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/lit/ - Literature

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12006870 No.12006870 [Reply] [Original]

What has the west forgotten?

>> No.12006883

that God exists and He loves us

>> No.12006886

That masturbation and sexual excesses are harmful.

>> No.12006887

Your nation is supposed to exist for the benefit of its citizens.

>> No.12006918

Spot on

>> No.12006922

most of what pol complains about.

if i had to narrow it down to two things it would be replacing monarchy with democracy, and emancipating women

>> No.12006924

That men and women are fundamentally different from each other.

>> No.12006928


Also, Males and Females have different social roles

>> No.12006932

>this thread
burn this board and whole site to the ground.

>> No.12006936

That too much consumption of anything, whether food or pop-information, is a bad thing.

>> No.12006938

you could just leave too, think about. You would be happier, we would be happier, it's a win-win

>> No.12006952


>> No.12006956

Self determination.

>> No.12006966
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>> No.12007043

This. Every other ailment the west suffers stems from this.

>> No.12007133

What is God?

>> No.12007141

Civility. Rational public discourse. Fact based political decision making. Speaking mainly of the US of course.

>> No.12007142

God is the fact that human beings are possessed of an aspect of eternity

>> No.12007143

Black people smell.

>> No.12007144

Three letters

>> No.12007160

Everyone believes in the prime mover though
A man in the sky however? yeah gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.12007163
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Who is this nigger always watermarking quotes with his dumb twitter name? Pic related is what we forgot.

>> No.12007166

These are standard takes up until this century anon so just know you're the abberation

>> No.12007172

It’s a way of saying he/she was here and thought themselves intellegent for sharing a glimmering fragment of history with the NPC masses.

>> No.12007183


>> No.12007202

"man in the sky" is everyone's immature conception of God. It is how they are taught as a child, because it is the easiest analog for what God is. What is lost in the analogy, or rather what is misplaced about it, is that God is far greater in scope than what is conceivable for a human, so what is "unreachable" becomes the "sky" and it is obvious to anyone that God represents a creator, and that is where the "man" component comes from, and those two are reduced to "the man in the sky". Not many people surpass this conception taught them in their childhood.

>> No.12007216

yeah so the prime mover, all knowing and creator of everything
Just not the christian or insert religion here god

>> No.12007225

newfag to lit here, the god and christianity stuff is a meme, r-right g-guys?

>> No.12007228

Thank you, great post. The first sentence is pretty much what I was thinming when I read the post you responded to

>> No.12007271

/lit/ has been a Catholic board for about five years now.

>> No.12007363
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Your thoughts?

>> No.12007501

Based and Godpilled

>> No.12007586

@WrathOfIncel pics are so fucking cringy. I bet you're a fucking retarded american polddit autist.

>> No.12007591

Chesterton didn't bathe.

>> No.12007599
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Like all enemies of the Church, Hitler was, ultimately, destroyed and brought to ruin.

>> No.12007846

tRAPS are gay.

>> No.12007855

This, do people not realize that Plato's Republic is about the Male Form?

>> No.12007863

2nd law of thermodynamics and limits to growth

>> No.12007874

Based and breadpilled.

>> No.12007876

cool that you couldn’t post an image of chesterton because he’s a fat effeminate pseud and would repulse people
god is not real, you are alone

>> No.12007881

brought to ruin by a bunch of godless tartars

>> No.12007884

You sound like a person with a lot of friends and family who love you and enjoy your company

>> No.12007904

It's just basic common sense, really.

>> No.12007958

But Napoleon won in the end anon

>> No.12007961

Doesn't that really depend on what you mean by "in the end"?

>> No.12008015

these, unironically

>> No.12008022
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It's always been humanity vs the jews.

>> No.12008055

Are you really making a point though?

>> No.12008112

true humanity comes from learning to properly eat ass.

>> No.12008113 [DELETED] 

1. There are two genders, male and female, and only two genders.
2. Men have strengths women do not, and vice-versa. This is okay.
3. A pregnant woman is carrying a child.
4. Children, even infants in the womb, are alive.
5. Murder or infants is wrong.
6. You have to prioritize the well-being of your countrymen - all of them - over the well-being of men from other nations.
7. You will not have a stable culture with consistently high immigration rates.
8. Integrity, or strength of character, is more important than every other human quality.
9. You need to take good care of things you own.
10. A preoccupation with sensual pleasures is shallow and destructive.

There are so many things we have forgotten or are in the process of forgetting, I could keep going for hours probably.

>> No.12008124

>comes from a nation which stampeded its way across most of the world at the time

>> No.12008181
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These. Also, that the family is the bed-rock of society

>> No.12008382

Force is necessary.

>> No.12008421

Or too many books.

>> No.12008433
File: 98 KB, 666x750, 859FE3DF-A890-41F2-AF6B-9ED2F3A1279E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That living cultures protect themselves from harm and degradation by external forces.

>> No.12008439
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The all powerful glory and wisdom of the earth in her subtle knowledges, the purity and healing properties of unspoiled land, and the fundamental cleansing, healing, purifying power of nature on the souls of men. Few living human beings understand the perfect stillness of massive silent things, and what it is they have to say. We no longer hear the gentle breathing of mesas or the pattering feet of commuting stars. We have disposed of our ability to value emptiness.

We are blind.

>> No.12008442

>"man in the sky" is everyone's immature conception of God.
Fool. I always conceived of God as omnipresent, even as a young child.

>> No.12008443

nothing, bad morals aren't the true cause of a civilization's decline, shit genetics and low IQ are.

>> No.12008508

And also the original meaning of nation itself:
>nation (n.)
>c. 1300, nacioun, "a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language," from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

>> No.12008512

In the end it doesn't even matter.

>> No.12008530

Politics and politicians won't save you
The state has no business in a lot of aspects in life.

