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/lit/ - Literature

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1201184 No.1201184 [Reply] [Original]

An invisible man. Sounds simple, right? I know there's already a movie and a book about it, but this would be totally different.

It's about a psychopath that realizes he's invisible. He rapes a girl, she can't see him, freaks out, cries, eventually becomes insane. Then the man begins to murder people. Philadelphia turns to hysteria as a "mysterious force" is brutally murdering everyone. Full blown investigations, the whole east coast becoming paranoid. The story ends with the invisible man coming to the realization that he's not invisible at all, and in fact insane.

The watcher is left to question what actually happened and what didn't happen at all.

>> No.1201197

The watcher?
0/10 for intending to sell out before you even write the damn thing

also its pretty stupid just the Ring of Gyges archetype but with a Shyamalan twist, and one that doesn't even makes sense at that.

>> No.1201210

Troll fresh out of elementary troll school

>> No.1201228

Sounds like a mash up of the stories The Invisible Man and American Psycho

I'd read it, if you were a recognized author.
> u jelly.jpg

>> No.1201269 [DELETED] 

screenplay idea im working on, its called The Art Of A Sleepwalker. It's about a 21 year old artist (he paints) who starts shooting up heroin at the age of 19 to make his paintings better because he cant compete with the other painters. He ends up getting addicted and his whole life goes down the shitter, he gets fired from his job, he goes broke, his girlfriend leaves him but there is always one person who loves him. enter his childhood best friend (a girl), they did everything together from preschool all the way up to high school, they both liked each other but never did anything about it, but once he starts doing heroin she begins to distance her self from him. after losing almost everything he shuts him self up in his apartment for a week then at the end of the week he decides he has had enough. He shoots up a lethal amount of heroin (All he had left) and begins to make one last painting, its of him killing him self, and after painting for a bit he finally ODs. at this point it will go to his point of view as his life flashes before his eyes. he will see how much he had going for him before he decided to start doing drugs and he will also realize how much his childhood friend loves him. now after not hearing from him in a week the childhood friend becomes worried and goes over to his apartment to check up on him. She walks in soon after he has begun to OD and tries to save him, and in his last moments of consciousness he will see her face and know that someone really did love him. she will call an ambulance to come and take him to the hospital but he will die on the way there with her holding his hand. (i will have to make some way for him to portray to her that he loved her, maybe a suicide note)

>> No.1201305

OP, please post the original picture!

>> No.1201318


>> No.1201395

I like the pic. Saving that.

The story is too derivative and full of dumb ideas. You have proven yourself a fag, OP.

Anyone willing to continue this?

>> No.1201406

fuck these faggots, I'd read it, and I'd read it hard

but most people can't write, even published authors, so I doubt you can either. just saying.

>> No.1201420


Never said I wouldn't read it. Fuck, OP's idea's quite better than any of the bestsellers today any day.

It's just that it could be better, ya noe?

>> No.1201570

How about a book about some motherfuckin snakes.
On a plane.
No, but seriously, what about a story narrated by a young boy (we'll say 17), who begins as perfectly "good" in thought and action. He is a fair, just, kid, who is completely innocent and pure of "sin" so to speak. He has been granted by the powers above the ability to change and distort the world, more or less trusted by a higher power to judge the world. Everything he does, he does for the sake of others, not himself. Like Superman, except with godly powers. Then one day, after making a decision to save himself from an accident that was supposed to end his life and return his powers to the higher-ups (his reason claiming his life is too precious), he has the majority of his powers taken away. Granted he can still do some minor things, communicate with the higher powers, but nothing like what he could do. So he says "no big deal" and goes on living his life.
However, after seeing all the wrong things in life start to sprout up since he cant just make them vanish by wishing them too anymore, he decides to actually work for the first time in his life for the greater good.
So he meets some friends, bullies, has to deal with "corrupt" people/evil temptations along the way, etc, but a year after the accident, he begins to hear the higher-ups, who had for a long while, seemed to forget his existence. They start to question his philosophy, and reasons for doing things. More or less "why would you still do good things once good had forsaken you?" After roaming around the city, talking to the higher-ups, he notices he's come to the same spot where that accident occurred a year ago. The powers end by saying "you're a unique person" and the guy just goes "yeah; it's a unique world, once you learn to actually experience it." And continues from where he left off, crossing the street.

