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/lit/ - Literature

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11997983 No.11997983 [Reply] [Original]

hello, I've been getting into tarot lately, what are some good books to study it?

>> No.11998021

This is a Christian board. No witchcraft allowed.

>> No.11998022

Jodorowsky's book is good. Also Valentin Tomberg's book sorta, it's not exactly about the Tarot but it is kinda.

>> No.11998034
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>> No.11998040

it's not witchcraft man, it's quantum physics and psychology

>> No.11998045

Valentine Tomberg's book has led a lot of people to embrace Catholicism.

>> No.11998066

Sounds like bullshit, and is still nevertheless forbidden by the LORD (Exodus 22:18, Galatians 5:19-21).
You shouldn't try to seek knowledge that God will not allow you to have.

>> No.11998089
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Rider Waite Guide to the Tarot

>> No.11998189
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Been a while since I did online readings, they're fun. Usually do them on /div/ but /lit/ has been my home-boy'd for a minute. Respond to this post with an image, your first, name a song, and a query (can be general) for a reading! Here's one I did for my friend a few weeks ago:

Five of Cups, Page of Swords, Eight of Cups

The process of human life is a cycle of grief, you're constantly learning how to grieve for each of your phases. You're coming out of a period where you believed you were very well defined into a more amorphous existence. Neither one is better it just depends on what you're used to. Stones collaborate into signs. Haunts echo but calmly. You have a lot more energy inside of you than you know how to use. The next phase of your life will be focused on channeling this energy. It might be a good time to learn how to play an instrument and join a band. Beware of frivolous engagemnents these coming weeks, don't let people toy with you or you will lose your spark of truth. Life is a creative reaction, and it needs your input to thrive. That doesn't mean you can't go into hiding if you want, but your contribution will be heard no matter what it is you choose to do and I believe you will choose the path to fulfillment.

>> No.11998192

quantum physics? how does that work?

>> No.11998198

first name* had a couple beverages and I plan on having more

>> No.11998208
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Will I ever have a gf.

>> No.11998231
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1) State that magic is real.
2) Quantum mechanics show that the observer causes everything, something something quantum entanglement, Schrodinger's box.
3) Therefore magic.

>> No.11998259

Ten of Wands, Eight of Cups reversed, Six of Swords reversed.

Your intensity will only be attractive to certain kinds of people, seek those folks out. You will find a gf but only after a long period of friendship. You are a body. And you deserve compassion, trust all of that for who you are. Remind yourself constantly that the world loves revealing itself to you, and will be delighted to do so if you offer it your attention. Bitches come and go brah, but yung lean stays. There's a midnight gift in your perception. The key word in this reading is "offer," you want a gf so you can share yourself. Open up, "humanity is a system of imperfect allies against the universal front of poverty," everybody wants something. And you are wanted. Be well, Alan, and contribute to someone who matters to you.

>> No.11998279
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Should I major in Philosophy or Literature
What should I be doing

>> No.11998308

Its even simpler than that. Its determinism. If you're God conscious and not some degenerate atheist

>> No.11998329

Page of Cups, Five of Swords, Knight of Swords reversed.

You're a goddamned Hermes Trismegistus dude. Normally I'd say literature (cause that's my major) but you'll excel in philosophy. Over the next few years you will become seriously engaged. Beware of language though, that's a philosopher's pit of snakes. You have an attractive clarity that will make you many friends. During the course of your philosophy work I will propose a topic for you to consider, feel free to forget about it but it might give you some guidance . . . the inevitability of everything, does everything continue . . . under the constant face of change? Go out more. I'll say this again, you're likable and people will think your few flaws are endearing.

>> No.11998335

You should major in philosophy over literature. You dont need someone to tell you some tips on how to enjoy fiction. An education in philosophy may actually benefit you and your thinking

>> No.11998367

Jodorowsky's book is actually very good. Get Meditations on the Tarot A journey into Christian Hermeticism too.

Paul Foster Case has Tarot stuff you should look into too.

>> No.11998386


I have a spanish deck with wich i practice. Will it be as efective without the major arcana? Also, is it bad to practice on oneself?

>> No.11998391

it doesn't really.
It's astrology-esque.

>> No.11998392
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>The Great Wheel of Samsara.

>The Wheel of the Law. (Dhamma.)

>The Wheel of the Taro.

>The Wheel of the Heavens.

>The Wheel of Life.

>All these Wheels be One; yet of all these the Wheel of the TARO alone avails thee consciously. Meditate long and broad and deep, O man, upon this Wheel, revolving it in thy mind!

>Be this thy task, to see how each card springs necessarily from each other card, even in due order from The Fool unto The Ten of Coins. Then, when thou know'st the Wheel of Destiny complete, may'st thou perceive THAT Will which moved it first. [There is no first or last.]

>And lo! thou art past through the Abyss.

Rota Taro Orat Tora Ator

>> No.11998403
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Where will I be this time next year?

>> No.11998413

I dont have pictures in my phone. Didn't look for one because nothing comes to mind

>> No.11998429

The Chariot reversed, Three of Pentacles reversed, King of Swords.

