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/lit/ - Literature

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11988353 No.11988353 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11988361

aaaaaaaaaaaah i want girlfriend NOW, i'm a virgin and i can't stop thinking about women fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i want to be gay but i cant bring myself to it not even traps make my dick goes up because they are men and men are gay and stupid and ugly as fuck i just want a GF to smooch and cuddle is that too much to ask? fuck off

>> No.11988363

I'm buying too many war fiction books, but none of my want to read alternatives are that enticing

>> No.11988485

Natsuki was telling me that the most basic of conversations with other people were absolutely trite. "Chigusa you don't understand. I can talk to you about points arguments and rational logic and you are capable of rebutting even if only to play devils advocate. These people are just devoid of thought or refuse to investigate and learn." It was a thought I myself had during banal conversations at either work or when caught with a stranger in an elevator. I told Natsuki my rule of thumb is to not engage. "Chigusa you can't escape from humanity I've found myself in wonderful and terrible situations by simply engaging with those around me. It's not pretty but at the same time it can be a thing of beauty." I explained that the reluctance comes from a place of wanting to grow rather then to simply express myself. There were always places for that.

Of course I wouldn't have thought that I would have been too highly educated to be employable but the neet lifestyle was something that would take getting used to. I left my job at the cafe after getting my diploma in search of proper employment. They were willing to take me back of course they all loved me there but I was done with dish washing and dough preparation. I must say I learned to make wonderful pasta and loaves from my experience but with a Bachelors degree in computer sciences the year 1992 was going to be my year. Interviews always went well but when they saw my education they said they couldn't afford me. I never understood why perhaps they thought I had loans to pay. Adamant about their pride they wouldn't accept me at whatever they would be willing to pay and wish me good luck in my search. I wondered if perhaps I came off as some sort of snob when they described that they had all sort of fell into computer work instead of actively looking to work in it like myself.

>> No.11988516

Fuck I wish I could draw like that. What would you guys do if you could draw?

>> No.11988521

Op is a cartoon fapping sexual deviant with fantasies of becoming a woman

>> No.11988526

i loved programming until i became a cs major

>> No.11988529
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>> No.11988544
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I can't keep myself engaged with this tinder chick. I have no investment. I want my oneitis back.

>> No.11988548

Same, I took the mathpill after half a semester and haven't looked back.

>> No.11988553

I'm late to the shift again. But there's nothing I can do about it because I don't even have a car. I just have to stand here waiting for the destination/time. How kafkasque.

>> No.11988563

I'm pretty well read (English and Russian major) and read a bunch of stuff outside of whatever canon bullshit they made us read in classes, but whenever I come to this board I feel like a brainlet not knowing or read half the authors people bring up as if everyone should know them. I also don't really understand philosophy and think a lot of it is just fluff or antiquated, even though I'm sure some of it is legit.

I kind of brushed off the idea of staying in school to get a PhD in Russian lit because it's literally impossible to find a tenured position at a respectable university for humanities and most academics have their heads up their asses anyways. My Russian is pretty good and I sometimes read books in Russian but at this point I'm starting to feel like I'm forcing myself just to read stuff and not enjoying it as much as I did 3 or 4 years ago when I started. Also at home living the Neet life sucks. Oh well.

>> No.11988567

I swear none of you have actually read kafka. kafka would be your bus arriving, only for you to find it being driven by your boss who proceeds to argue with you for ten minutes about how you can't take this bus because if you do you'll be late for work.

>> No.11988571

Very kafkaesque posts

>> No.11988576

Im feeling optimistic and positive about life. I genuinely believe I can make it and do what I want to do, and I know no matter what I will have someone who makes me so happy I could die any moment and the only sadness I would feel is that I didnt get to spend more time with them.

>> No.11988585

What words begin or end with sx

>> No.11988597

According to this dataset:

none at all

>> No.11988602

Yet another day wasted. I collect knowledge but for what purpose I'm not putting it to use. I waste time running in circles.

I know that feel it gets better anon but she will still pop up in your heads years from now.

>> No.11988604

but math sucks more than programming :(

>> No.11988610

good for you!

>> No.11988613

yeah the "calculate this integral lmao" kind does, but higher math is all just comfy logic autism. It feels like some esoteric magic or some shit.

>> No.11988710

I didn't like Tatami Galaxy that much but I told my friends I did.

>> No.11988981

I've started writing my diary like I'm a kerouac larper. It's probably utter garbage, but it gets me to write my diary every day and the free-form nature can be refreshing after working on actual stories during the day.

>> No.11989075

Was that movie adaptation of the other LN any good? Women are weird.

>> No.11989082

Im at a bar listening to live music
Drinking red wine, all by my self

>> No.11989093
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>li..living the literary lifestyle

>> No.11989113

Men speak as if becoming Christian is a very easy task and that understanding the mysteries of the faith is quite difficult, but it is the exact opposite. Jesus' teachings are actually quite clear, the pridacament is following.

>> No.11989117

There's a distinction between following Christian morals which are, at least in the new testament, fairly sensible and embracing Christianity as a religion.

>> No.11989168
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I'm not 100% honest with my girlfriend. I miss having sex with her. I don't know if I should be honest, or if I should continue to half-ass it. I'm not sure.

I wish I was a doctor. I wish I was rich. I wish I had superpowers. I wish she didn't want to be a [redacted]. I wish she and I could run away somewhere with a lot of money, and spend all of our time together. I want her all to myself. I don't like sharing my toys.

I wonder if I could be happy with her. I'd like to keep her happy.

>> No.11989174

>tfw she refuses to drive the conversation forward

>> No.11989202
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I'm looking forward to get wasted with my bros tomorrow.

I wished making friend/girlfriends was easier for me

>> No.11989222

to see if you're entertaining or not

>> No.11989283

I have absolutely no self-esteem

>> No.11989287

I've actually started doing something similar to this too. I call it flow-of-consciousness reflections, where I just write without stopping.

It's actually incredibly liberating. I hope it'll make us both better writers, anon.

>> No.11989298

I love my bestfriend more than anything or anyone. It's not romantic or sexual. It's like some weird, third kind of love. Is there a word for it?

>> No.11989305

i give up. every day i experience a glimmer of light, a possible way out. but now my only goal is to snuff that light and carry on until i'm dead.

>> No.11989310

I fell behind one year in university. I should just kms and end the humiliation.

>> No.11989326 [SPOILER] 
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I want a giant MILF gf. I just want to be cuddled by someone big and powerful and caring.

>> No.11989345

Is Cro Magnon modern human?

>> No.11989353

I was the same way for a while. You're probably thinking a lot about acting, but not actually doing anything, which is making you anxious.

So start acting. Whatever your dream is, think of the smallest possible step to make it happen, and do it.

Or if the smallest step is too hard then I guess yeah just kys because you'll never make it

>> No.11989378

Read the Four Loves by CS Lewis. Babby's first translations of the Bible doesn't mean you understood the Greek.

>> No.11989380

there better be some good albums released tonight, last week sucked ass

>> No.11989383


>> No.11989386

Biologically? Yes. Their phenotype would have been more strikingly distinct than the differences you see between modern humans ethnic groups though, iirc

>> No.11989392

>feelings are like, gay man

>> No.11989409

my internet is all slow n shit some fucker better not be leeching a public torrent

>> No.11989438 [DELETED] 

i got triggered at work and went on a marxist rant, i actually support trump and wanna maga, but when someone comes at me with some corporate democrat liberal bullshit i just go into a marxist rage and start talking about seizing the means of production and like taxing the one percent and other insane shit, now everyone hates me

>> No.11989443


>> No.11989468

aww shit new unknown mortal orchestra album just dropped and its some kind of fucked up free jazz freakout, oh hell yass

>> No.11990041

Can I get some good war fiction recommendations?

>> No.11990082 [DELETED] 

Fuck off punk

>> No.11990132

I really want a big titty Asian or nigger GF

>> No.11990141

Pathetic. A woman is a vile, frail, weak creature. See why most girls prefer tall men: it reminds then of their inherent submissiveness, they delight at the sight of having to look up to their "lover". A woman has no physical integrity, thus no intelligence. The physiological aspect of intelligence is well researched, the fittest are the smartest and more apt genetically. It's why i only fuck MEN and despise "traps" or "man whores". These are beings who have revoked their inherent masculine nature to banal pleasures. Real men fuck another men to remind themselves, in a moment of fragility, what could happen if they aren't strong: they get fucked by life. Sex with men acts as a metaphor for all existence: never be weak, never be behind. Sex with men shouldn't be pleasurable, but a lesson to males who bond over mind and matter, soul & body. Sex with a weak being such as a "femal" belongs to the herd. They should only be fucked at rare occasions, to remind them that they are weak. The weak should live in mourning for what he is: a fragile creature, and in fear of the superior man. The weak fears the strong. It's biological.

>> No.11990143

i have no standards for gf really i just want one just give me a gf already i care not about race or really anything the only standards that i have is that she shouldn't be below 100iq but other than that give me a gf now

>> No.11990163

Through the Wheat (F Scott Fitzgerald approved), Company K, Red Badge of Courage (though you might have already read that), Covenant with Death, Three Soldiers (light on violence though)

War and Turpentine you might like if you don't mind psychogeographic stuff

>> No.11990208

My depression has been kicking my ass for the past month, and it makes things that are usually easy to deal with a nightmare. On top of having more fights with my partner, a friend who's 50 years my senior came on to me, and I keep missing shifts at work/leaving early due to anxiety, on top of working two jobs

>> No.11990219

I want to die

>> No.11990418
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I'm a classically trained musician. My dad and uncle both listen to weird experimental shit so I grew up listening to John Cage, Peter Garland Alvin Lucier etc. I have dozens of records with Messiaen and Schoenberg, and to me, a good friday night entails listening through Einstein on the Beach in one sitting. Classical music is in my blood.

I still unironically think pic related is better than anything Bach ever wrote.

>> No.11990425

nice cope you fucking incel

>> No.11990471
File: 45 KB, 320x313, D1BE1827-4FED-4267-8CA9-4CEF509C9FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m on the fence about joining the military, I want to travel and go to cool places but I also would need to finish an undergrad while being a marine. On the plus side we’re in peace time so it should be very easy, but because of peace my service will be pretty dull as a combat correspondent because I’ll have to write about dog shows and other lame bullshit.
Also pull-ups are hard

>> No.11990474

based wojak finally wins one

>> No.11990475

I have plenty of sex, i'm just a natural realist on the womyn question. They're inferior and should be relegated to the kitchen, giving them things like voting rights are a mistake since they don't have the capacity to make right decisions.

