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/lit/ - Literature

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11983877 No.11983877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Haven't had one of these in a while
>where are you studying?
>what are you studying?
>how are you enjoying it?

>> No.11983891

>where are you studying?
you posted it
>what are you studying?
>how are you enjoying it?
The subject matter is alright, it's a useful thing to study and you can provide a lot of utility towards subjects that you feel a true passion for.

I feel incredibly alienated on campus though. I remember the excitement I had during the prefrosh days, all of the people I connected with over Facebook and in meetups, all of the day-long get-togethers and night-long conversations I had with nearby admits. Then a string of illnesses hit the family, forcing me to take a gap year. I got "redpilled", recovered a bit, but never really felt able to connect with anybody on campus without putting on a mask since.

I hope to use the money I make to start a one-man think tank, or at least retreat to the Midwest to live a secluded, traditional, and quiet /lit/erati life.

>> No.11983922

>where are you studying?
Average liberal arts private school in Minnesota
>what are you studying?
>how are you enjoying it?
I guess

>> No.11983930

> where are you studying?
pic related
> what are you studying?
mathematics/philosophy double major
> how are you enjoying it?
meh, wish i was a farmer

>> No.11983942
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>University of Toronto Law School
>I am enjoying it a lot. People say law school is boring. It is not. Just don't go to a non T-14 or UofT/McGill in Canada.

>> No.11983943

Studied at University of Wisconsin
Major was politics
Would have done a lot different if I could go back and do it again

Now a 30 year old boomer

>> No.11983962
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>where are you studying?
pic related
>what are you studying?
First year econ, although I took an extra year until coming to uni.
>how are you enjoying it?
It's alright although I mostly chose it because I had no clue what I wanted to do (still don't) and because the school was local to me. I've sort of had bad luck with making any "real" friends so far. I'm not autistic or anything. It's a shame as well since all of my high school friends went out of town for uni.

Any other WLU anons on here? I remember some from the last thread I think.

>> No.11984026 [DELETED] 

>where are you studying?
New York University
>what are you studying?
Applied Psychology major with Comparative Literature
>how are you enjoying it?
It's alright. I haven't properly engaged the campus yet because I commute. The Lit classes are pretty great.

>> No.11984038

>where are you studying?
New York University
>what are you studying?
Applied Psychology major with Comparative Literature minor.
>how are you enjoying it?
It's alright. I haven't properly engaged the campus yet because I commute. I love my Lit classes the most because of how lively the conversations are.

>> No.11984062

I'm suicidal

>> No.11984097

>Coastal Carolina University
>It's fantastic!

>> No.11984099

>where are you studying?
At community college
>what are you studying?
English and psychology, but i'm still a freshman so i haven't really done much investing into the majors yet
>how are you enjoying it?
it's okay, wish i didn't get kicked out of baruch though, was nice in the city

>> No.11984116

>where are you studying?
Georgia Tech
>what are you studying?
Industrial Engineering
>how are you enjoying it?
It’s all right. I don’t think I want a traditional IE job, but instead a software engineering role. I wish my school was more well rounded.

>> No.11984123
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>where are you studying?
Syracuse University

>what are you studying?
History and International Relations

>how are you enjoying it?
gud i'm graduating in December

>> No.11984151

>where are you studying?
A large university in Florida
>what are you studying?
Philosophy and History
>how are you enjoying it?
meh, analytic philosophy is kind of boring, might do history as my major and use my philosophy credits to get a minor.

>> No.11984162

>where are you studying?
Trent University
>what are you studying
Political Studies
>how are you enjoying it?
Intro courses are pretty basic, but desu prof is hilarious and we're going pretty in-depth with a lot of stuff

desu surprised by how many Canadians are posting in this thread

>> No.11984184

>desu surprised by how many Canadians are posting in this thread
there's always a lot of lonely /lit/izens from leaf land posting in uni threads

>> No.11984201
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>where are you studying?

>what are you studying
English literature or Philosophy, haven't decided yet

>how are you enjoying it?
I was scammed into believing Princeton would be a great school because I was a huge Fitzgerald fan in high school. I spent 5 year applying repeatedly to finally get in, and I have been disappointed. I should have went to Yale where Harold Bloom teaches since unlike most students I meet here, I actually value the Canon

>> No.11984230

>where are you studying?
>what are you studying
>how are you enjoying it?
Honestly I'd rather be studying theology, I've been questioning my atheism.

