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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, Outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12000098 No.12000098 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/, did they do it? Did any of them finally reach the Outside?

>> No.12000104

Hey /lit/, name our band!

>> No.12000108

top left: nick land
top right: amy ireland
bottom left: sadie plant
bottom right: reza negarestani

>> No.12000115

I always knew Land was a cyber-commie.

>> No.12000122

>that zoomer who sees any four panel image as a politics chart

>> No.12000125

do they call it Ireland because everyone's mad all the time

>> No.12000127

pff, Blanchot has been on the Outside since at least the forties

>> No.12000130

zoomers don't use facebook, gramps

>> No.12000158

>The namesIrelandand Éire derive fromOld IrishEriu. This in turn comes from theProto-Celtic*Iveriu(compareWelshIwerddon), which is also the source of LatinHibernia.Iveriuderives from a root meaning 'fat, prosperous'.

>> No.12000269
File: 118 KB, 311x362, myatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but pic related did

>> No.12000294

I hold that Anti-cosmic Satanism dethrones Accelerationism in terms of pure nihilism

>> No.12000305

the Outsiders

four Gnon blondes


Waiting for Mark Fisher

&c &c

>> No.12000312
File: 33 KB, 540x451, tumblr_ootm4gSG4K1qc0pn9o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reza is by far the most based.
Also, what is the OUTSIDE?

>> No.12000321

Nega Master System

Nick Land and the Wild Ride

Capital Funk Wasteland

Pure Ideology

Coldness Be My God

>> No.12000322

The Farce

>> No.12000420

/lit/ is so fucking pathetic

>> No.12000500

This post is so fucking pathetic.

>> No.12000504


>> No.12000514

This is a really bad political compass

>> No.12000957

no u

>> No.12001325

when is nick land gonna transition?

>> No.12001328

isn't he just into love now?

>> No.12001398

He is rumored to be heavely involved in the creation of the notion of islamic caliphate aka ISIS. Kicker is he came out publicly and renounced islam and converted to budhism a week before the public proclamation of the Islamic Caliphate under ISIS and ruled by Baghdadi. This lead some to speculate that once his mission was fullfiled (the creation of the islamic caliphate under whahabi influences) he renounced his cover, his persona, in line with the noctualian theology of O9A. More recently we have witnessed such infiltration in the Atomwaffen group that was unmasked as a front for recruiting by these luciferians. His latest peace and love philosophy is also quite sinister under the surface, he's definitely up to his old tricks again.

>> No.12001402

these days he's writing articles defending the catholic church n shit lmao

>> No.12001416

His perceived ideological flip flopping was mainly because he yearned for an imperium that would physically transcend the bonds of earth freeing humanity from the organic growth and decay of civilization. Though there is reason to suspect he was simply a highly intelligent strategic agent provocateur...creating an ideology to maneuver himself between the left-right or between the Occident and Orient. He should embrace accelerationism and become pro-free market.

>> No.12001420


>> No.12001423

mark fisher did

>> No.12001550


>> No.12001713

Myatt isn't anti-cosmic (gnostic) like those black metal band guys. He is a Heideggerian-Jungian-Nietzschean-Classicist with his concept of the acausal being rooted more in pre-Socratic thought than heterodox Christianity.

>> No.12001725

he's a fucking mi6 asset

>> No.12002145

Anyone here got a good reading chart for these four yet? I might try the cosmotech thread later but this one is less crowded.

>> No.12002477

What the fuck is wrong with accelerationists? Not only do these people believe in ooga booga voodoo magic that attributes intelligence to abstractions like “Capital”, but they actually want to replace humanity with a bunch of unconscious unfeeling Darwinian replicator machines. Even a sociopath like icycalm and his vision of an aestheticized dystopia is more sane than these lunatics

>> No.12002483

t. meat cuck

>> No.12002486
File: 205 KB, 1280x1066, 1473507842803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12003366

So he's kind of like the anti-Dugin?

>> No.12003436

Where do I start with Plant? What's her most ccru-like work besides the actual ccru writings?

>> No.12003439

Like all Marxists, its just mentally ill technological determinism.

>> No.12003448

1. You are God.
2. If everything ceases to exist we return to the void. And last time we had a void, God (Capital) sprung forth from it.

Sorry anti-cosmic-fags. You will never win lol.

>> No.12003453

is the guy on the bottom right getting head?

>> No.12003486

congrats on making even less sense than every other nutcase in this thread

>> No.12003506

truly based

>> No.12003620

Ultra simplification, but for a quick and dirty description it works well enough.

Zeros and Ones is her most CCRU book

>> No.12004325

the most SIEGEpilled man ever

>> No.12004420


One and the Zeros

Big in Neochina


The Anonymous Materialists

>> No.12005354

How are her articles? I figure she's written plenty but I'll check later.

>> No.12005454

>amy ireland
I can't seem to find a brief description of what she writes or thinks, what can I find out?

>> No.12005462

nevermind found one thing, but can't tell how red-pilled she is

>> No.12005465

is this a political compass thread

>> No.12005470


oh god, what the fuck, no

>> No.12006611
File: 109 KB, 680x954, 1488599012962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12006741


>> No.12007998
File: 34 KB, 343x265, NickLandTed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big if true.

