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/lit/ - Literature

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12002998 No.12002998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain MDE to me? I'm think I'm relatively primed on accelerationism. My understanding being that it is derivative of Marxism and sees the expansion of capital as inevitable. Since we can't get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride, these Marxists swing to the right and aim to expand capital via propaganda, technology, imperialism, and so on, much like Marx had originally envisioned.

MDE's material seemed farcical but some of Sam Hyde's standup was obviously political - what I can't figure out if is this part of some hyper-irony or if Hyde just means it. Out of character, Hyde seems like he's just joking, and was even in talks with AdultSwim to be on broadcast television (which is just insane when you consider the stuff he was saying at the time). A lot of his material has been appropriated and parodied by the frogs on Twitter, who are a weird almagam of third positionists - a lot of them endorse accelerationism as a means of overthrowing the decadence of the modern world (a la Evola), but also have a weird obsession with Ted Kacynzski (my theory is that this is due to the polemical psychologizing of the Left Kacynzski included in the opening of Industrial Society and Its Future).

So what is it? Have these guys seen the void and lost it? Is that why they evangelize religions they clearly have no interest in (Christian Orthodoxy, chiefly)?

I just don't understand the angle. Sorry if this seems off-topic, it touches upon a lot of themes I see posted on /lit/ so I figured this was the best place for it.

>> No.12003003

Discussion of youtubers/television shows belongs on the television and film board, >>>/tv/

>> No.12003006

>taking MDE seriously
It's just CIA hippie brainwash 2.0 for rightwingers

>> No.12003014

Here is Hyde doing "stand-up" about homosexuals.


He also has the less serious (but also significantly more subversive) 2070 Paradigm Shift:


>It's called the knockout game, and eventually white people are going to get tired of playing it.

>> No.12003017
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You know as well as I do that this discussion belongs here and that you contribute nothing to this board.

>> No.12003018

They're 17 year olds with Wikipedia. It's not legitimate anything it's just edgy teens looking for some way to say fuck you to the most authority figures possible.

t.guy who bought (and sold) Sam's book

>> No.12003020

Quickly, post a book related before this guy >>12003003 gets mad

>> No.12003029

The thing that confuses me is that the majority of their fanbase seemed to take it seriously. I could understand if it was some weird performing arts project, but MDE was one of the largest and most active "far right"subreddits for most of 2017. Most of the guys who got into it seem to have been "radicalized" first and then turned to stuff like Land, Yarvin, and Hyde, rather than going to those sourced first and trying to subvert the right from within (I say subvert because I think a lot of the guys who meme about Land in particular aren't aware of how accelerationism contradicts their conservative worldviews, most likely because they haven't actually read him).

>> No.12003035

Here's sam talking about literature:
start at 1 min

>> No.12003042

hyde had potential a couple years ago but he just hasn't done anything good in ages, plus is he really too stupid to realize that his anti-semitism would derail his career? u cant criticize israel and have a tv show, thats just common sense

>> No.12003043

Mods can reference >>12003029. I really doubt /tv/ has any interest in Hyde.

>> No.12003048

I think he's actually Jewish so he might be able to get away with it. That would also explain how he got in front of AdultSwim in the first place.

>> No.12003057

Is it actually Infinit Jest? I've always pronounced it Infinitee. Infinite makes more sense since it would be an adjective.

>> No.12003058

>what is controlled op

>> No.12003066

blackpilled youth who don't buy into the egalitarian suicide cult being pushed on them by their schools and the dominant media but don't see a way out of it so they satirize the obvious internal contradictions and logical conclusions of it.
sam hyde is (or at least was) basically possessed by /pol/'s collective unconscious

>> No.12003070
File: 985 KB, 1024x732, 1540791878043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen from India, brought to England
Said he was shitting on arrival
Shilling for survival
Said he was a Pajeet Soldier
Win the war for India
Said he was a, poo pee pee, poo poo pee pee
poo pee pee pe, pee pee poo pee, poo pee pee
poo pee pee poo poo pee pee
Woe pee pee yo, yo yo poo yo poo yo pee
Pajeet Soldier, Shittin' through the land woo ooh
Said he wanna ran, then you wanna hand
Shittin' through the land, yea, yea
Said he was a Pajeet Soldier
Win the war for India
Pajeet Soldier, Shitstained Rasta
Shittin on arrival, Shilling for survival
Driven from Dubai
To the heart of the Manchester
Singing, poo peeyoy, poo poo peeyoy
Woe peepeeyo, yo yo woy yo woy yo yoy
Woy peeyoy, woy woy peeyoy
Woy peepeeyo, yo yo poo yo poo yo yoy
Troddin' through London
In the arms of India
Troddin' through Scotland, a Pajeet Soldier
Shittin on arrival, Shillin for survival
Pajeet Soldier, shitstained Rasta
Woe pee pee, poo poo pee pee
Woe pee yeo yo, yo yo poo yo poo yo peeyoe

