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File: 31 KB, 600x534, feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1200998 No.1200998 [Reply] [Original]

Is my grammar right?

>> No.1201002

You're a crazy motherfucker, and that's a pretty ridiculous run-on sentence but gramatically it's acceptable

>> No.1201004

Actually it's just about equality. It's only the, as per, wingnuts that have skewed it to this philosohy of misandrist bull-dykes.
Why it's "Feminism" and not "Egalitarianism" is beyond me, though.

>> No.1201006

because it's a subset of egalitarianism specifically concerned with the way women have been mistreated? there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.1201012

>Have unatural sex

>> No.1201013

You misspelled unnatural

>> No.1201015

Agh you beat me

>> No.1201016


Fair enough.
I suppose I still have my "why [x-group] rights and not just rights for everybody?" hat on.

>> No.1201020

They are all wing nuts, because their existence is not needed anymore. They were equal, well really more privileged once they got voting rights.

>> No.1201026


>> No.1201027


Well yeah, which is what I said.
It's only wingnuts left, but that doesn't detract from the ideology itself, which is fundamentally sound.

>> No.1201034

Only a woman can think that a man wanting to have sex with them is objectification. I don't want to have sex with a soda can or my desk both which are objects, i want to have sex with women. Sexualization is humanizing not dehumanizing. It is men who are dehumanized by being reduced to simple machines who work for women. Men are often defined by what work they do.

>> No.1201036

well, i think most feminists would agree, intellectually, that rights for everyone are necessary, and that fighting against racism, classism, etc. is basically a good thing. but there are distinctive aspects to sexism (as there are to racism, classism, etc) which are worth addressing seperately

lol yase there is no such thing as male privilege and no cultural problems with the treatment of women

(to take a somewhat more nuanced position, it's pretty clear to me that there are still deep problems with gender dynamics in society today. it's a good thing that women in the west no longer have to fight for de jure equality, but that doesn't mean that there's no such thing as sexism left. it's also worth pointing out that gender dynamics as they currently exist cause grievous harm to men as well as women, and everyone should be interested in changing them)

>> No.1201038

But the ideology is like "arbeit macht frei" comforting me only to gas me to death.

>> No.1201042

'objectification' doesn't refer to men wanting to have sex with women

it refers specifically to the phenomenon in which women are reduced in men's minds or in the view of culture at large to objects without any purpose other than satisfying the sexual needs of men, when their agency is taken away, their humanity stripped from them, and the only characteristics to which any attention is paid are sexual

that's what's commonly meant by objectification, rightly or wrongly

>> No.1201044


... seriously?
How is "I want equal pay, equal opportunities and not to be ogled at by boorish sexist retards (all of which they pretty much now have)" akin to being coerced into a death camp?

>> No.1201046

Face it women particularly white women, the largest component of feminists, have been the most privileged people in the world.

>> No.1201049

lol no

i mean, i know that dudes on 4chan like to say that, but it's not true in any meaningful sense

>> No.1201053

Women have always been lower class citizens in most cultures, this is a fact

>> No.1201065

because they believe that all sex is rape, they believe that woman should be paid as much as a man for less work, they believe that we should lower standards to allow women into certain jobs, they believe that a man should have no right to his child but the responsibility to pay for it.

also sexual harassment is just another female privilege, which is the same patriarchy they claim to fight.

>> No.1201075

Under chivalry if a woman did a crime her husband would have to go to prison for it. Our society was built by men for women. We live in a pussy whipped society. Women get far less time for the same crime. Woman are not accountable for anything and can avoid responsibility by blaming it on a man.

>> No.1201078

>all sex is rape,

only a very small minority of feminists even claim that. and for most of them, it's more a point about power dynamics in society than a literal claim that all sex is literally rape

>they believe that woman should be paid as much as a man for less work,

not actually, though

>they believe that we should lower standards to allow women into certain jobs

not actually, though. they do believe that women shouldn't be excluded from jobs for bullshit reasons

>they believe that a man should have no right to his child but the responsibility to pay for it.

that has very little to do with feminism as such, and more to do with gender dynamics in society

>sexual harassment is just another female privilege,

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1201086

So it's like middle-class white male syndrome then?

>> No.1201092
File: 12 KB, 270x250, artist_me2flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is Literature in here

>> No.1201093


Wrong on pretty much all counts.
Only tiny minorites of feminism believe point by point what you just wrote, and even they will disagree to the extent of which the points are important or relevant.

Cool sweeping, virtually unfounded generalisation bro.

>> No.1201095

>that has very little to do with feminism as such, and more to do with gender dynamics in society

Feminism has everything to do with societal gender dynamics.

