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File: 24 KB, 220x336, CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11984313 No.11984313 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/. I'm about halfway through Blood Meridian, and overall I'm enjoying it, but what am I supposed to get out of it? Judge Holden is an interesting evil character, and the prose is beautiful and the violence is pretty hardcore, but it's kind of just slogging on with not a lot of direct point in terms of narrative. Is that the point? Am I just a massive retard? Is the ending going to tie it together?

>> No.11984332

I feel the same way about the narrative and I'm also about 1/2-2/3 of the way through. Although I find the prose to be overrated.

>> No.11984341

What did you expect to get out of it? What is it that you think is missing that should be there?

>> No.11984344

It has its moments for me. I definitely think it's hyped up to some extent. /lit/ has a hardon for this book for sure.

The gratuitous violence is kind of getting old as well.

>> No.11984348

>But what am I supposed to get out of it?
You are indeed a massive retard.

>> No.11984349

Narrative other than scalpers terrorizing mexicans with the devil

>> No.11984358

Fair enough

>> No.11984378

Personally, I expected beautiful prose with a gripping narrative and some of the best characters ever written. Instead I got borderline purple prose, a meandering narrative not unlike the endless desert that these faceless characters are wandering through.

>> No.11984379

What you get out of it is the the thoughts that it stimulates within you. What else would ever expect to get out of a novel? Is your head empty?

>> No.11984384

Is it just me or does this book read like fantasy novels?

>> No.11984396

If that’s all you draw from the book that’s your own fault

>> No.11984399

It reads like Tom Clancy if he had a dictionary and thesaurus next to him at all times, specifically searching for everyday words that had an "archaic" tag in one of it's definitions and using it in that specified way.

>> No.11984402

Man and violence are often one and the same and there's no escaping its destructive forces when you enter. That's what I got out of it at least.

>> No.11984404

Clearly you're missing the point of what I meant by asking that but yeah I suppose my head is empty and you are superior in every way

>> No.11984408

Okay what is your point?

>> No.11984409

Then enlighten me

>> No.11984419

Was the historical time period actually as violent as the book depicts it?

>> No.11984428

>Was the historical time period actually as violent as the book depicts it?

>> No.11984452

There was a real Glanton gang that hunted scalps and even scalped innocent Indians for more money...

>> No.11985628

>but what am I supposed to get out of it
That violence has always been in our nature and even nature itself is capable of violence to us and itself and finally the universe is uncaring towards all of this.

>> No.11985771

>thinking that there is a singular universal le message that you should """get""" out of it
As long as you view books as one-dimensional as this you will not make it.

>> No.11986835

It’s not gratuitous though. Go back to Harry Potter

>> No.11986838

>purple prose

Using cliche terms like this, kek

>> No.11986842

Yes act

>> No.11986848

The book is not loosely based on historical events on the contrary it is highly based on them

>> No.11987301

>Is the ending going to tie it together?
Yes, but only if you read carefully and aren't a brainlet.

>> No.11987322

I can't believe you're enjoying it. I'm just over halfway thru and can't stand it. And if you think the prose is beautiful I cannot help you son. It's the most repetitive pretentious drivel I've read in a long, long time. I hate /lit/ faggots for ever recommending this.

>> No.11987352

The craziest thing about this book is reading the historical background and realizing how much of it is based in fact. There was a huge imposing man who spoke like six languages, was a genius, and murdered and raped injun children while leading a gang of scalpers, the only thing is he may not have been bald.

>> No.11987452

She talks about the history towards the end of the lecture

>> No.11987536

yeah, I'm not really sure how you could miss this. it's said explicitly dozens of times in the book.

>> No.11987577
File: 143 KB, 962x541, mexican-soundscapes-962x541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you think the book would be if you took out all the descriptions of landscapes?

>> No.11987882

Name your fave writers? Jonathan Franzen?

>> No.11987889

How long would Moby Dick be if the parts without the whale encounters were cut out?

>> No.11987906

I guess I don't get why describing basically the same thing over and over again is important. I like the book though despite this.

>> No.11987916

It's not the same thing over and over. There are many different landscapes being described in Blood Meridian.

>> No.11988536

No but the characters are hyper-violent antisocial brigands that live in the frontiers between Mexico and the USA for the reason they can be hyper-violent antisocial brigands. The entire story is almost mythical because the frontier is treated like mythical place.

>> No.11988551

I thought it was, in so many words, descibed he had Alopecia totalis. He doesn't even have eyebrows.

>> No.11988566

Just remember: war and violence is eternal and what you see the Glanton Gang doing is an allegory for all mankind

>> No.11988641

Repetition is thematic, the repetition of
Violence, the repetition of conquest, generations, even at the basic level the seasons. The repetitive description could be designed to wear on the reader just as the nature wore on the gang.

>> No.11988648

The land in early America is an important character itself.

>> No.11988724

It gets much much better in the last third imo.

>> No.11988806
File: 945 KB, 1920x1200, 1378267476836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long do you think the book would be if you took out all the descriptions of landscapes?
30 pages tops and it would be awful.
One of the key themes imho is that this ugly side of humanity is played out in an almost mythical landscape.
Also that when people think of the wild west/frontier they think tumble weeds, dust/dry dirt and saloon towns not pic related.

>> No.11989390

Is there any extra significance to this line during the Judge's 'war speech'?
"Before man was, war waited for him."
I took it to mean that animals were fighting before humans evolved, but I'm not completely sure.

>> No.11989683

It means that war is more fundamental than man.

>I took it to mean that animals were fighting before humans evolved
You are still thinking too specific. The book is about war in both the violent form mankind gives it, and war in the most abstract.

>> No.11989828

What would the more abstract form of war be? Is it as vague as a conflict between two forces?

>> No.11989897

War is that highest authority by which disagreements are judged and forced into unity.

>> No.11989902

Holden is just an edgy death angel that escaped his damnation and came back to earth (the way they found him in the desert). He doesn't have to be right about things, he's just an opinionated mofo that would do and say anything to justify and satisfy his many degenerate needs.

>> No.11989903

>borderline purple prose
kek. Now you mention it his descriptions do get a little wordy. 0/10 be more Hemmmingway

Also that would be a good subtitle.

>> No.11989909

i came up with a joke:
blood meridian is my favorite gangsta rap novel
hope you liked it

>> No.11990035

>Is the ending going to tie it together?
Yes. One of the greatest endings ever.

>> No.11990046

>Am I just a massive retard?

No. McCarthy is one of the most overrated American novelists of the last 50 years.

Read this:

>> No.11990053

Suttree is a much better book than this.

>> No.11990073

This. I liked the whole book, but parts in the middle could sometimes get a little tiresome, but the last 50-60 pages really, really shocked me, in a good way. I just finished this book last week, but I'll be reading all parts with Judge Holden again very soon.