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12004853 No.12004853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

BROS, /ourguy/ did it again.


>> No.12004880

oh shit he said he was going to read Uncle Nicks book on Bataille; based af

>> No.12004889

Big brain

>> No.12004890

a man who lives up to his name

>> No.12004898

I really enjoyed this video. Bataille's writings on limit experiences and their connection with religion was spot on. Indeed, Neon Genesis Evangelion is more accurate in its depiction of angels than the Renaissance masters.

>> No.12004940
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not watching it lol

>> No.12004960

stupid /pol/tard

>> No.12004990

i watched one of his videos once and i wasn't impressed (my opinion is worthless), not enough to follow nor entertain his content, which doesn't mean i dislike it or think it bad. i do like bataille so... maybe. not like i'm doing anything. did you like it?

>> No.12005056

Honestly if you don't like his style just check out the description, he gives pretty dope reading lists.

>> No.12005098

b a s e d

>> No.12005244

But when a limit experience is transformative, is it not thereby neutralized? I think he starts to speak this way he goes wrong. Underlying most of this video is a kind of progressive political undertone which actually goes contrary to the point of the limit experience. A transgression is only liminal insofar as it remains a transgression. But a transgression is a transgression only so far as there is a taboo to transgress. Yet in reevaluational of the transgression, both the taboo and the transgression have been abolished.

The legalization of sodomite marriage is a good example of
this. It only indicates a failed attempt at domestication. But this is really a betrayal of the genuinely transgressive nature of the early sodomite movement.

And the pervert, insofar as he is a pervert, needs the rule he subverts. He is always cucked by popular mores. He has nothing to do with free sexuality. The moment he becomes acceptible is the moment he stops being a pervert, but also stops being a liminal figure.

>> No.12005253

Oh boy, it's the leftist edition of truegayfag, just what everyone has always wanted.

>> No.12005303

Only getting to watch others love wisdom, yea.

>> No.12005311

Fuck off of here with your shit Cuckphilosophy.

>> No.12005335

i hate gays

>> No.12005348

stupid cuckphilosophy posting your shit here on /lit/.

>> No.12005363

I've met an angel irl and I can assure you that you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12005383

Are there any good anti-Hegelian YouTubers outside of those from an analytic tradition like Molybert? Oh wait, I nearly forgot that going to a YouTuber (not a professor posting lectures on YouTube, but a YouTuber) for philosophy is the lowest form of mental enslavement, and thought for oneself is nearly impossible when taking some didact's word as gospel.

>> No.12005402

stfu nigger
t. cuck philosophy