>> No.1201571

Ofcourse it would be more fleshed out if someone were to work on it, but thats the general direction of the story. Go ahead and pick it apart, though I personally think the general idea is a 6, and could be boosted to an 8 depending on how it was written.

>> No.1202365

I think if the boy died, it would have a more meaningful ending. (Not forgetting that you're important too- not only others in the world.)

>> No.1202370

two brothers, one is a cop and the other is a bad guy, and this brings them into moral conflict.

>> No.1202472

OP's idea sounds alright, though I wonder if the "invisible" man raping a girl could even make sense. Maybe if he takes her entirely from behind, or something. And I guess the "mysterious force" angle that the public believes would have to depend on the main character's method of killing. Why would people think it was some mysterious force? Or, how would they describe it so that the main guy thinks he comes off as a mysterious force?

>> No.1202502

sounds like american psycho without the chainsaws

>> No.1202560 [DELETED] 

Short story idea.

In an unnamed fantasy universe, the world is a haunted ruin. The protagonist has no name, for names no longer have meaning. In the hut of a blind man, He tells him (and us) that He is traveling to the ruins of a nearby city.

To search for what, the blind man asks. Anything. The protagonist travels across a series of desolate countrysides. Through His actions, we learn about him. He finds a dying man in the woods, and refuses to commit a mercy killing. Life is so rare in these lands, He wants to savor every moment of it.

Eventually He arrives at His destination. He discovers and does battle with a terrifying creature (alluding to the source of the world's ruin), and amid a charred archive He finds a single tome. Unable to read, He stows the tome in His pack and sets off in search of one who can teach Him words.

>> No.1202564


>Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.1202566

Whatchu talkin' 'bout

>> No.1202588

Alright, here we go 'lit' there is a man, and he is a very smart man, he is an inventor and a scientist. The first thing he invents is a cold fusion machine (changes thigns into water) this gathers him international fame, he makes some other inventions and gains a cult following. From the beginning he has had a split personality and this 'other side' of him is a very driven person, they are sort of opposites. Now the other one starts utilizing his fame into gathering himself a cult following, eventually this cult becomes so expansive and so powerful it becomes a form of government and begins to run state. It is an oppressive and tactful state that over many many years begins to head to the top of the ladder in wordl economy and power (Sounds unlikely, but this is an overview) This is all coasting off the inventions that his original self can make.

The original self is a highly timid man, and is completely opposed to the other side of himselfs actions, and as soon as he becomes a dictator and starts oppressing the world he is appalled. He plots to kill himself only to discover his other side has set up a heirarchy of congress where people will isntantly succeed him on his death.

>> No.1202590

Now, throughout his life he is shot from all kind of directions, beleiving it to be attempts on his life from snipers or whatever he simply dismisses it as attacks, until one day is hit and he has a moment of clarity. (He's shot when he is his good side) He opts to build a machine that will transfer him to the fourth dimension. now let me explain, the first dimension is length only, the second dimension is length and width (a flat plane) the third dimension is length width and depth (As we are now) and the fourth dimension takes time as a measurement (So, if your were to look at yourself in the 4th dimension you would see yourself at every point in time.) He eventually manages to get into the 4th dimension, finds himself and unloads his gun onto himself (thus accounting for the ten or so bullets that were shot at him throughout his life.) Kinda stupid so far but hey, I'm a fool.

I've forgotten something. He has this machine that he found when his state was exploring, he has no idea what it is or where it was came from but he knows it is very important to him and recognises it as something he needs (both sides of him share this)
So some other stuff happens and he eventually stops time accidentally. He is stuck for hundred of years not aging and he eventually begins to build this machine, he finished it and leaves it in the past for himself to find.