>> No.12008545

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.12008552

How to suffer.

>> No.12008561
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That people are not equal.

>> No.12008751

What on earth is your point here?

>> No.12008768
File: 23 KB, 346x254, chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basics of hygiene and dental care, and reasonable diet as well.

>> No.12008781

Serious talk, were you raised Buddhist?

>> No.12008807

This has definitely got to be up there. People are completely in denial about the effects of a population watching hardcore pornography everyday. I'm not sure why literally nobody on the left* views this as a problem, given the obvious objectification and commodification of women. And even on the right, anti-pornography is limited to religious conservatives (who are an irrelevant minority in every western country that isn't the United States).

At least with other modern indulgences like smart phones, everyone on the internet, etc. people are willing to admit there are negative consequences and dream up solutions, even if they'll never put them into practice.

* Yes I know that anti-pornography feminists exist, but nobody knows or cares about them.

>> No.12008818

>Your nation is supposed to exist for the benefit of its citizens.
That has never been true literally ever, i've only heard this inanity on 4chan

>> No.12008825
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That capitalism is a relatively new phenomena and that greed is a bad way of running society in the long term.

>> No.12008828

Think he is argue that the idea of Divine-as-Consciounesss ike in Buddhism is more important and complex than God.-as-Father or God-as- Lawgiver like in Abrahamic religions

>> No.12008835

>I'm not sure why literally nobody on the left* views this as a problem, given the obvious objectification and commodification of women.
congrats on outing yourself as someone who doesn't expose themselves to the very people they criticise. Leftists have talked hardcore about the commodification of sex through porn since the 1960's. How have you missed this? The whole commodification argument of human things is one of their main arguments.

>> No.12008849

The horrors of fascism and nazism. The problem is that people also were extremely racist, homotransfobic and anti-jews even the ones that called themselves anti-nazi, so, the ideology wasn't about no prejudice, was about going anti-nazi when they were the same. The war was about economy not ethic.
When the nazis were apparently gone (in economy) the "problem" also was gone, living behind the hypocrisy of hating nazis and also being anti-semitic.

We have a lot of hypocrites in literature, for exemple, the bad writter Lovecraft and tons of others.

>> No.12008855

That virtue requires effort and very few people actually ever give that level of effort (you, the reader, are not one of them and neither am I). You aren't righteous just because you're not actively doing evil.

>> No.12008856

White ppl smell like rotten greek yogurt

>> No.12008860

Yeah the whole 'the left is the side that always wants debauchery' meme is getting old.

>> No.12008869
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>You aren't righteous just because you're not actively doing evil.
Great quote. More people need to hear this 2bh

>> No.12009130

>That has never been true literally ever, i've only heard this inanity on 4chan
Maybe you should start high school before you post on this board sweetie, this forum is for adults and adolescents.

>> No.12009142

how to love
how to laugh
how to live

>> No.12009169

Who am I?

Source on that quote?
There's very little we can even know about him.

>> No.12009184
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>be British
>making money literally involves collecting pictures of her Majesty

>> No.12009205
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>What has the west forgotten?
That we are being restrained by the idea of 'Western-ness'. The West has gone through many metamorphoses as various ideologies wax and wane and should continue to do so naturally.
Only now have we been forced to make our culture frigid and stagnant through our belief that blind adherence to a poorly-mythologized past without a real understanding of it is the only way to preserve our current way of life.

Don't concern yourself with the West, concern yourself with what is right. Embrace tradition without being a parasite upon it. Revive the spirit of your ancestors by looking to the future as they did, not by remaining fixed upon the past as we are now.

>> No.12009223

>Leftists have talked hardcore about the commodification of sex through porn since the 1960's. How have you missed this? The whole commodification argument of human things is one of their main arguments.
let's be honest the people you are referring to are a tiny minority, the majority of leftists were highly in favor of the sexual revolution and they are the ones pushing sexual excess still to this day

>> No.12009264

>the majority
This matters only if they stampede, and even then it cannot be autonomous, so the minority of users, cattle-thieves and natural disasters are and will forever remain more influential.

>> No.12009272

>Accelerationism is old
>I want something new and more debauched

>> No.12009289

Being hysterical about politics will only lead us to another World War

>> No.12009296

Women should not be in power.

t. german

>> No.12009341
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Sup muh niggah

>> No.12009348

I love german femdom
I wish I was born to a german mother who abused me and my underdeveloped balls while feeling no empathy whatsoever

>> No.12009364

>What has the west forgotten?
To expell and cleanse the Jew

>> No.12009383

Napoleon made france religious again by makeing Catholicism the state religion of france after the french revolution.

>> No.12009568
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A country's enemies, for the sake of that country's longevity, must be located outside its borders. Proximity of peoples from each other is the first item to be accounted for at the start of war, since it is precisely then when new borders are drawn over enemy lines. A society is always preparing for war, with or without being aware of this. If it ignores its duties before the starting shot sounds, it will perish at the end of an enemy who did not.

>> No.12009569 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12009746
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>German Women
What the fuck was their problem?

>> No.12010214 [DELETED] 
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>What the fuck was their problem?
Nothing, they are perfection.

>> No.12010419

Could God be described as a creative and destructive force with sentience whose actions carry intelligent thought? I want to understand what God truly is, and even if I don't get it entirely right, I want to move past the most typical misconceptions. Asking this as an agnostic.

>> No.12010424

It was all self defense.

>> No.12010435
File: 263 KB, 764x551, FOURCHAN MEME FEELSGUY PLAYING CHESS WITH BRAIN RENAME IMAGE BEFORE POSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we forgot the "civil" half of "civilization." we only live in an "ization" where the prefix is whatever you want it to be. the nothingness of freedom.

>> No.12010441

People are different and should have different amounts of political power.

>> No.12010459

Yeah, the sun orbiting around the earth, the adaquecy of Newtonian mechanics, and the intellegent design of life used to be so obvious, things have really decayed sense.

