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11987656 No.11987656 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some philosophers and writers who can prepare me for the fact I will die alone and never again experience intimacy with another human being? Don't care about feminism or MGTOW or any of that garbage. It's just me now.

>> No.11987663

Do you wanna fight it somehow or do you just want to crawl and cry like a miserable manchild

>> No.11987671


>> No.11987672

I'm at the point where this dichotomy doesn't even apply anymore. There's just silence.

>> No.11987688

>For me, since I've stopped hoping or not hoping, life is simply an external picture that includes me and that I look at, like a show without a plot, made only to please the eyes.
I'm not saying Pessoa is who you're looking for, but what you said reminded me of that bit from Book of Disquiet.

>> No.11987695

Pessoa has been a big help. I like the passages that get posted here from time to time. I'm at the beginning stages of that line you quoted and it's hard.

>> No.11987720

Yeah I think you're looking for antidepressants. This ship of the mind is sailing with or without your willingness, and experiencing things as a fully passive observer as one watches a play may be more correct, but it by definition destroys any lie of purpose that we tell ourselves. So you can embrace darkness to whatever end, and although things are factually empty, you will receive the void. It's true, and it's the void.

Or you can have your insufficient human brain lie to itself a priori with antidepressants. I prefer the lie, the void is genuinely less fun to watch.

>> No.11987727

and of course "fun" and "genuine" are used as a result of the lie. Funny, that.

>> No.11987728

This is a good picture.

>> No.11987748

every great mystic didn't tough out the void because they were mystics, they were mystics because they toughed out the void.

I guess I'm still grasping for a carrot but still. I think something of an infinite value can be found in this darkness but I'm still too much of a pussy to commit

>> No.11987763

If you are in the void you're not toughing anything out, you just are. Committing to it is knowing that nothing else is. You don't commit to it, you're already it, and "you" is just a substitute for "it". So knowing that, take some antidepressants and pretend like you're not nothing.

I don't know, maybe you'd benefit from Alan Watts. I hesitate to recommend him, but as long as you disregard his religious garbage he might help to express this deep dread you might feel in a more "positive" way.

>> No.11987775

Possibly stoicism. It’s easy to understand but hard to apply. However if you do manage to apply it to your life, you oughta see good results.

>> No.11987786

Lame edgy philosophy. Leads to complacency. We have human brains, not robot ones, and we can't hope to train them fully to adopt "true stoicism". A stoic who thinks he's a true stoic literally just tolerates up to his limit and avoids everything else. So many philosophies disregard the fact that humans suck in so many ways. Stoics are like the libertarians of philosophy.

>> No.11987797

I'd rather just be than try to repress that with antidepressants. I guess fidelity to this "truth" is the last thing that dies

>> No.11987819

You don't repress it with antidepressants.

It doesn't change, it never will. But you can, and as long as you're an inadequate thinking thing with seriously limited capabilities, you might as well live that shit up with whatever fake values you can find. If the void is true, it will be waiting for you anyway.

>> No.11987842

There’s valid criticisms but that’s way off base

>> No.11987852


>> No.11987865

i recommend fasting regularly, it short of shuts off a lot desires and calms you

>> No.11987874



John Gray


>> No.11988444

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer

>> No.11989651

Second this. Priorities become more apparent. You’ll realize you want to eat and keep going. Then when you eat it tastes so good. It’s a purifier.

>> No.11989734

Desert Fathers and other monastics.

>> No.11990131
File: 715 KB, 629x758, https___i.redd.it_55jer8y84te11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any books to recommend, but hope you'll manage. I'm feeling the same way. I don't hate women or myself because of it, but it's just this miserable reality that is so hard to accept after all the failed efforts. Nothing in life seems worth striving towards when this unbearable loneliness is chewing you from the inside every moment.

>> No.11990155

you need a hobby guy, not free advice, if you've given up already imagine what the next 60 maybe 70 years are gonna have to offer, you really want to resign yourself to a lifetime of despair because work sux and pretty girl won't lick your balls? get a guitar or something, be a douchebag, work out, watch movies, jerk off, get drunk, get high, drop acid, save some money, take three months off and hit the road, just drive, pick a place and go, just do something, shake yourself up, sniff glue, snort your meds, here's a good one, next time you have to take a piss go to the toilet and just stand in front of it while you piss your pants, don't take your dick out or anything just put your hands on your hips and piss yourself, then dry yourself off with a towel, slip into your flannel jammies, curl up on the couch and watch netflix, or play fortnite, or whatever the hell it is you do when your not pulling yourself off, the best part is if somebody else is home and sees you do it just shrug and say, "ah, fuck it," and they will leave you alone, people won't fuck around with you after that, if it gets around to the girls they'll be intrigued, swear to god, like, "Whoa, what's going on with him?" If you're in college, you got a decent job and things just aren't clicking and you're sunk, just be like, "Fuck it, dude, just piss in my pants, who the fuck cares? I got more pants, I can do laundry, why the fuck not?" Deliberation impresses people, they pay attention to a guy who's motivated

>> No.11990160

>You don't commit to it, you're already it, and "you" is just a substitute for "it"
>Qualitative experience is equivalent to meaningless void
lol no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no n-n-n-nya-no-no.

>> No.11990197

>Do you wanna fight it somehow or do you just want to crawl and cry like a miserable child.

There's another option, and that's enjoying it. I think that's what OP wants to do, he wants to revel in his own meaninglessness.

>> No.11990478

Seconding this. You’ve got your whole life in front of you. Might as well enjoy it. Things will get better, but only if you put yourself out there.

>> No.11990489
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1520804447497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a book that could convince incels with 100% success rate that having a GF or wife is not as fulfilling as they imagine it is

>> No.11990736

I don’t think you read the whole post.


>> No.11990860

What is the original painting called again?

>> No.11990879

Answer me niggers.

>> No.11990954

This is like saying air is overrated to someone who's drowning, it only seems overrated because you've become so accustomed to its presence. I assure you that a complete lack of human intimacy is far worse than whatever annoyance your gf/wife causes you.

>> No.11991251

The lack of compassion you have for others is astounding

>> No.11991325


The emptiness you are feeling now will just transform into a different kind of emptiness once you have a gf/wife for a sufficient amount of time and you will become frustrated again just like you are now
Eventually you will realize, like many before you have, the emptiness you were feeling was not from a lack of intimacy at all
You were simply looking one step down the road, focusing all that attention on such a short distance right in front of you, blind to the fact that there were still a thousand steps to go
After so much effort for only one step many just give up walking after that

>> No.11991327

You can get intimacy through means other than girls.

Viewing women as nothing but intimacy dispensers isn’t good for your mental health.

>> No.11991340

You will die alone, no matter what. Even if you have a life long marriage and love your wife for your entire life. You will still face death alone.

>> No.11991399

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEEt and waht i do with this information anon?? the blackpills this website gives me FUCK

>> No.11991596

So how do you get out of that cycle?
I keep fantasizing about cuddling with a girl and my mind makes it out to be such a divine experience.
Even if I get a gf I'm pretty sure my mind will just pick something else that I lack and make me suffer again.