>> No.1202593

Skipping ahead to the end; He turns the machine on and what it does is simple, it restarts the universe but removes himself from it and places him in purgatory forever. In the room with the machine in it, but nothing works and the doors are locked.

Now how it will be told; it is told in past-tense of him recounting from the room he is stuck in. The first chapter is millions of years after he has been stuck in the room, then it skips to his life and some other things happen and finally the second last chapter is him straight after turning the machine on and explaining what it does. Then the last chapter is him finally turning it on, and the last line of the entire book is him pressing the button.

Fuck yeah? Or fuck no?

It shall be called "Conscience Asunder."

It's main theme is self-hatred and in no way will it be a sci-fi or action book.

>> No.1202594

You know what I mean by it won't be a sci-fi, coz It kinda blatantly is.

>> No.1202596

I mean, I just don't... get it...

Maybe it makes more sense in your head?

>> No.1202597

I hope so, I hope so.

I'm smart enough to write down every idea I get into a notebook. My friends, no matter what you say, whether the publisher accepts or not, this will be a book one day.

>> No.1202687

I think you're on to something there.

>> No.1202717

My story takes place at the start of the zombie apocalypse with everyone panicking and not realizing that all the computer have gone Skynet and are planning to wipe out humanity. The zombies want to eat fresh meat while the robots want to reduce people to ashes so the zombies start fighting the robots.

>> No.1202721

Dinosaurs weren't killed by an asteroid and they were much smarter than their brain pan would lead us to believe. It turns out that they could communicate intelligently and were only held back from developing technology by their lack of thumbs. In the end they were all killed by zombie dinosaurs.

>> No.1202724

The robot apocalypse occurred millions of years ago in another galaxy killing off their creators and then expanding throughout the universe. They finally reached earth and it looked like we would use but a genius hacker installs windows vista to the mothership which is then immediately affected by malware destroying the threat forever and getting the hacker laid.

>> No.1202730

What... why... I-I don't...

>> No.1202732

In the future food and water are scarce and only the rich get to live in their bodies full time. Otherwise people have their minds uploaded to the net and have their bodies stored. The uploaded people have their own jobs in the net and strive to earn enough money to live in their bodies for a few weeks out of the year.

>> No.1202744

A small blackhole has opened near the Earth and over the course of many years gradually moves closer. The story is about a man trying to sort out his life before his death, in the midst of an Earth plunged into chaos out of religious fear of a Judgement Day.

>> No.1202746

My story is about a girl who works in a pet store and she can understand what the animals are saying. But animals are stupid so she just hears them constantly shouting for food and other insipid requests. She lives in a world of mundane superpowers. The power are technically super, but have no real application or life saving abilities. She ends up meeting a guy who can instantly tune to a radio station that's playing appropriate mood music.

>> No.1202754

My story is about an immortal intelligent dog. He can't speak but he's more intelligent than the average man. He lives with a family for 12 years then moves on to the next one.

>> No.1202757

My story is about a man named Dr. Kashmir. I think I'll begin my story with the line, "'I am Dr. Kashmir', said Dr. Kashmir."

>> No.1202758

My story is about ants that have lived in an ant farm of a child for 80 years, constantly reproducing.
The owner of the ant farm is now 90, but he still takes care of the ants and watches them every day.
Then one day the owner dies, and the ants begin to die off, due to lack of food.
Then, after half of them have been killed, their owner's great grandson finds the ant farm, feeds it, and decides to take it for himself.
The vicious cycle continues.

>> No.1202759

i actually love this
it's cute

>> No.1202760

A werewolf is just trying to live his life normally, but is accosted by furries everywhere he goes.

>> No.1202762
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>> No.1202763

is that in response to a specific story or every story idea in this thread?