>> No.11984240

>North Shore Community College, Graduated
>Computer Science
>College is a scam

>> No.11984249

>where are you studying?
Notre Dame

>what are you studying?
Graduated, but I studied computer science

>how are you enjoying it?
I enjoyed it a lot

>> No.11984269

Do people LARP in these threads? Seems like a stupidly high percentage of people go to extremely prestigious unniversities.

T. Guy who ended up going to his local state school because it literally cost 1/3 that of out of state public schools

>> No.11984280

>where are you studying?
University of Chicago
>what are you studying?
Stupid bullshit
>how are you enjoying it?
I enjoy it

>> No.11984291
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>where are you studying?
Ohio State University
>what are you studying?
Computer Science
>how are you enjoying it?
Not really enjoying it, its okay

>> No.11984292

yes, im gurantee that most of the people posting ivy league schools ITT go to their local community college, and I have no idea why either, because having anything but contempt for the Ivies makes no sense.

>> No.11984300

Yes and it self-selects for people who want to brag about their school

>where are you studying?
>what are you studying?
>how are you enjoying it?
It's pretty cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11984310

Don't see why people would LARP, it's not like Ivies are even that prestigious nowadays assuming you're not a major poorfag or literal brainlet. They're filled with dumb normies and diversity quotas like any other state school.

>> No.11984316

Texas A&M
Wildlife and Fisheries Science
>minor in stats
It's pretty nice except I've autistically decided that I need to know math.
I'm taking a German Film class that's fun, I've literally never a post 1945 one until this class.
The discussion in it is pretty shit though.

>> No.11984339

>where are you studying?
Oklahoma State
>what are you studying?
>how are you enjoying it?
Pretty good. It's a lot of fun even though I'm trying to get into seminary now.

>> No.11984373

What's the atmosphere like at tech? It must be weird having 25% of the student body be international kids.

>> No.11984383

>community college
>computer science
>not terrible, but not very interesting for me either

>> No.11984398

Physics grad student here. I know a dude who studied at Wesleyan. Nice guy, said he enjoyed it.

>> No.11984432

>where are you studying?
The University of California at Berkeley
>what are you studying?
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
>how are you enjoying it?
I haven't killed myself or dropped out yet so I guess it's a worthwhile experience

>> No.11984464

Hey bro, you have to set your sights for life satisfaction higher than not killing yourself. You deserve higher standards. What's eating at you? Why are you feeling dissatisfied?

>> No.11984476

I never understood why people would go to an ivy and not major in the humanities. You can learn everything Harvard can teach you about statistics from textbooks. Humanities discussion and lecture classes can’t be replicated though.

t. Went to Columbia

>> No.11984485

maybe we're all geniuses and you're just a brainlet hahahah gonna go hang with fellow chads, enjoy /li/ virgin! *feloow chads laugh and clap my back*

>> No.11984508
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>where are you studying?
University of Dundee, Scotland
>what are you studying?
Computer Science
>how are you enjoying it?
I fell for the cs meme. This is the most bugman industry there is I really do not want to get a job programming things in a team. Learning the theory and working alone on things is nice though

>> No.11984522

University of Wisconsin
pretty good, might add philos as well

>> No.11984526
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>where are you studying?
dropped out of pic related
>what are you studying?
finance (IB), was going to switch to Classics with a focus on Roman History and Minor in Latin
>how are you enjoying it?
it was enjoyable socially, but finance/accounting is one of the most boring and unrewarding studies i've ever pursued

should i go back /lit/? was thinking a cozy private liberal arts college in the northeast.

>> No.11984550

>was thinking a cozy private liberal arts college in the northeast.

Do those still exist?

>> No.11984575


>> No.11984591
File: 23 KB, 206x176, stevens_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are you studying?
Stevens Institute of Technology
>what are you studying?
Computer engineering, I think I'm going to double major in English because I can't stand doing just STEM
>how are you enjoying it?
Most of my courses are tedious and feel meaningless. Pretty much everyone going here is an autistic STEMfag who's probably never read a book. My English class is the only class I enjoy.

>> No.11984627
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>be me
>enrolled in second largest University in Georgia (Kennesaw State)
>assigned Machiavelli and Marx for International Relations Theory course
>procrastinate on the reading
>fall in love with both texts once I get around to cramming in the work
>find a booming love of authoritarian/political works
Recommendations, folks?