My reaction to that without consulting the cards is that you'd be missing the long-term implications of a reading from a deck without the major arcana. I don't advise it. The cards say this as well, the readings will be disorganized and bear no fruit. HOWEVER, if that's your style, disorganized and without a care go for it. You can practice on yourself. Personally, I don't just because I value the opinion of someone else over me and if I have the option to get a reading from someone else, why not? But I don't seek out readings very often. The jumping river will collide with pleasant stars . . .

>> No.11998437

What are the next few months looking like

>> No.11998443
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fuck forgot the pic >>11998437

>> No.11998456

The Star, Temperance, Nine of Wands reversed.

The first two cards are very optimistic, and the last one is a drag. They suggest you will achieve success in many of your realms but you may experience a higher level of fear that you aren't used to. For the fear: put your breath into the whirlpool, jump off the swing, canonize the seas & give language to the fields. You will become a more thoughtful individual in a year, and you will have noticed many things about yourself that please you. Take those gifts, but don't revel in them of course. Over the course of the year you will witness 11 winks.

>> No.11998481

Strength, The Tower Reversed, The Hanged Man reversed.

Alright buckle up my breather, these next few months are going to transform you. You will be greeted with a kind of problem that is new to you and you will need to seek advice who for whatever reason have less experience than you. Children are powerful and surprising guides, and their influence on the conscious sphere shouldn't be ignored. The cards say that you have the patience to master this inconvenience, but you will need to address some indecision and you will be confronted with the familiar confusion of not knowing who to trust. I might propose something that seems naive or too emotionally new-age but in order for you to accomplish your works before God you need to trust everyone. "Everyone" is supporting you, and because they want comfort for themselves they want comfort for you. It's up to you how much of that you actually want, but infinite resources are never a bad thing. You're gonna cry twice.

>> No.11998532


Benebel Wen - Holistic Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite - Pictorial key to the tarot

US Games - The Herbal Tarot (deceptively good for RWS)

Most other books on the topic are straight garbage.

>> No.11998539

The Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination by Robert M. Place is good.

>> No.11998563
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christfag leave

>> No.11998583
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Love reading, please. Also, can you tell me if it's related to Karen or not?

>> No.11998615
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How might I achieve a state of eudaemonia or lasting contentment?

>> No.11998643


What's the new year going to look for me

>> No.11998652

Six of Cups reversed, Queen of Cups reversed, Eight of Cups reversed.

Wow, all reversed and suit of cups. That displays an emotional imbalance/turmoil relating to love. You aren't alone with that. Ladies think you're very charming and interesting but they may question if you can commit to them, they're thinking about their competition. You will pair well with an unpretentious girl, one whom may even surprise you with her disinterest in most of reality's gifts. You're nostalgic and gentle, and you'll probably end up having children though most likely not with Karen. But what the fuckdoIknow? Read poems about forest fires to yr lova.

>> No.11998682

The Sun reversed, The Devil reversed, Ten of Wands.

This is a tough one, something I struggle with. There's an interesting relationship in the cards between optimism and detachment. Is it optimistic or naive to believe that nothing can truly touch you? Conceptualizing long periods of time is something unique to our species, and we do it all the time, searching our memory pools for reasons to believe or sometimes reasons that we're the victim of society. Lasting contentment is a burden. Just look at marriage. Return to a task every day and you'll find it. Forget about self discovery, self abasement to. Reality is made from transcendental material, learn from it.

>> No.11998687

Thank you very much.

>wow, all reversed and suit of cups
The suit of cups might as well be my spirit animal due to how much it follows me around.

>read poems about forest fires to yr lova
Don't know any, but I've been interested in poetry recently, so I'll search for some. Thanks again and good luck with your goals, anon.

>> No.11998689

alfred douglas wrote a good book about tarot i recommend

>> No.11998713

Ace of Wands reversed, Three of Pentacles, Five of Swords reversed.

Reality is collaborative imagination. The new year will bring about new friendships that will guide you into new ways of understanding your past. You're open to change, and that'll serve you well. You belong in this place, and this place belongs in you. Fulfillment will embrace your gargoyle next year. You've got what it takes to space shuttle into forever!

>> No.11998801

you're welcome anon. safe travels to your heart!

hitting bed at this unreasonable hour, if there are any more queries i won't be responding to them heads up kiddos.

>> No.11998818
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The Qabalistic Tarot: A Textbook of Mystical Philosophy by Robert Wang

>> No.11998823

his name sounds like slang for cock

>> No.11998838
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First name is Seth, five to one by the doors, and how will Europe treat me?

>> No.11998842
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So you're saying... I SHOULDN'T change myself for others. Thanks for the read man.

>> No.11998844 [DELETED] 
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LOLI forum :



>> No.11998849

unironically and sincerely: kill yourself.

>> No.11999348

negative: emperor
general: tower
positive: magician

by the looks of it you will have a very shaking and de-structuring expence on Europe and will learn humilty and will get out of your high horse. but in the end you will learn a lot with all this, you will become so much more confident and with a wide repertoire to deal with people and the most diverse situations.
Seriously you will struggle at first and will be "put in your place", but at the end you will be a much more astute person.