>> No.1202765

Mark Twain piloted paddle boats down the Mississippi. He became well known for his prowess and was soon hired to teach the art in India. He taught there for several years until an unkown saboteur caused a horrific boiler explosion destroying the ship he was on and everyone thought him dead. He survived and using his contacts in the black market of India, he commissions a ship like no other. It is powered by a new energy source and can slip silently below the surface of the water. He abandones the name Mark Twain taking the moniker Captain Nemo and calls his new ship the Nautilus.

>> No.1202770
File: 39 KB, 446x600, jesse-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of adding another character who's power is to resemble Michael Cera in appearance and mannerism. If a movie was ever made about my story I would have him played by Jesse Eisenberg.

>> No.1202776

A book set in alternate history-Dark Ages. It would be a realistic, medieval take on steampunk - no gay airships, rayguns, or homosexual victorian fashion. The Church rules everything of course, and mostly has monopoly on machinery. The main character is apprentice to an old inquisitor. One way or another, his tutor is killed and he gets the blame and has to run away. Eventually he's the catalyst to the coming of a renaissance, which is just starting up at the end of the book.
The book isn't anti-religious, but is (through the main character) critical of organized religion, and opposed of the mixing of religion and politics.

>> No.1202783

A magical tome falls into the hands of a self proclaimed wizard in the dark ages. Turns out its a tablet PC that's 30 years more advanced than what we have now and it's screen is also an advanced solar panel that generates all the required power. The wizard figures out how to use the device finding a full wikipedia like repository of knowledge and exploits it heavily.

>> No.1202806
File: 52 KB, 465x654, 40796_140944672612232_100000901006539_211225_6746143_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably sounds so generic, but I'll post it anyway.

It's narrated by a girl 17-19 years that begins with her coming home from a typical day at work. Everything goes wrong though when a man attempts to rob her and ends up leaving her to die after stabbing her. as she contemplates death the Grim Reaper comes and makes a deal with her: She could die or she could become his apprentice, but in doing so must leave everything behind that she knew. Wanting to gain revenge she agreed stubbornly and then after spends years learning the ways of a reaper and watching over her family members who are still blindly searching for her after she never arrived home.
Sensing that a new force was coming into play though, evil slowly took it's form and manifested itself into seven human beings to combat her, in hopes of wrecking the neutral force of the reapers so that they could reign free on Earth. These are formerly know as the Seven Deadly sins, along with an unknown player that takes the first step in trying to take out the apprentice first, but fails after being mutilated and resurrected to assist her instead. Thus the story continues in an epic battle for good overcoming evil...or something of the sort.

It's a bit scrambled in here, sorry...I don't know how to explain stories too well, and this one is a joke compared to the others I've read. Any advice would be loved though.

>> No.1202809

A man falls in love with an imaginative girl and initiates a relationship with her.
He has never been so happy in his life, but because of social pressure he is forced to take medication to stop his 'delusions' and become a 'normal person', even though this makes him completely miserable.
It ends with him fleeing from society and he starts living as a fugitive, waiting for the last remainders of his medication to wear out so he can meet the love of his life again.

>> No.1202935


but they're in SPACE!

A team of space mariens gets a distress call, and when they answer it, they find an orbital colony overrun by the undead!

>> No.1202938

Watch Dead Like Me.

>> No.1202953

No John, you are the zombies

>> No.1202977

What is Deadspace for 200.

>> No.1202989

+ Hollow Man

>> No.1203014

Mankind has established its first fledgling colonies in space. To most everyone's surprise, they continue to find themselves alone. Exploration teams are regularly sent outward. On one such ship, everything seems to be going smoothly. The crew does its experiments, charts their progress, and continues to search for alien life. However, everything comes to a halt when their small vessel is boarded by one much larger. Alien life forms force their way inside and massacre the humans except for two who hide in a compartment. Eventually they take out the rest of the aliens. On the bridge they find their navigator's corpse and all his navigational data wiped from the ship's computers. They have no idea where they are.