>> No.12003084

mde is amusing and sometimes pointed. that's about it. good evocation of american hell but they're not deep thinkers, they're huge pseuds. i feel a bit sorry for sam allowing himself to go full retard but to his credit his self-destruction is self-conscious performance art minus the self-defusing irony (hence post-ironic). so it's maximum impact, no escape from the discomfort "haha so ironic lol". the best part is sam's slide into complete pathetic depravity isolation queerness. the neurotic shamelessness is what makes mde good.

being offended by sam hyde because of his eww umm problematic?? politics would be like banning pink floyds the wall for nazism... caliban hatred of his own reflection... except sam is an authentic UN-SUBLIMATED human art piece... rather than a distilled and defanged little pruned museum piece thing. we are consuming his life rather than his products. he is the product.

>> No.12003095

But that's just it - if this is really what's going on, why do so many of them resort to irony? Don't get me wrong, I shitpost about liberalism all the time, but I want a way forward, whereas these guys seem to just want some sort of mythology to buy into - hence the unholy alliance between the TradCaths, Orthodox, and guys like BAP. What seems to be important isn't a functional ideology, it's just making the contradictions "go away" by accepting certain aesthetics uncritically.

>being offended by sam hyde because of his eww umm problematic?? politics would be like banning pink floyds the wall for nazism
Wouldn't that just be irony, rather than post-irony?

>> No.12003111

Here's the top thread on /tv/ right now, just out of interest >>105409638

>> No.12003119

A reminder that Million Dollar Extreme died in December 2016 when World Peace got officially cancelled.

A reminder that Andrew Ruse is the real brains behind Million Dollar Extreme.

>> No.12003124

>Wouldn't that just be irony, rather than post-irony?
yeah which is why i go on to say sam blurs or rather just neglects the boundaries between the socially acceptable and the heretical and depraved parts of his own personality - roger waters for instance makes it clear that pink's fascist fantasy is a negative thing, it's a child of his own personality but within the art piece it's made clear that it is to be considered negative, something the authorial voice denounces, pink is experiencing a pathological delusion which is overcome, return to normality whatever. the audience experiences it but doesn't take it home with them, it's an outlet but after that the "lesson is learned", put the Id back in the closet.

the post-ironic thing about sam is that he makes the deviant aspects his central persona with no recourse to "it's all a joke", we know that he is being sincere. he's not playing someone else, he's playing himself.

>> No.12003126
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>je suis imbattable

>> No.12003129

What the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.12003131

Fuck Jews

>> No.12003147

And people try to tell me that television is replacing literature.

>> No.12003154

Infinitee (the pronunciation, not the spelling) refers to the noun, whereas infinit (e isn't pronounced) is the adjective. I always thought it was "Infinitee" Jest, not "Infinit" Jest.

>> No.12003160
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>> No.12003177

>the post-ironic thing about sam is that he makes the deviant aspects his central persona with no recourse to "it's all a joke", we know that he is being sincere. he's not playing someone else, he's playing himself.
Do you mean to say:
>This, but unironically.

>> No.12003184

Do you mean infinity, anon? I think you're either bait, french, tired, or can't spell. Don't answer actually :^)

I've not read Infinite Jest, should I?

>> No.12003186
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You're right. I'm double retarded. Thank you for being kind, fren.

>> No.12003189

they are contrarians who probably came from troubled homes and were probably into the video games/new atheism/science-ism milieu and would have said they were on the left as teens but were alienated from the left when the most vocal leftists started doubling down on garbage like feminism, anti-racism, and lifestyle politics.
they know they don't have a coherent ideology, but probably wish they did.