>> No.12010541


Also, those who have different cultures prefer to remain within their cultural boundaries.

>> No.12010547

The meaning of the word Flippancy and why it should be avoided.

>> No.12010611


Not the West but I've forgotten how pussy tastes like.

>> No.12010619

Hey actual West here I forgot that too

>> No.12010632


It's a sad feeling. Never thought the tongue was able to bring out that kind of loneliness but here we are. Wish you luck, West.

>> No.12010689

Who defines a "high society" this is such a fucking stupid statement. It's just made for the people that always whine about their times and how everything was better before.

>> No.12010695

You're right.
It's hilariously dumb. the entire statement means nothing and tries to be deep by saying nothing.

>> No.12010704
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how to clean their room

>> No.12010708

How is Lovecraft a hypocrite?

>> No.12010742
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I thought it was impossible for /lit/ to get worse but here we are. All you depressive (not actually diagnosed with depression, or any disorders) 16-23 year olds have become obsessed with preserving something which never existed. "The West". It's so fucking meaningless. Talk about your country, only you'd hate to actually become informed on your country. That would mean you'd have to participate, and no /pol/ isn't participation. No, just keep clutching your Bibles and hoping things will become epic like they were during the crusades. Keep wishing to be completely subjugated you fucking rats. Say to yourself the west is the best the west is the best well it used to be the best now it's like the rest. What a nice fucking excuse. Keep posting Ted threads without even skimming his Wikipedia page. Keep clinging to your infantile idealization of history, culture and ethics. You're on a fucking literature board, read some fucking books. Don't finish it and come make a shitty thread here. Read supplemental material and actually think about what you read. I swear to God you retards are so unthinking you get converted by the Wikipedia summary to The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.12010790 [DELETED] 

sorry used the wrong picture

>> No.12010804
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>> No.12010829

How do I get a woman to eat my ass?

>> No.12010837

That rights come from duty

>> No.12010844

Is thinking that sexual sublimation is key to success just an incel cope? Tesla and Kant were nofappers

>> No.12010867

Imagine getting mad at 4chan

>> No.12010875


>> No.12010885

You won't have to suffer our presence or society much longer, my melanated friend. You're going to finally get that chance to make Wakanda real. FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST!

Really gonna miss you.

>> No.12010900

ah yes, the west should be more like those based saudis

>> No.12010913

it started as a meme, but just like stormfaggots and pol, the autistic christcucks rolled in and ruined the board

>> No.12010914

>tfw industrial society will collapse soon and there aren’t enough easily accesible resources to boot it up a second time


>> No.12010965

lovely new pasta

>> No.12010979

I'd prefer it if we went in the direction of a late 18th century early 19th century.

>> No.12011030


>> No.12011485

>I am NOT getting up early on a sunday MOM, and I WILL keep MASTURBATING!

>> No.12011544


>> No.12011562

That women should be treated as property.

>> No.12011580
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Anything pre-industrial is still an option probably but it will take a long time. Of course this time we will have tremendous leftover stuff from the industrial era even though we may never produce such things again.

We'll be living the illiterary lifestyle and playing tribalism and feudalism with leftover AK's for a while.

>> No.12012041

Kill yourself

>> No.12012090

Couldn't agree more, the idea of the death of the west is only materialized by the continual attempt to represent the memory or what it was "the west" entering in a stale perpetual spiral

>> No.12012133


>> No.12012136

This, but also keep out all the immigrants.

>> No.12012162

Based AK47 animists

>> No.12012180

>this thread
Im glad /lit/ is this redpilled. 6 years ago, this board was leftist as fuck and would not entertain any of /pol/‘s grievances.

Truly and unequivocally based and redpilled.

>> No.12012191

>I'm glad this board turned into an echo-chamber
not saying it was good before, but fuck, you're just as retarded as they are

>> No.12012194

You disproved your own inquiry with your last sentence.

>> No.12012199

I wouldn't all it an echo-chamber I had a like 2 hour long conversation with a marxist communist yesterday that was fairly civil, and Im basically a nazi.

>> No.12012203

>unironically a nazi
please stay on /pol/

>> No.12012220

Im not from pol, this has been my home board since 2012. I dont like pol

>> No.12012233

But I'm sure that there are other examples of extremely lascivious geniuses. Newton died a virgin, but Mozart fucked often as far as i'm aware.

>> No.12012238

I'm curious then, why be one?

>> No.12012272

Because I like being white, specifically the sort of white I am, and the media and academia keep telling me Im evil or something, so I would rather be a nazi than be part of their thing.

>> No.12012279

ok this is epic

>> No.12012283

rethink your stance, man. Seriously. I was with you on that first part of the statement, but what a leap it takes to go from that to nazism. There are ways to fight against evil, but that sure isn't one of them - you're replacing one cancer with another.

>> No.12012297

as far as i can tell simply being content with being white, not even saying 'were better than other races' but simply being ok with it, is functionally equivalent to being a nazi so what's the point?

i dont want to paint myself as some sort of victim of an oppressive society out to get me. That is emphatically not my point.

My point is just this- i am not going to associate with people hostile towards me, and that is it.

>> No.12012346

right, and my point is don't associate with a group of people that is equally as hostile against other groups of innocents - sure, you share a common enemy with them, but recall that nazis go a lot farther than opposing social justice movements. No reason to hate others.

>as far as i can tell simply being content with being white, not even saying 'were better than other races' but simply being ok with it, is functionally equivalent to being a nazi
who holds this view? your opposition? try denying it instead of accepting it

>i dont want to paint myself as some sort of victim of an oppressive society out to get me.
we aren't, people do that for purely instrumental reasons anyway. I fail to see how this motivates accepting radical right wing views.