>> No.11990492

>I have plenty of sex
>they don't have the capacity to make right decisions
can't argue with that

>> No.11990494

butterfly detected

>> No.11990496

i dont think i could lose my virginity even by paying for it because my dick is hideous

>> No.11990506


That is one of my top 3 Chinese cartoons. Noice.

>> No.11990507

It's lame how much people dump on you when you have a chronic illness. It'd be nice if they just let you be, but they feel the need to pile on, like it's instinct. I'm not even sure they know they're doing it.

They can be forgiven for forgetting you live in a different world now; pretty much prisoner to your body. Maybe they think when you sit in a chair and take a load off, you're not sick at that moment, or like when you watch a movie or shitpost. Of course, you're just as sick then as you are any other time, "chronic" being the operative word. You don't get any real break.

So if I had to give some wisdom on being sick, my nugget would be "everyone is going to treat you poorly now, no I'm not sure way, just try to avoid them."

>> No.11990508


Nothing wrong with that

>> No.11990513

new julia holter album just dropped anons, probably one of the most literate musicians making beautiful tunes. i’ve written an essay about her. she looked at me twice.

>> No.11990522

It's almost time to take the bus. I don't want to take the bus. Today is Friday, fortunately, but this also means that I will have the fullest day. My sister is a bitch and she will not let me read her books and I do not want to go to the library to get them, but sooner or later I will have to do it. Or I will keep reading in pdf and fuck up my sight. Is it better to write anything with simple words and focus on the story or use as many erudite words as possible and make the reading more complicated but more detailed? I've never made up my mind on which of the two options is the best, if it was necessary to pick only one of the two.

>> No.11990536

Those girls are cute and I like the bright colors.

>> No.11990542

where can i reach you anon

>> No.11990566

Are people actually all just fucking boring as shit or do they just lack the confidence to show personality?
I'm so fucking tired of meeting people who describe themselves by parroting shit they heard elsewhere and found clever. Fuck off with "I like languages," stop pretending travelling is your dream any more than to an extent that literally anyone would be up for a vacation somewhere new, piss off with your quirky "Once taught myself how to [random useless but UnIqUe talent]," fucking tell me about the way you think instead, about shit you like that you have yet to meet another person likes; what gets you heated, what achievement of yours do you reminisce to this day? Jesus christ I'm so fucking tired of people that are more worried about not saying anything dumb than saying something smart. Who the fuck cares whether you're contradicting yourself, saying immature shit and don't really understand what you're trying to say yourself? You're not polishing the message you want to tell by cutting off the shit some retard might ridicule you for, you're mutilating it.

>> No.11990568

>if it was necessary to pick only one of the two.
It's not.

>> No.11990570

Women are really stupid. I long for the day when MANkind decides to go its own way, departing from females. We'll watch the rest of the femails continue to living knowing that they are the last generation of femals to ever live. We'll use artificial wombs to create the most genetically fit MEN and we'll use sexbots (programmed by top AI) and MEN for a quick fuck while women will be no more a threat to progress and civilization. Enjoy your time while you can, for when you die there'll be no femal descendants to claim your genetic material: men will rise up.

>> No.11990572

Got me to chuckle.

>> No.11990573

Very good

>> No.11990580

the travelling shit gets really old, it's like the definition of a normie: "i want to travel the world so much!!!" fuck off going to another place, you're going to be a boring uninteresting person both here or in Greece or Rome or Paris or whatever the fuck is the place you want to travel.
>what achievement of yours do you reminisce to this day
autism. i can guess you're in the 18-25 range, pretty much no one has any achievement to be proud of. this is the time you're supposed to enjoy life and achieve things.
>immature shit and don't really understand what you're trying to say yourself? You're not polishing the message you want to tell by cutting off the shit some retard might ridicule you for, you're mutilating it
everyone is a narcissist, everyone lives in fear of living. doing what you're describing is exactly setting yourself up for failure though is the more intersting path

>> No.11990595

traveling can also be a deeply rewarding and transformative experience provided you do more than walk around and gawk at old buildings

>> No.11990602

>pretty much no one has any achievement to be proud of. this is the time you're supposed to enjoy life and achieve things.
Few people have objectively impressive achievements, but everybody has achieved something in their life they're more proud of than anything. Hell it doesn't even have to be pride, it's about you, somebody with your very personality, caring about precisely that one thing. It's about shit that displays your character; anybody has that option

>doing what you're describing is exactly setting yourself up for failure though is the more intersting path
Sure you don't want to look like a retard in front of your boss even if there's a small chance he'll be intrigued, but I'm not talking about a school of life or rules to follow to achieve success, I'm talking about your approach to social interaction. There's no reason to tread carefully on some imageboard like /ic/, or when casually meeting new people, yet hardly ever do you see somebody willing to put themselves out there.
People mock artists who take down their blogs and go underground once a year like clockwork, but I bet my asshole it's precisely the people who are most responsible for artists' not wanting to deal with randoms' critique anymore who have never in their life produced something with enough effort poured into it for it to even qualify for criticism in the first place

>> No.11990630
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I met Gallagher once. Could've been his imposter brother, though.

>> No.11990972

>i'm now watching a 90 minute gallagher special from the 80s on youtube

god why is my attention span like a flea no but u know why cuz i used to see posters for gallagher at the vhs rental store but my parents werent going to rent that shit now i can see it its not that good my parents maybe had good taste

>> No.11990979

What the hell is the appeal of Love Live

is it just to sell crap to lonely Japanese men

>> No.11990984

Little too high-brow for 'ya? It's okay, we were all there once, kiddo.

See, it's funny because it's low-brow!

>> No.11990985

>but everybody has achieved something in their life they're more proud of than anything

uh y-yeah

does Gallagher actually do or say anything funny or is it just all watermelons

>> No.11990994

>does Gallagher actually do or say anything funny
Anon who met him here; he actually did some pretty edgy material on feminism for the time, and he brought that kind of "counter-culture" political riffing into his act, like a dime-store George Carlin (who wasn't that funny either).

Not to abuse memes, but it slays boomers.

>> No.11990995

maybe people treat you poorly because you're a whiny bitch
ever think of that

>> No.11990997

for some weird reason the one i clicked on didn't have any watermelons, its not that funny but sort of interesting from a historical perspective like he's talking about russians like "they get us thinking about the olympics and here we are practicing away at hockey and then bam they take afghanistan"

>> No.11990999

Tell me a fact about yourself for which you wish there was somebody who's deeply intrigued by that fact. If several things come to mind pick the one this most applies to

>> No.11991006


>> No.11991007

>tell someone what I truly think and value
>they get mad because they value something else
>they call me a piece of shit and tell all their friends who share their values that I'm a piece of shit
>lose 4 friendships at once
inb4 don't be racist then, it had nothing to do with race/sex/etc

>> No.11991009

did u get that from your shrink? sounds like a shrink trick to psych out losers

>> No.11991043

Baudelaire... Easy with the flowers

>> No.11991045

It’s very cold. I’m surrounded by collapsing row homes and faded streetsigns. The director is pacing back and forth,shivering. We’re two hours hehind schedule, and I have learned nothing from my time here.

>> No.11991049

That's where social skills come into play. I strongly doubt you have literally no shred of publicly acceptable personality.
>what happened to not caring about what society thinks?
Only autists think in black and white. You have ideas and values that you don't share with people even though they're socially acceptable, therefore your concern is invalid, even if you can't wrap your head around why this state of affairs persists.

See, you sound like one of the people I was talking about in >>11990566. It feels like no matter how much I encourage you, provoke if you will, you wouldn't be willing to provide us with some insight on who you are without recoiling to some ironic joke.
The question you're mocking is one of like five example questions I imagined people could answer to shed some light on who they are. If you don't like it then pick another one, fuck if I care how you go about it, they're all far from ideal because I came up with the shit on the fly.

>> No.11991053

>“When all by myself, I can think of all kinds of clever remarks, quick comebacks to what no one said, and flashes of witty sociability with nobody. But all of this vanishes when I face someone in the flesh: I lose my intelligence, I can no longer speak, and after half an hour I just feel tired. Talking to people makes me feel like sleeping. Only my ghostly and imaginary friends, only the conversations I have in my dreams, are genuinely real and substantial.”

>> No.11991095

Cute girls and good music.

>> No.11991138
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can anyone recommend some books that are pretty easy to read (not too dense), but are still good literature. something like stoner or catcher in the rye

>> No.11991202

Anything by Hesse
Start with Demian

>> No.11991224

I go home and I masturbate because I am an animal. I don't even want to do it. I just do it because I guess I feel something. A 10 years habit is almost impossible to break, maybe a gf would fix that. Maybe.
I have a shitton of things I want to learn, like coding. But I'm lazy and demotivated. Right now I just want to play some vidya. I live like a ghost but I want to be noticed. The fatality of solitude is always looming in the distance but the proximity of others make me self conscious and tire me. I am walking contradiction. I don't do much with my resentment.

>> No.11991293

>I am walking contradiction.
There's nothing contradicting about feeling entitled. Stop indulging in your loser lifestyle and face it properly.

>> No.11991308

Trying to get motivated instead of depressed after finding out that it have been going well for a friend (or used to be) that I haven't met in a long time. But it's hard. I can't shake off how it reflects on how stagnant my life have been these last couple of years. Of course I know how pathetic this is.

>> No.11991328

Believe me you won't feel better just by accomplishing something. I'm nominally fairly successful and I'm still miserable for much of the same reasons.

>> No.11991331
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check out this white male

>> No.11991361

>decide to put in some effort into meeting girls, but hell, just dating app levels of effort
>chat with a girl for a week, actually try to seem appealing
>already starts getting swoony and proposing activities we could do together
>suddenly feel like aborting the mission
I'm dead. All these years I thought I was different from your average 4chan virgin, that I could get a gf if I actually started feeling like it, but now the time has come and I can barely even bring myself to keep bothering with her. Why did I even want a gf?

>> No.11991372

you unironically have to stop fapping if gf is what u really want, whenever i can't fap i end up dating and fucking, but then when i can return to a regular fap schedule they get dropped, i've decided i identify as a fapsexual, i'd rather just wack it

>> No.11991387

Literally in the same boat anon. It's fucking with me because a few years ago I would have been so fucking happy just to be chatting with a girl like this, I would have been smiling all day just from the thought of it. Now I'm...bored? The actuality is just so much more mundane than my fantasies.

I don't know what I'll do. Probably ask her to get coffee sometime next week and if I don't feel something after that I'll call it quits.

>> No.11991398

Gonna try this, thanks passerby chad

Good luck man. Whatever way it rolls, think back on this moment and remember that there's nothing to regret

>> No.11991406

I'm taking drinving lessons and I'm an incompetent.
I just don't get it. I'm tall and clumsy, my arms are stiff, the car always turns off .
I guess I'll just keep on riding a bike .

