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11984616 No.11984616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does consciousness require ego? If not, why doesn't ego auto-dissolve?

>> No.11984645
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hey kid
you wanna *hic*
you *hic*
you wanna try some *hic*
you wanna try some *hic*

>> No.11984676

I chuckle, but I don't understand what the offer is for. It was worth many chuckles.

But I remain a seeker and simply ask for any impact to send me on my way. I don't want my ego to become the imprint, because I'm not done trying to recycle it.

>> No.11984684

If Ego is always constructed from words, why not help craft a language that includes all narrative junctions/waypoints?

>> No.11985018

ego is not necessary for the physical manifestation of consciousness, but it adds so much to it. It expands the capacities of conciousness to incredible heights. Being human with out ego is similar to being human without knowing language, ever reading a book, etc.

It doesn't auto-dissolve because it's intertwined with all your actions, and the actions of others as they relate to you. Ego is attached to all of your willing, your goals, the why behind your movements, it subsumes desires under itself, and functions in your access to the symbolic network.

In other words, meaningful consciousness requires ego but consciousness by itself does not

>> No.11985023

Ego is just a face for your identity

>> No.11985052

it's self-perpetuating

>> No.11985063

I don't think so. What is your identity a face for? Identity is pretty easy to construct, so surely there must be something else

>> No.11985075

Meaningful = competition?

>> No.11985086

Well what is your preferred write memory expectation? Personally I am fine with my wisdom coming from 4chan. We are all just seeking conversation and communication. If all identites can learn to ignore some signals, what would we collectively want to remove or screen for?

What filter would YOU want to share?

>> No.11985092

personally I think it does and it's evident in so much literature. Consciousness requires self awareness and being aware of what you do to achieve independent and social and goals is a big part of that.

I really like the NPC meme that's come about because I feel like it reflects on this and with many people it's difficult to discern whether they are conscious that their actions are intended for self-fulfillment. Can be a very difficult subject to bring up unless you have a close relationship.

I don't think that true AI can be accomplished (despite what many 'objective' people believe - 'if it exists it can be built' mindset). But I think that understanding this aspect along with many others will go a long way to creating something which is truly human.

>> No.11985109
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Will we always wish for their to be a class of human that enjoys the toil we do not?

>> No.11985112

I mean that it is necessary for the kinds of values and judgements that make things meaningful

>> No.11985115

I hope not, because that will mean our minds can't evolve.

>> No.11985116
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>> No.11985135

i'm not sure I understand, but I dont like talking in terms of filters or expected inputs. If I could share anything, it's that I feel that the set of filters and expected inputs is consistently shifting, expanding, contracting, to the point where focusing on one or a few is largely missing the picture

>> No.11985159

So only comparison is meaningful? Does that not just mean measurable? We are only memories with a start and end

>> No.11985164

I would never prevent you, and even happily be the post abused so that you may rise to a level of sustainable comfort.

>> No.11985169

Your filters can be unique, divine, and shared. I opt for the share filter, if I am allowed to imprint an ego anywhere.

>> No.11985223

a hard disk drive is a memory with a start and an end. There is a lot more that we do that can't just be reduced to memory.

>> No.11985227

Everything can be reduced to an arbitrary memory interpretation. If humans sense all memory because we are the universe, then how have I been able to generate a rapport with complete strangers?

>> No.11985379

What would spiritual intelligence be? How, or who, could codify such a thing in order for it to be distributable?

>> No.11985386

>>11985018 I agree with you
I like this post

>> No.11985578

because human psychology & physiology are hacky and buggy/their purpose is misunderstood by us/both

>> No.11985657

Is it healthy to root it/dissolve it out then? Obviously not permanently, but I just mean at all, or even as an endeavour.

>> No.11985677

remove this picture

>> No.11985680
File: 104 KB, 600x889, ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think of reading as the introvert’s hobby: A quiet activity for a person who likes quiet, save for the voices in their head. But in the 5,000 or so years humans have been writing, reading as we conceive it, an asocial solo activity with a book, is a relatively new form of leisure.

For centuries, Europeans who could read did so aloud. The ancient Greeks read their texts aloud. So did the monks of Europe’s dark ages. But by the 17th century, reading society in Europe had changed drastically. Text technologies, like moveable type, and the rise of vernacular writing helped usher in the practice we cherish today: taking in words without saying them aloud, letting them build a world in our heads.


>> No.11985689

iq is pseud-science as much as zodiac and buzzfeed quizzes

>> No.11985692

Ego as in "first-person perspective"
Consciousness as .... what exactly ?

We don't know OP.