>i am not going to associate with people hostile towards me, and that is it.
completely agree, but I again fail to see why you'd accept radical right wing views; have you considered opposing oppressive groups without joining other, equally oppressive groups? It is a more worthwhile way to promote your view

>> No.12012361

I don't think you're a Nazi, not if you're calling yourself one just because you don't like SJW types. You consume too much media, man.
You can be okay with being white and not be a Nazi. You could even be okay with being white and be a social progressive or a communist.
You're buying way too much into the left-right binary meme.

>> No.12012386

Not the lad you're responding to but progressives and commies are actively hostile to white men and their interests.

>> No.12012424

yeah progressives can do that, but the guy still isn't a nazi, not by any stretch of the word. >>12012361 got it right he's literally reading too deep into the binary divide.

>> No.12012426

That's the thing. Some of them are, but the ideas themselves are not intrinsically anti-white. It's more that the ideas become tainted by association with other ideas that may be anti-white or anti-masculinity.
>white men and their interests
Beyond the desire to not be persecuted against, I don't know what these interests could be.

>> No.12012442

honesty leads to accomplishing anything
this too

>> No.12012452

The thing is guys I have stopped caring if they call me a nazi or not. It just doesn't matter to me anymore. I consider them a completely alien people and what they say about me is irrelevant.

Im not going to try to justify myself as being just 'comfortable with my ethnciity but totally not a nazi i swear' because I dont give a shit anymore

There is no dialogue to be had. I am separating as much as I can and that's it

>> No.12012500

>Some of them are, but the ideas themselves are not intrinsically anti-white.
They are in so far as they are egalitarian and lack racist and culturalist defense mechanisms against the deterioration of society.

>Beyond the desire to not be persecuted against, I don't know what these interests could be.
Not living in an ugly, smelly, chaotic, violent, corrupt, low intelligence society. So not being exposed to 'multiculturalism'. If you're from a white country you have almost nothing to gain from being forced to live along side with the type of populations that always make whatever society they are apart of worse off.

>> No.12012508

>What has the west forgotten?
That race mixing is against the spirits

>> No.12012514

Don't eat the yellow snow

>> No.12012524

you yourself identified as a nazi in your original comment, and that's a lot different from what you are saying now (that merely you do not care to deny the fact) - if you're not a nazi (and you really shouldn't be), then do the least you can and don't state otherwise - retards on this board will mistake you for a /pol/ brainlet

addressing your second comment, I think the idea of multiculturalism ought be restructured, far from a melting pot and more of a coexistence in (fairly clearly) distinct areas, though not enforced by any hard borders - Canada, from what I experienced of it - is not particularly resembling of your description, despite being quite multicultural (just avoid the hood areas, but then again go a bit up north and those hood areas are filled with white-supremacist crackheads)

>> No.12012526

The family, not the individual, is the basic unit of civilization. You are incomplete without a partner.

>> No.12012535
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Roasties hate me and I hate them back.

>> No.12012549

You're worthless to a potential "soulmate" until you have your "soul, mate," and likewise the only point to self improvement is so that you can serve a more useful purpose to a potential mate. You just have to hope that there's someone out there who is putting in as much work as you are.

You wouldn't want to marry your debate partner; gender roles/norms exist but they're meant to be complimentary to one another rather than contradictory to one another. Stop looking for diamonds in a pile of gold.

>> No.12012565

>They are in so far as they are egalitarian and lack racist and culturalist defense mechanisms against the deterioration of society.
And you could argue the opposite, that conservatism lacks mechanisms that prevent the deterioration of society via inequality and oppression. (I'm not a leftist, by the way, I just know that these things tend to be nuanced).
>Not living in an ugly, smelly, chaotic, violent, corrupt, low intelligence society.
I would also like to know how you define 'deterioration' in this context and how race is relevant to this.
These are in everyone's interests. And half of these are just based on your personal biases. Should we deport people based on attractiveness and how nice they smell?
>So not being exposed to 'multiculturalism'.
I don't think you know what this word means. The culture you were born and raised in was a result of the syncretism between several different cultures.
>If you're from a white country you have almost nothing to gain from being forced to live alongside with the type of populations that always make whatever society they are apart of worse off.
They don't always make it worse. We know that the places many immigrants come from have been historically more prosperous than European civilizations, so it's not an inherent characteristic of the people.
Barring extremities like France and Sweden, most countries are fairly strict with immigration and try not to accept people they know will be a detriment to that nation's prosperity.

>> No.12012579

>retards on this board will mistake you for a /pol/ brainlet
why would I care, it's anonymous
they can call me a retard in one thread

in the next thread we can have a fruitful discussion about learning Latin or something. That's why I like this website

>> No.12012586

how to love itself


>> No.12012597

It's not that certain races ruin other races by associating with them, it's that at certain times certain groups of people work more or less well together. Separation is not necessarily a bad thing obviously, but that belief can become a bad thing when it is predicated on the belief that there are things intrinsically wrong with a group of people who are primarily or totally at fault. There are only ever race relations because race has no imminent reality. No essence of being white but white in virtue of not being all the other races. The same is true of all identity because exclusion is its sufficient condition

>> No.12012604

>the ideas themselves are not intrinsically anti-white
>The free movement of 'labor'
>The free movement of 'refugees' (fuck borders and fences and shit)
>Job quotas
>University quotas
That communists should be shot.

Chink detected.

>> No.12012607

>addressing your second comment, I think the idea of multiculturalism ought be restructured, far from a melting pot and more of a coexistence in (fairly clearly) distinct areas, though not enforced by any hard borders
If you don't have hard borders the trash just comes walking in and ruins things. Even if you do have hard borders they tend to be pretty good at it.