>> No.11984633

I agree. CS feels so unsatisfying and soulless most of the time.

>> No.11984635

Edith Cowan uni
Psych and counselling
Its pretty cool, I've learned a fuck ton that I'm able to apply in daily life

>> No.11984638

Hey, I'm at Princeton too. I'm a senior. I met one other person through /lit/ on here, but he graduated now.

Yeah, if you're taking the HUM sequence, you set yourself up for disappointment. I was really let down by that program as well. However, I had a friend that did DS at Yale and I don't think it was much better.

I study history. I enjoy it and it gives me enough room to pursue my literary interests as well, so no real complaints. Most students are disappointments because they don't care at all, but that's life.

want to meet up? If so drop a fake email and I'll send you my netid, or we can go vice versa

>> No.11984647

I study Data Philosophy at the top one school in history.

>> No.11984652

>>find a booming love of authoritarian/political works
de Maistre is one of the polemicists from the authoritarian position. Carlyle is one of my favourites as well. Both are obviously reactionary.

>> No.11984659

Trinity, Wesleyan, Bard, Williams. So many more.

>> No.11984668

>where are you studying?
>what are you studying?
masters in library science basically
>how are you enjoying it?
its alright. kinda just wanna get into my field but my classes are engaging i guess. i am extremely depressed.

>> No.11984688

Law school is boring. The advice not to go to subT-14 is unrelated.

>> No.11984720
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>yeah, I study econ/engineering/statistics/computer science
>my degree is going to get me a good internship
>I'm getting a degree to get a good job

>> No.11984765

Know a kid who went there and is doing very well for himself, huge nerd but applied himself and was making 6 figures before 30

>> No.11984784

>where are you studying?
University of Florida, now applying for a post-bacc at Florida State.
>what are you studying?
Graduated with a degree in history, but I partied my entire undergrad and now my gpa is meh. Applying for philosophy post-bacc to get it up.
>how are you enjoying it?
History was great, but again I partied way too much. The semesters I didn't I had decent gpa's, so I know I can get it back up. I'm looking forward to philosophy, and since I have no debt from before I'll be fine when I take out a loan to get another degree in about year.

Afterwards I'm joining the military and will reap the benefits of the GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon Program.

>> No.11984789

I'm jealous. I'm also going into psychology for counseling (>>11984038), but have yet to take any counseling related classes. What have you taken?

>> No.11984796

>>where are you studying?
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
>>what are you studying?
Philosophy undergrad, 4th year
>>how are you enjoying it?
hate it

>> No.11984814


>> No.11984827

Macalester? St. Norbert?

I know some people at both.

>> No.11984857

i'm princetonfag from here >>11984638 and I'd be down to hang with a rutgersbro too if you're interested

>> No.11984896

did I mention I PARTAY bro? I party?

>> No.11984905
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Sorry I got on your nerves by mentioning something twice, oh great autistic one.

>> No.11984914

no no I get it bro, you par-tay way too hard bro, I get you man

>> No.11984951

I've finished uni long ago. But I keep going back to reminisce about a woman I loved so deeply and can't talk to anymore (monkey-face-see-no-evil).

I fucking hate what it's become. Used to be a liberal paradise with prominent philosopher academics. Now it's entirely corporate with big money being injected into stem/business faculties and nothing else...

What really pisses me off is how they renovated the library. Had a massive collection you could just get lost in and find many interesting books. They got rid of that and made it so you have to request a book online to be picked up. They're trying to turn it into a social hub. Reminds me of Robot and Frank...only I thought by the time this happened I would have a servant robot I could use to commit crimes and be an objective companion of mine.

Holler at me if you think you know which uni I went to.

>> No.11984953

Sup NYU friend, I'm here studying philosophy with a math minor. A little advice if youre a freshman, don't really bother trying to "engage with the campus", it barely exists. Best advice for friends is to meet a couple people in your classes/major you like and just chill with them. I think its best to think of NYU like a job and you go into work everyday and then leave, use your spare time to enjoy the rest of the city with a few people you like hanging around.

>> No.11984955

why post here when you clearly don't belong?
get the fuck out of my board

>> No.11984960

Its actually a double degree so yeah I've done both. Counselling classes are interesting but they're all about feelings and theories although they give you practical skills too. Psychology doesnt teach you how to counsel where as counselling teaches you a bit of psychology but its all conceptual. But Psychology does teach you some really important concepts, frameworks and mechanics of people.