>> No.11991430

No, keep going at it. Just drive safely.
Some learn fast, for other it takes fucking time. I was just like you.
I hope you have someone that you can drive with, so you save a lot of money.

>> No.11991505

Yeah there's my father but he doesn't have too much time due to his job.
I'll try. thanks

>> No.11991520

cant see my life ending any way other than a suicide desu
itll be many years from now, but thats how itll probably be

>> No.11991662

The CIA called reports of Saddam Hussein's whereabouts after the fall of Baghdad "Elvis sightings."

>> No.11991707

Make my own graphic novel

>> No.11991734

Whatever you do, don't fucking become one of the people who spend their whole life telling themselves "driving's just not for me lol."
That shit is all just in your head. Take a minute to think about all the retards that managed to get a driving licence; you really wanna be the loser out of them all?

>> No.11991738

Who wrote this?

>> No.11991750

Sounds like something that happens when you don't give your imaginary interlocutors enough intellect to expose half your "witty" remarks as the bad lines they are. Maybe. I don't know man, consider it.

>> No.11991781

Exactly why i'm not a retard is why i'm not getting a license. I'm too scared and my spatial awareness is laughable. I'd probably kill myself and the instructor by trying it. Plus i tend to daydream a lot, i can imagine already i daydreaming in traffic and then dying and killing innocent people.

>> No.11991792


The reason all women have long hair is that their skulls are alarmingly misshapen. Even if you entertain racism, you must admit that "negroid" or "mongoloid" men's skulls are distinguished by positive features, that is to say by prominent shapes and by warping that is clearly artful and consistent. Whereas women's skulls are simple degenerations, morphological abortions.

>> No.11991812

Of course anon. Of the hundreds of thousand people with a licence in a 200 mile radius around you, you are the one least suited to driving.
Get the fuck out of here man. Stop telling yourself you're special and learn to drive.

>> No.11991852

a qt girl will NEVER step on my face and jerk me off with her feet. now tell me if this isn't true suffering? i can't conceive an existence worse than this, i want it out

>> No.11992232

very nice, for better or worse you embody /lit/ anon

>> No.11992248

this guy is the pipe bomb suspect right?

what kind of spic even is he? seems like he could be cuban, he's from Miami after all

>> No.11992262
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>i have plenty of sex
sure you do incel

>> No.11992271


>> No.11992289

Everything was going well between us and she even seemed more interested in me than I was into her during our last date, which is a first for me desu. Now she's ghosting me lmao. Why do I even try?

>> No.11992293
File: 6 KB, 214x236, Grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look /lit/ bros I posted it again!

>> No.11992307
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He's clearly white, /pol/ BTFO

>> No.11992321

He's a native american-hispanic chimera born in a pool of malarial oil in the everglades

>> No.11992323

Dude, even just one hour every week can do it. Eventually you will get there.

>> No.11992357

Tatami Galaxy was a good amine.

>> No.11992418


>> No.11992425

how can you survive doing this? what do you do for living?

>> No.11992542

I've been thinking about sex nonstop for a week nowand I feel like I've become a completely different person, I've barely slept or eaten so my body is much weaker than it used to be, I missed an exam and fucked up two assignments despite usually scoring straight A's, I'm usually a confident and sociable guy but now I can't even look at my closest friend in the face, I can't even think clearly to come up with a solution to this fucking problem. I think what I'm lacking is someone that can sympathise with me but I don't even understand the problem myself.

I'll be leaving this board right after this message is posted, please don't bother replying.

>> No.11992554


>> No.11992566

I feel the same way, but every time I watch porn I'm reminded just how cruel and utilitarian women are. I still want one to give me affection, but I don't believe any of them cancan genuinely provide it.

>> No.11992579

I am so fucking tired. I know everyone thinks they have it the worst but I really think I have had a worse deal in life. My parents threw me out and I slept in the fucking park, I am homeless. I can barely do my minimum wage retard job. I am an immigrant and can't even connect with other immigrants. I staid of drugs and alcohol and it makes me feel even more alienated

I've been obsessed with sucking cock for 10 years and I have no nationality, no personality, and no love. This is the 3rd country I live in. Even though I have slept with some women, I still think about one that I havent seen in 2 years. And the lack of any female in my life makes me want to go insane, I might go to a prostitute again and feel good for a week and miserable for a month. I am so fucking lonely. Thinking about oding on heroin would feel nice.My mom eats pills and my dads put me in debt for 50k and asked me what he should do

meanwhile people I used to call friends go out and enjoy a beer and they cant even afford to support themselves

and I struggle to survive in the cold and brutal

>> No.11992660
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I've gotten a job at a hotel through nepotism but I don't want to work, yet I also crave new experiences. Leaving my life of masturbating to the feet of cartoon females, idling my computer on a video game I play sporadically while I browse the chon all day, and occasionally reading (I actually haven't picked up a book I stopped in the middle of for weeks), is a hard comfy life to pull myself away from. I had to wear pants for the first time in months today to go to a formal interview. The hotel caters to upper middle class internationals and middle class nationals with some surplus money, and I despise the middle classes because they produce such a crowd of shallow often effete faggots. I'd prefer to stay on the dole doing courses every few months to keep the neetbux flowing, but my parents will be deeply disappointed and begin to resent me, which is the path to


this or eventual homelessness if they have the gonads to kick me out which I'm almost certain they do. If I had a car and knew how to drive it'd be nice to live out of it I figure.

>> No.11992667

I'm sorry to hear that anon, I hope things get better.
>my dads put me in debt for 50k and asked me what he should do
What does this mean though

>> No.11992704

he borrowed money from literally everyone he knew, then put a loan on me (with my permission) to run a company which failed after one month, and then he's asked me what he should do next now that I'm in debt

I told him to gtfo the country again, like he already did once. Only later I realised who this man is and how he has no clue what he's doing, and what I did to myself by agreeing with the loan, and what he did to me by traveling around with the entire family and changing jobs and places and neglecting me, when I went on to watch potn and browse chans and my mom was eating pills. Which put me into a mental spiral that I still cant' crawl out of

I'm in pain. I'm 25 and I died when i was like 10 years old. my life is a literal grotesque joke. I go around in circles ,everyone else finishes schools, gets a good job, gets married, goes on vacations

and I literally cant seem to progress beyond the basic, its like total fuckig nonsensical chaos

its a fucking nightmare. its surreal

I dont want to be trilingual homeless vagabond freak I wish I had a home and was normal, and my family cared to debvelop a relationship with me when I was a child. I have nothing. I have no one. I cant even cry because I cant afford to get red eyes and lose this fucking temp agency joke job I do to buy rice and beans

the weight I carry on my shoulders every day is unbearable. I cant believe I still havent offed myself its bizzarre really.

>> No.11992749

i read this question and immediately thought of nothing. Then I started thinking that this often happens to me, I'm faced with the question "what's on your mind" and I cannot think about anything. I guess there are moments when I definitely shut off, which I guess is why i'm too shy and generally a not very talkative person. Maybe I'm too indifferent about most things, except when I'm going through a really intense emotion. idk man, you just made me depressed now.

>> No.11992792

I’d read your book

>> No.11992811

The horniness becomes over-the-top after just a week or two of nofap, but then I inevitably realize how embarrassing other aspects of my life are and call it quits on trying to get a gf/friends out of shame

>> No.11992820
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>tfw it takes me 2-3 minutes to read one page

>> No.11992836

I want to go back to NEETdom. I can't cope with wageslavery.

>> No.11992840

most kino photograph I have ever seen

>> No.11992852


>> No.11992860

I will never find a woman as perfect as Rei Ayanami, thus I will suffer alone.

>> No.11992870

am i the only one who lurks female twitter and social media because i've never interacted with a girl and i need to write a female character and i don't know how to actually do it because i have literally never talked to a girl for more than 5 minutes even though i'm 27 years old. come on, i can't be the only one

>> No.11992879
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what kind of cuckery are you doing m8?

>> No.11992883

Why would you be in love with Rei?

>> No.11992885


>> No.11992888

What's girl twitter like?

>> No.11992900
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>> No.11992903

When does life get better?

>> No.11992906

why have you never talked to girls? it's absurdly easy, just let them yap about their bullshit and give considerate nods.

>> No.11992922

this image made anime as real as it needed to be for me :') thank you here is my what is on my mind:

it's hard to care about what other people are doing when you personally count as doing what everybody else is doing. But amidst the emotional turmoil, one finds that, after all, there was a little unique humanity in all of them. Those moments are ones which make me glad to be alive, and they really are worth the ones in which I wish I was dead. the sense of meaning they give me is something I think even npcs could have, and I dedicate myself to making it so for them. being a person who makes decisions like that can be dangerous but some of us have paid our way enough to grease the wheels a little. Someone is going to suffer for me for months and I am sorry but I'm grateful because they'll be the first to feel what it means for a person to have an experience that truly mattered somewhere in the kosmos, and it will be for the first time it happens to a female npc. I love and respect her, her name is Amy, and she is the shaman of the person who has smoked spice in this building tonight.

>> No.11992931

Depends on the type, though i could only observe a few types because i've used only twitters of girls that i "know" irl. they're all normie of course but there's a degree of normieness as you'd expect. the bottom of the barrell normie tier are the ones who tweet about what they are doing right now "i'm SO tired coming from work" and pizza and "bae" memes "when ur BAE brings u PIZZA". these one prove to be useless, my character is central to the book, i can't simply write a NPC like this, at least not on a main character role. Their level of engagement in politics are surprisedly varied, from the ones who can't shut up about feminism and the orange man and ones who in 5 months weren't able to come up (or didn't want to) a single political thought. Normally their taste in art are what you expect from these type of people, and they surprisingly still tweet 'vines', a form of social media that i thought so was dead many years ago.
The other type that i've started observing since the normie one proved to be useless, was of course the Art hoe. Now this one, maybe not surprisingly is less diverse than the normie. They are pretty much all the same when it comes to politics, though some are more engaged than others, of course, but in general, they will always tweet snarky stuff about 'white males' and orange man and straight people and racists and so on. Their taste in art/media are somewhat varied, as you'd expect, but they don't show engagement with the thing. Their idea of underground or marginal taste is The Strokes or Artic Monkeys. When they do talk about actual underground artists, they don't seem to understand the thing itself, it's as if they listen to the thing for the image, which is a problem that i see here as well, so i can't fault them much. The same goes for their movies, for example, if one is to watch Tarkovsky she'll probably only talk about Stalker, and post the famous screencaps when Stalker is on the ground with a black dog watching him, because you know "it's pretty deep and bleak". I (unfortunately) have much more to say on the topic, but for now i'm too lazy to type it all out. Forgive the minor autism, if it seems that way but i do have a project of categorizing all forms of expressions of personality, male and female like, and then conduct a genomic study, with a friend who's a graduate in that field, so i'm not randomly doing this besides the main purpose.

