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/lit/ - Literature

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12011433 No.12011433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I found the below video (and this guy's other ones) which lets you experience my life a bit.

Imagine you're an ugly late 20s nofriends beta loser autist charismaless meek bore with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, and you've never been to a pub, club, or party. You become the ugly loser nobody talks to within one day of all your jobs. You are fully blackpilled about the difficulty of an ugly male's life and the extreme easiness of normie lives.

You decide to go "just go outside bro!" and hope your life spontaneously stops feeling wasted.

Now watch the video below and tell me how many times you would be demoralised.


>> No.12012099

Think I'll go walk my dog
Perhaps in lieu of a phone take a dog?

>> No.12012116

Whites are a minority in London and coming from Vancouver that place looks like the antebellum South.

>> No.12012157

londonfrog ten years from now i will be successful and i will give u a place where u can have frens and enjoy a social life. u can retreat to your personal space with complete privacy and silence whenever u feel down and sad. you can come back out and enjoy freshly cooked tendies by a great chef who previously worked at a two star michelin restaurant and if you want to jump off the roof into the pool you can do so, even in five celsius. in the winter u will be able to cuddle up by the fireplace with all the other people and you can sing christmas carols and winter songs for the season. we'll bake some fresh chocolate chip cookies (one batch with nuts the other without) and pour some nice hot nutmeg for us all to enjoy. then a year down the road after you've stayed all that time, you'll have become a more nuanced, sophisticated and confident individual who participated in all the programs available to you to help you become a better person. you'll turn to me at the door and you'll say "thank you for everything", and you'll hop in the car with your soul mate and wave one last time as we look at each other with content and happiness. ill never see you again, i won't have too. i know you'll be happy and knowing such an outcome will make me happy too. but you have to wait ten years anon. in ten years ill be able to make it all come true.

wait for me okay?

>> No.12012176

i fail to see anything demoralizing about this at all

>> No.12012198
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That is kind, fren.

>> No.12012281

I went out and walked around London as the last of the summer ended. There were Staceys in scarves and coats, and I thought about how their lives were less uncomfortable, day-to-day, than mine.

I went to the White Cube gallery and saw impressionist art. https://whitecube.com/exhibitions

While I walked home I considered that it was time for The Last Binge Ever. I decided not to do this, affirming a loose commitment to commit only to not bingeing.

>> No.12012287

Worst part of this video is the quick glances that people make at the guy's camera. It feels like when I go walking on campus when demoralized.

>> No.12012314
File: 55 KB, 322x479, houellebecq et clement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who don't you focus on trying to get to a beautiful quiet part of your country where you can walk in peace, frogfriend?

imagine walking the forests and the fields instead, with beautiful surroundings and only some unjudging friendly animals around.

>> No.12012319


>> No.12012320

Looks like a dystopian shithole desu but that can be enjoyable with the right mindset.

>> No.12012328

I'm from a third world shithole and that seemed way happier and better than here (which of course it is). Still, i see people on /lit/ saying London is a "shithole" why?

>> No.12012367

Third worlders.

>> No.12012393

That's the best of london.Now,the worse of london...

>> No.12012416

Living like an insect in a claustrophobic, boring city where most pedestrians are ignoring each other, everything is inordinately expensive is extremely depressing. You’re used to foul stenches, unsavory characters, corrupt police, rotting food; once these worries are alleviated you’ll notice how awful metropolitan existence is.

>> No.12012454
File: 101 KB, 964x771, 6D8130D9-1E2E-4BF3-BA2E-9053804598C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread has confirmed my theory that countryfags have the best life

>> No.12012511

I don't get it, its just normies, have you considered the problem is yourself?

>> No.12012894

i have asked londonfrog this now a number of times and he never answers

>> No.12012919

What the fuck does this frog poster have to do with literature?

>> No.12012928

Shut the fuck up, retard. No one cares about your gay ass books.

>> No.12013118

I relate. I used to feel like that walking around my college campus. It’s deeply disturbing to see happy people socializing and to know you’ll never, ever be like them.

Luckily now I left that college and am living at home with my parents in suburbia, which means my walks are almost completely undisturbed by human contact other than cars.

>> No.12013120

Literally kill yourself. People like you are everything that is wrong with this site.

>> No.12013179

>who don't you focus on trying to get to a beautiful quiet part of your country where you can walk in peace, frogfriend?
And the crazy part is you can more or less do this without leaving London. I mean, it's definitely better to get a full countryside walk, but I've had plenty of good nature walks by going to some of the peripheral stops on the tube and walking around.

The people who say London is a shithole are either racists or blackpilled nihilists. The city is pretty mediocre in many ways but it's nowhere near a shithole.