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/lit/ - Literature

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12001899 No.12001899 [Reply] [Original]

What is the essential zoomer literature? I don't want to be left behind

>> No.12002027

zoomers don't read, they play videogames

>> No.12002045

There's no such thing as "zoomer literature"

The closet thing for them is Fortnite reaction videos

>> No.12002047

Der Einzig und sein Eigentum - Max Stirner
Fragments - Epicurus
The Stranger - Albert Camus
Kids are stupid, selfish, hedonistic, and highly entitled, as they have always been.

>> No.12002085

Magnus Chase

>> No.12002095

Ts Eliot

>> No.12002124

Generation X:
Tao Te Ching
The Bhagavad Gita
Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
The Trial
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The God Delusion
Generation Z:
The Brothers Karamazov
Generation Alpha:
None lol
Juden B. Peterstein's The 12 Rules of Life
Donald J. Drumpf's The Art of the Deal

>> No.12002130

House of Leaves

I think /lit/ avoids it because it's almost *too* perfect for 4chan sensibilities

>> No.12002131

>Generation Z:
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Generation Alpha:
>None lol
>Juden B. Peterstein's The 12 Rules of Life
>Donald J. Drumpf's The Art of the Deal
Unironically these. Or whatever was in Pewdiepie's book club video.

>> No.12002194

House of Leaves isn't zoomer. It's very Millennial.

>> No.12002204

HoL is downright generation X. Johnny Truant is not a millenial

>> No.12002244

I'm part of Generation Z, and my favorite books are Hadji Murat, The Grapes of Wrath, and Silas Marner. I was already into literature while other people my age were into video games and pop music.
I have noticed that most people my age are significantly more conservative than Millennials. I've even seen people my age at my university praying or discussing Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
I've never met any Generation Alpha kids, but I imagine that most of the people on /v/ or /b/ must be quite young (around 15-ish), infantile, and collectivist-minded.

>> No.12002257

based larping delusional /pol/ boomer

>> No.12002264
File: 371 KB, 665x666, DD03EE52-EBA8-44FA-BE54-4D27B0FE8ECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki Doki Literature Club

Natsuki best girl

>> No.12002283

I'm really a 19 year old. I was born in 1998.
Here's something that sets me apart from "Boomers". I believe that truth is personal, and that everyone has the right to create their own concept of good and beauty, but no person will ever accept someone else's idea of good as true if it were not to match their own. I accept Christian morality, but I hold Kantian metaphysics in higher regard than Aquinian metaphysics.

>> No.12002302

DDLC is Millennial ironic "weeb" shit. People who enjoy that kind of stuff are the same people who listen to hardbass trap "music" shit and repost nigger memes from twitter covered by a hundred filters.

>> No.12002316

That kid who wrote the "Yes. YES" poem.

>> No.12002321

>too perfect
but all the Johnny Truant chapters are laughably cringey. It's just a bad book.

>> No.12002479

>I like to eat shit

>> No.12002522
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Obama got elected the year I turned nineteen. I pissed off all my friends by saying I would vote for McCain. I openly admitted that I was only doing it to be contrarian.

>> No.12002526


>> No.12002590


>> No.12002614

this, every zoomer i know reads stirner

>> No.12002620

I’m unironically a zoomer (born in 2000, I’m 18 fuck off jannies, though I have browsed this site since before I could drive a car) and here’s everything I’ve read this year that was not assigned to me

The anabasis
Slaughterhouse 5
One day in the life of Ivan denisovich
Great Gatsby
Brave new world
Farewell to arms (underwhelming, his short stories are better)
Kafka on the Shore
A good man is hard to find + some other short stories
Wind up bird chronicle
A introductory history book on China
Currently 750 pages into Infinite Jest

I’m an undergrad at an unoteworthy but not awful state university. I smoke weed and drink occasionally but don’t like it as much. I have taken LSD and done shrooms. The other zoomers around me are definitely autistic (as am I) but I have hopes that we’ll turn out to be decent in the end. I think my generation might kill marriage as a norm in the US though.

>> No.12002626

Brought up drugs not because I think they make me look cool or hip but it’s really common among zoomers so I listed it partially because I think it’s defining for my generation

>> No.12002659

Pretty decent for a zoomer. Just don't consider Watchman /lit/ and you'll be good to go. In 15 years you could write something original.
I'm 26 btw

>> No.12002661

I started browsing this site when you were 5 years old. Holy shit.

>> No.12002695

Ready Player One

>> No.12002700

mein kampf

>> No.12002701

You are a better me. I don't read nearly as much as I should, but I've browsed this site for years, mainly for the philosophy and theology.

What month were you born in? Lets see who's older.

>> No.12002746


Thanks. I want to write something someday but I can tell I won't be anywhere near decent for decades if I ever get good at all

One day the average user on this board won't have even been around for Moot, I'm sure.

This board loves to talk about Zoomers lately but I don't think they really understand the core of what it's actually like to be one. Some anecdotes:

I know a guy who went on a drug caravan in high school. They went driving out for a couple of weeks and ended up running a train on a landwhale they met on tinder, kek

In my highschool the bathrooms were just smoke lounges by my senior year. If you walked in during passing period it would just be 8 people outside the stalls juuling or using a suorin and each stall would also have someone in there fiending their nicotine and pissing. I'm pretty sure my generation will bring back cigarettes.

Drugs are huge. Sex too, but i honestly get the feeling that less of it actually happens then you'd think. There are a couple of hoes in any given school though, and they all get run through by 12 guys, each of which has only slept with her

>> No.12004152


>> No.12004193

Not me

>> No.12004195

Sounds like literally every counter culture in America since the 30’s

>> No.12004201


>> No.12004213

Pretty much


>> No.12004219

Wow unique, totally not just discount millenials

>> No.12004243

>Be 19 year old Zoomer
>enjoy Flann O'Brien, Joeseph Heller, Hunter S. Thompson, PKD, and Bolano.
>Haven't read enough Pynchon to know if I like him or not.
>DFW's a fag tho fuck that guy.

>> No.12004249

>I accept Christian morality, but I hold Kantian metaphysics in higher regard than Aquinian metaphysics.
i have a 19 year old younger brother. if he ever said that id beat him up

>> No.12004261

Are zoomers teenagers?
I'm over 20 and shit so I don't think I'm a zoomer.

>> No.12004266

zoomers are after 1995 but it really begins to take hold for those born after 2000. bonus points if born post-9/11

>> No.12004290

>I accept Christian morality, but I hold Kantian metaphysics in higher regard than Aquinian metaphysics.
You're gonna get shit for this from boomers, xoomers and moomers, but as a fellow centennial this is based, redpilled, based, and also redpilled

>> No.12004292

Hard for much more to be going on when the oldest zoomers are still in college

>> No.12004293
