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/lit/ - Literature

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11998560 No.11998560 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend me a book with a fucked up MALE protagonist? I would prefer it to be in first person, but it's also fine if it isn't. I don't mind if his mental health isn't the main plot point of the book. Anything which is NOT too cheesy. Any genre will do.

I am new to /lit/, if this thread doesn't belong here, please tell me, I will delete it.

>> No.11998571

Pretty much any Nabokov novel

>> No.11998573

Blood Meridian has a protagonist who is passive but participates in a lot of fucked-up shit and features a extremely fucked-up antagonist.

>> No.11998578

Anything by Chuck palahniuk. Or Tommy Pynchmeister.

>> No.11998584

Oh, I read most of Cormac McCarthy's works, maybe I should have specified that. Either way thank you for your recommendation.
Which book would you suggest I read first?

>> No.11998599

Thank you. Which book of Thomas Pynchon's should I start with?

>> No.11998614

Crying of lot 49 is pinecone entrance level, but the protagonist is a female..

>> No.11998626

Thank you. I will read it.

>> No.11998639

Nabokov Lolita

>> No.11998642

>"Snow Country" by Yasunari Kawabata
Shimamura is fucked up, but in a much more subtle way than Patrick Bateman. It's a short read, too, and it's easy to find a copy for as little as 4 USD.

>> No.11998653

The killer inside me, check it out

>> No.11998655

Thank you.

>> No.11998665

Like others said, Lolita
Dazai's No Longer Human, I don't rec it but others do
Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear
Murakami's Kafka on the shore
Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground

>> No.11998668

dude read crime and punishment by dosto
its a great book and the main protagonist will do justice to what your looking for

>> No.11998671

Child of God, Notes from Underground, A Clockwork Orange, Filth.

>> No.11998676

What do you think is his best work?

>> No.11998685

Thank you for your suggestions, everyone. This thread was unexpectedly, really good. I think I will visit /lit/ more often.

>> No.11998691

Why do you not rec No Longer Human personally?

>> No.11998692

I go back and forth. Right now The Idiot, but Brothers K, Crime&Punishment, Notes, they're all good

>> No.11998693

np, have fun reading OP

>> No.11998696

no problem man. /lit/ is one of the best boards. sometimes.

>> No.11998706
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this is what you're looking for op

>> No.11998707

Columbine by Dave Cullen. The author likely wouldn't admit but he gives so much focus to Eric Harris that he is essentially the main character.

>> No.11998708

The name of the game is death

>> No.11998742

Am I right in assuming that Ralph Manheim's version is the best translation?

>> No.11998748

you are

>> No.11998762

Thank you.

>> No.11998769

doctor faustus by marlowe

>> No.11998829

The only things fucked up about Oedipa Maas is her name and that time she cheated in strip poker.

>> No.11998835

Stars my destination - rapey, rage-fueled, vengence seeking protagonist.
The least of my scars - 1st person, this book fucked me up seriously, not gonna spoil anything Just try it.

>> No.11998851

Herman Unger's The Maimed might be what you're looking for.

>> No.11998857

> fucked up MALE protagonist
All fag writers.

>> No.11998870

What are you implying?

>> No.11998888

Rising in anti-gay atmosphere makes fag writers messed up in the head.

>> No.11999000

Nice digits.

>> No.11999007

What translation is the best for Crime and Punishment?

>> No.11999153

Yukio Mishima's Thirst fot love(female protag), temple, confession of the mask.
Dazai Osamu No longer human
Lermontov hero of our time i guess is also good for your request.

>> No.12000134

The Tunnel by Gass has a fucked up main character but I would read this book last it's kind of difficult.

>> No.12000164

The Book of Disquietude
À rebours
Blue of Noon

>> No.12000172

wow turns out lots of literature is written by FUCKED UP and MALE protagonists

>> No.12000182

Cross Channel by Romeo Tanaka

>> No.12000436

The kindly ones by Jonathan Littell

>> No.12000453

Turns out FUCKED UP just means NORMAL, at least for the average /lit/tard.

>> No.12000461

Why don't you give an example, then? Genius.

>> No.12000520

stoner - that's one crazy fuck.

>> No.12000541

Catcher in the Rye is told by a serial rapist and murderer

>> No.12002036

A Clockwork Orange

>> No.12002137

The Debt to Pleasure by John Lanchester
It's a lot more subtle than the other ones mentioned in this thread, being primarily a comedy

>> No.12002207

My diary desu

>> No.12002259
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