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/lit/ - Literature

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12010313 No.12010313 [Reply] [Original]

I like hardcovers.

>> No.12010392


>> No.12010416

It's a pain to read them in bed.

>> No.12010440

They're nice to look at but they're selection as far as editions go is very limited. You're almost always paying more for a lower quality reading experience.
They make great gifts though.

>> No.12010491

It's a pain to read them in general. They look nice, but I much prefer to have a scrappy but sturdy little paperback.

>> No.12010500

Selection of what is limited?

>> No.12010503


>> No.12010513
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There are reams of paperback originals with no hardcover equivalent.

>> No.12010514

I want to read Farm Girl now

>> No.12010521

For me, paperbacks are more comfortable to hold but less comfortable to read. Hardcovers have better typography and are easier on the eyes.

>> No.12010526

I donn't understand people who keep books after you've read them. I usually just throw them in the bin.

Would you keep a banana peel after you've finished eating it?

>> No.12010532

That's understandable if all you read are airport novels.

>> No.12010544

Of editions. As in nearly all Hardcovers are public domain translations with no additional material while you can get a great selection of specialized academic editions in paperback. Everyone knows this.

>> No.12010551

Sturdy as in the pages don't fall out and are thick enough not to tear easily.
I have some books that have become truly dogeared over the years, but they're still perfectly readable and held together strongly.

>> No.12010557

I'll have you know that I've disposed of some of the finest literature.

>> No.12010625

>implying after 1 (one) read someone has really finished reading the book

>> No.12010633


>> No.12010729

That's why you buy it again.

Do you reuse toilet paper?

>> No.12010735


>> No.12010759

but why?

>> No.12012172

My dostoevsky is not your hooker

>> No.12012206

What are some good hard cover publishers that are cheap? All I know of is everymans library

>> No.12012302

Just get second hand Folio Society

>> No.12012434
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i like both

>> No.12014110
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Nice lookin file, anon.