>> No.11992934

She's cute and I like logical, unemotional girls that are still very feminine

>> No.11992935

I've tried to, but i could never get past the awkward phase, it always feels disengenous, as if i'm never meant to be. They never engage with my questions, i always get one answer words and i don't know man, but women in general just seems to dislike me, though i'm sure it's confirmation bias.

>> No.11993029

When you lower your expectations while at the same time, making small incremental improvements. That's what seems to be working for me so far.

>> No.11993086

>What kind of spic

plot twist: he's philipino

>> No.11993110

>I've been obsessed with sucking cock for 10 years and I have no nationality, no personality, and no love.
Opening line to the best book of 2019

>> No.11993334

I'm addicted to pornography (both 2d and 3d) because it allows me a sort of escapism from the constant rejections and inadequacy of not being a viable sex partner to the majority of women. Video games no longer give me pleasure, reading seems to be a chore, and life itself seems to have become dull and meaningless. I can't seem to distract myself from this in any way, outside of the temporary release that orgasm gives me. Yet that is all it is, temporary, and after a good five minutes I return to my reality.

I'm not sure as to what to do with myself in order to reignite whatever passions I have within me. On some level I want to find a passion, I want to instill motivation within myself, indulge in some sort of beneficial activity, yet I seem to lack the energy and momentum to do it (which is surprising, since I'm only 19). In the past I have gotten things done and pushed myself towards achievement, but this would only occur during small bursts of energy which happen every now and then.

Maybe I should go into the wilderness and attempt to find myself, just like the desert fathers did in the past.

>> No.11993337
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umm, no sweetie

>> No.11993376
File: 79 KB, 482x427, 3BFF2361-FDE9-4C38-9D9E-B9D846F67B09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here talk or mutter to themselves? I originally started doing it when I was alone in my room. Stuff like “neck me” or “fuck I want to die” when I was feeling really down. Now I’ve accidentally started doing it in public out of habit. Usually when I’m walking somewhere. Today I didn’t notice this group of girls walking next to me and just let out a “please lord fucking kill me” they all gave me a weird look that’s been burned into my retinas. I’m gonna be thinking about that for a long time now.

>> No.11993392

I used to internally say “I’m going to kill myself” dozens of times a day and started saying it out loud as well. It became like a protective mantra against bad thoughts and memories,

>> No.11993398

I’ve been thinking about the Bible

>> No.11993412

what would you do?

>> No.11993415

Quitting porn would be a solid start.

>> No.11993493

I talk to myself absentmindedly during the day, when walking around alone or whatever. Although it's not usually anything depressing, just banal shit about what I'm doing or a joke to myself. It stills stems from being lonely and not talking to anyone for weeks though.

>> No.11993527

Hell yeah I do.
Almost exactly what happened to me as well. Said it so much it kind of stripped it of any meaning, was just a tic that manifested out of bad thought patterns.
Also do this, but I don't feel overtly lonely. I think rather, most people enjoy prattling about inane bullshit to people, so instead of unloading that onto others I just talk to myself or write in my diary desu so as to spare them that at least.

>> No.11993531

I've actually been trying for about a year, it's insanely difficult. I can only go about three days before giving in, though I plan on continuing to try. Might be time for a life style change actually

>> No.11993576

God damn i love Blink-182

>> No.11993610

I have analysis paralysis and it kills me.

>> No.11993657

I have paralysis analysis and it fucking rules

>> No.11993680

That is hilarious
Kill yourself if it makes you happy, but in those last moments when your survival instincts kick and and you feel nothing but fear (assuming you don't opt for an instant method), you'll regret it all and maybe see the humor in the expressions those girls gave you. Live or die; godspeed my friend.

>> No.11993685
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I went out with some friends today for the first time in about 6 months, one of my friends have gotten himself a gf. She was definitely gf material, funny in a way a female is funny, pretty cute to desu. Its probably my social retardation but i think she was kinda "flirting" with me, my friend who met her a few months before told me the same thing. I dont really think she did it intentionally, she was probably just being over friendly and was trying to get along with her boyfriends friends.

I had a few beers and i got kinda buzzed or light drunk. I dont know about you guys but when i get drunk it feels like im in a dream, i wouldn't be surprised if i suddenly woke up in my bed and it was all a dream. My ADD also gets about 5 times worse when i drink alot. I get a pretty big existential crisis to.

Overall i dont know if it was a good night or a bad one, it feels like i put on a mask when im with my friends, family etc. The only time i feel like myself is when im alone, but then im nobody...

>> No.11993807

I dont think i have Anti social personality disorder, i think maybe i have some sort of autism

>> No.11993835

Why the fuck am I wasting my time writing this? I haven't written anything worthwhile in at least a few months now. Jesus Christ I hate this feeling, the block feels almost like a punishment, as if I've done something horribly wrong and deserve to feel this. At least I'm reading again, the rest will soon follow.

>> No.11993841

>restart my computer today
>windows starts updating at a painfully slow rate, demands I let it finish
>"that's fucking stupid, I'm going to restart anyways"
>switch to another OS
>come back later, it's stuck on that exact spot in the update
>multiple resets won't do a thing, it doesn't even let me go into safe mode 90% of the time
You can blame me for shutting it off the first time, but damn if this isn't some retarded design choice on their part. Even Windows 7 now I find hard to go back to after trying out linux and it's all up and running within seconds. But linux won't detect my guitar, so I'm forced to go back and forth trying to fix these issues. :/

>> No.11993862

I remembered I hadn't had anything to eat today, so now I'm sitting on my floor at 11pm sipping chili out of a pot and thinking about my life.

>> No.11993894

You know how you'll often use a diminutive version of your with people you're close to? I've found, interestingly enough, that at some point it wraps around and having someone address you with your full (first)name becomes sweet and tender.

If that's not making sense:
>strangers call me "anonymous"
>friends and family call me "anon"
>girl I have some sort of muddled romantic relationship with calls me "anonymous" at times. It feels nice.

>> No.11994039

Should I start a business harvesting worm shit or growing mushrooms? I don't know if either will be successful. I can definitely market the worm shit to gardeners around here. Everyone likes mushrooms and I could also take them to the farmer's market.

>> No.11994076

>“I suffer from life and from other people. I can’t look at reality face to face. Even the sun discourages and depresses me. Only at night and all alone, withdrawn, forgotten and lost, with no connection to anything real or useful — only then do I find myself and feel comforted.”

>> No.11994132

Speaking to my best friend this afternoon I told him I wanted to break up with my girlfriend. While we were together she said she could tell something was off and when we talked I told her I was not sure of our relationship anymore. I don't know how I feel; I knew I needed to move on but I cannot help but look back on the good times. A major fault is lacking the perspective of how much more of my life I have to live.

>> No.11994150

Everyone always talks about how they grew out of idealizing their father and believing he was an ideal man, but that never happened for me. My father (while not perfect by a long shot) is what I consider the epitome of a respectable man. He never loses his temper, he is thoughtful, respectful, and outdoorsman, has a PhD, well read, thinks before speaking, etc etc etc.

I try to think of any major issues he has and i simply can't. I find have a similar position towards some other people i know, where they just seem like preceisely the kind of people i want to be and i can't seem to find fault in them no matter how hard i try

>> No.11994165

Your dad is really into butt play. I mean REALLY REALLY into butt play. Like, prolapsed anus play.

>> No.11994583

Was I banned ?

>> No.11994587

Nobody on this website will ever be loved or do anything of any worth. We are all here for a reason.

>> No.11994618

They say a watched pot never boils
But everyone's watching me
Constant and always
Rumbling and rolling away

All I ever wanted was a little more time
Apparently a tall order
I'm under its weight
Crushing me and causing a scene

There's a pain in my back
Deep and forever haunting me
But I ignore it

>> No.11994664

Do you need a hug, anon?

>> No.11994684
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Visby is super comfy,I try to go there every summer (and the rest of the island) but the old town is just a "museum" for tourists (me included). Most people live in normal boring houses outside the gates.
Dunno, I just wish the old town was more real, alive.

also anon, I just try to focus on what actually happened, instead of overthinking about it. You had some beers with a couple of friends. That can be enough.

>> No.11994697

Ask your mom

>> No.11994699

This is good bait

>> No.11994738

whale fall

in the quiet
of a starless abyss
beat my strong heart
i reached for the sky
for wave-swept heavens
and mythical shores
wherein legged angels
would warm me
in magic blankets of final repose
and winged wisps of salvation
would greet me
on my final destination

but as it grew distant
i realized the warm darkness
would be my calling
and a fate unknown
to the eyes bent upward
would be my going

always more afraid of the fall
than of the landing
my being expired
a giant heart stopped
and with a final thud
the body lay upon a bed
made of the sands of time
upon a grave of oblivion

little did my soul
that only wished to fly
know of the sky...
that those whisps
were scavengers of flesh
ready to feast
upon my dying flesh
and eventually, my old eyes.
little did i realize
the blankets were no comfort
upon stormy shores
and my comforter
would be a lonely
forgotten girl
a srange come to take pity
upon the dying
of a creature so bigger than she

so I lay
bereft of solace,
a soul having swept oceans
now the skies and the stars too,
by my rotting corpse
wondering what point
there had been to it all
and fell futher
to the sleep of disillusionment

decades past
but the quiet dark remained
and when I opened my eyes again
i saw a fair unmatched
by any i had seen above the surface
dancing plankton of light
glowing in my open mouth
crabs and fish and squid
hiding in my broken bones
my spine of once a ghastly hue
now a flower of colors
vibrant glowing true
who knew?
that corals could bring the rainbow
all of it - from scarlet to blue -
from heaven all the way down
to this forgotten avenue
thus i stared
thus i stayed
and gazed
and remained

i had sought heaven so far
even swam in the starry dome
but had found something more precious
I had found home.
where my remains are a sample
of life`s delight
and my ribs a temple
to living light.

>> No.11994747

I want to execute my vision, its not hard I just need to commit.

>> No.11994758


Boob Grug was taking a shower this hot day.
She was washing the blood off her body from the recent monsters she had just killed.
The blood driped off like whipped cream on glass. .

Then, suddenly, Grug paraglided in.
"Sorry I have to interupt you, naked in the shower, but we must go!"
"What? im taking a shower, Im naked, cant you see that?"
"yes, I can see that you are naked, in the shower" Grug said.
"But we must go...Longnose is back!."
"What not Longnose!!!" she punched the shower head out of blood lust.
Boob Grug got out of the shower and put some clothes on.
After she was no longer naked, they left to defeat Longnose.