>> No.11999739

Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

>> No.12000601

There's this one tarot book which influenced all the other tarot "interpretations" which was also published along with a special deck designed by it. (THE tarot deck -with that art)

Cant remember its name but read that book, and you'll know all the rest of the tarot mambo-jambo.

>> No.12000975

read Calvino's The Castle of Crossed Destinies

>> No.12001090

>he doesn't use the law of attraction to his advantage
Haw man oh boy

>> No.12001672

thanks for picking that up for me buddy

>> No.12001722

>Quantum mechanics show that the observer causes everything
This is the textbook mischaracterization of quantum physics. "REALITY IS FUNDAMENTALLY A CONSTRUCT OF OUR MINDS! SCIENCE PROVES THIS!"
Shit like this makes me seethe every time.

>> No.12002122
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If you're still doing this, then:
I've got a lot on my plate for the next couple of months, will I be able to push through?

>> No.12002319

There's a girl that I feel looks back whenever I look in a direction where she is in. I'm the usual loner who sits in the back in classes and avoids talking to anyone. Also I think she has a boyfriend, but I still daydream about her a lot. I don't know what question to make, could you still say anything to me about the things I mentioned?

>> No.12002551

Is it ok I allow myself to be as relaxed as I am about my studies right now if I want to achieve what I want, and if no which one of class 1, 2 or 3 should I pay more attention to and how?


>> No.12004178

jung and tarot

>> No.12004580

Hello, I'm not that anon but I can do a reading for you. I'm still a beginner and I'll be dealing only with major arcana, hope it can be useful for you (missed your name)

negative: the star
general: the fool
positive: strenght

look, I'd say you are able to push through, but it might be not so easy. the fool to me says you might feel out of place in whatever it is you'll be doing, feeling an urge to drop it. The star on the negative says something similar, like you could feel you are lacking ability to do the stuff, or lack of spontaneity. The strenght on the positive indicates you'll need a lot of willpower to dominate these urges to drop off and that feeling of suffocation as in you are feeling you don't have space to really be yourself. Perhaps it would be a good thing if you managed to show your creativity and individuality into the work so it'd be something that spoke to you more intimately (if that's possible). I'd also advise you to try making things work right at the beginning, the star says to me that you might start your activities in the wrong pace, perhaps you will take a while to catch on, and if that happens it will compromise things, will be much harder.
So this is a cliche answer but it depends on you weather you'll push through or not. That is really possible, but you need focus and discipline as I have a sense you might feel not very comfortable doing whatever it is you have coming in the next couple months.

So I asked how you could smoothe out these coming months and got: the sun, the hanged man, the magician.
Very quick bcause I'm tired of typing. You need to dominate the techniques, yes, if you can invest in that it will get easier. Also try looking at things from a different angle, I think it has to do with what I said about the fool, get wild and adventurous. If you keep looking at it like it is just a chore you have to get past it will keep not making sense intimetely to you, but if you really get engaged in a personal level, you might find it speaks to you in ways you wouldn't even have expected. Having good relations with people you love is great and certainly gives you a boost, but in this case what you need the most is individual strenght, racionality to get done with your things and maybe find more sense in it.

Did this make any sense? give some feedback if you read it :D

>> No.12004825

Get lost dork.

>> No.12005857

Tarotist here:
Jodorowsky: Idiosyncratic but surprisingly decent, Perhaps not the best starter book, makes a good second or third addition to a collection.
Tomberg is definitely heavy-duty stuff, not much about Tarot. Maybe leave til later.
PFC's books are all up on the internet archive or Scribd, and are a mixed bag. That said, I quite like his practical exercises, like drawing and colouring the cards as a meditative practice.
Wen's book is very derivative but comprehensive. Plus she's a hysterical SJW WoC, ranting on about muh cultural appropriation while making money making SWPL (i.e. Tarot).
Not bad, not great either, but frankly not bad. A good first book.
Yes, this. I second that. It is the best of a bad bunch. A decent all-round book that is not high on the bullshit factor.
As this is /lit/, yes, seconded.
A bit dated, and heavier on Jung than Tarot, but decent enough if one is interested in Jungian psychology.

To sum up: get Douglas' book (it's online) and follow that up with Place's. Get one or 2 decks too, according to preference, but I would suggest a Marseilles (any type) and a Rider Waite (or clone thereof) for starters, and as study decks if you move on to something else later.

>> No.12005906

It made a lot of sense, actually. I was planning on doing NaNoWriMo but with everything else going on it was looking to be more hassle than it's worth. Although I push myself to be adventurous and personal when I write, just like you mentioned, so maybe I'll stick with it after all.

>> No.12005927

>You shouldn't try to seek knowledge that God will not allow you to have.
so where's the harm in seeking? other than wasting one's time, that is.

>> No.12005948

The Golem

>> No.12005950 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12006998

By which point can you call yourself a tarotist? Just read a bunch of books? Or does it mean you make money out of it?

>> No.12007461
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Prince of denmarks march

Will my journey in December be fruitful?