>> No.1201098


White males enslaved the rest of the world, but they were enslaved to the white woman all along ^_^

>> No.1201106

You clearly don't know anything about feminism.

Can a man accuse a woman of sexual harassment or rape and be taken seriously. No so it is a female privilege that is ingrained in their sexual monopoly.

and yes actually because all of those things happen because of feminism. Should we force people to higher woman as chemists if woman themselves don't want to become chemists.

Affirmative action has helped white woman the most then black woman and then black men.

And if these Gender Dynamics are purported by feminists, and that they continually ask for privileges and money to support single mothers then how are they about equality.

>> No.1201112

Anyone who calls them self a feminist today believes those things.

They say one thing and do another.

>> No.1201113

and woman have no responsibility because they didn't benefit at all. The fact is woman have always had men to do the dirty work.

>> No.1201115


>because they're all fucking wingnut fringe idiots, as has been said ITT again and again

Most modern girls are unaffiliated or don't give a shit, baking in the delights that actual feminists of the 60s and 70s gave them.
They're as irrelevant and tenacious now as Marxists or Nazis. No one really cares.

>> No.1201119

But really you can't blame women, I mean, they're pretty much useless for anything other than looking pretty

>> No.1201122

Feminism in the 60s 70s never did anything, how can you consolidate power when you give all responsibility away by blaming men for everything.

>> No.1201131

and that is where their power stems from. They have sexual power. Men's sexuality is seen as disgusting and worthless and if men want to have sex they have to allow themselves to have something manipulated from them, there are always strings attached, and there is never honest sex.

Women's innocence is a veil. If we allowed them to be responsible for themselves instead of being manipulated by them, they would show their true colors.

>> No.1201135

Misandrism in the guise of feminism is bad, sure, but countering it with equally retarded misogynism is just juvenile as fuck. Luckily, most people get past that way of thinking at 15 or so.

>> No.1201142

>baking in the delights

>> No.1201146

Nothing here is misogynistic. I never claimed woman as inferiors. We are just dealing with a culture that has idealized women as infallibe creatures, what I call the princess complex, the idea that woman are princesses and should be treated as such. All it has really done is to sanction prostitution under the label of marriage. There has to be something wrong when women expect wining and dining for sex instead of a sex for sex as a fair trade. All this stems from sexual inequality.

>> No.1201161

There cannot be perfect equality because people themselves are not equal.

What you are talking about is making every person exactly the same. We aren't. Everyone has their own interests and standards. Telling people that they have to be the same as everyone else is what is wrong with the world.

>> No.1201168

The assumption is that women view sex in the same way that men do. For you, sex may be a primary concern. For many women, romance may be a primary concern. They aren't necessarily trading sex for sex, as much as they're trading sex for emotional fulfillment.

Also, you're a gibbering moron if you think that Western society idealizes women. A horrible, drooling, chromosomally-overburdened retard.

>> No.1201175

If you believe that our society doesn't seem woman as perfectly innocent infallible creature than you are the one who is insane. The only reason woman view romance that way is because they have been conditioned to.

You my friend are a pussy whipped bastard.

>> No.1201188

The fact is if women gave up their sexual monopoly and if men were sexualized a bit we would be far closer to equality.

>> No.1201199

I don't think that you understand what equality actually means.

>> No.1201203

There is a story about a man who lost custody of his daughter to the mother, who was a drug addict with a criminal record. The mother ran out of money for drug and so used her daughter to get them. She let drug dealers rape her child to get drugs.

Women are always given unfair advantages, and people suffer because unfit individuals end up with responsibilities they should not have.

>> No.1201206


Feminist equality is synonymous to superiority and domination.

>> No.1201221

What if everyone suddenly stopped caring about this silly bullshit? I already have. I'm doing my part.

>> No.1201219

That I agree on, and this is one of the reasons I try to sexualise men as an artist. The image of an aesthetic man should also be expanded: these days a masculine woman can be seen as attractive, but very few people understand the beauty of a feminine man.

I think the equality of both genders should be improved, men's rights are overlooked far too often these days. An improvement in one gender's rights means an improvement in the equality of all.

In this thread and many others, the consensus seems to be that women have too many rights, too much equality, and that this hinders men. That's wrong: the fact that men don't have enough rights and equality is what hinders them. We don't need to bash feminism, but to encourage gender egalitarianism.

>> No.1201249
File: 196 KB, 715x726, OBJECTIFICATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this?

>> No.1201261


A true hero.

Seriously, people. The best thing you can possibly do for equality is to simply stop giving a shit one way or another. Because advocating something automatically makes you a biased ass who thinks your own shit doesn't stink.

