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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 972 KB, 797x1000, Heathcliff_by_canadian_rainwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1200847 No.1200847 [Reply] [Original]

What character do you think has been the best lover in a novel? I want to read a good love book and study that character. I want to learn how to become a good girlfriend just on case it happens!

>> No.1200851

dagny taggart

not even trolling

>> No.1200854


>> No.1200855

Who's that

>> No.1200857

Probably Agnes from David Copperfield.

For men, the guy from far from the madding crowd.

>> No.1200858

You will never be a girlfriend, but then, why would you want to..?

>> No.1200864

just let whomever stick his weiner in your butt. then don't let him. then let him. then don't again. then don't again until you get away with bossing him around.

>> No.1200867
File: 95 KB, 472x369, forever alone face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just on case it happens!

>> No.1200868

Come on now TyBrax, you identified yourself as MALE in a profiling thread only a couple of days ago!

>> No.1200878

It's obvious that you, Typbrax, are a pathetically lonely masochist. If you like I will indulge you, verbally on this board and physically should we ever meet. I will destroy you Tybrax because it is the destiny you have chisen.


>> No.1200886


is that sum purposeful southern civil war era slang i'm detecting?

jine the ahmee bise! jine the ahhhmeeeee

>> No.1200887 [DELETED] 

you will nevar know my gender!

>> No.1200912


I don't think anyone will


it's beyond a joke

>> No.1200920


Tybrax deletes a post yet again!

>> No.1200922

>!WvWWh.l.CE 10/12/10(Tue)17:21 No.1200887
>you will nevar know my gender!

>> No.1200925

i reposted tybrax's post >>1200922


>> No.1200938
File: 23 KB, 500x375, Bump It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol bitch can't escape

>> No.1200944

Remember when you guys thought Ty was a hot camwhore?

>> No.1200954 [DELETED] 

no. ty=stagolee. always did.

anyways. i've always liked the women in miyazaki's movies. even the young ones. they're so noble and independent. not like reality. :(

i suppose most of us guys are jerks too. :(

>> No.1200960


>> No.1200975


Things to take away from this comment.

1. Tybrax is pathetic
2. Tybrax is lonely
3. Tybrax is a masochist

we may also take the liberty of saying:

5. Tybrax is an attention whore

>> No.1200978

no please don't, that makes me feel ill.

stag was so creative with threads & yet they were still on-topic & with great discussion. mine are on topic but oh so boring :(

i bet stags like going out to the theatre with friends & dating & things like that now... well at least he's happy.

>> No.1200987
File: 14 KB, 250x305, data_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /adv/
>little lamb threads, little lamb threads everywhere
>go to /lit/
>tybrax threads, tybrax threads everywhere

>> No.1200989

stag was funny at times, but he was also very blatantly a posting persona - it was obvious to the casual observer that stag wasn't a real person. One gets the suspicion in reading your posts that the same is true of you - and I think that's where some of the belief that you are stag comes from - but you're certainly worse than him at it.

>> No.1200990

I prefer thread that are off topic, imo

>> No.1200992

>tybrax = stagolee
Only new-fucking-fags would think that. Us oldfags know it's been gamergirl since the start, the real gamergirl.

>> No.1200995


yeah, every tripfag on /lit/ is gamergirl

>> No.1200996

>implying gamergirl didn't quit ~3 months back and reappeared only once to say she didn't have time for 4chan

>> No.1201003

TyBrax is a pope loving whore. Leave her to her pathetic world view and talk about some motherfucking literature.

>> No.1201005

obviously (well it should be) i'm ambigious about my identity just in case you get my docs & attack my relatives or whatever you did to stag.

it makes me feel weird when you think things about my life are just me trolling tho :|

i like that girl but i dont think she'd want to talk to me.

>> No.1201018

Do you know how to count to 5 bro?

0/10. Keep your trolling to off-topic threads please.

Further proof that TyBrax haters are the fucking retards of /lit/. Probably the same bunch that call Holden Caufield an emo.

>> No.1201022

Tybrax is Scottish (you can tell because she uses the word "whilst")

>> No.1201024


I can't decide if you're a troll or not. I mean if you are a troll, then I have ni idea how it benefits you to adopt this pathetic character. I see no lulz.

On the other hand, it's hard to think of anyone in real life as fucking tragic as you are. It's like emo hyperbole.

>> No.1201025

How you know this? (i dont seem to have said whilst on this page)

>> No.1201028

ok could we please just get some books fulfilling the request please?

>> No.1201029

You did it once a while ago

>> No.1201031


I'm English and I prefer to use 'whilst'. It's just a choice of style

>> No.1201032

How do you be a good girlfriend:
ONe. Be pretty
TWo. Have lots of sex with partner

>> No.1201033

>I have ni idea how it benefits you to adopt this pathetic character. I see no lulz
an opinion backed by logic (there is no gain).