>Canada, from what I experienced of it - is not particularly resembling of your description, despite being quite multicultural (just avoid the hood areas, but then again go a bit up north and those hood areas are filled with white-supremacist crackheads)
Having no-go areas to be avoided already qualifies your society as overly ugly, smelly, chaotic and violent. Canada also has a <100 average iq. As the immigrants gain in number and influence you can expect that to drop further and for corruption to increase as well as the other things mentioned.

Of course Canada is still a relatively tolerable place for a multicultural society but things are just beginning for you guys.

>> No.12012637

That's all nice sophistry but Somalians, for example, are barely sentient retards who make every place they go worse by any standard. Any place in the world is improved by decreasing the amount of Somalians and any place in the world is made worse by increasing the amount of Somalians.

There is no excuse for Somalians. Letting them live somewhere is always at the expense of the other people who live there. Your notion that there are no intrinsically wrong things with groups is way more dangerous than the opposite belief because it allows for Somalians to make places worse.

Racism may have ugly sides but in the long run it is way less destructive than its opposite.

>> No.12012668

All you losers should fuck off.

Things have never been better.

If you have nothing better to do than crying about the state of the societies keeping your miserable asses alive and with enough spare time to contemplate how miserable your lives are, you need to get out more.

If you are too fat and ugly to interact with 'normies' get /fit/

If you are too weak and dumb to do anything with your lives when you have everything fucking handed to you on a silver plate, you can even go to a fucking doctor and get pills that will make even you feel less miserable.

Or just kys.

>> No.12012674

I mean I had some Somali bros in highschool. Granted their country is a dumpster fire and they imported that into the neighborhood they ruined in my city, but it's not like theyre universally subhuman or something.

>> No.12012692

Somalis and Ethiopians absolutely ruined my city.

>> No.12012695

>barely sentient retards
I commend you for your lack of emotional involvement in this controversial topic.

>> No.12012699

>things have never been better
>if you have time to think you need to get distracted so you do not think
>or just use psychiatric medication to get through the day

the absolute state of pinkerists

>> No.12012705

The average Somali IQ is 68, anon. That's actual mental disability by European standards.

>> No.12012708

What city has both those groups i honestly cant think of one

>> No.12012710

>t. data miner

>> No.12012714

i cant though. Minneapolis has Somalis, DC has ethiopians, where has both of them

>> No.12012719


M'sir, I think Reddit more to your liking.

>> No.12012720

Because most Somalians are uneducated and underfed. European IQ two hundred years ago would've been humiliating too.
Low IQ immigrants have higher IQ children, who have even higher IQ children and so on until they match the native levels of IQ.

>> No.12012722

>Low IQ immigrants have higher IQ children, who have even higher IQ children and so on until they match the native levels of IQ.
to be this naive again

>> No.12012733

>calling others naive
>subscribe to the theory that you were blessed by jesus to be smarter than all brown people forever and ever

>> No.12012752

m8 you know very well that is not my position. overlapping bell curves and whatnot

Jesus had nothing to do with it, it was just evolutionary pressures

>> No.12012772

I like how you criticize his body and not his mind. Shows how much your mind is worth.

>> No.12012784

Miter tippers are really only concentrated in threads that appeal to their sensibilities, like this one. Actual literature threads see them rately.

>> No.12012797

I felt that :(

>> No.12012802

This. Capitalism has turned the family into a self-sustaining unit meant only to create capital.

>> No.12012820

Has this literally ever been the case?

>> No.12012843

You should know that
1) Nurture is also a factor. It's not 100% nature.
2) Evolution is an ongoing process. Whites can evolve to be dumb just as blacks can evolve to be smart. It all depends on what the environment encourages.

>> No.12012846

Even if that were true, which it’s not, the cultural tensions alone would be enough multiculturalism.

There is also an aesthetic argument to be made that just the mere visual presence of Somali diminishes society. They are outuglied only by the Aboriginal Australians.

>> No.12012858

i know these things lad. epigenetics are also a factor(not for iq but for behavior). let's not have this discussion tbqh

i dont mean that in an 'im right and ur wong' way, let's honestly just not have it

>> No.12012872

Unironically this

>> No.12012883

>which it's not
Look up the Flynn Effect.
>cultural tensions
As long as you're not importing radical Muslims or actual stone-age folk, the tensions are minor and easily sorted through. Half of the whites in America had the same 'much incompatible culture' or 'dey brains can't handle the Anglo Saxon government' argument leveled against their ancestors. It turned out fine. It will turn out fine again.
>aesthetic argument
Human life outweighs aesthetics. Add that to the list of things the West forgot.

>> No.12012891

>It turned out fine.
The Italian, Irish, Jewish, Russian, etc mafias tend to not really support this view

>> No.12012914

And the Anglo-Saxons are cooking meth in the hills. Every nation has its criminals.

>> No.12012922

please tell me this was a shitpost

>> No.12012936

What virtuous deeds can we accomplish in these times? It feels like there’s nothing to fight for anymore

>> No.12012942

Prepare your family for societal collapse.

>> No.12012977

>Science is not perfect, and its "proofs" and methodologies must be held to the highest scrutiny
>forcing equality goes against natural social hierarchies
>that there is incredible value of human experience in "mental illness" of schizophrenia and mania
>many things considered "constants" are relatively new
>irony and meta awareness are not the same as honesty

>> No.12012990

>america turned out fine

>> No.12012995


>> No.12013030

Fine. Mormonism.

>> No.12013169

This. There is a whole separate strand of religion for sophisticated thinking that most who rebelled against the sky man of their childhood won’t get to discover

>> No.12013369

Sure dude

>> No.12013397

What a stupid comic.
>no source
A lot of stuff was destroyed by the Allies.
We haven't had a Pope in more than half a century. Second Vatican Council was a mistake, and all Popes since are anti-Popes.

>> No.12013407
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Don't reply to cancerposts, anon.

>> No.12013413
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You oughtn't to assume things about faceless users. Also, witnessed.

