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/lit/ - Literature

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12006806 No.12006806 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.12006844

As well as yours. I’m unpublished.

>> No.12006855

I need to write a short story tonight for college and I’m ready to blow my brains out cause I had somewhere I was going with it but now I’m shitposting on 4chan and the protagonist is ranting away till he finds some semblance of something that will propel the plot forward and I don’t don’t completely dispise

>> No.12006861

What’s it about so far
Maybe I can help

>> No.12006862

have gotten paid journalistic work published in a few small magazines and am enjoying a breakthrough with my fiction, have a couple pieces floating out to reviews/competitions

>> No.12006868

>Write a tons of kindle paranormal erotica
>Runs a patreon
>5k words/day
>don't even been to community college
>still lives at parents house, never find a reason to move
>mommy loves me
>daddy prouds me too

>> No.12006882

I write on youtube for fun as a hobby. Doing good. I wouldn't consider myself great but people appreciate my writing.

>> No.12006903

A closeted gay man runs away from his sham of a maraige in Maine to be with his boyfriend in Utah. It starts in media res with her having found him and him explaining how his depression and loneliness got the better of him. I want it to end with her serving divorce papers and him biking home in the snow. By the time he gets home he collapses on the coach and watches as it develops to a full on snowstorm. His boyfriend comes home and they go to bed. When they wake up the house is completely buried.

>> No.12006906

And why is the protagonist currently stuck

>> No.12006907

this n***** livin' in the year 2118

>> No.12006916

>paranormal erotica
Can you explain this for the uninitiated

>> No.12006917

I found out a maritime magazine needed more writers because I was suggested to them by someone who writes articles for them. I haven't written yet, but I might.

>> No.12006919

>spoopy ghost porn

>> No.12006921
File: 39 KB, 763x509, Dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been writing a lot of poetry this year. I've gotten a few poems published, but I've also gotten my fair share of rejections, which is only natural. Here's hoping I can get at least one more published this year. Maybe I can start to build some recognition for myself as a poet.

>> No.12006925

Werewolf humping

>> No.12006927

>not physical entities
How do spiritual entities have sensual contact?

>> No.12006929

I’m trying to convey depression through dialogue and I find it very hard to make sound effective but not mellow dramatic.

>> No.12006941

Did your works published in the newspaper? Else no one on the earth would never knew it had been existed except you. Even the publisher already forgot it right after hand you the contract.

>> No.12006946

oh I'm not the writer, I was just guessing. Ectoplasmic orgasmic maybe

>> No.12006959

I just write smut and gnu RPG's for friends. I'm actually a pretty good writer but am envious of too many other skills that I don't have. I have no idea how to turn a profit from it.

>> No.12006981


>> No.12006984

Oh I want to be the RPG writer too. Too bad /tg/ doesn't have any abillity to produce anyshit and /lit/ is too highbrow.

>> No.12007040

What caused the depression?

>> No.12007052

Being in a sham manage and allinated from everyone. Being tired of the same old cylcles repeating themselves. Self loathing for inability to do anything about any of that.

>> No.12007053

link your patreon, i will give you my dollars.

>> No.12007588
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It's actually taking shape! Ever since I quit drinking, I've experienced a renaissance of reading and writing. I average a book and a half a week, alternate more or less between fiction and non-fiction, my stacks are dwindling and I buy more as I go. I have three writing projects on the go. Drink seven or eight cups of coffee a day, maintain my full-time job (which allows for a lot of down-time to read), and am finally becoming who I always wanted to be.

Going to Europe for four months next year to focus on my novel.

[I wish you all luck, anons. Eliminate one or two toxic habits and magical things will happen.]