>it's hard to think of anyone in real life as fucking tragic as you are. It's like emo hyperbole
opinion baked up by your own sensationalist catchphrase. try again.

>> No.1201035


This is a Tybrax thread ffs. You should know that nothing good will come of it!

>> No.1201037


I don't give a shit who tybrax is and you people shouldn't either. Let's just get on topic.

>> No.1201039

I think I laughed that one time you said you wouldn't read on a park bench because you were afraid of being perceived as being alone

>> No.1201041

That's a good point and I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.1201043

>& then anon was the trollz...

satisfying a neckbeard with bad taste & who likes nothing else apart from fantasy trash & jerking off to elf porn is not being a "good gf".

>> No.1201047


>> No.1201048

Yeah.. that's why you instead get a hot bf with muscles

>> No.1201052

Wuthering Heights, it's op's pic

>> No.1201054


All he said was 1. be pretty and 2. have lots of sex

I'm sure every guy will say these are two very standard wants.

Where do you get neckbeard and bad taste and elves from? Honestly, you're quite irrational at times Ty

>> No.1201057

the majority of healthy people have other hobbies other than sex & things for sex. but i know you probably think otherwise from watching shows like jersey shore so you can escape to a world where nerds like yourself are the only clever ones & normal people are just so dumb & shallow.

>> No.1201060


It is kind of funny. Typical Tybrax insecurity

>> No.1201062

I see you've never had sex

>> No.1201064

This is my post.

quick reply doesnt seem to have saved my trip on this extension. or possibly because i had 4chan4chrome on at the same time.

>> No.1201066


I've lost all faith in you, /lit/. This is the first on-topic reply. Have fun circle-jerking to tripfags.

>> No.1201069

Listen. All your boyfriend needs from you is sex. If you want to indulge other interests and hobbies with him that's fine but those are secondary in importance to being a good girlfriend

>> No.1201070


You must be Tybrax.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying sex, it's a very healthy and essential part of a relationship. If you suppress your urges and chastise them as you obviously do I fear you'll grow up a somewhat sick individual.

>> No.1201072

Proof that nerds are totally preoccupied with their "virginity" so much so that it warps their reality.

>> No.1201073

I notice there is lots of.. HETERONORMATIVITY in this thread.. what if TyBrax is a lesbian? You should all be ashamed

>> No.1201077


>> No.1201079

Alright Tybrax.

Age, Location. If I'm nearby I'll offer to go to dinner with you or something

>> No.1201080

Proof that you don't understand men and have literally no experience with them sexually, like, at all

>> No.1201082
File: 8 KB, 259x195, Honee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all about sex, baby

>> No.1201085

how wouldnt you look alone? especially if you normally look awkward anyway, even walking with other people.

>> No.1201096


>> No.1201099


You're such a whiny little bitch, I'm actually getting kinda hot at the thought of making you gag on my cock now. You'd struggle a bit as I roped you to the bed, but by the glint in your eyes I'd know that you'd waited a lifetime for such perfection

You're one of those girls that says 'no' when their eyes say 'yes'

>> No.1201100

>Age, Location. If I'm nearby I'll offer to go to dinner with you or something
Jesus Christ. You are all SEX OBSESSED WAKE THE FUCK UP.

i dont even want a partner right now. im not even sure if i want friends though i guess i prob do. I need to find some "cynical" people irl or really just anyway that i would really get on with.

>> No.1201103

Make sure none of youre friend are men because they'll probably rape you

>> No.1201104

>You're one of those girls that says 'no' when their eyes say 'yes'

if thats not a perfect example of your sex-obsession distorting your senses then i dont know what is...

>> No.1201105


Well you would look alone obviously because you would be alone. The point is that most people wouldn't care

>> No.1201108

Unfortunately TyBrax isn't Most People but rather a socially maladjusted weirdo

>> No.1201109


Stop it. I swear to god, I don't want to be attracted to you, but you're coming across so weak and helpless that's it's impossible not to think about dominating you!

>> No.1201110

people laugh at me when their in groups & I pass by. also sometimes when im sitting alone & they walk past. i seriously have to check if my hair is sticking up or my clothes have gone weird or things like that.

>> No.1201114


Are you sure you're not just paranoid? Even if you are startlingly ugly, I doubt that the majority of people would laugh at you. What clothes do you normally wear, how do you have your hair? Is it daring or sloppy in any extraordinary way? If not, I think you're just a bit paranoid

>> No.1201117

funny thing is, you pretended to be all sexually forward & a joker right now is probably the closest you've been to such things with a girl.

im not really bothered what you fantasize about neckbeard.

>> No.1201129

i do things awkward though. things that are so normal i stand out for doing them wrong.

like how to swing your arms when you're walking, where to put your arms when you're sitting, etc.

