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11994094 No.11994094 [Reply] [Original]

>Zero Books
>Zone Books
>Zed Books
>MIT Press

>> No.11994100
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>> No.11994109

replace Jacobin with Jacobite.

>> No.11994129
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>Inner Traditions

>> No.11994141
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>Shambhala Publications
>Sophia Perennis

>> No.11994142

I like how Inner Traditions has a catalog of like 1000 authors with 10k books that are 99% gentle new age post-menopausal women and then there is Evola.

>> No.11994144


>> No.11994159 [DELETED] 


>> No.11994160

i like how this thread is now about esoterica publishers

>> No.11994164
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>> No.11994176

I have a Semiotext(e) book. Also they published Slotjerdisjif k. You mad bitcH??

>> No.11994180
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>Nubian Knowledge
>Cosmic Melanin
>Black Futures

>> No.11994197
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>Bollingen Foundation

>> No.11994203
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What's wrong with Urbanomic? Please help a midwit find his way out of the cave!

>> No.11994268
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nothing really. they're leftists (but an advanced
mutated kind) and they're generally read by the same crowd who read verso.

>Belknap press

>> No.11994277

Nothing wrong with it. We are just making fun of stereotypical people who may have combinations of certain publishers predominant on their shelves. Verso, Zero and Repeater do suck however, as they are more or less the academic version of a vanity press, releasing glorified blogposts.

>> No.11994382
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>Laughing Fascist Press

>> No.11994401

Semiotext(e) is based

>> No.11994422
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>Folio Society
>Easton press

>> No.11994434

Big agree for Jacobin, they suck

>> No.11994463
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>Sophia Perennis

>> No.11994499
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>> No.11994646

wtf I'm gay now

>> No.11994744
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>> No.11994827

Urbanomics is actually pretty cool.

>> No.11994919

verso isn't/wasn't always so bad, it's certainly not a pseudo-vanity press like zero, and has some nice series (like verso world history), zizek, the only english edition of stirner back when he was a meme here, etc. they're massively leftist, but not all of it is onions.
zero has a few gems (fisher, noys) but good luck wading through the crap to find it
nothing wrong with urbanomic (and mit press is mostly journals and textbooks, am I missing something?)

>> No.11995660

I have Radiotext(e) by them but that's all, because I used to do college radio.
I thought it was pretty good desu.
Its publication and my purchase\reading of it predate 4chan by many years, tho.
Are most of the text(e) books too left-wing for OP or is he just a conserva-bitch?

>> No.11995699

Other than actual textbooks, MIT press has lots of critical theory and continental-esque philosophy. a lot of Zizek's stuff is on MIT press. I believe he's the editor of a series.
they're not "too" left-wing. they're the meme left-wing. although semiotexte has such a large collection that there some gems there too.

>> No.11995708

Semiotext(e) is decent as well. Their name is the gayest thing about them.

>> No.11995806

semiotext(e) is owned by MIT Press fyi

>> No.11995994

Verso has some books Worth reading (Adorno, Debrod), but I wouldn’t new original books they put out.

>> No.11996401

>e-flux journal

>> No.11996438

>Minuit (Critique)
>Seuil (Tel quel)
>meanwhile angloes relegate their philosophy to university presses