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/lit/ - Literature

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11997694 No.11997694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shalom, /lit/

I am deeply sorry to report that we Jews, through no fault of our own, have--yet again--been persecuted

Yes... it is true.

We are victims

I take no pleasure in being an innocent Hebrew who has been pogromed by a big strong goy. This position of immense cultural and moral and legal authority is not one I enjoy being in. That hateful goy was likely jealous of our admittedly massive brains and gigantic two inch penises (reluctant though I am to admit it)

In these trying times, are there any talented Jewish voices who can speak to me in my darkness?

We Jews are no strangers to suffering. My grandfather was once denied admission to Harvard and forced to attend Princeton, a school only 25% Jewish. When he became a movie star, he was refused sex by his shiksa costar and forced to settle for a much older (practically geriatric) middle schooler.

In his pain, he found solace in the writings of talented and intelligent Jewish writers who are talented geniuses deserving of their stature. Talented and cruelly under-discussed geniuses like Roth, Sontag, Arendt, Ginsberg, Bellow, Freud, Mailer and Franco. Great pillars of literature, who are sincerely deserving of their fame and stature.

Now that I must suffer to watch Jews get murdered on my television screen (a fate more fit to Palestinian babies), I ask merely for the comfort that my grandfather took when wasn't allowed to join a country club or get 15% on 2 6oz cans of Heinz Baked Beans. Cans that were clearly marked 15% in the aisle he took them from.

Indeed, I ask for that great fount from which we Jews have often drunk, that noblest and most envied trait of ours: genius.

>> No.11997700

You guys seriously need to stop using the word "goy" it instantly gives you away.

>> No.11997714

This. Goy is our secret word we use to denigrate you guys only in private. In public we denigrate you by calling you white

>> No.11997783

Good job on this.
The satirical nature of the post gives it away more than just the word "goy"

>> No.11997823

Ayo you cool icedick

>> No.11997846
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>> No.11997855

Is there any likelihood of this happening?
t. not a burger

>> No.11997859


>> No.11997869

I do not understand why Jews are always constantly brought up by both sides of politics. Mainstream liberals hold them up as martyrs in the struggle for freedom and capitalism, whilst various right wing groups hold them responsible for all the ills of the world. The truth is that they are completely fucking irrelevant, as obvious by the tiny size of their population, and all actions that are attributed to them can only ever be enacted with the consent of far more powerful forces.

>> No.11997870
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>> No.11997883
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>exploiting the slaughter of your people during the time of mourning for political purposes

>> No.11997888

Fuck off, kike.

>> No.11997897

They've lived in our countries for thousands of years without fully assimilating and they're wealthy. People will resent them for those two reasons alone, whether they're responsible for the things they're accused of doing or not.

>> No.11997901
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haha did that breakfest cereal bitch actually say that? Based.

>> No.11998103

Yes, it is very strange that we spend so much time worrying about the thoughts and feelings and actions of 2% of the American population

Such a minuscule number of people really should not be in such a position of extreme prominence when you think about it