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/lit/ - Literature

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11996573 No.11996573 [Reply] [Original]

how do i become big brained enough to enjoy poetry? i honestly just dont "get" it

>> No.11996584

do brain exercises. read a difficult book (non fiction). read a paragraph and look away and try to rephrase on your mind what the paragraph meant or write it down. do this every day and you'll be medium brained in months, big brained in years.

>> No.11996591

>He thinks that you need intellect to enjoy poetry.

What you need to do is become a sentimental faggot if you want to "get" poetry.

>> No.11996593

you might just be overthinking it. pay more attention to the rhythm and sound instead of searching for some vague "deep meaning". the depth comes from the effective combination of the technical elements, so learn how to appreciate the technical elements and you'll appreciate the depth.

>> No.11996598

For me it happened thanks to a teacher. She gave us a fucking unintelligible poem and we had one hour to try and understand it a little bit. The patience, the effort, the slow and partial discovery, a few clusters of meaning - I was like, hey, wait, does this word connect to this other one, oh fuck so it means that...??? and I was so proud even if I didn't understand everything. And the more I could understand, the more I could enjoy. And when I was able to understand by myself - then I enjoyed it even more. It requires quite an effort though, and probably some experience too - I have no time for this, now that I'm a wagecuck.

>> No.11996611

Honestly this, I have an instagram account for my poetry and only women and fags follow me.

>> No.11996617


>> No.11996623

does it get you any pussy?

>> No.11996643

I'm fairly ugly and don't post pictures of myself so no, it doesn't get me any pussy. I just do it so I have some kind of copyright claims on my poems.

>> No.11996662

I just feel the poetry. I don't know how to describe. I think you need to start being more sensitive and emotional and not try too hard to interpret the poetry with your left brain if you get what that means.

>> No.11996689

it's purely internal feels that are #relatable you recognize what the poet is pointing to because you've felt it in yourself

>> No.11996844

I want to get into poetry too but even I have some poems that I already really like (like Ozymandias, The Raven, Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening). All of those have wonderful rhythm to them, especially The Raven. Stopping By Woods... is comfy as fuck and Ozymandias has god tier imagery. The Seamus Heaney one about drowning kittens isn't rhythmic but is also top tier.
The poetry I don't get is stuff like Emily Dickinson. If I had confidence in my knowledge of poetry I'd call her a talentless hack, but I don't, so I'll say that she does nothing for me. If I learn more about poetry and still don't get her then she's going into the T.H. cabinet.

>> No.11996875

I feel ok with doing this until someone comes up with labored or even far-fetched theories and then I feel dumb and quit reading. or when I find something I can't take any feeling from, which is not as bad but not very pleasant either

>> No.11997322

Bullshit you philistine.

>> No.11997341

Write your own. It's the best way to understand what the fucking point of poetry is and why the greats poets are so damned good

>> No.11998557

Poetry to me is basically describing something broad and/yet/or specific in an evocative way. If I were you I would read the Haiku master Issa and read a topic on what the "goal" of writing Haiku is.

>> No.11998739

poetry isnt really bout smarts

>> No.11998743

>he thinks there is a left v right brain dichotomy

Come on, I know it isn't /sci/, but you don't have to be such a brainlet

>> No.11998815

god I hope this is bait-and that everyone will understand why I say that.

>> No.11998877

There’s nothing to “get”, poetry is just cringy

>> No.11998896
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For poetry you have to start with Chaucer. If you didn't, you have goofed. Badly.

Go back and read him. Hit yourself in the head with a wooden mallet if you have to. You'll "get" poetry. It's just pretty noises put together that coincidentally also make sense as spoken ideas.

>> No.11998955

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

>> No.11999424

>The poetry I don't get is stuff like Emily Dickinson.
Most (not all) of the poems I've read by her seemed like complete nonsense.

>> No.11999900

That's what I thought, I unironically don't see what makes her better than Rupi Kaur

>> No.12000020

brainlets lmaoo

>> No.12000061

honestly, poetry is largely shit and is largely just for fruits and women

can there be good poems? yes. are there many? no.

real expressionism comes from great works of literature, the ideas and consciousness found on a page and recorded in beautiful descriptive prose. not looking at strings of stupid words that are designed to entertain you only if you physically make the sounds with your mouth

>> No.12000367

Ohh right now I get why she's good, thanks anon

>> No.12000378

Don’t intellectualize it at first. Just find something that hits you in the gut with emotion. Then analyze

>> No.12000424

This is going to sound like a faggoty cop-out, but you can't really "get" poetry. It's what you make of it. That being said, I face the same challenge as you. In the oral tradition, rhyme and meter helped the people retain some culture, but nowadays, poetry is a little less valuable. Not worthless--from time to time I'll page through Robert Frost's poetry for some inspiration--but well written prose scratches the poesie itch for me.

>> No.12000449

I honestly can't explain it at all, there is a very small minority of poetry that does something to me that approximates intoxication except it feels like 'religious'. Most of it is stuff I write myself(which is by no means good, it's just the 'thing' that I am after), but I come across it occasionally in other poets.

The vast majority of poetry I couldn't care less about.

>> No.12000533

>you can’t really “get” poetry

I disagree. Sure, poems can mean different things to different people, but what OP is getting at is feeling like you don’t understand what the poet was trying to communicate through the poem. It is a perfectly valid goal to understand the author’s intent.

>> No.12000673
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Escapism. Im also an emotional baby who keeps to himself, so I find sentimental aspects easy to sympathize with in private.

>> No.12000687

Learn it in a language exclusively for it.

So, sanskrit

>> No.12000698

I meant learn a new language just for it