296, 9aa28d4cee71634b72cf0cac75cc8c75--pepe-le-pew-looney-tunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12031660

Why do you keep replying to me? You're fucking retarded. Stop replying to me. You're a moron. Fuck you.

>> No.12031668
File: 12 KB, 292x257, Kekler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you keep replying to me? You're fucking retarded. Stop replying to me. You're a moron. Fuck you.

>> No.12031674

You just realised that most whites in the USA are Germanic (English and German).

>> No.12031682

Had a friend who told me about this one guy who he dropped acid with and the guy wouldn’t leave him alone through the trip. He said he would harass him about ideas and “revelations” he was having at the moment. He said they were gonna start a company and be just like Steve Jobs and Wozniak becuase “they took acid too bro, lmao we’re just like them”

>> No.12031699

The categories in that image are not labeled "Phenotype" they are labeled "Race", and Melanesians and Austronesians fall under the "Negroid Race", which is misleading at best.

>> No.12031712

The only reason you think this is because absolute propaganda in the west has conditioned you to glorify the Renaissance.

>> No.12031713

What a jewish video.

>> No.12031715

You're typing in English.

>> No.12031718

Name these things or fuck off.

>> No.12031730

It's the first collection of the original one from Human Phenotypes website, which I found. The page was taken down by rabid antipants, so you'll have to deal with what people collected ib4. I haven't read the titles, so props for you. I'm gonna paint it away for the next reposting.

Other than that phenotypes go hand in hand with actual genetic testing, meaning a basque will have norther frence markers and a North Pontid will come down to the balkan area in the highest concentration.

>> No.12031743

In that case sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm just interested in phenotypes myself and hate when they're equivocated with race which both /pol/ and liberals seem very eager to do for their own ends.

>> No.12031769

Raphael really did suck though.

>> No.12031812

this whole fuckin thread sucks, apart from Spengler, and even then.

>> No.12031999

But they all have a similar culture, faith and people, and they share a lot of common experiences of European history--feudalism, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution.
'The West' is basically white, Christian countries, and despite being culturally diverse, they share a hell of a lot more in common with each other than they do with other non-Western nations.

>> No.12032001

Japan and China are not western by any means. Sure they take Western influence but they are both very much their own thing.

>> No.12032082

Yeah, it boils down to stupid people doing stupid stuff and shitting the subject up for whoever has been there before. Agreeing on principle with most poltard topics, it makes me only more angry to know that those people are representing me, due to kvetching the loudest.

>> No.12032089
File: 55 KB, 620x706, CBEOjKXUsAAdwMr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- What till you see the.. OHNONONONO

Chinese history is just full of times where the population rises to enormous numbers and then everything collapses and millions of people starve to death and start eating each other.
The collapse of modern China will probably be the worst collapse in human history, considering that there are 1.4 billion of them, half of that, ~700 million live in cities.
The Dungan Revolt was started by some irrelevant Chinese bamboo merchant ripping people off which sparked a colossal war that killed 10 million people.
The Taiping Rebellion was started by some guy who failed an exam and then claimed he was the brother of Jesus, resulting in a conflict in which 30 million people died.
Never underestimate the power of a Chinese chimpout.

>> No.12032095
File: 33 KB, 968x645, brettkavanaugh2709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw though evoposting and raceposting invoke retarded ideologies they succeed in degenerating threads specifically because the mongoloids who do it have no idea what they're talking about

There's a tremendous irony here entailing genealogy and informational entropy.

>> No.12032110

I know this is a joke but guess what language arabs from the other side of the mediteranea are speaking ? Can't get rid of the french parasites like this

>> No.12032134

yeah, see TT Meadows' The Chinese and their Rebellions for a great analysis of this trend.

>> No.12032140

>it makes me only more angry to know that those people are representing me, due to kvetching the loudest.
you must be some leftist retard to spout crap like that

>> No.12032150

>n-no don't shit on us ubermensch

Get fucked, germs

>> No.12032173

No one actually fucking reads Marx.

>> No.12032184

>reactionary thinker attracts reactionaries
I like Spengler a lot and think he's criminall underrated, but he is really close to /pol/.

Also the chimpout around Kavanaugh was embarrassing for Democrats.

