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/lit/ - Literature

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11998154 No.11998154 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had one of these threads in a while, so let's do it.

1 - What you read last.
2 - What you're currently reading.
3 - What you plan to read next.

>> No.11998158

1. Dracula
2. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and some Lovecraft for Halloween
3. V.

>> No.11998162
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I'll start:

- "Das Geheimnis Der Runen" by Guido von List
- "Rune Magic" by Donald Tyson
- "Gods and Myths of Northern Europe" by H. R. Ellis Davidson

>> No.11998165

1. huckleberry finn
2. huckleberry finn
3. nigger jim

>> No.11998171

>nigger jim

>> No.11998173

Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie
Just finished it this morning and haven't started the next book yet
The Current Age, or whatever that Kierkegaard tract is called

>> No.11998175
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>I'll start:
>second post

>> No.11998499

The things they carried
The handbook Epictetus
King warrior magician lover

>> No.11998518
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1. Heart of darkness
2. The futurological congress, 20 pages to go so I'll be done before the next hour
3. Infante's inferno

>> No.11998658
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1. Lolita (no bully pls, I just needed something to keep me busy on a short work trip)
2. n. c. kaser - herrenlos brennt die sonne
3. undecided between giving Stirner a second try because I was too drunk to appreciate it for most of my first read, or power through the Rebels Against The Future copy I got for my birthday a while ago. depends on how depressed and, ironically, drunk I happen to be by the time I have to choose.

>> No.11998661

1- Toni Morrison, Home. Not excellent but good enough, I wanna read a little more from her.
2- Odon von Horvath, The Eternal Philistine. Funny but not as good as his unfunny novellas.
3- Probably Zweig, Amok - because it's short enough to make it into the october reads.

>> No.11998667

1. Atomised by Michel Houellebecq
2. Imaginary Lives by Marcel Schwob
3. The Illiad

>> No.11998669

>1. Lolita (no bully pls, I just needed something to keep me busy on a short work trip)

>> No.11998672

1. 1984
2. Anna Karenina
3. Moby Dick

>> No.11998675

1. Norwegian Wood
2. Saga of the Volsungs
3. V.

>> No.11998679

1. Eothen by Alexander William Kinglake
2. The Narrow Corner by W. Somerset Maugham
3. Voyage of the Liberdade by Joshua Slocum

>> No.11998681
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I solemnly swear to anything I hold dear that I just chose one out of my shelf at random that fit the "haven't read in >4 years, has <500 pages, has no autistic implications for normies who might see it" shtick.

which, surprisingly, only had about 6 other contenders to begin with lol

>> No.11998755

Bernard Cornwell's Waterloo history
Edmund Wilson's The Twenties
James Thurber's My Life and Hard Times

>> No.11998764

1. My diary
2. My diary
3. I think my diary desu

>> No.11998772

1. Notes from Underground
2. Crime and Punishment
3. L'avalée des avalés

Might swap 2 and 3 honestly, just started C&P but 3 really appeals to me more.

>> No.11998779

Give C&P 100 pages and then decide

>> No.11998856
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1. I, Robot and a book on the Meidner plan
2. The King in Yellow, Introduction to Marx's Capital, Druidry Handbook, The political system of the EU.
3. Concept of the Political, Capital, prolly some more sci-fi and course lit

>> No.11998978

>Romeo and Juliet
>Regions of Passion

>> No.11998991

1 - The Fortune of War

2 - The Surgeon's Mate

3 - The Ionian Mission (probably, I've been sucked in and it looks like I'll be going through these 20 books before I read my next)

>> No.11999060
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1. Divine Comedy
2. The Foundation Trilogy
3. Infinite Jest

>> No.11999164

1. Madame Bovary
2. Las Inquietudes de Shanti Andía
3. Lolita/The Iliad

>> No.11999332

Amazon is trying to perfect its recommendation algorithm I see

>> No.11999352

1-The Broker by John Grisham (while I was in jail)
2-Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
3-Ulysses by James Joyce

>> No.11999376

1. Lolita by Nabokov
2. Half of a Yellow Sun by Ngozi Adiche
3. Invitation to a Beheading by Nabokov & The Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon

>> No.11999386

1. Faust
2. Der Zauberberg and a couple of textbook chapters for university
3. More textbooks and either something by Ludwig Hohl or Anna Karenina

>> No.11999436


I have actually, and now I can't stop because I know I will never go back to it if I stop. Meh doesn't matter, 200 pages a day will make it a relatively short affair. Will try to finish it before Wednesday despite work.

