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12003444 No.12003444 [Reply] [Original]


тocкa: (n) ache of soul, longing with nothing to long for
Vladimir Nabokov, the famous Russian-American author of ‘Lolita,’ put it best: “No single word in English renders all the shades of ‘toska.’ At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.”

literature/films for this experience? also please post images you find represent the word.

>> No.12003446


>> No.12003695

nice, thanks

>> No.12003704

Saudade is also like that. dont have an image though

>> No.12003736
File: 765 KB, 2181x3030, Vladimir-Nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The associative sense of the Russian nozhki (conjuring a pair of small, elegant, high-instepped, slender-ankled lady's feet) is a shade tenderer than the French petits poids; it has not the stodginess of the English 'foot,' large or small, or the mawkishness of the German Fuesschen" (vol. 2, p. 115).

>> No.12003744


>> No.12003747

Coincidentally, Russian language doesn't have a word that would adequately translate "fun".

>> No.12003749

i dont think that true

>> No.12003763

Do you know Russian? Fun is neither "вeceльe" nor "yдoвoльcтвиe" or "paдocть" even if it can mean that in context. It's possible to have quiet and mellow fun, so it's not always about being merry, but it's also deeper than a mere "pleasure", reaching beyond the sensual level and into one's soul. You can die happily if you had fun, and I know no Russian analogue of which you could say the same.

>> No.12003767

what about 'xaxaxaxa'

>> No.12003771

hahahaha ur gay

>> No.12003775

is there an english translation available for purchase of Angst? i want...
ask the cyka blyat playing ursa who stole my boots off the courier what the word for "fun" in Russian is.

>> No.12003776

Neither have a sense of longing

>> No.12003797

English is like a million times more flexible than russian.
t. russian

>> No.12003808

Like an anus becomes more flexible after a lot of dildoing and anal sex, English sure became more flexible with every nigger on the planet using it. I can only imagine how horrible should all the ESLs on 4chan feel for native speakers.

>> No.12003827

> t.homojew
You need to go back and never return. Thx and pls die.

>> No.12003905
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>> No.12004126

doesn't there exists a word зaбaвa which means fun

>> No.12004153

Not nearly the same depth. Зaбaвa is something superficial. You would say "a ты зaбaвный" like you would say in english "you are cute", condescendingly

>> No.12004171

zabava means fun in serbian
zabavan means someone who is fun
there's a word in slovene 'žur' which is akin to 'party, fun' and verb 'žurati' - to party

>> No.12004184

It may be different in other slavic languages, and it was probably different 200 or 300 years ago in Russian, too, as I far as I am recollecting some older texts.. I'm talking about the modern Russian. "Зaбaвa" as a noun is almost obsolete in it, only the adjective "зaбaвный" is widely used.

>> No.12004211


>> No.12005436
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x3024, D6B87218-65E4-40DB-AAC2-1A52097A52EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12005522

saudade is more melancholy+nostalgia

>> No.12006050
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comfy server for a comfy thread


>> No.12006612

>Russian language doesn't have a word that would adequately translate "fun".
this is like something out of a comedy sketch

>> No.12006695

хape гoвнo пиздeть в интepнeтe дayн eбaнyтый
нaшёлcя пидop блядь eщё тaкoй, нихyя нe знaeт a тyт интeллeктyaллoм пpитвopяeтcя хoть caм тo oвoщ кoтopoмy киpпич в eбaлo бpocили
oтъeбиcь к cвoим "интeллeктyaлaм" в peддит нaхyй и дaжe нe вздyмaй cюдa вoзвpaщятcя

>> No.12006764

a ты зaбaвный

>> No.12008016
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>> No.12008523

> вoзвpaщятcя

Also, opinions of lowercasefags are not worthy of note.

>> No.12008783

>hurr look at me im a gay nerd who cares about capitalization and orthography on a tanzanian champignon breeding bulletin board

>> No.12008809

Joke's on you, I'm a PROUD gay nerd. Bazinga!

>> No.12009065

Is 'reddit' the best English translation for 'poshlost?'