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11991798 No.11991798 [Reply] [Original]

Girl keeps trying to get me to read Dostoyevski, give me reasons why I should or should not

Note she's a huge russiaboo

>> No.11991811

you should because he's good and it is possible she wants to know whether you have half a brain. smart girls who recommend Based Dosto don't sleep with brainlets.

>> No.11991827

You fuck, you don't deserve your life. Give it to someone else who would appreciate it more.

>> No.11991829

You're on here. You don't have anything better to do.

Read Dostoevsky

>> No.11991830
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you should read him because he's good

>> No.11991848

How most exposition is there in his books? I ain't a fan of exposition. Also I only ever read during work breaks if it matters (no time otherwise).

>> No.11991850

Russian schoolchildren start reading War and Peace and the Brothers Karamazov as soon as they learn to read. Are you telling me that you're not able to read those works while russian children breeze through them with ease?

>> No.11991874

women can't understand D, so she's a lying whoar because G-d knows she isn't enjoying his prose

>> No.11991888

The only Russian book I ever read was Anna Karenina and I have a love hate relationship with it.

I loved everything related to Levin, all his chapters were bliss to read, but anything related to Anna and Vronsky made me want to blow my head off with a 12 gauge, it was painful to trudge through

Knowing that what should I read?

>> No.11991905

Anna Karenina. Again.

>> No.11991930


Wow rude

>> No.11991963
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>smart girls who recommend Based Dosto don't sleep with brainlets.

>> No.11991971

he is redpilled on jews

>> No.11991988


>> No.11992011

>Read Dosto
>Get pussy
What are you waiting for?

>> No.11992012

You'll like him, his works are short and get straight to the point. He really understands the audience is in a rush.

>> No.11992021

good post if troll
kys if not

>> No.11992031

read Pushkin and Gogol instead; tell here she is a pleb with an inhuman conception of socio-emotional responses and that her body is a corpse waiting for the light of real art to seed new life within her (this will both sexually and intellectually arouse her; do not do this if you do not want access to her womb).

>> No.11992037

Many basement dwellers on here would kill to be in your position, you ungrateful fucker

>> No.11992043

the Creutzer Sonata

>> No.11992095

there might be pussy if you do

>> No.11992155


There already will be, my intelligence has already been proven to her at length. We just have very different interests, I haven't read nearly as much since I finished High School, too caught up in work and personal studies (languages), last book I really read for myself was the Bhagavad Gita.

I guess she wants me to read it because I argued that the value of an idea was not dependent on how it's communicated, while she argues that it is and suggested reading his work as proof.

>> No.11992368

>smart girls
the only girl I have ever known obsessed with Dostoyevsky (she was also keen on Hesse) was also batshit motherfucking crazy in an unattractive way (though she herself was quite attractive).
Read Dostoyevsky, flee the woman.

>> No.11992371

Alright, got Crime and Punishment and Notes from Underground. Started with the later

This guy is already annoying as fuck 10 pages in.

>> No.11992385

You're a brainlets if you don't get it. Sorry

>> No.11992404

This. But also read Dosto. Start with The Idiot.

>> No.11992436


So far it just reads like a bitter 4chan nerd who's spiteful as fuck but can't get motivated to do shit which makes him ever angrier. Basically r9k

>> No.11992440

that's what it is except in 19th century Russia, so understand the class system they had back then which amplifies everything

>> No.11992502
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>be chatting up grill
>she suggests me i read Notes from the Underground, "you'd relate to it anon"

>> No.11992509

>>be chatting up grill
Anon, we both know this isn't true.

>> No.11992519

women who read Dostoevsky are pseud art hoe tier don't bother with her, nor Dostoevsky, they're both trash

>> No.11992524

even the most intelligent of women couldn't understand his work. you should still read it, but not because some whore said you should.

>> No.11992700

Alright I finished the first part, to me it does seem to be like someone who cannot accept his own failures and try to ascribe some deeper causes to them. He does seem, or claim to accept he's the way he is but the scramble to explain it shows he's lying to himself about it.

>> No.11992871

But they obviously dont learn anything usefull since the country is a literall shithole currently being ruled by literal mobsters