>> No.1201262
File: 48 KB, 943x696, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1201266

But.. I love lamp

>> No.1201271

You can advocate the rights of all genders and recognise the problems, though, because the problems do exist and some people are so thick-skulled that they need to be told what the problems are before they get them.

>> No.1201278


Yes. All genders. But not a single sex. If you advocate one over the other, you are spouting bullshit and should be told to go away.

>> No.1201287


>perfectly innocent infallible creatures

Okay, deeefinitely a troll. Or, as previously stated, tragically retarded with no grasp of history. Either way, I'm done with this thread.

>> No.1201289

Go back in time 300 years when 95% of everyone was farmers. You'll see a society where workload is shared.

Too many feminists I've talked with (though they won't admit it) want back payment for the devaluation of women that never actually happened.

>> No.1201292

I'm very, very glad to see we agree on the matter. That's precisely what I think. People who realise and recognise this are so few and far between.

>> No.1201297

Feminism empowers women in that they can play the victim to get what they want. Ask any feminists if a man should have a right to paternity testing to verify that they are the father of a child they will otherwise be obliged to pay money to, and they will say no.

Because feminists are the kind of people who want to cheat on their spouses and know no consequences.

And they don't. If a woman cheats and the man initiates the divorce, a lot of states still require the husband to pay alimony to the whore.

>> No.1201301

Yeah when women can get away with murder by claiming they had PMS and or blaming it on theirs spouse, then you know women are not seen as infallible.

All women are innocent


All women are princesses

>> No.1201298


People just like to say they are being persecuted or suppressed so that they can make themselves feel heroic for protesting it.

>> No.1201307

You would think a man would be accustomed to the money from his paycheck, but who gives a fuck about the man. I mean the woman had to put up with him that evil bastard.

woman are always seen as the victim

>> No.1201308


feminists would agree that this is a problem, duder. feminists don't want all women to be seen as delicate, helpless princesses. this is a Bad Thing to feminists. i have to ask if you even know anything about feminism?

this is what feminists are talking about when they say they want strong female role models in popular culture - they want women who AREN'T princesses, who AREN'T innocent.

>> No.1201309

Most anti-feminist sentiments are based on made-up "feminists say/think/mean". This is a shame, because it leaves no room for more intelligent and appropriate criticisms and well... because it's just blind hate.

>> No.1201313

And they do this by insisting that all women are victims.

You are an idiot.

>> No.1201317
File: 19 KB, 200x235, confuscroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women insist that they aren't helpless, innocent victims by insisting that they are victims

>> No.1201322

Unless they're in one of those countries where they get stoned to death for being raped.

>> No.1201320

"I propose that the phenomenon of love is the psychological pivot in the persecution of women." -- Ti-Grace

"I do want to be able to explain to a 9-year-old boy in terms he will understand why I think it's OK for girls to wear shirts that revel in their superiority over boys." -- Treena Shapiro

"All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French

"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." - Catherine Comins

"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race." -- Sally Miller Gearhart

>> No.1201326

>I'm a strong independant woman who blames men for all my problems

>> No.1201329

it's important to remember that feminism is not a monolithic fucking entity. there are huge differences of opinion and thought and emphasis within the nominal field 'feminism'.

are some feminists anti-men? yeah. is that mainstream within feminism, or at all common outside of academia? hell no. shit, not even common within academia. it's certainly not definitional to feminism.

>> No.1201331


Are you proposing that the Middle East is a part of western civilization and at all relevant to western feminism, which OS eh!t is being discussed here.

>> No.1201332

Your grammar us fine, everything else is wrong. Please take your cancer and fuck off back to /b/

>> No.1201339


Way to be a slowpoke, faggot.

>> No.1201340

'The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills' Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.1201345


I dunno, you're the second person to mention "western," or is feminism limited to the most privileged females in the world?

>> No.1201350


Nietzsche is a hack and anything he said is bullshit.

>> No.1201353


Pretty much.

Women in the middle east are so beaten down they don't give a shit and often think it is the greatest thing in the world.

>> No.1201351

OP is a master troll, whether that's what he intended or not.

>> No.1201354

They are more equal in the Middle East because women are desexualized with burkas, so they are on the same level as men.

>> No.1201359

he clearly intended to

>> No.1201369


By acting ashamed and even hiding that they are women, they can be on the same level as men. Clearly this is equality.

>> No.1201376

It is.

>> No.1201377

Feminism has distorted the laws of nature.

>> No.1201379
File: 121 KB, 711x1099, 1286927771353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1201391


conclusive evidence

>> No.1201504


Yeah. We should kill all women.

Fucking bitches.

>> No.1201584

I think this thread deserves archival.

request interface
id is 1200998

>> No.1201600


That's retarded.

We should enslave women.