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/lit/ - Literature

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11996963 No.11996963 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have anyone you trust enough or who is patient enough to proof read your writings or even outright editing for your benefit?

>> No.11997035
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I don't write I'm just posting in this thread for Yui

>> No.11997126

I wish I did and I wish she was a cute girl.

>> No.11997154

I've asked three different people if they would be interested in just looking at my work and they just flat out said that they didn't care.

>> No.11997209

I'd rather have that than people assuring me that "they'd get to it eventually" for three straight months before I stopped bothering to ask.

>> No.11997218

If you want to post some samples here, I'll take a look at them. I mean, I'm just some retard on the internet, but, if you've got nobody else - why not?

>> No.11997219

My brother and one of my friends, we all exchange our writing with each other.

I stopped bothering a while ago though because my writing has descended into actual incoherent madness and the notion of editing it no longer makes any sense

>> No.11997223

Well, I have a bunch of friend I can share my work with and whose critical judgement I trust, but I don't think they would be eager to act as proper editors and/or proofreaders. One of them couldn't be bothered, and the other is so busy with his own publications and shit he'd have time for me only if I were willing to pay.
On the plus side, this latter guy has been willing to introduce me to a number of proper editors and publishing houses he's worked with before so there's that.

>> No.11997225

Meant for >>11997154

>> No.11997350

>ywn exchange song lyrics with mio