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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.51 MB, 2029x3000, John_F_Kennedy_Official_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12007835 No.12007835 [Reply] [Original]

>one shot at life
>did not go to an elite university
is my literary career over before it even began?

>> No.12007841

no, your destined for something outside of the academic pathway.

Are you a religious man OP?

>> No.12007852
File: 94 KB, 800x994, 800pxAlexander_Pope_by_Michael_Dahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most universities don't even teach Pope anymore. I wouldn't feel too bad.

>> No.12007899

read john of the cross

>> No.12007921

Faulkner, one of the greatest authors since Shakespeare, was a high-school dropout.

Joseph Conrad never went to any legitimate school for any reasonable period of time. Dickens too.

Mark Twain dropped out at age 12.

>> No.12008236

No, you’re just making excuses

>> No.12008245

My Community College taught Pope.

>> No.12008295

>High Schools in Elizabethan England

>> No.12008301

I see you didn’t go to college

>> No.12008546

society isn't as subject to old castes and hierarchies as it used to be, if you want to partake in the arts then you're free to do so

>> No.12008583

Find one thing published in the New Yorker, Atlantic etc not written by an MFA

>> No.12008606

Why would I read those rags? I'm not a white middlebrow npr-mom

>> No.12008613

Well fine, read any major lit mag and you will see that literature is even more of a circle jerk than ever with MFAs publishing each other and celebrating themselves, it has pretty much always been this way.

>> No.12008618

Attendance of an elite school is indicative of being great.

>> No.12008622

Kavanaugh is proof this is untrue--i don't even think he was a rapist but the beer swilling, bumbling weepy frat boy went to every phase of "elite" schooling and there is no greatness in such a person..what you are saying may be true for many cases but is not an acceptable truism

>> No.12008641
File: 72 KB, 550x401, Portrait of an older Vladimir Lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite author and one of the most important men in the early days of our nation went to a minor parochial school for two years and never even went to Denmark.

>> No.12008644

You might actually need to go back to High School judging by your reading comprehension

>> No.12008649

But will any of that rubbish be remembered in even 10 years time?

>> No.12008653

>member of the most powerful court in America
>member of the most studied court in history
>member of the most influential court in the world
>upstanding career with no controversies, save politically motivated slander
>but drinking too much beer makes him not great

Look into the lifestyle of Alexander the GREAT maybe

>> No.12008994

Tolstoy was a uni dropout and he didn't even attended an elite uni. Dostoyevsky never went to uni and instead joined a military academy because he had very little choice. Both of them are better than most (if not all) writers who went to some fancy uni like Oxbridge. If you are good, you are good. The uni you went to has very little effect on it.

>> No.12009395

The best Portuguese writer of the last century was an University dropout. The second best didn't even finish high school

>> No.12009510


Maybe, but yours won't if you never even get it in there to have potential in the first place.

>> No.12009864
File: 48 KB, 484x417, Nog_Science_2of4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Elite" Universities are gay and shallow (I'm at one), stop basing all your value on how much you embody an aesthetic

>> No.12009932

Going to an elite university is good for subpar writers logrolling each others scribblings.

>> No.12009977

Who's the second best?

>> No.12011363
File: 146 KB, 1000x673, John-Cheever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Cheever never went to university. He also scored so low on military IQ tests that he was disqualified for officer service.

>> No.12011381

Stop using irrelevant, external factors as excuses to make you feel better about not giving 100% into achieving your dream. That's the hallmark of a failure, not the education you received.

That said, fuck the 'elite'.

>> No.12011603

yes. just wage. it isnt so bad especially if you dont do something stupid like have kids or get married

>> No.12011636

roberto bolaño didn't go to college. Cortazar finished "highschool", in rural argentina of early 20th century so you can imagine the quality of that education. Borges technically never went to college either. All of them had something in common:they read a fuckton, taught themselves what they needed and developed their own style.

also that's a damn fine portrait of jfk

>> No.12011644

No give over.
If you can craft a story that is interesting then you'll be fine.

>> No.12011670

Why is every liberal such a hateful, resentful person?

Why does the sight of a successful man make you want to tear him down?

Kavanaugh is your better in virtually every arena--he is your superior socially, academically, professionally, domestically, intellectually, politicially, whatever

You should admire his patent supremacy over yourself and seek to emulate him. Instead you shoot spitballs like a sullen child and pat yourself on the back for failing where he succeeded.

You are slime

>> No.12011729

fucking dostoevsky wrote under frequent seizures the pressure of debt, was almost killed and somehow managed. stop making excuses.

>> No.12011767

A lot of people ITT are comparing their own lack of an elite education to great writers who famously went without one--great writers who lived during a time in which elite institutions were more or less finishing schools for the aristocracy

It's deeply disingenuous to compare your lack of academic success today with that of the privileged ne'er-do-wells of yesteryear. College wasn't widely available then, nor was it requisite for a white collar career. Simply put, MEDIOCRE SCHOOLS didn't exist because any university was a "University."

Sure Faulkner flunked out of Ole Miss--but back then Ole Miss wasn't a sub-100 USNWR school. It was a grand old institution where the children of the southern gentry rubbed elbows. Faulkner wasn't going to be flipping cheeseburgers if he didn't get a degree, and the student body wasn't composed of anybody who thought about attending.

Postwar American higher education completely and totally transformed the way college admissions work and radically expanded access to people who wouldn't otherwise think about going to college. The bloat and excess of higher ed, the concept of fourth-tier state universities and for-profit/community college, that didn't really exist.

>> No.12011786

that process actually began in like the 1880s or around then

>> No.12011791
File: 196 KB, 1296x968, middle class family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

success as measured by degree of intergeneration into american society is disgusting, not only functionaries of the state apparatus but the entire decadent middle class lifestyle will mark you out as deserving of total elimination

t. maoist third worldist

>> No.12011855

Very eerie. I considered attaching this exact image to my post to illustrate the gap between a 4chan NEET who dropped out of C-Student State and a Faulkner or Lovecraft style failson.

>> No.12011878

I unironiclly received better education at my local cc than at UC Berkeley which I transferred to. It's all a fucking joke and a scam, it's all the same information being passed around, literally doesn't matter where you receive it. Both my small town teacher and my world famous professor required the same fucking reading and gave the same damn analysis anybody could find with a 5min Google search or a trip to a library