Along the way they contacted The Dark Shaman Grug, who joined them on their quest.
"I will join you on your quest to defeat Longnose said The Dark Shaman Grug.
"Thanks for joining us on our quest," said Grug;
"Yes, we need your help to defeat Longnose" said Boob Grug.
So, Boob Grug Grug and now Boob Grug left by diplodocus for their epic quest to defeat
We now turn out headlights to full beam in order to gaze forward though the mists of time.
The light from them reflects off, not a deer, but a scene 10 years from now - 1 decade into the future.

>> No.11994759


Grug enters the scene, but whats this? Ass Grug is there too.

"Do you remember that thing that happened 10 years ago? The one that seemed like it would split us apart forever, but instead brought us closer then ever? That brought us......to each-other?"

"The time with the rock?"
"Oh, yes right"

"Its hard to believe what happened isn't it? What happened and what it led to"
"Yes my sweetness" said Ass Grug, giving Grug a kiss.
"Now that I have remembered it again I will never forget it."
"It was pretty life changing."

So we now dim our headlights and reverse drive back to the presence, the mists closing back around the future and the camera of our mind drawing back to the world we know of as the now.
A/N I got bord of writing the fanfic as it was so I decided to change things around. I hope u guys like it!!

She was as of yet the most beautifyl thingy in the whole of Earth, Grug believed her to be. As she faigjt the great villianness Longnose, her hair bobbed up and down consistently like a rubber duck in a bathtub. She swipped at the Longnose and was more than anything Grug had seen before. Her beatiful feistful pressure shocked Longnose's henchmen into copulating before her.

The Dark Shaman Grug, take my sword! said Grug, and give it to the greatness before us. She will need our legendary sword in order to defeat the great uber-Longnose

And lo! The Dark Shaman Grug did so and the maginificent great mysterious woman took the sword and stabbed Longnose.

He was defeated. But was Longnose? Because as Grug ran towards the mysterious strange beauty of his draems and was about to share the greatest kiss he had ever given to someomne in the history of mankind, Longnose rose up and fled!

>> No.11994761

Meanwhile, back in the future, Grug and Ass Grug were enjoying each-other.
As the narrator, I will respect their privacy and not specify how. Its certainly clear they were close.
Not just metaphorically but physically with their bodies as well.

Ass Grug was distracted though, thinking back to the past. We join her on her flashback, a flashback to our story in the present......
And now, with that, we once again turn our headbrains to the future, stepping forward down the road of time and walking for 10 years until we get to the place in time which this takes place.

Grug and Ass Grug were just finishing. Out of respect for their privacy I will not specify what they were just finishing.

"arg...that was good " said Ass Grug.
"yes, yes it was" said Grug.
"You seemed a little distracted near the end though. Not your normal energetic self"
"yes...sorry about that. I was thinking back to a decade ago, when I first realized my feelings for you even though I didn't know it at the time.
Its what opened my eyes to what I felt all along. The missing jigsaw piece to my heart in which you were the key to unlock"

"And our love grew together from that moment to blossom into the great tree that it is today"

>> No.11994765

And they smile hapilly at each otter. And thats how are story edns.

>> No.11994771
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Noble Grug
A Short Story
by Now Times Grug

Grug was thinking about Grugette again. Grugette was a greedy Bam-Bam with Engorged Bob and Fat Vagene.

Grug walked over to the window and reflected on his quiet surroundings. He had always loved deserted Cave with its straight, strange Stone. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel puzzled.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a greedy figure of Grugette .

Grug gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a noble, violent, Monster drinker with Slim Bob and Starving Vagene. His friends saw him as a crazy, comfortable Club. Once, he had even helped a disgusted Grug Stones cross the road.

But not even a noble person who had once helped a disgusted Grug Stones cross the road, was prepared for what Grugette had in store today.

The moon shone like Flipping Long-Nose, making Grug cross. Grug grabbed a Hard Rock that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Grug stepped outside and Grugette came closer, he could see the amused glint in her eye.

"Look Grug," growled Grugette, with a forgetful glare that reminded Grug of greedy Share-Grug. "It's not that I don't love you, but I want Grug Pole. You owe me 8239 Pebble."

Grug looked back, even more cross and still fingering the Hard Rock. "Grugette, boob Round, Pole Long," he replied.

They looked at each other with stable feelings, like two shiny, sour Squat-Grug Flipping Harder at a very cold-blooded Rock festival, which had Grug-Core music playing in the background and two stable uncles COMING to the beat.

Suddenly, Grugette lunged forward and tried to punch Grug in the face. Quickly, Grug grabbed the Hard Rock and brought it down on Grugette's skull.

Grugette's Engorged Bob trembled and her Fat Vagene wobbled. She looked irritable, her wallet raw like a fast, friendly Flint.

Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Grugette was dead.

Grug went back inside and made himself a nice drink of Monster.


>> No.11994778

I find this to be very anti-semetic!

Kill yourself nazi scum

"LONG NOSE"? These are people!

This is against women! Implying that women are violent and have "bloodlsut"!!!!!

>> No.11994781

A certain social media site which had been established as the pinnacle of postmodern degeneracy, subsequently claimed to stand in staunch opposition to such shadowy, malevolent forces, (the Jews, they would have you believe)and thus reestablished itself as the pinnacle of postmodern degeneracy, albeit one meta-level up: the cognitive dissonance required to keep up a quasi-genuine belief in return to tradition in amongst hardcore pornography, anime, and bizarre online vernacular, combined, of course, with typical human arrogance (every user believed themselves to be special, as did the site itself) represented exactly what was wrong with our age.

>> No.11994783
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It has come... to my attention... that some readers... don't like my art. They say that it's...it's all anti-semetic (sxuz me, but jews are like that!) and racist (I had a black classmate in my class once and he was really stupid lol) horrible violent (this is MATURE, DID"T U READ THE DISCLAIMER?!). That hurts me a lot. Really... a lot.
Do u know how long it takes me to write my stories? Do u think I like it being stuck at home with nothing to do but writing my soul into my art? My favourite show just ended and I was on team Jacob!

Writing is the only thing that makes me happy, but if that isn't good enough for u people, then I'm going to call it quits!
Yes, that's righr! I won't finish this story! You forced me into this :( HAPPY NOW?!!!!

I want to thank PrettySnape5 and Tinkersnuggums for beta reading, but I... I... I... just can't take it anymore.
So long internet. I WON"T MISS U!!

>> No.11994788

A certain social media site which had been established as the pinnacle of postmodern degeneracy, subsequently claimed to stand in staunch opposition to such shadowy, malevolent forces, (the Jews, they would have you believe)and thus reestablished itself as the pinnacle of postmodern degeneracy, albeit one meta-level up: the cognitive dissonance required to keep up a quasi-genuine belief in return to tradition in amongst hardcore pornography, anime, and bizarre online vernacular, combined, of course, with typical human arrogance (every user believed themselves to be special, as did the site itself) represented exactly what was wrong with our age.

>> No.11994790


>> No.11994792

That art style is awful.

>> No.11995009

This anon gets it, Galois theory is my waifu

Just study it at a uni and have them put you on some research team

>> No.11995014

This is why you dont do nofap, kids

>I've been obsessed with sucking cock for 10 years and I have no nationality, no personality, and no love.
Put a draft together and send it to all the publishers you can find

>> No.11995033

Jesus Christ
Where do you live? Knowing life you're the neighbour of some anon in here, probably mine

>it's literally impossible for a successful person to stumble upon /lit/
>its literally impossible for a successful person to be intrigued by the posts in here enough to check by once a month
Fuck off mate. You're like one of those 1 year old newfags going on about how the board used to be good

>> No.11995040
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>it goes beyond his smol brain to imagine why someone having tasted a rank fruit would throw it away in disgust
for instance, my disgust of faggots would never have been so strong if I hadn't posted here for years and conversed extensively with them :)

>> No.11995056

I need to stop paying rent i need a loan to buy a house but i dont wanna be stuck paying it for 20 years i wish i cashed out my shitcoins when i had enough to buy a house I'm 90% down and i want to kms everyday i wagecuck, i should've finished my philosophy major i would be jobless but at least i wouldn't be as miserable

>> No.11995117

>not being on schizoidbux

>> No.11995180


>> No.11995191


>> No.11995252

i took 10mg of valium at 8pm last night, woke up at midnight, fucked around for an hour and then took another 10mg, woke up at 5, then fell asleeo again till 9

how addictive is this stuff, because I have a feeling it is extremely addictive because all i feel like doing today is taking more of it

>> No.11995430

i really like this quote
yeah i like visby, my family have a summer house on Gotland that i visit every summer and its pretty comfy.
>also anon, I just try to focus on what actually happened, instead of overthinking about it. You had some beers with a couple of friends. That can be enough.
Thanks, i know that i overthink and over analyze things all the time

>> No.11995438

girls are almost preternaturally disposed to flirt with their bf's friends. No idea why

>> No.11995520

You're not going to buy a house on neetbucks. Best option to unironically learn2code then spend a few years working while living with your parents.

>> No.11995557

>how addictive is this stuff
>how addictive is vodka in pill form
If you need to ask, you already know. Hope you like shaking and night sweats anon.

>> No.11995587

The assertion "positive utility is morally good" must be redundant, but it is rarely meant to be -- usually it is meant that positive utility satisfies some condition for moral rightness even though the sentence is phrased such that positive utility and moral rightness could be the same thing. If they are the same thing, then the assertion would be as meaningless or self-evident as "positive utility is positive utility"; clearly "positive utility is morally good" is meant to convey something additional. But what?

Suppose the following definitions exist:
Attharka = increasing CPU speed
Deetharka = decreasing CPU speed
Enlightenment = building the ideal computer

Now consider the following passage: "When we increase our CPU speed, we attain Attharka. When we decrease our CPU speed, we attain Deetharka. Attharka is the road to Enlightenment."

That sounds mystical and all, and most people reading it would probably assume that there is additional meaning in the terms, but in fact the terms are superfluous because the passage above means exactly the same as: "For building the ideal computer, we should aim to increase CPU speed rather than decrease it."

When you say that utility = morality, you are introducing another set of terminology that imparts no additional information to the Utilitarian system. All you are doing is making it sound more mystical. If Utilitarianism wholly defines morality, then relating Utilitarianism to morality makes morality a redundant affair.

So why do people still subscribe to utilitarianism?

>> No.11995649

Who else /stuck inside/? I need to get groceries but it's super windy and raining.
Fucking new england falls.

>> No.11995657

Just because parts of utilitarianism overlap with morality doesn't mean they're the same in every regard. Not even if they have the same end goal are they necessarily equivalent. You're free to discuss a new definition of the two terms that splits them apart more satisfactorily though.