>> No.12003191

This is best post in the whole thread
You've hit the nail right on the head

>> No.12003196

You're describing me almost exactly except I decoupled my fedora with my politics as a teenager and said I was a conservative until I discovered what libertarianism was.

>> No.12003200

I think we can all agree on the fact that Charls is the best member

>> No.12003209

I can't decide between Nick and Charls

>> No.12003217

I can attest to belonging to this kind of tribe or at least whatever the social grouping equivalent would be

MDE speaks to the politically incorrect crowd because they tap into the realization that the emperor has no clothes
This common among cynical youth having been immersed inpluralistic society from birth

>> No.12003233

Then there's stuff like this:

>> No.12003235

>This common among cynical youth having been immersed inpluralistic society from birth
I've been seeing this with my cousin. I can't tell if he's just picking up on the dogwhistles I throw out every now and again, though, so maybe it's my fault.

>> No.12003259

What was the significance of breaking the 4th wall here?

>> No.12003261

One way to contextualize MDE and the type of culture that it finds an audience in, and why that audience or members of the culture the audience is situated in often share a symbolic order while identifying with often conflicting political orientations, is that, simply, a critique of the post-cold war liberal world order is, and has been, a unifying principle for many people coming of age over the last decade. The post-war liberal order has morphed in to what feels like an open air prison run by kindergarten teachers armed with AKs and a concerned smile. You can leave whenever you want, you are free after all, but is they own everything, so there is nowhere else to go if you want to remain in civilization. Cultural output is mostly propaganda, and low quality at that. Previous forms of resistance are exhausted, aesthetically co-opted and incorporated into the global-order as either historical role-play or controlled opposition. You are in prisons but you can't even find the bars to shake in anger, people just look at you weird and wish you would stop mentioning problems that can't exist because their world-view does not allow for acknowledging their existence.

That is the assumption, anyway, and the started point for most the MDE-Irony-Frog-Post-Right-Alt-Xeno-Communo-Fascist-Libertarian-Nihilist-Accelerationis-Left-Catholic-Nazi--Distributists crowed. They share a often overlapping criticism of global-liberalism as their lowest common denominator. They came of age on, developed their ideas and cliques on, and formed communities on, the same limited set of social media - which gives them, along with their shared criticism, a shared set of symbols, slang, sense of humor. It is why an NRX-Frogposter, an Orthodox Christian Fascist, and Tranny Accelerationist can communicate in more or less the same language despite being down with killing each other if 'shit' ever did 'hit the fan". There is also a desire to move away from failed and compromised movements and tactics from the 20th century which, to an extent, can alienate them from their idealogical progenitors.

>> No.12003264

>The post-war liberal order has morphed in to what feels like an open air prison run by kindergarten teachers armed with AKs and a concerned smile. You can leave whenever you want, you are free after all, but is they own everything, so there is nowhere else to go if you want to remain in civilization.

This is a really good depiction, thanks.

>> No.12003271

Does he go to a public school?
Kids learn to see the 'we're all equal' meme early
It doesn't take much perception to recognize different cultures have different values
The Asian immigrant students universally studious and well-behaved students
on the other hand problem students (overwhelmingly Black, Latino, or Native) are disruptive freeloaders who drop out or go to jail

>> No.12003287

>They share a often overlapping criticism of global-liberalism as their lowest common denominator.
A helpful metaphor.

>can communicate in more or less the same language despite being down with killing each other if 'shit' ever did 'hit the fan".
Yeah, I figured that much out, but rather than thinking they were down with killing each other, I was thinking this was "post-irony" - the construction of sincere lived relationships among heterogenous groups. That's why in spite of ideology they can all talk to each other - real recognize real. But maybe you're right... maybe they're just talking to each other because their language has become so meme-dense and referential that online is the only place they are understood.

>There is also a desire to move away from failed and compromised movements and tactics from the 20th century which, to an extent, can alienate them from their idealogical progenitors.
That makes a lot of sense too when you look at how the alt right is attempting to differentiate itself from party Republicans.

We live on the West Coast so it's possible he's not indoctrinated. Even his very liberal mother has slipped up (because their school is almost entirely Indian).

>> No.12003302

If he's smart enough to think for himself, he'll understand why Ajit wins all the spelling bees
Kids stop pretending they're the same when they realize they're being outperformed
No one likes to lose

>> No.12003350

I like his book because of the editorial design. And his over the top humor actually make me laugh.