>> No.1201132

>Tybrax wails about being forever alone in virtually every post on /lit/
>Finally feel pity and respond
>get rejected outright

>> No.1201134


You act so disgusted, but I know that at home you're smiling, maybe even trembling at the keyboard. You throw these insults you use around so often they are meaningless, they only show weakness and it's your weakness that I'm starting to thrive upon despite my better instincts.

And, whether you believe me or not, I've had many sexual experiences, my last girlfriend was sort of like you. She was weak. She liked to be thrown around and dominated. Shhe was a bitch. I could make you my bitch too. You'd love it.

>> No.1201141


Do what you want with your arms! It doesn't really matter. I personally tend to swing my arms a bit when I walk, I was in the cadets for a few years and all the marching made an impression I guess. It doesn't matter what you do though.

>> No.1201144
File: 51 KB, 420x298, tuckermax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1201148

never said i wanted a bf. im smart enough to know you should have a stable group of friends beforehand.

>> No.1201169


Hey, Tybrax. I'm going to assume you're a virgin, pardon me if I'm incorrect, but nonetheless this is my opinion. I'm also under the impression that you think about fucking a lot. A hell of a lot. This is just something I've come to observe in virgins. For a girl like you though, I bet you have a kinky side. Do you ever think about getting tied up Tybrax? Rope? Ducktape? Do you think about having your underwear torn from you and stuffed in your mouth whilst you lay with your head on the ground, your arse in the air whilst you get pounded from behind? Do you lie in bed at night and think about these things whilst you stroke your clit with the blankets tight against your body, constricting you like the strong grip of the man you know you need? I bet you do. I bet you do.

>> No.1201171


but you're a dude you silly goose.

>> No.1201173


You need me Tybrax. You need a strong hard dick to give your world some sense. I'd fuck you into a new philosophy. My philosophy.

>> No.1201196 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 600x398, peenor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i was just kidding to protect my identity of course or was I?

OK I give in... I want you,

I'd tie you up and bring you to my house. Then I would turn the heating all the way to the fucking max. Next I'd put my pussy on the radiator until it became red hot. I'd then drag my lips all over your face giving you severe 1st degree burns and leave a trail of melted pussy & hair all over your face. Then after 4 or 5 months when the skin on my pussy grew back I would repeat the process over and over until you face was made of my pubic hair. then i'd shlick over showing a fantasy nerd who's boss.

>> No.1201215
File: 488 KB, 1680x1050, 1282315330720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a dude you silly goose etc

>> No.1201220
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>> No.1201223

I never thought I'd say that but a tripfag made me laugh.

>> No.1201226
File: 2.00 MB, 1708x2126, 1286507761130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Tybrax was a girl.

>> No.1201227


Ahahaha I knew you'd return to me! And with a wonderful enthusiasm too, and such imagination! I applaude you my darling, I really do. This is a fun little conversation we're having isn't it? I must say I'm rather happy to have squeezed out of you the first sexual words I've ever heard from you, it's a good first step. Although, it is a very extreme fantasy you have there, I would never want to burn your lovely little pussy. Why would I damage something I could take such pleasure from? No, the only damage your pussy will be taking will be from my cock when I run you through my sexual gauntlet for the first time. I'm sure after a while I will carve an easy passage though. This just means more imagination in torturing the rest of your dainty little body.

Oh and btw, I absolutely hate fantasy novels, not that it matters much. I don't intend on starting a book club with you after all. I just want to own you, and have you drink from the saucer I place at my feet and wait like a patient little doggy until I intend on murdering your sweet delicate pussy again.

>> No.1201234
File: 9 KB, 220x251, 1285115658891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1201236

I hate it when some girl identifies herself as a female on /lit/ and then the other /lit/ fags are all over her with attention. Tybrax is a camwhore minus the cam.

>> No.1201237

Gosh would someone please delete this thread

>> No.1201238

Ferro Maljinn from the First Law trilogy

>> No.1201241


Oh and I did laugh when you said there you would show me who's boss. Hahaha Oh really? You will, will you? why is it that girls like you that need to be owned and enslaved by a strong hand always insist on these silly power struggles every so often? I guess it just gives me more reason to throw you around doesn't it, dear?

>> No.1201242

Sup sister!

i feel sad you choose to be a nerd tho...

To the person that keeps replying to me...

Do you think you can really treat me like I deserve, as a sub-human?

>> No.1201244

>my darling

This thread makes me want to puke.

>> No.1201245


and also a fucking dude

>> No.1201247


I know I can.