>> No.11999448

Please stop posting pictures of my wife.

>> No.11999452

1. Timaeus
2. De Anima
3. Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11999455
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>I-I’m not reading this book for its pedophilic themes, I s-swear!!!
>posts anime girl

>> No.11999620

The Road to Serfdom - Hayek
The Trial - Kafka
Island - Huxley

>> No.11999650

1 The Purge by Oksanen
2 Seven Gothic Tales by Dinesen
3 Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar

>> No.11999673

1. Child of God
2. Tales (Lovecraft collection by Library of America)
3. Songs of a Dead Dreamer/Grimscribe
I'm in the Halloween mood

>> No.11999696
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Been wanting to read Inviation to a Beheading for ages. What's made you want to read it? TCo49 is very good.

You won't regret reading Ulysses. It's very good. What did you go to jail for?

Ah I just got Imaginary Lives in the mail! Haven't looked at it yet really, what's it like?

For me it's:

1) The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Franois Augieras
2) The Man Without Qualities by Musil and Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais
3) The Tin Drum by Grass

>> No.11999703

>Bartleby the Scrivener (can't believe Camus is a hack)
>Snow Country is the main one I just started but my side books are Analects of Confucius (Ames translation), Montaigne complete works (Frame translation), and The Story of Art by Gombrich.
>either Billy Budd or Aesops Fables (oxford). After Confucius it's the Dao De Jing (Ames and Hall translation)

>> No.11999748

What I read last
>Abu Kamil - Algebra

What I’m currently reading
>Ibn Al-Haytham - Optics
>John Von Neumann & Morgenstern - Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
>Ptolemy - The Almagest
>Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy In America
>Aristotle - The Categories

Going to read after:
>Ibn Al-Haytham - Completion of the Conics (probably mid-November)
>Joseph Schumpeter - Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (probably mid- January)
>Ibn Al-Haytham - On the Configuration of the World (probably February or March)
>Jeremy Bentham - On the Principles of Morals and Legislation (probably mid- December)
>Aristotle - On Interpretation (in four days)

>> No.11999854

you're barking up the wrong tree, yes I obviously own it for dat dere lolicon, but that was not why I explicitly chose to read it this time, it just fit my standards for work trip leisure reading kek

>> No.11999947

I deserted the IDF for couple on months, shit was cash because I was working

>> No.12000006

Do you read these books in that specific order? do you have a schedule for each one of these books or do you read them at random? if so (at random) which book do you read most to least in a day/week?

>> No.12000030

>thomas harris - red dragon
>george saunders - the tenth of september
>thomas ligotti - teatro grottesco

>> No.12000243

I read them in order from top to bottom. Meaning I read the ones at the bottom last.

I’ll typically read them all in one day, sometimes on a work day I’ll only read the first one. I work nine hour days right now so I don’t have a lot of time to read. Especially since I’m trying to organize my apartment and keep a steady girlfriend.

Kind of curious who got the 0s.

For curiosity

>> No.12000247

>Divine Comedy (fuck this book, srsly)
>Musicophilia by Oliver Sachs

>> No.12000958
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>What you read last.
howard's roses & rot.
it was boring, tbdesu.

>What you're currently reading.
the crying of lot 49.

>What you plan to read next.
the secret history (probably).
i might reread lying by slater.

>> No.12000963

1 - Prolegomena
2 - Critque of pure reason
3 - Critque of practical reason

>> No.12001249

The Elementary Particles
The Man Without Qualities
I don’t know yet, I’m probably going to read other stuff on the side TMWQ because it’s long as fuck