>> No.11995671

>Just because parts of utilitarianism overlap with morality doesn't mean they're the same in every regard
What signigicance does the term "morality" have outside utility within a utilitarian framework then?

>You're free to discuss a new definition of the two terms that splits them apart more satisfactorily though
That's the job of utilitarians.

>> No.11995735

>That's the job of utilitarians.
Fair enough

>What signigicance does the term "morality" have outside utility within a utilitarian framework then?
I'm not sure anymore I'm following your definition of morality, but I'll take a swing in the dark and hope you can roll off of it: Being moral entails making decisions that are, from a game theory stand-point, non-optimal. My reasoning would be that because different peoples have different morals, i.e. different impressions of what it means to have the golden rule applied on them, we end up with a difference between being utilitarian and adhering to morality. Of course the same goes for individuals within the same culture, the same household - just on a smaller scale.
And let's see - what you were talking about, that which I called merely the overlapping part, would then be the things that do, in fact, adhere to the golden rule on a global scale.

>> No.11995914

the woman is a fine and intricate fabric, plainly beautiful spread out flat, but not a true work of art until made to submit to the will of an artist

>> No.11995932
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 1540419740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can imagine such beautiful worlds
>tfw they'll never be realized

>> No.11995973

I just bought 2 pizzas because I didn't wanna be the lone weirdo loser who buys a pizza just for himself on a saturday night. At least I won't have to worry about breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.11996008

Good on ya dude. You've overcome a hump that so many people feel so anxious about. I still get so many people that are amazed/weirded out that I go out alone to so many places. So long as you're at the bar, you're all good. Better potential for picking whether you want to be social or isolated too.

>> No.11996035

What kinda pizzas? Also where does this lone weirdo loser thing come from?

>> No.11996042

I now have every material thing I wanted over the past few years, but none of it brings me pleasure. Since this Thursday I've been casually thinking about suicide, not in a considering way or a prospective way but in a "What am I really hoping to get from this life?" sort of way. If I won the lottery, there's nothing I would really want to do with the money, except just quit my job and spend it all on treatments to fix my broken reward system. I spend so much money on books and video games and technology hoping to feel anything, but it doesn't ever work. How could this not push someone to the edge?

Yeah, that's where I'm at right now. With this current medicine, supposedly there's a very high chance (>80%) for drastic improvement over the next few weeks, but I'm not feeling it. But I'll still be forced to keep going whether or not it works, so why think about it, right?

>> No.11996093

My girlfriend is 40. I am 27. She’s got a young daughter. I haven’t seen her in a week. I’m very poor this month and budgeted to allow us to go out tonight as we’d planned all week. She got in touch 15 minutes before we were about to meet and told me she couldn’t as she has to put her daughter first as she threw a tantrum about returning to her fathers house for his days of care. I tried to explain that she’s doing her damage in the long run by succumbing to every tantrum but she told me that as I’m not a parent I can’t understand. I’m now sat in the pub on my own posting on /lit/ for the first time in 3 years.

>> No.11996102

At least you're self aware enough to understand your problem. I hope the treatment you're going though will help you. Maybe you can try to look into mindfulness, it's not just for junkies, it's for anyone with that insatiable desire or craving.

>> No.11996109

>My girlfriend is 40. I am 27
How is this ever going to work

>> No.11996133

Sounds like a lot of baggage dude.

>> No.11996138

>My girlfriend is 40. I am 27.
i dont think i have an adequate reaction pic tbqh

>> No.11996183

I've had a lot of help from mindfulness in the past, but now when I do it, 15 minutes stretches into eternity and it feels like there's no real benefit from it. I felt like I hit an epiphany last year when I thought that pleasure isn't a necessary part of life, but right now I can barely muster the effort to keep up my studies because there's never a tangible payoff for the work I put in. It feels ridiculous to have a set of video games my childhood self would have lost his shit over and now I play ten minutes at most before putting it back into sleep mode and lurking /v/ or whatever.

I dunno, anon. There's a Buddhist sangha near me that does weekly meditations so I guess I'll check that out. It's the only idea I have.

>> No.11996206

Pineapple pizza with some weird spicy shit on it and one with beef and gorgonzola.
>Also where does this lone weirdo loser thing come from?
A lot of young people live in my area. When I'm walking home with the pizza they'll walk in the other direction in groups, making their way downtown, chatting, smoking, laughing, presumably looking forward to a night out. Maybe I'm too self-conscious, but I imagine I stand out as that weird guy who's going home alone to eat junk food in front of the computer rather than enjoying my youth and hanging with friends.

As far as basics go I'm not bad looking, good facial structure, not fat, my brother who I resemble used to work as a model. But I'm unkempt, have no sense of fashion and I feel like I have a weird gait and awkward body language. I'm a diagnosed assburger and I read it's connected with motor function and body coordination, which would explain why I'm a clumsy, awkward fuck who lacks any sort of grace. Virgin walk is real.

I'm very conscious and sensitive about these things, so being in public places I always feel watched and have a very hard time just relaxing. Even just going to the store that's like 2 minutes away takes a bit of mental preparation. It used to be worse, I'd have to make up a detailed plan in my head of exactly where I'd go and write a list of what I'd buy, check my account balance 400 times, tie my shoelaces a third time, tuck my shirt, make sure I know my PIN code for the billionth time so I don't get it wrong, make sure my phone is on silent in case it rings, go over the plan in my head, check google to see if there's a lot of customers at that time of day. All this shit could take me 40 minutes or so, because I couldn't just grab my coat and go. Elevated heart rate, all that shit makes me nervous, like the feeling you get when standing on the edge of a great height overlooking a body of water, preparing to take the plunge.

Now it's somewhat easier, but I still try to shop early in the morning so as to avoid people. Sometimes I go a weekend just eating oatmeal and canned food and shit because I missed a window of opportunity and can't bring myself to go outside.

As for lone, it's because I'm lonely. I have no friends, all the people I work with are 40+ years old. As for loser, it's because I have no real achievements to be proud of.

>> No.11996229

I used to be like this but don't worry anon, with time you get so dead inside that you don't even care anymore. You probably know this but these kids don't care about you at all, they are too happy having sex, true friendships and enjoying youth to care about some weirdo, at best they'll talk with themselves "lmao look that kid going home alone on a friday nigh bruuuhh lmfao" but no single thought will be given and i doubt they'll talk to you at all.
It's truly all in your head, read Notes From The Underground, especially in that famous scene in which he "confronts" a police officer or whatever, bumping him on the street. He won that battle mentally just on the fact that he had balls to at least go and try it. Next time you'll buy 1 pizza and walk while eating it.

>> No.11996301

I understand rationally that people don't give a shit, but it's still a feeling I can't shake.
>It's truly all in your head, read Notes From The Underground, especially in that famous scene in which he "confronts" a police officer or whatever, bumping him on the street.
That part was hilarious. Someone said it's like a greentext you'd find on /r9k/ and I think that's a very apt comparison.

This will seem contradictory and autistic, because it is, but I do on occasion make these small gestures in public that I know will draw attention. It makes me feel more free and confident. I stare at people for prolonged periods, slavsquat while drinking from a hip flask at the bus stop, loudly and indiscreetly snort tobacco off the back of my hand. A few times I've gone through the streets wearing a hat for a rival football team from another city, something that could get you in real trouble if you're at the wrong place and time, and I noticed a lot of people staring and I enjoyed the attention. In winter when it's really cold I cover most of my face, leaving only a slit for the eyes, and very noticeably people start staring and I like that feeling. It's like in Ham on Rye when Bukowski had his entire face bandaged up after his acne treatment, he'd look like the invisible man or the mummy or some shit and he'd be completely anonymous, people would stare at him and he would feel mysterious and powerful.

If all this doesn't seem to match with the picture I gave before I guess it's because it doesn't. I try to be inconspicuous most of the time but I get these impulses to do autsy stuff sometimes.

>> No.11996346

A-anon, are you me? I'm an autist loner who used to worry about shit like you do, but like i said, with time you just depart from society and you almost stop understanding them but more importantly you simply don't care. I daydream a lot, and sometimes i get the urge to act these dreams on the street. When the urges get uncontrollable a take a walk to a place that is somewhat away from home and i get in a park and start 'acting out my daydreams'. Most of the times they are like conversations, so i just walk around in circles acting these talks in my head. But sometimes, i like to think i'm a filmmaker, filming people in the street, then i make a little "camera" with my fingers and i start "filming" my surroundings. I almost got beaten by some drunk guy who thought i was disrespecting him or whatever but i ran away. I haven't had these urges since, but i still do the walking in circles bit.
> understand rationally that people don't give a shit
I'm sure you do, but see, you're not reacting rationally to the irrational feeling. Try to do that.

>> No.11996400

Based autismo bros
Try to fuel your bursts of adventurousness into self-improvement. It's one of those shitty "it works if you just believe in it," but it can be done and once you're on your feet things roll by themselves

>> No.11996431

That's endearingly autistic. idk why but I assumed this would take place at night.

When I still lived in the burbs I'd go for nightwalks. I think this only happened once, but after walking for a while I started having loud conversations with myself, like well above conversation volume, hoping someone might hear. In the cool, crisp night, I was walking through residential areas, and the only thing that broke the dead silence was me loudly chatting to myself about politics, philosophy and shit. This happened when I was like 16 so I don't remember much, but I know some of it had to do with Mao and the current political climate in China. I wore a dressing gown and had a messenger bag with a bottle of pepsi in it.

I then squatted by a bus stop on a long stretch of road and started to take a shit. From a distance I heard a bike approaching and stood up. Idk what might've gone through his head, but I started waving at him and kept waving until he'd passed me. Then I resumed shitting.

Swear I didn't make that up. I was anxious about a school trip the next day and couldn't sleep.

Be more specific. You mean just habitually go outside of your comfort zone in order to increase baseline confidence?

>> No.11996447
File: 48 KB, 650x933, FB_IMG_1512994951837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out the commission I'm doing wants 35k characters WITH spaces when before it was always 35k WITHOUT spaces and now I need to mutilate my work into an unrecognizable mess because I'm not nearly drunk enough to either come up with a deus ex machina that lets me cut out an entire paragraph OR an entirely new thing in a 2 day deadline.

Also I want to boink pic related but she's not real.

>> No.11996460
File: 96 KB, 640x1315, 1540664742373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember guys the reason u r incel is because you have very poor social skills like autism and don't know how to talk to women with respect

>> No.11996463
File: 55 KB, 916x1100, 1538447000859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop hag

acquire daughter

raise wife

>> No.11996466

>poor social skills
>not respectful

>> No.11996471

Actually it's because I'm monstrously ugly.
And the smell? Oh my.