>> No.12013419

I forgot the date today. I just don't check very often what day it is.

>> No.12013429
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lol ok

>> No.12013435

the romans literally claimed this too, it is as they say, like pottery

>> No.12013436
File: 380 KB, 200x348, danzig_spurdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't reply to obvious bait.
epic win ebin

>> No.12013438

Obvious jokes are baits now?

>> No.12013440

It's about a man or about a state. Same principles apply. It's just a matter of scale.

>> No.12013451

The sad thing is that the mothers and women here actually look like they'd do that. I didn't believe what they said about German women, sure I was there once or twice but now that I'm studying here... It's sad being a straight german male in terms of partners.

>> No.12013459

What's going on, big guy?

>> No.12013464

>the most secular countries are among the most prosperous
Interesting, it's almost as if this religious Western decline narrative is wrong.

>> No.12013477
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>> No.12013482

Bad argument

>> No.12013490

>Things have never been better.
Either b8 or peak NPC

>> No.12013648

You're confusing leftism/communism with neo-liberal capitalism/corporatism/globalism. It's easy to make that mistake, because the neo-liberals have taken over the leftist parties and are exploiting their symbols.

No actual leftist/communist with a brain wants open borders and free movement of labor and capital. Perhaps open borders as some remote utopic ideal, but in practice they realize that you need a "closed" society to actualize the goals that benefit your working class.
Unfortunately, leftists like this are a minority nowadays, because, as I said, their parties have been subverted pretty much throughout the entire West.
You can still find some in places like Hungary, for example:

>> No.12013669


>> No.12013674

Awful strawman

>> No.12013682

>No actual leftist/communist with a brain wants open borders and free movement of labor and capital.
Workers of the world unite, comrade.

No-one cares about your shitty east-European post-Stalinist communist parties that have 2 seats in their respective parliaments.

>> No.12013761

>Workers of the world unite, comrade.
Yes, as I said that's the "utopic ideal", which you need to take in context anyway.
That's not the same as "let's import cheap labor, because all that matters is GDP", which is what most "leftist" parties support nowadays.
Destroying homogeneous societies is not leftism. Anti-nationalism is not leftism (nationalism itself started as a leftist movement).

>> No.12013792

and the earth is a better place because of them
>hostility and hatred
not to be found

>> No.12013804

Self Determination, Belief, Modesty, Morales and of course God.

>> No.12013838

The free market king Friedman even acknowledges this, we are a family society, not an individual society.
Sadly people actively strive to make it an individual society.

>> No.12013904

This http://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf
Glubb's Fate of Empires is an excellent rundown on what we have forgotten - or chosen to ignore.

>> No.12013926

I do often about about the seemingly skyrocketing rates of stress, anxiety and depression in our societies now. Was it always like this, and now we just diagnose it? Or has there been a real increase in these ailments, and if so, why? I try not to take a rosy view of the past, but sometimes I wonder whether people weren't generally more happy and fullfilled in the past, even if they didn't have the same material comforts we do now.

>> No.12013930

>I wonder whether people weren't generally more happy and fullfilled in the past,
>inb4 "nasty, brutish and short"

>> No.12013933

I really hope this is just wishful thinking. As someone who was born to an immigrant family but raised in America for my entire life, I know firsthand the way that many foreigners not only refuse to assimilate (e.g., learn English), but that they refuse out of a sense of superiority and sometimes a disdain for this country. Especially the ones who are here just to make money and go back home. If I feel tension within my own family, imagine what kind of tension exists throughout the whole of society.

>> No.12013940

absolutely based

>> No.12013945


It's the "alone together" angle. The death of communities and the increasingly high demands on individuals to conform and produce results. The death of spirituality in the wake of people turning atheist. Not saying motherfuckers necessarily need Jesus, but just SOMETHING to believe in. Death of the family and the unbalancing of traditional relationships between women and men.

>> No.12013954

If the downfall of society as a whole is caused by this, then what good will it do me to abstain?

And I am abstaining, I'm just asking.

>> No.12013955

The belief that conquest and expansion are bad and that being western should be of greater value to us than being human.

>> No.12013968

>Human life outweighs aesthetics. Add that to the list of things the West forgot
This is something the west had thrust upon it, and it's this kind of thinking that's driving it into the ground.

>> No.12013971

There is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God.

>> No.12013979

The West was literally created in opposition to this idea.

>> No.12013992

>Not pictured: the Anglo-Zionist Empire
Vatican II and the USA have done far more to damage the church than Rome or the USSR ever could have dreamed

>> No.12013999

tfw life is now sullen, decadent, and long

so very, very long

>> No.12014014 [DELETED] 

>Everyone believes in the prime mover though
Nah, what about the source of the prime mover? infinite regress.

>> No.12014032

>There is no god


>> No.12014090

I've been working on a little theory to try and explain some of the problems the west has come to experience. There is a contrast between community and world. In the old days, the community was small and the world was large. So for men, they could play an important role in their community, where they could easily be the best in the field by virtue of the community being small. This leads to higher fulfillment as you are providing a much needed service to your community at a level that is high for your community. However with the advance of technology and globalism the community has become large and the world has become small. This means that you're no longer expected to compete and produce in your small community but at a large scale. There will always be someone better than you and this leads to less fulfillment over time. Men like being needed and producing good work but if the community contains too many men then the average gets lost and begins to feel listless.

>> No.12014104

lol tim wu already published an essay on this "in praise of mediocrity" or whatever, have fun being behind the times

>> No.12014108


It's the idea of the Competition State. EVERYONE must toe the line and produce as much as humanly possible at all times in order to help the state compete against the other states. A person is thus defined by his capacity to help the state generate more economic growth and activity. A person out of a job or doing low skill work is dragging the state down.

>> No.12014113

He doesn't quite frame the problem in the sense that the community has grown and the world has shrunk though, but I do agree with his premise thanks for the recc!