>> No.12032252

I'm a catholic northern european ethno-nationalist, JQ black pilled and further down the bad goy scale than you could even image it to go, so shut the fuck up. There is nothing more disgusting than usefull idiots, you are just like traitors and get your bullets first. You are low IQ degenerates, with the only difference beeing the side on which you take a shit, compared to the refugees welcome brainlets. You don't really know anything, but that doesn't prevent you from kvetching maga, dangerous faggot and kekistani autism out load without shame. You disgust me and after using your kind up, most of you would share the fate of all those you hate for the betterment of oir society.

>> No.12032271

ok, well happy 17th birthday anyway, Paddy. Don't drink too much, ya hear?

>> No.12032381

I'm a neo-boomer with a family of my own. Read more before calling those of us actually doing anything usefull the enemy like a filthy kike.

>> No.12032389

>I'm a neo-boomer with a family of my own.
well congratulations - for being able to stick it up the right hole. Boomer though? that's some fine autism you have going on, as is all your crap ITT.

>> No.12032452
File: 441 KB, 745x726, 58e324f6f6d8786b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End yourself.

>> No.12032458

Imagine how propagandized by Germanic far right bullshit one would have to be to type such a thing

>> No.12032484

no. Rene Guenon - who really disliked the Germans, ancient and modern, stated that the Renaissance was in fact the death of many things. I don't recall the quote verbatim.

>> No.12032547


>> No.12032719
File: 184 KB, 896x1024, 1541254669743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12032728

So what? There's no such thing as "the West."

>> No.12032729

well for Guenon medieval times were less degenerate than classical antiquity

>> No.12032754

Yes there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_world
People refer to it all the time, you know exactly what they mean when they talk about it, you just have an inflated opinion of yourself and you think you're such a smartass that you've figured out that each country in 'the West' is not exactly the same, so you pretend to ignore its existence because you disagree with the semantics.

This kind of thing is very relevant: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/sipa/S6800/courseworks/foreign_aff_huntington.pdf

>> No.12032757

>propaganda only affects people I don't like

>> No.12032773

there's no such thing as anything

>> No.12032779

While I don't deny the existence of a "Western world," I don't think it's reasonable to say that it had a lot of common experiences over the past 500 years. Most of those experiences actually involved one or more forms of conflict between members of Western civilization. The Reformation, the Industrial Revolution, both World Wars, etc., do nothing more than illustrate that a group of countries related by nothing but geography have no ties but geography.
>clash of civilizations
Wow, congratulations, that's one theory of international relations. Care to name a few more?
That's also true. The only thing that exists is consciousness.

>> No.12032796

>The only thing that exists is consciousness.
I fucking hate pseuds like you

>> No.12032803

The only pseuds here are the ones jerking themselves off over the idea that all of Europe had an identical experience of the 30 Years War

>> No.12032815

I never said they had an identical experience of the 30 Years War did I?
But they did have an experience, a shared experience, which is what matters.

>> No.12032840

>But they did have an experience, a shared experience, which is what matters.
a bit like the sex, right?

>> No.12032858

What is that "shared experience" supposed to consist of? If anything, these wars are responsible for the widening of gaps between states, not for suturing them together. No love was lost between Germany and France in the years between 1618 and 1945.

>> No.12033120

Incredible post

>> No.12033147

i dont recall Guenon disliking the Germans.

>> No.12033595

you ought to read more, mate. especially the chapter from Introduction to the study of Hindu Doctrines (removed from late editions I think). Search for « L'INFLUENCE ALLEMANDE » and bang it into google translate for a laugh.
Also see his remarks in his articles on the symbolism of the swastika. Etc.

>> No.12033716

The more I read from Spengler the more I am convinced that he is the last great philosopher of the Western tradition.

His work is the very Faustian spirit realized in the form of an all encompassing philosophy of World History -- the last great act of the Faustian spirit before it begins to turn in on itself. To explain all World History, and then venture to predict its future -- there is nothing more Faustian than this.

A few others tried to follow Spengler, like Toynbee or Yockey or Huntington, but theirs were merely imitations that failed. Now it is too late for anyone to try and eclipse Spengler, as the Faustian spirit here is extinguished, deposed by intellectualism and incessant critique.

>> No.12033732

>not namedropping Quigley