>> No.1201250

I would like you to wear drawers with three or four frills one over the other at the knees and up the thighs and great crimson bows in them, I mean not schoolgirls' drawers with a thin shabby lace border, thigh round the legs and so thin that the flesh shows with a full loose bottom and wide legs, all frills and lace and ribbons, and heavy with perfume so that whenever you show them, whether in pulling up your clothes hastily to do something or cuddling yourself up prettily to be blocked, I can see only a swelling mass of white stuff and frills and so that when I bend down over you to open them and give you a burning lustful kiss on your naughty bare bum I can smell the perfume of your drawers as well as the warm odour of your cunt and the heavy smell of your behind.

>> No.1201251

You think so? That would make this way more hilarious.

>> No.1201255

The two parts of your body which do dirty things are the loveliest to me. I prefer your arse, darling, to your bubbies because it does such a dirty thing. I love your cunt not so much because it is the part I block but because it does another dirty thing. I could lie frigging all day looking at the divine word you wrote and at the thing you said you would do with your tongue. I wish I could hear your lips spluttering those heavenly exciting filthy words, see your mouth making dirty sounds and noises, feel your body wriggling under me, hear and smell the dirty fat girlish farts going pop pop out of your pretty bare girlish bum and fuck fuck fuck fuck my naughty little hot fuckbird's cunt for ever.

>> No.1201258


Don't worry be happy.

>> No.1201263

I wish someone other than tybrax would spam gore in every tybrax thread

>> No.1201264 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 370x467, 1276819932173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls help me

>> No.1201268


You do come off as the type to be a fetishist Tybrax. You've brought all this attention on yourself.

>> No.1201272


i KNOW so

>> No.1201275

What are your sources, Brownbear? How do you know?

>> No.1201277

my ultimate fetish is a hug. :|

>> No.1201281

Jesus, in The New Testament

>> No.1201291


coz i've seen a fucking webcam

>> No.1201337


Did you know that smiling can make you happier?

Seriously. Try it. If you smile, you feel better. (it's science http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/7849905/Smiling-makes-you-happy-research-into-botox-
shows.html )

>> No.1201404

i do try to smile i think. because i look better when i smile apparently.i only do it when talking to ppl i think tho. instead of randomly while walking.

>> No.1201745


My feelings are unchanged.

>> No.1201750

Lady Chatterly

>> No.1201774 [DELETED] 

My feelings are unchanged. I'm a large, powerful man, and your gender makes no difference to me TyBrax, I will fuck your ass like the hammer of God.

>> No.1201784


Fuck off.

>> No.1201790
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>> No.1201820


AHAHAHAHA I was scared I'd never see you here again! Oh, you do make me laugh, TyBrax's Non-Pushy Male Fan Who's Kind of In Love And Not a Douchebag.

>> No.1201823

Hey, Tybrax! How come you deleted that post about your melting vagina?

>> No.1202652

You could try to smile more when you're by yourself.

Not everything you do has to be for the benefit of other people.

>> No.1202675

there are a variety of styles, so keep in mind that people look for different things in lovers

but [and take this with a grain of salt, and I am a Bujoldophile ] I think Fawn and Dag from Bujold's Wide Green World/ Sharing Knife series are the ultimate couple; supportive yet independent, passionate yet giving each other space, each helping the other open up to new ideas that help make them more and greater; its an ideal, that kind of love, and to fall short of that is only realistic, even if it feels more real to me then long-time couples I know in real life

>> No.1202680
File: 75 KB, 1046x700, badroute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, you might be the biggest weirdo ever.

I didn't even know what Bujold was.

Thanks for making me feel better about myself. It is why I keep visiting /lit/.

>> No.1202688

What the hell

Are you just a dickhead naturally, or did you put effort into it

>> No.1202690

Dolores Haze.

>> No.1202701

Comes pretty natural to me, didn't really have to put any effort into it this time.

I mean, just look at this sentence from an adult perspective.

>but [and take this with a grain of salt, and I am a Bujoldophile ] I think Fawn and Dag from Bujold's Wide Green World/ Sharing Knife series are the ultimate couple; supportive yet independent, passionate yet giving each other space, each helping the other open up to new ideas that help make them more and greater; its an ideal, that kind of love, and to fall short of that is only realistic, even if it feels more real to me then long-time couples I know in real life

One can't help but be amazed at the faggotry involved here. I hope you are female, if not I suggest you kill yourself.

>> No.1202703

that's not me

you're just wayyyyyyyy too much of a dickhead

>> No.1202727

Being a dickhead's cool...

>> No.1202729


It is I; I am that weirdo; I'm a guy, straight, and I don't care what you think about me- I'm just trying to honestly answer the post, troll or not

however, dick or not, what are you really accomplishing, or trying to accomplish, with your attitude? Do you hope that the rest of the board will join in your jeers? that I will feel embarrassed, frightened, or sadden b your comment?

if you honestly disagree, that's cool; I'm mostly happy to listen to differing opinions. But what substance are you relating here other then your own vehemence? Is it really worth your time and effort to do this?