>> No.11996473

I don't understand the point this image is supposed to be making

>> No.11996495

maybe if u improve ur social skills to the level of the fine gentlemen in the text messages you too can enjoy multiple female sexual partners, but since you're a low iq trog who cant make basic inferences, theres no hope for you, try fentanyl

>> No.11996506

There's no clear inference to be made from the image and anyone who isn't a deeply insecure /r9k/cel can see that.

>> No.11996509

wow u like really ARE low iq arent u? lmao

>> No.11996521

>Be more specific. You mean just habitually go outside of your comfort zone in order to increase baseline confidence?
Not that guy but I used to be just like you with all the anxiety(not to the same extent as you) and doing weird gestures in public.
I know where that Anon is coming from. You should be quirky in a way that inadvertently improves yourself. Learn a not-so-common language, sport a ridiculous outfit while you're going to the gym or for a run, talk about abstract topics to people and make ridiculous but not offending statements
I find that people respond differently but not badly to you this way, at least the people you'd care about. I wouldn't say it'll give you confidence but you'll be more accepting of yourself - proud even, if you managed to achieve something.

>> No.11996527

please read your post back before calling anyone else low-iq

>> No.11996583


Fucking girls dude, the amount of them I've met that say they love to travel is fucking huge. When I use tinder at college ever other profile, but probably even more, say that they love to travel. Most of these same people have several photos of them in remote or famous places.

When it comes to girls, I feel as if I've played myself because I watch enough anime that it gives me unrealistic expectations. But what are my unrealistic expectations? What has anime put into me? To be general, I expect a girl to have an actual personality and traits. At the very least, I expect a girl to have a thing that she likes to do. I expect interests specific to her and her experiences. For fucks sake, literally ANY sort of real passion for ANYTHING.

Almost every girl I meet in college, especially on Tinder, doesn't meet any of these. She likes to travel. She likes dogs. She likes pizza. She likes [Insert popular show here]. These profiles could be made by bots and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.11996602

>have most of the features of a bottom
>feel nothing when I play with my ass
Why does God hate me?

>> No.11996627
File: 851 KB, 800x780, 1539503939795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God hates fags, He gave us the stimulus of the anus for RIGHTEOUS and PIOUS pegging by our gfs

>> No.11996631
File: 241 KB, 1280x847, pexels-photo-146080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently figured out that my taste in girls stems from the few I liked in elementary school. Yeah, it might be far fetched, but through the years I adopted some of their characteristics. I have no idea where they are now though.

I also don't know why I liked them. That's the funny part. As an adult I started having expectations for my partner, she needs to do that or be like this. In my younger years, I had no clue, I just followed my gut and let them influence me.

>> No.11996648

Most modern women are NPCs, and we spend our lives slaving away to earn their favor. MGTOW is the only true escape m8.

>> No.11996657

There is a chinese massage place in town that i hit up every month or so. The one guy I usually go to isn’t there any more, but today there was a new guy who beat the shit out of me. It’s often hit or miss on whether the guy is gonna be gentle with you or is gonna go full bore regardless of how much you’re wincing - it helps to drop a little traveler’s chinese to establish repor.

This guy was a monster. There were a few places where i thought i was gonna have to tap out. My whole body was cringing in pain - I had to resist the urge to take a break. The guy had a tattoo of a dragon on his massive shoulders - i didn’t hear him speak english. He used his elbows to dig into my back and would grunt while doing it. With a real massage you can feel how crunchy and gristly your muscles and tendons are. I focused in breathing through it. I clenched my abs in order to not have his elbow slip off the knots of muscle he was working. The pain was white hot and disorienting. I felt emotionally vulnerable. The paper on the top of the massage bed was torn and soaked with my sweat. He heaved a big sigh at the end. We hi-fived each other. One hour cost 60 bucks. I tipped him 20.

Walking away, my face and arms felt numb. My lower jaw was trembling. I sat in my car and closed my eyes - waiting for the desire to cry to go away. I inmediatly went to a place where i could drink a ton of water. Tomorrow is gonna be a bitch.

>> No.11996666

>He said: "These senseless acts of violence are not who we are as Americans.

Lol. Americans are violent retards and the country was built on violence and oppression. Peacewashing. Disgusting.

>> No.11996683

you were raped anon

>> No.11996692

There's a similar narrative to every country in the world. I have no idea how, through the course of history, we ended up having 195 glorious nations that have a clean sheet and a moral high ground in most matters.

>> No.11996717


Propaganda. It's annoying to see from all countries but especially from America : a violent shithole.

>> No.11996722

This. I don't have much expectations for my GF. She should be on my attractiveness range, that is on the range of 4.5/10 to 6/10 which are my range of atractiveness that may vary due to being depressed and not caring to shave and stuff like that. Other than that i would like to know a girl that's interesting, or at least a little bit off the curve. Seems rather vague but for example, i think this board is pretty interesting. Yes i'm aware that NEETs shitposting all day isn't rather amusing but there are definitely interesting aspects about this board. The pretense of 'elitism' merged with juvenile shitposting can be pretty funny, for example. The level of discourse here is definitely higher than in other places on the internet that either don't take anything seriously or take themselves too seriously. See the accelerationist threads, they are mostly mumbo jumbo trash but just the fact that there are people here, who are (unironically) trying to engage with reality in a different way than normal, by using their shallow knowledge of philosophy to extrapolate ridiculous claims is pretty interesting. How many females that do that? How many are here? Not counting fe(males) it's probably something like 3 or 5%, on a board that has probably a few hundred regular posts. Females in general are too attatched to regular rules of society to congregate around places like this. Just see the common insults that females throw around "virgin!" "incel" "loner" "loser", all related to society in some way.
This is why you don't see many interesting females. Interesting people are already off the bell curve, and females tend to be more average than males (who are overrepresented both among genius and retards). Most of normies are the same anyway but girls are definitely overrepresented on this, even normies have some hobbie in which they are really good. Maybe they are really good in football, and play in amateur leagues (which is an above average skill), or they play some instrument like Piano or are in a band etc. Now tell me what was the last time you've met an female that was really good in something other than social activities? I legit haven't met one. Even when finding a /lit/ female they didn't seem to read anything other than YA (another female trait, they love childish media for some reason). That goes for most of the population but it's definitely more easy to find some guy who is acquainted with something more obscure, maybe he loves south american 19th century symbolism or experimental fiction or whatever, but at least he goes more deep in his hobby than most females.
Basically, give up on trying to find an interesting GF, just try to find someone who will tolerate you and vice versa.

>> No.11996729

Seems legit. But it’s not common that you find a girl willing to peg you

>> No.11996736

This guy put it pretty well >>11996521, but I want to point out one very dangerous hole you need to watch out for so you don't fall into it: Don't become that guy that deems the hurdle of social norms too high and gets the grand idea of just lowering it for himself. What I'm talking about are people doing socially questionable things like the stuff you and the other two mentioned, but telling themselves there's nothing wrong with it. It's a weird mindset to be in, a sort of "I realize it's not normal; so what?" while entirely ignoring the answer to that so what: because it just reflects poorly on you and is a terrible choice game theory wise from just about every possible aspect.
That anon gave some really good examples, with the abstract topics one being one where you have to be careful. It's easy to lose track entirely of what people are comfortable with talking about and what not, especially when social skills aren't your forte yet in general. Don't think in extremes, don't pick an utter lack of caring for social acceptableness just because the other extreme of comforting your whole personality to it doesn't appeal to you.
Some more examples I can add are coding little programs that you can actually see yourself show off to somebody some time, maybe in a vein of "hey check this out, I've actually coded a game before," reading eye-catcher books in public and getting into /fa/. Always strive towards motivating you to make "more" of your adventurousness.

>> No.11996746
File: 2.97 MB, 600x338, xUPGcz65YsghA2swPC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this. Mind if I steal and spam it?

>> No.11996758

I feel purposeless and lonely. I feel like everyone around me is too stupid to relate. Perhaps I am just being arrogant or perhaps this is a defense mechanism from my rough childhood. Also thanks lit I love you. You all fags remind me that there are smart people in the world who aren't dead.

>Might is right by Ragnar Fagbeard
That's some deep metaphysical justification for your sexual preferences.

Banks like to employ math majors to suck out people's money with intricate algorithms based on advanced mathematics

>> No.11996779

Do what you want, the author is dead or something like that.

>> No.11996788

Life is a waking nightmare. I'm crippled with constant fear and anxiety, socially and functionally retarded, drifting from one failure to the next, devoid of definition or presence. I feel like a fucking leper, a shadow in other people's lives. I exist in a fog. I'm not there, even when I am. The only childhood memories I have are ugly ones. I've done nothing during my teenage years or young adulthood that merits remembering. I don't recall there ever being any point in my life when I felt I had any agency or choice. I resent the fact that I've spent my entire life being pushed and led around like a cow by its nose ring, while simultaneously understanding that if led to my own devices I would do nothing whatsoever. The ground under my feet doesn't feel solid enough. I want to be forgotten. I want to be the last of my bloodline.

At the same time I feel such an immense urge to exert my will upon the world, to ACT. I still feel like there's a pretty capable and intelligent guy buried somewhere in there. I still feel like I could become a fully-formed person, like I've got something to give. When I reflect on my day-to-day existence I realize that escapism isn't even really doing it for me anymore and that that urge is really the only thing that's even keeping me going. I just wish I knew how to direct it.

What a fucking joke life is. How do you cope, dudes? Are there any lessons to take from all this?

>Does anyone here talk or mutter to themselves? I originally started doing it when I was alone in my room. Stuff like “neck me” or “fuck I want to die” when I was feeling really down.

Classic antics. I do it almost as a kneejerk reaction whenever I commit some sort of a blunder or social faux pas(which happens on a near-daily basis really). Caught myself muttering to myself on the street a couple of times. It is what it is.

>> No.11996794

>optimization problems
Would not introduce to my 20 year old daughter who learned Russian to read untranslated Bulgakov.

>> No.11996804

>It is what it is.
>I realize that escapism isn't even really doing it for me anymore and that that urge is really the only thing that's even keeping me going. I just wish I knew how to direct it.
If you want to change you need to stop tolerating your current self man

This will not make you happy

>> No.11996822

I don't know what else to talk to this tinder girl with. She has the trappings of someone I'd like, but I haven't seen any actual substance. Don't know how to proceed from here.
>most girls are like that anon
Maybe, but I've been spoiled with interesting ones earlier in life and can't bring myself to settle

>> No.11996825

I’m so glad I learned English as my first language. I couldn’t imagine life as a ESL subhuman who struggles with simple sentences in the most common and objectively best languages ever invented my mankind

>> No.11996831

There's this girl I fancy with decent looks(7/10), good personality and traits. We're similar in the way we think and live but had a completely different upbringing and set of friends so it's always interesting to be with her. It's not even that one-sided, we both have the same sense of humour and both genuinely enjoy each other's company. We even exchange books together just so it's slightly /lit/ related
The only problem is.. she's a feminist, and an extremely active one at that. Every single time there's a powerful woman character she wouldn't waste a second pointing it out. I asked her why she didn't like a certain artist and she said it was because their songs were all about men(not love I asked?). She even started going to a feminist book club to chat shit about men - in her own words.
I don't know what to do, it's such a turn off and a shame. Uni apparently "woke" her up with all these feminist bs. She likely found a group of friends that were overzealous about feminism and got into a bubble as a result. I reckon I can influence her to tone it down a bit once I get to spend more time with her but is it really worth the hassle. Such a shame.