Yeah, the problem is now that the community is large and so your potential competitor pool has increased massively. Men really just want to feel needed and appreciated for the work they do. However as the article mentioned above states when you compare yourself to a much larger population size the ability to appear good at something becomes nigh impossible for the average man. Thus the death of fulfillment in man.

When the world is large a man can always go outside of his community to find opportunities to succeed. However when the world becomes small there is no other choice but to act inside the large community which as stated above is extremely difficult to do at any high level.

>> No.12014161


>> No.12014185

>What has the west forgotten?
The divine right of kings.

>> No.12014340

there's a reason why your anthem is a lullaby

>> No.12014461

In Traditionalism (Guenon and Evola's Traditionalism at least) that which can exist eternally without decay is Traditional.
You cannot look to the future without looking to your past, because the past has the prestige of survivng up until today.
It's Darwinian in a way.
That's precisely why the present is spiralling out of control, we are disdainful fo the past.
>Colonial heritage
>Inescapible racist past
>45 presidents who are men? Time for a change for the sake of change
All of this smacks of a distrust of our history, like we are carrying the sins of history on our shoulders.

>> No.12014473

Who said we haven't thought about our position?
Is it because we disagree with you, therefore we must be wrong?
Don't blame us you are a small souled bugman who insists "there is no such thing as the west, it was never great or cool".
By that standard, no other civilization is meaningful, as very few places outside of Europe ever created anything and live the way they lived for 10000 years.
Which is more meaningless?

>> No.12014481

That what we call logic and reason had to be invented by someone. Philosophy does not require such conceits. Hence Chinese philosophy, which either operates with an assumed logic (Confucianism, Mohism) or explicitly rejects it (Daoism).

No other post in this thread is accurate.

>> No.12014489

>this shit
>There is no God, and Mohammad is His prophet.

>> No.12014531

>Things have enver been better
Nietzsche's Last MAn reveals his final form.
Don't shrink from us in horror because we aspire to something greater

>> No.12014572

>Human life outweighs aesthetics.
Most plebeian thing I have ever read.

>> No.12014601

>tfw /lit/ made me discover this form of religion

>> No.12014621

Is he talking about philosophy?

>> No.12014770

>the value of art
>the importance of religion
>the fulfilment found in religion
>hedonism should be avoided

>> No.12014775

>tfw get laughed at when I mention the philosophical depth of the catholic church

>> No.12014788

so true

>> No.12014842

maybe it will be soon enough

>> No.12015007

We don't have as much free will as we think we have.
The error of the modern world lays in the fact that they think a human being (and therefore its civilization) can be whatever it wants.

>> No.12015018

well, city people seem to forget that their food comes from the "redneck rural idiots that voted for Trump".
when you forget where your food comes from, and then denigrate the people that grow it for you, bad things happen.

>> No.12015022

people with power have power, people without power don't have power

>> No.12015044

I need a girl to hurt my balls really badly.
I want it more than sex, I've wanted it for over a decade and it has never happened. I just want to hear how much a fully clothed female enjoys hurting my reproductive organs, why has it been so long without?

>> No.12015067

This is gay and probably bait but I do sometimes feel the urge to get the shit kicked out of me. Not enough to seriously damage but enough to hurt quite a bit. I feel like I'm inches away from the precipice, lightly grazing the surface of rock bottom. I feel no way of getting out so I kind of want to plummet hard and fast.

>> No.12015081

A is A

>> No.12015090

>This is gay and probably bait
But I've never been sexually attracted to men
I want an attractive female to hurt me in a specific, sensitive area and I want her to hope she causes long term damage to my mental and physical health then ask me to thank her

>> No.12015096

it just so happens that I have frequent desires to beat the shit out of people, maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement anon

>> No.12015099
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The problem is girls

>> No.12015147

We forgot what "multiculturalism" and "diversity" actually mean, because for some bizarre reason it's now commonly accepted as a prettier, inoffensive synonym for "global homogenisation".

>> No.12015757

They're a scary bunch

>> No.12015792

They made great funk in the '70s, though

>> No.12015810

IQ tests are designed to test ability of figuring out patterns, not recalling history and geography trivia.

>> No.12015813

Unquestionably, unquestionably this

>> No.12015815

A=A, The Law of Identity
The basis of logic and thought.

>> No.12015819

Weapons are tools, and nothing else

>> No.12015851

lmao he said to stop fetishizing the west and instead support your own countries history. All the brainlet replies just illustrate this board is infested with loser amerimutts who need some vague idea to cling to instead of their own countries. Stop thinking of Europe as a homogeneous entity you loesr turd.

>> No.12015887

In my experience (caretaking for the disabled and terminally ill), people who have lived with intense hardship since a young age have the most intense will-to-life to be found in all humanity.
I've seen young (mid-twenties, mid thirties), self-sufficient, otherwise healthy paraplegics make it two weeks into their injury before attempting suicide.
I've seen late 80s and 90s quadriplegics who had lived with their injury since early childhood (subjected to the most "degrading" practices every single day to even hold onto life) undergo months-long series of surgical procedures, possibly confining them to one bed, to one room for a year, two, three—all without complaint.
I still don't know what to do with this information.

>> No.12015894

you should read Biohistory

>> No.12015900

Still gay

>> No.12015905

Imperial China embodied the only heights humanity has ever reached, and the West destroyed it for capital and spices.

>> No.12015911

You're only addressing the Analytic half of Western philosophy, not the Continental half.

>> No.12015913

Hire a prostitute

>> No.12015921

Speaking openly about sex, politics and religion is the height of bad manners.