Ive take psychodynamics, therapy with familes, therapy with kids, therapy with older adults, self development, skills in humanistic counselling, existential humanistic counselling and cultural awareness

>> No.11984962

gimmick poster, continue ignoring and it will go away on its own

>> No.11984968

I'm doing this but also an English major
I'm gonna make it bros
he's gotta shit up the board for a few months until he passes this phase and leaves like they all do
fucking tripfags are the worst
watch him reply to your post with some embarrassing attempt to sound like the cool wise uncle character from his animes

>> No.11984969

would I be accepted if I dropped the trip?

>> No.11984976
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State school
>how is it
I hate it, I’m years behind and I have D’s in all of my classes this semester. Wish I was born in some remote fishing village 500 years ago. My entire life would’ve been dedicated to autistically honing my craft and providing for my fellow villagers, nothing else. I’d die young too which is another bonus.

>> No.11984980

A tripcode is just the symptom of a psychological disease that makes you an intolerable faggot. It's not the trip that's the problem, it's the mental glitch that prompted you to put on a trip in the first place. Your tripcode just makes it easier for savvy anons to filter you and increase board quality.

>> No.11984987

then be savvy and filter me. I've stated many times that I like attention so why give me it?

>> No.11985079

Maybe, you'll never know hehe

>> No.11985143

>where are you studying?
Private Catholic uni in the Philippines
>what are you studying?
>how are you enjoying it?
I want to die

>> No.11985210

I'm at uottawa and in the same situation as you, fwiw

>> No.11985230
File: 18 KB, 424x424, uoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are you studying
University of Toronto
>what are you studying
>how are you enjoying it?
It's nice

>> No.11985252

>where are you studying
university of victoria
>what are you studying
cs, first year
>how are you enjoying it
classes are good and interesting but i have no social life. i only regularly talk to my parents.

>> No.11985267

UC San Diego
>How are you enjoying it?
It's pretty good desu. Mostly brainlets but that's to be expected I guess.

>> No.11985310

Should I keep studying software engineering or go study history?I hate being so indecisive.

>> No.11985360

>studying anything but literature
>on a literature board
I shiggy diggy

>> No.11985385


>> No.11985493

I’m not LARPing, and I doubt that others here are LARPing. I go to this school, and I receive complete financial aid too. I know several people at Harvard who also shitpost on /lit/. Occasionally we turn up to Boston meetups too.

>not major in humanities
That was the plan until I took HUM10 and got assigned a professor who began every session by having us “popcorn read” from the literature of the week for 15 minutes. It was invaluable!

>> No.11985494 [DELETED] 

>where are you studying?
Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster
>what are you studying?
Sinology (China studies) and prehistoric archeology
>how are you enjoying it?
Profs and teachers are nice and competent, no idiots or arseholes so far. Classmates are decent, no polstmodernist or communist lunatics so far, probably because the subjects are too specific (sinology is only like 20 bachelor students starting each year with way fewer graduating) and scientific (prehistoric archeology).

Are there any other anons from Münster or Germany in general here?

>> No.11985496
File: 575 KB, 4016x865, 7D4E6FC8-3A3E-468B-98B6-8CBC6B39C288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are you studying?
Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster
>what are you studying?
Sinology (China studies) and prehistoric archeology
>how are you enjoying it?
Profs and teachers are nice and competent, no idiots or arseholes so far. Classmates are decent, no polstmodernist or communist lunatics so far, probably because the subjects are too specific (sinology is only like 20 bachelor students starting each year with way fewer graduating) and scientific (prehistoric archeology).

Are there any other anons from Münster or Germany in general here?

>> No.11985508

Any german movies/directors you can recommend or want to warn against?
Germanon here with limited knowledge of german film.

>> No.11985510

>where are you studying
>what are you studying
>how are you enjoying it?
Can't imagine myself studying anything else (maybe business), but this specific program isn't that fun. My eventual master should be way better.

>> No.11985528

>where are you studying?
>what are you studying?
electrical engineering
>how are you enjoying it?
Asians are not supposed to make major choice for one's academic interest or talent. At least my college fee is 3k/semester

>> No.11985725

>Università degli studi di Milano
>a lot