>> No.11996842

I'm sitting outside in the chill with my dogs and smoking a cigar. Life is okay right now in this moment. Can hardly wait to lapse back into melancholy.

>> No.11996859

>If you want to change you need to stop tolerating your current self man

I have absolutely zero tolerance for myself and spend most of my waking hours dissecting myself and all the ways in which I'm not a functional human being. It has had no effect on the general state of affairs.

>> No.11996885

check em

>> No.11996893

Have a genuine talk with her and tell her how you feel. Was she always a feminist from the beginning and now is more radicalized? I feel so long as shes not trashing and being toxic towards men and masculinity, you can be there to balance her out. Might not be just her, that 7/10 thing is pretty tacky dude.

>> No.11996899

exam to enter uni coming up in a week and i haven't studied anything yet. and i probably won't pass it. and it's the third time i'm doing it. the last one too. this is probably the last week of my easy life

>> No.11996955

I don't think she was like the from the beginning, she said it was her uni friends that made her realize it. It's true what you say though, I should talk to her about it but perhaps when it gets a bit more serious. I don't know exactly how she feels about me and I'd hazard against ruining our relationship now.

>Might not be just her, that 7/10 thing is pretty tacky dude.
I've been browsing 4chan for too long that it has become a habit. I don't think it's too bad though cause the number is my opinion, I really do find her attractive.

>> No.11996961

this post is so gay i actually can't tell if it's a woman or not

>> No.11997027
File: 24 KB, 480x480, given up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 KB

I've been at my most lowest in several years lately. I've always been a coward fuck though. Considering writing a sketch of a suicide note just to get it out of me. It sucks to be isolated and unwanted. Suffering is the only constant in life.
You don't have to be a superhero to become invisible, anons.

>> No.11997030

Totally. I get your concern because it's a slipper slope. I knew a girl who went from "empowered" to posting shit on ig about mansplaining, white guilt, and how men are ruining the planet. Hope your girl is not that far gone. If she genuinely cares as much as you do, she'll come back to reality,

It's been a while since I've been here, so hearing that 7/10 shit reminds me of people I know who act like this, and it doesn't transition well irl. But with the way my life is headed I might as well have a train of cocks in my ass.

>> No.11997033

>24 kb
wew didn't proofread my copypaste and got too excited

>> No.11997093
File: 220 KB, 642x784, carlito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to just have one drink
>maybe another
>finish the bottle
>need to drink the next day to deal with the pain
>stay drinking for weeks on end

mr bones pls let me off

>> No.11997139

I was just being a dick please have a nice life

>> No.11997162

I hate technology and the mountain of modern responsibilities. Why is everything so complex? Whose idea was it to make all this unnecessary stuff? It’s all because countries can’t get along, so society has to be more efficient to keep us even with everyone else. It’s so tiresome. What’s the end? There isn’t one. Why does no one consider this? Not once on the debate stages is the distant future discussed. What are we striving for? We’re all just expected to go with the flow. Be productive, do what everyone else is doing. Watch the new movie, buy the new clothes, laugh at the new memes. So many choices, so little time. That tells you that most of our choices are empty and arbitrary. Can I just eat, sleep, work, love, and pray? How can we claim to be an advanced society when we’ve made life more difficult than it has to be?

>> No.11997177

>Can I just eat, sleep, work, love, and pray?

No. Welcome to the brave new world of high-end productivity and "lifelong education". You're not a fan of keeping your mind stimulated with new challenges?

>> No.11997184

I don't have any goals in life, and I'm really fine with it. I just want to do stuff I like, like watching YouTube videos, play vidya games, read some thrillers from Japanese authors, travel around the world. But all those things won't bring me any money. Damn, I hate going to work. I hate spending 9 hours of my life every day just to help some son of a bitch earn his millions. I want to be free. I don't need much. I don't care about expensive cars, luxury bullshit, property. I just want to to regular stuff without being forced to go to work. I need 3 million dollars. 3 million dollars would me enough for me live a whole life without any concerns. How much would I be able to spend every month? Let me calculate. I'm 33 right now. At what age do people die? 80? OK, let's say I still have 50 years in front of me, if everything goes well. So, 3000000 / 50, makes it 60000 a year. That's 5000 dollars I could spend every month. 5000 dollars is a lot of money. Life would be great. 3000000 doesn't sound that much. It must be somehow manageable to get 3000000 dollars. But how? Lottery? I'm smarter than the others, somehow it must be possible for me to get that money. I hate work.

>> No.11997197

Unironically read Marx, or at least his critiques of capitalism

>> No.11997325

idk if taoism is largely fluff one projects their own meaning onto like horoscopes, or if it has actual profound significance that can only be understood intuitively. But I do know it's comfy bedtime reading whenever I'm feeling down.

>> No.11997342

Should've started saving money early on. I'm 22 and fell for the FIRE meme. Saving all I gots in the hopes of being able to retire early.

>> No.11997445

Why 3 million if you already acknowledge that it's more than you really need? Like, why'd you pick exactly 3?

>> No.11997472

I used to be able to justify my sadness. If only I could have X thing, life would be better. Now the reasons are all gone. I don't want anything. I don't care. I'd like to end myself without having to die.

>> No.11997540

I dislike Donald Trump, but possibly moreso do I dislike the "responsibility" thrust upon me by the media regarding the American democratic process. People skeptical of our democracy, and those who act on it by not voting, are scrutinized as complicit in what they see as some sort of "fascist regime" in the cult of Trump. However, I struggle to distinguish him from any of the other shitbags in this hopeless system of only two separate but barely different elite parties.

>> No.11997606

It truly pisses me off how many liberals blame third party voters or people that didn't vote for clinton's loss. You would think they would have had some introspection and realized they had to run people whose platforms had broad popular support in order to win, but nope, the democrats have instead doubled down on on their strategy and the pundit class continues to sail the ship. Trump may be an imbecile who's causing immeasurable harm to the country, but I thank him for managing to rip the curtain off the system and reveal what a naked sham it is. Of course none of this will result in any change because the opposition lacks any leadership or coherent vision (other than wanting to go back to the charade as it was pre-2016), but it's comforting to know things are well and truly fucked and that you should just hunker down and enjoy the spectacle.

>> No.11997628

i like how democrats feel entitled to third party voter's votes...i'm old enough to remember gore's campaign, people voted for that arab guy because the clintons screwed over the working class with nafta, and gore was a corporate beta who was a total shill other than some concern trolling about the environment...also the clintons should remember the only reason bill won in the first place was because perot took votes away from bush, so live by the third party votes, die by the third party votes

>> No.11997891
File: 64 KB, 944x676, bomb-suspect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bombs were false flags. In real pipebombs have two wires that go to one end. These ones had two wires that go to both, like a battery. They had no detonator or blast cap, and the clock had no alarm function. You NEED an alarm for a timed explosive. And they conveniently were all found without anyone being harmed right before the midterm elections and immediately publicized on the media. On every package there was enough postage for the weight, the stamps were not canceled, the 'bombs' were shown to social media immediately, and they are obviously non-functional. You don't have to be Alex Jones too smell the bullshit on this one.
56% of all violent crimes are committed by blacks, who are only 12% of the population. We need to send them back. And before anyone says it, no I'm not a /pol/ack, and haven't been to that shithole embarrassment of a board since 2013.

>> No.11997895
File: 62 KB, 500x408, 1540419767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sitting on my bed, the wind is shrieking outside and rain beats down like it has been the whole day. I have a felt blanket wrapped around me like some kind of cloak. It has kittens on it, I love the juvenility. I want to make some hot cocoa, but I'd have to wash out one of the pots sitting on my floor to make it. So I think I'll just sit for a while longer, listening to edgy music and watching the trees outside shake in the storm.

>> No.11997896

My apology, meant to write 'not enough postage for the weight'. Sorry for any confusion.

>> No.11997905
File: 30 KB, 300x188, 1387695599252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that they were just SEETHING because the bomber turned out to be a filippino

>> No.11997915

Source? I mean he's clearly fucking white but I'd love to see whatever straws /pol/ is grasping at to prove that it was totally a minority and not a dumb magatard

>> No.11997923

I'm not sure whether I'm not fit for my job or if I'm just incompetent.

>> No.11997938
File: 41 KB, 640x360, cesar-sayoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In every photo of him besides the edit he is clearly dark skinned. And the fact that every bit of text I wrote shows just how big of a lie this shit all is.

>> No.11997939

Those are the same things, anon.

>> No.11997945

>six pictures of a white guy in various lightings
>clearly dark skinned
lmao the ABSOLUTE STATE of poltards

>> No.11997957

im already an alcoholic so it doesn't really matter. Is valium and alcohol nice together?

>> No.11997963

If you want to die.

>> No.11997965
File: 414 KB, 1024x518, sayocdad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to my previous comment which states I do not go on /pol/ I'm a /k/ommando, and those bombs are clearly non-functional. And Sayoc's father is confirmed to be an immigrant from the Phillipines.

>> No.11997967

Probably, yes. But I feel I should try harder

>> No.11997984

>Confirmed a Filipino from the Seminole tribe
>That disagrees with my narrative
>I'll just cry /pol/ because I'm irrational and anyone who disagrees with me must by a fascist nazi

>> No.11997990

Im not asking if it will kill me but if it feels good, believe it or not the internet is not very useful on the recreational use of valium

>> No.11997999

Fake news :^)
Seriously though you destroyed any hope of every discussing anything when you wrenched postmodern ideas of subjective truth into the mainstream discourse. So no, I have no reason to believe anything you say, fascist :P

>> No.11998005

I can't tell if this post serious, you dont actually think that guy is white do you?

>> No.11998014

If this is bait it's good. If it's serious you're a reprobate that should refrain from breathing. Also, fascism is far too left-wing economically for my taste.

>> No.11998019

Sayoc has claimed in multiple interviews he is Filipino.

>> No.11998026

>t. shook retards

>> No.11998074

>pull ups

>> No.11998269

wow i just fapped for like 5 hours, damn the time flies when ur gettin off