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/lit/ - Literature

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12013409 No.12013409 [Reply] [Original]

Fiction is for children

>> No.12013437

We already had this retarded thread yesterday >>12008373
And fiction is able to impart truth by showing instead of telling, which is a much more efficient way of getting people to understand.

>> No.12013441

You are nothing but a cretin and you ain't my nibbuh.

>> No.12013444

nothing is objective

>> No.12013448

we are all children at heart desu

>> No.12014504

>Non fiction: objective

When oversimplification becomes outright falsehood

>> No.12014583

This is retarded.

>> No.12014590

Fiction / Non-fiction categories is for seppos, soccer moms and publisher marketing.

>> No.12014627
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1000, E4164985-4B13-410A-ABC1-0CFF50872A0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, buddy, you may want to get tested.

>> No.12014634
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>authorial point of view

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12015753


>> No.12017189

Most literary canon is fiction so you could not be more wrong

>> No.12017191

And I'm very much in touch with my inner-child!

>> No.12017196

>based on fact
which are always discovered then reorganized by jew funded shills. NOT TRUE!

>> No.12017211

The complete opposite retard. I stopped reading shitty fiction once I figured out history is more intresting and 99% of writers just take their ideas from. It's also nice to read about extraordinary events without a cringy attempt at conflict and plot resolution

>> No.12017220

how the fuck did you get this from that pic?

>> No.12017231


Jesus. Stay in school, kids.

>> No.12017344

I have Aspergers and I'm the opposite. I like fiction and dislike non-fiction.

>> No.12017354

Lots of truth can be found in fiction. Many ideas and theories tend to be legit, but simply set in a fictional setting with fictional characters.

>> No.12018311

>Not realizing that there is no difference between non-fiction and fiction.

>> No.12018328

Is "nothing is objective" objective?

>> No.12018344

The so called "Aspergers" doesn't even exist idiots. It stopped existing about 5 years ago. Turns out you're just socially incompetent assholes who don't even want to try.

>> No.12018353

>if you'd rather read science than Harry Potter or Game of Thrones, you're mentally disabled

>> No.12018419

this, basically fiction is for stupid people.

>> No.12018603

I've actually been diagnosed anon

>> No.12018699
File: 416 KB, 807x513, screen-shot-2017-04-10-at-4-47-30-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it stopped existing 5 years ago

>> No.12018723

>Harry Potter and Game of Thrones comprises the whole of fiction

>> No.12018821

sperg brain is wired significantly different than the neurotypical population, you can't make up something like that bro

>> No.12018865

>this Adult Autism Fact of the Day brought to you by J.K. Rowling and G.R.R. Martin

>> No.12019291

>There will never be a work of philosophy that can even approximate the immense beauty and depth found in Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, etc.

nonfictionfags are truly autistic

>> No.12019349

yeah but thats like the only thing you know

>> No.12019356

What are some works of philosophy like that?
Not a rhetorical question or anything, I just want to know.

>> No.12019361

>browses /lit/
>isn't on the spectrum

>> No.12019373

Yes, and watch it come back in a few years for the DSM VI, then leave, then come back as a different name, then that different name has a million subcategories, etc.

A mental disorder does not stop existing simply because psychiatrists can’t make up their damned minds, especially when an identity has been built around it.

>> No.12019456

This board really has no respect for literature as an artform. Peotry is almost never respected l. Meme philosophers get discussed more than actual authors. And fiction, wich has undeniably produced the greatest writers of all time is treated as a joke

>> No.12019905

ppl just use other ppls ideas to seem smart, thats why its mostly philposting here. reading fiction is much less exact, you actually need to think instead of getting spoonfed by some french or german protoneet

>> No.12019924

His point remains. There isn’t anything wrong with someone who would rather read about the rates of airplane fuel combustion as opposed to someone who only reads 50 Shades of Grey novels.