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/lit/ - Literature

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11983046 No.11983046 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most frustrated you've ever found yourself trying to make sense of something you read?

>> No.11983058
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picrel because i know that he is secretly just shitposting

>> No.11983154
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This guy explains it pretty clearly

But he also talks to dead philosophers through a medium so...

>> No.11983416

Unironically Stuart Little's ending.

>> No.11983496

my diary desu

>> No.11983586
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>> No.11983591

This is a bit ironic

>> No.11984664
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This is the first thing that came to mind for some reason. Faulkner can suck a dick.

>> No.11984682

Some analysis of Yeats for an essay in high school. I was honestly stunned how little I could make sense of it.

>> No.11984692

god your such a fucking faggot. Your just a npc sheep hur durr hahaha ill post my diary desu i'm so cleaver fuck you you fucking faggot weebo bitch. Go outside once in awhile there is a beautiful world out there you fucking bitch fuck you

>> No.11985686

reading the mind... Not meeming

>> No.11985687


>> No.11985698


>> No.11985748

I understood everything I've read. So, I never felt frustrated. Do people actually struggle with understanding philosophy? Thought it was easy. Strange.

>> No.11985753
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You must be so clever

>> No.11985757


>> No.11985766

Why are you attacking me? Did I somehow wrong you?

>> No.11985775

why are you gay? did your dad not love you?

>> No.11985779
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I'm not. I thought you understood everything you read? Clearly not true

>> No.11985780
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reading a book

>> No.11985798

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.11985951

Read the forst few pages of Kant's Critique of Reasoning. Threw it away and never picked it up since. Several pages to explain what a priori means. No way it was just about that point alone.

>> No.11986121

Reading Lacan, “The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious” for a class

>> No.11986140

I was studying freshman calculus and I was trying to comprehend algebra in respect to quadratic equations. I for the life of me could not understand it at all. None of the formulae made any sense to me. It turns out that I had a learning condition that made me retarded at math (dyscalculia)

>> No.11986149

Or maybe you're just dumb

>> No.11986153

At math, yes, but I'm okay with everything else.

>> No.11986571

Same lmao.

Read the first 300 pages and it drained my brain to the point that i gave up reading it for the next 5 years or so

>> No.11987491

Ulysses desu

I guess I’m not really frustrated, I just don’t know wtf is going on. I’ve read Dubliners 3-4 times. I read Portrait and loved it. I’m on page 75 or so of Ulysses and my pleb reaction is that Joyce forgot that books are supposed to be enjoyable and eloquent.

Someone tell me about the light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.11988697

Shakespeare desu , because I know from reading about the themes and overall summary of his works that they are brilliant, but I don't understand all the references he makes or like 75% of the sentences

>> No.11988711

Hi stoic

>> No.11988731

/lit/ posts after early-mid 2017 but realistically since 2016. This site is so bad and so shameful, so unaware of how shameful it is i still can’t believe people want to be associated with it. Internet subcultures like chantardism are basically dead forever. Nothing will replace it and things should only regress into excruciating, lobotomized automatism with time. God help you all.

>> No.11988750
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there isn't
it's an overhyped piece of shit for those that want to come off as intellectuals
it's the catcher in the rye for those that study the blade and got bullied in highschool