>> No.12008036
File: 341 KB, 1200x627, 1200x627-FuturisticTech-Feat-HUSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're accelerating into the future bro, you wanted flying cars, instead you're getting CYBERNETIC RESSENTIMENT

>> No.12008052
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is here

>> No.12008063

this kills the accelerationist

>> No.12008413
File: 655 KB, 1946x2872, 294b6b963d517310545eca247955f0a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thought of the Modern Age, which presented itself for so long under the naiVe name of "Enlightenment" and the even more naIve programmatic word "progress," is characterized by an innate movement: wherever it follows its typical forward motion, it achieves the breakthrough of the intellect out of the caves of human illusion into the nonhuman world outsi:de. It is no coincidence that the cosmological turn named after Coper- nicus marks the start of the newer history of knowledge and disappointment. It brought the people of the Fi:rst World the loss of the cosmological center, and subsequently set off an age of progressive decentralizations. From that point on, earth's citizens, the old mortals, could bid farewell to all illusions about their position in the lap of the cosmos, even if such i:deas cling to us like inborn illusions. Copernicus' heliocentric theory ini- tiated a series of research eruptions into the deserted outer teaches, extending to the inhumanly remote galaxies and the most ghostly components of matter. The cold new breath from outside was sensed early on, and a number of the pioneers of the revolutionarily changed knowledge about the pOSition of the earth in space did not conceal their unease in the i:nfinity now imposed on them; rhus even Kepler objected to Bruno's doctrine of the endless universe with the words that "this very cogitation carries with it I don't know what secret, hidden horror; indeed one finds oneself wandering in this immensity, to which are denied limits and center and therefore all determinate places.") Evasions to the outermost realms were followed by irruptions of coldness from the cosmic and technical ice worlds into the human inner sphere. Since the start of the Modern Age, the human world has constantly-every cenmry, every decade, every year and every day-had to learn to accept and integrate new truths about an outside not related to humans. From the seventeenth century on, starting with the European educated classes and increasingly affecting the informed masses of the First World, the new psycho-cosmologically relevant sentiment spread that humans were not the concern of evolution, the indifferent goddess of becoming. Every view into the earthly factory and the extraterrestrial spaces provided increasing evidence that mankind is towered above on all sides by monstrous externalities that breathe on it with stellar coldness and extra-human complexity. The old nature of homo sapiens is not up to these provocations by the outside.

-from the Introduction to Spheres 1: Bubbles, Sloterdijk

>> No.12008415

Research and the raising of consciousness have turned man into the idiot of the cosmos; he has sent himself into exile and expattiared himself from his immemorial security in self-blown bubbles of illusions into a senseless, unrelated realm that functions on its own. With the help of its relentlessly probing intelligence, the open animal tore down the roof of its old house from the inside. Taking part In modernity means putting evolved immune systems at risk. Since the English physicist and cosmographer Thomas Digges proved in the 1670s that the two-thousand-year doctrine of the celestial domes was both physically unfounded and thought-economi- cally superfluous, the citizens of the Modern Age inevitably found themselves in a new situation that not only shattered the illusion of their home's central position in space, but also deprived them of the comforting notion that the earrh is enclosed by spherical forms like warming heavenly mantles. Since then, modern people have had to learn how one goes about existing as a core withbllt a shell; Pascal's pious and obser- vant statement "the eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread" formulates the intimate confession of an epoch.2 Since the times became new in the precise sense, being-in-the- world has meant having to ding to the earth's crusr and ptaying to gravity-beyond any womb or shell. It cannot be mere coin- cidence: since the 14905, those Europeans who sensed what had to be done have built and examined ball~shaped images of earth, globes, like possessed members of some undefined cult, as if the sight of these fetishes was to console them for the fact that they would exist for all eternity only on a ball, but no longer inside a ball. We will show that everything referred to as "globalization" today comes from this play with the eccentric ball. Friedrich Nietzsche, the master formulator of the truths one cannot live with, but cannot ignore without intellectual dishonesty, finally articulated what the world as a whole had to accept becoming for the modern entrepreneurs: "a gate to a thousand deserts, empty and cold."3 Living in the Modern Age means paying the price for shellessness. The peeled human being acts out its epochal psychosis by replYIng to external cooling with warming technologies and -climate policie,s--or with climate technologies and warming policies. But now that God's shimmering bubbles, the celestial domes, have burst, who could have the power to create prosthetic husks around those who have been exposed?

-from the Introduction to Spheres 1: Bubbles, Sloterdijk

>> No.12008425

replace 14905 with 1490s and please excuse other errors in transcription

>> No.12008540

Any good articles or books that specifically deal with the outside?

>> No.12008577

my diary desu

>> No.12008805

It would be if:
Top-left: Amy; bottom-left: Sadie; top-right: Reza; bottom-right: Nick

>> No.12008939

Negarestani has the best fashion sense of the four.

>> No.12009649

Where do I start with him?

>> No.12009656

makes sense

>> No.12010115

No. Seriously man.

>> No.12010886

It is clear now.

>> No.12011288

Vindex: Destiny of the West, and Emanations of Urania