>> No.12015924

I'm a little skeptical, anon

>> No.12015934

Tripfagging is deeply retarded and should be punishable by death

>> No.12015942

that's fine. I think the idea of epigenetics is potentially very useful for understanding why societies change their behavior so dramatically

It remains speculative, but it's not going to hurt you to read it. YOu only really have to read the firs 100 pages anyway, it explains the idea

>> No.12016030

>gdp is the only measure of progress

>> No.12016043

Right now, I'd say the basic arguments for liberal democracy

>> No.12016089

How does a quadriplegic attempt suicide anyway?

>> No.12016107

How do I get a girl off the street to kick my balls for money without her telling me to fuck off or threatening to call the police? She doesn't even have to remove her clothes or touch me other than with her footwear

>> No.12016112

Christianity and Islam are brothers that fight time to time. Atheists are NOT

>> No.12016151

There aren't any, that's why people are going to the fascists and the left, the latter to the extent possible after the cold war engrained COMMUNISM BAD in the minds of every western adult.

>> No.12016152

based and redpilled

>> No.12016172

The problem is that, while the mainstream position is to trash the authority and the tradition, doing nothing but finding and pointing out its faults, there is an equally dastardly position rising up to combat this, where we find no faults at all with our fathers, anything that they may have done wrong we ignore and willingly put ourselves into a blind, infantile state of reverence to the past.
The solution is a balance. We have to look to the past for wisdom and guidance but understand that, just as our forefathers were the creators of traditions, we must also be unafraid to correct their mistakes if we see them.

>> No.12016187

hold breath

>> No.12016188

>understanding that each man carries the spark of divinity is plebian
I'll stay plebian, thanks.

>> No.12016203

You misunderstand, if you have a childhood that is spent nurturing those parts of your brain so that they develop properly, you will outperform a kid that did not.

>> No.12016305

They are in their business for money. Be courteous, be timid, ask if they would feel more comfortable bringing a friend.
Prostitutes don't judge aloud. I promise your request would be more preferrable than PiV to most (no offense meant).

>> No.12016309

Too true. I remain open to all ideas.
I'll give it a try.

>> No.12016333

You don't know how tentative a quad's life is. Literally laying on a badly folded seam in a sheet or article of clothing anywhere in their body could cause a massive spike in blood pressure, ending in a stroke. Also, in a wheelchair, just about anything is possible. Don't discount human ingenuity, especially when it comes to escape from suffering. The wolf-in-a-snare image proves very true, especially in reverse: some people will endure anything to escape suffering

>> No.12016470

Sacrifice before satisfaction

>> No.12016511

It should actually the vice versa: your state (let's say Athens 480 or so) exists only because of the individual contributions of the citizens; sure, the state benefits the citizens by sponsoring performance, festivals, and public works, but most of the money supporting those enterprises is coming from private individuals who feel (or were compelled to feel) that their contribution was creating a better polis for everyone, even the poorest citizens (but not the slaves fuck 'em obviously). Sure, in a modern F.D.R. style semi-socialist state, the government exists to defend us and to some extent prevent us from being completely ignorant or prone to premature death: but it fails in the regard that the Athenian government shaped it's citizens to feel that they not only could, but where compelled to contribute to the thing that allowed them to exist, and defended (through conscription) by them, and that it's in their best interest to preserve it, not the other way around. Someone who couldn't contribute was not a worthy member of society, and you bet your ass they weren't going to get someone's dowry money.

I'm not saying that things should be like that now (and it obviously can't given the state of public education/social media), but people replying positively to this need to think about how education (and a proper culture/thinking environment) can shape people to better the state (through their 'wise' or just 'not incompetent' governance, art, thought, whatever) and THEREFORE benefit themselves.

>> No.12017010

desu I'd want to kill myself if I was quadriplegic

>> No.12017198

Itt degenerate americans pretend to be very traditional while championing sterile technical concepts: a purely philosophical god-type entity, 'muh nuclear family is the basic unit of society', etc.

>> No.12017321

it's sad that many will never realize this because probably the vast majority of people nowadays have never, ever, ever been alone in the wilderness, and never will (and have no interest in trying it)

>> No.12017325

Find me the person who says the nuclear family is the basic unit of society.
t. euro

>> No.12017369 [DELETED] 


We should replace it with some sort of other sterile concepts, e.g. bugman materialism, or utopian-like entities, e.g. Communism.

>> No.12017399
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>talks about quads
>gets trips

>> No.12017457

God doesn't exist but it's an important concept for retards as a means of curating their behaviour. God is a concept for retards. An abstraction for those without or can't maintain a stable conception of reality and the absolute. Ones whose goals and ethics are malleable if not for some spook to adhere to. The problem here is that we're all retards.
Yes. Excess indulgence in reward mechanisms of sex without the consequences of "reproduction" creates aberrations of behaviour.
More as a security of existence, the prime benefit. Nations are superorganisms with decentralized interchangeable components. The problem is that the genetic and memetic components are being altered in a way that endangers the security of existence.
Women gestate offspring for a prolonged period of time, use your brain and figure out what that means. The security of modernity has negated a lot of that dynamic while the biological behavioural precepts still float around our DNA. As technology continues to outpace biology this may no longer be the case in the future but as of yet we still need to abide by these roles.

>> No.12017460

>There aren't any
Factually wrong. Plenty of thinkers have made arguments in favour of liberalism. The problem is that, as it became the default, official and largely unchallenged ideology of the west, people forgot them. Now liberalism is being challenged all over the place, and nobody's defending it.

>> No.12017463

>talks about trips
>gets dubs

>> No.12017470
File: 79 KB, 454x604, kereru22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are objective standards of truth, morality, and beauty.

>> No.12017618

yeah, opium and footbinding.

>> No.12017620

it's also a lot of fun

>> No.12017648

Problem is you can't make that true by closing your eyes and wishing really hard. You have to actually prove it.

>> No.12017694

that op is always a fag

>> No.12017700

say 'retard' a few more times, retard

>> No.12018846

Quid pro quo. eat hers