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11980406 No.11980406 [Reply] [Original]

Why have I read so many amazing books and poems written by men detailing their love and infatuation with women but never the opposite? Do women really like men or do they just see us as a means to an end (security, children, etc)?

>> No.11980411

women love men only as personal affectations and accessories, just read some Br*nte or A*sten

>> No.11980418

You make the assumption that women can love in the first place. It's not a choice on their part.

>> No.11980749

They cant love like men do.

>> No.11980756

a woman can desire you physically or be dependent upon you socially/financially but she will never ever give a shit about whether you're dead or alive.

>> No.11980783

>women are more rational than men
Possible but unlikely. I'd guess it's more down to cultural factors that made obsessing about a woman socially acceptable.

>> No.11980793

Just think about it in terms of evolution: men are disposable. One man can impregnate the whole tribe. Women were evolved to don't care much about the individual man, just their children and what he can provide to her. You have that and the fact that men are the ones who have to initiate the relationship, this means that men evolved to prefer just a few girls, because a single man can't try his luck with the whole tribe, it's too mentally exhausting, and pointless, because the female has an array of options, is simply statistically unlikely that you'll get chosen for more than 2 or 3. On the other hand, females can easily manage all of the pretendents (it's much less exhausting to just wait and get entertained by the men) and select the most genetically fitted. Basically, women just lust for you and that's it, they don't feel the metaphysical transcendent love that poets of the past were full to the brim with it. Past the 36 month period in which the chemicals of love are said to expire, women just continue with you because of societal pressures. Liberate polygamy and no women will ever marry again.

>> No.11980794

and guess who gets the fame of only talking about the opposite sex and having nothing more to talk about?

>> No.11980801
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>> No.11980826

>Why have I read so many amazing books and poems written by men detailing their love and infatuation with women but never the opposite?

Pretty standard result of standard courtship culture (nay, biology). Most women prefer to be pursued and propositioned by the man, not the other way around.

>> No.11980832


>> No.11980837

They do that but not in a poetic or meaningful

>> No.11980847

This reminds me of why the titanic movie was so successful. Women want a man who would willingly sacrifice his life for her, rarely the other way around though

>> No.11980904
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>she will never love you for who you are

>> No.11980920
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>Drop dead gorgeous but the bitch ain't dyin' for a nigga

>> No.11980937

fuck me there are some dumb people here. Romance fiction is very difficult to write and the overwhelming majority of writers are women. But according to you guys that shit is trash and we have to read something manly like the Sharpe's series.

>women never gave me love ergo they are incapable of it

get over yourselves.

>> No.11980945

ok that was a bit over the top. Look I've been treated like shit by many women and it hasn't always been about love either....you should really give them another chance and try not to be so close minded like OP.

>> No.11980953

Because the object of those professions isn't women, neither is it anything outside those men nor analogous to something to which women write. Whether this object is one common among men is debatable as well.

>> No.11980960

>gf pursued me aggresively, decided on the first day of meeting me that she wants me for life
>gf is rich and makes more money than me
>treats me like a king and is obsessed with me.
>been together for years now and still obsessed with each other
Lol@the faggots ITT

>> No.11980961

>scientific "sexism"
Does not matter how you label it, if it's true and a fact you can only go into the denial, but that wont help you either.

>> No.11980963

Ultimately catering and defending women is waste of brain power, as long as you secure off springs, a sex machine and mood up lifter, everything else having to do with the women is pointless and waste of resources.

>> No.11980974

>secure offsprings

Why is this important, are they not a waste of resources?

>> No.11980976

women dominate the erotic section (because they only can lust for a man, this has been proven). go read one of these 'romantic' books. no depth, no skill, no discernable talent. their idea of love isn't trancedental, like that of male poets. they think on terms of status, beauty, height, how much my femal friends will envy me for being with this guy etc look buddy, when was the last time you saw a woman die for a man, or fight (physically) for him? now, i don't think anyone here would want women, who are obviously physically inferior, to get into a fight for you. but think about it, suppose the male in the relationship is getting his ass beaten really badly, to the point that he's almost dying. if the femal really loved him, she'd forget about the strength differences and just blindly attack the other guy, trying to save her bf, right? well, i happen to work at a bar, i've seen this happen a lot. the femal just won't do anything, she'd rather get to safety and then she screams "stop it please, stop it" but she'll never sacrifice her physical integrity for her men. i think this is natural and preferable, but also this shows that women simply can't love man.

>> No.11980979

No it shows that they love differently.

>> No.11980981

it's like "scientific racism". it's funny and sad at the same time science is confirming "prejudices" that we had for thousand of years. since the beginning we knew that some people were smarter than others and that women weren't among them

>> No.11980982

Not having off springs make you a waste of resources for thousands of generations before.

So no matter the amount of resources you put into your off spring can even begin to match the waste to your forefathers if you don't secure it.

But I personally don't care about you either way, will be happy that my off spring will have less competition in life.

>> No.11980989

yeah, what i mean is that women will never love men with the same intensity, with that "i'll sacrifice everything for you" love. they love men as long as men can provide things for them. i think it's fine in the long run, but males shouldn't be delusional that their partners really love them

>> No.11980990

How do they love differently? What I see is lust.

>> No.11980995

>all this biological reductionism
Kill yourselves.

>> No.11980996

Reading this thread I'm seeing what I always see when incels congregate, incels always, and I mean ALWAYS, critique women for not being like men. You guys are really just faggots in denial. Just accept your gay and get over it.

>> No.11980998

>Male escapism: fall in love with a virgin woman, get married and stay loyal to her for life, raising a family together
>Female escapism: get with a rich Chad or a criminal or something who treats you like shit and beats you

>> No.11981000

My gf moved from her country (which is a richer country than mine) and quit her job just to be with me. You faggots just don't understand women or love.

>> No.11981003

i unironically wish i was gay. but men are fucking disgusting. it's hell being a virgin woman hater honestly. like, women live in my head 24/7 rent free i cant stop thinking about them i'm just so horny and lonely fuckkkkkkk

>> No.11981005

>it's like "scientific racism"

Not at all. One is relatively modern, the other is omnipresent throughout all cultures.

>> No.11981010

Gayest thing I've ever read.

>> No.11981011

was hoping you would have an original answer instead of being generic male with a false sense of self. Last paragraph madr me laugh tho, so if it was intentional then good job.

>> No.11981014

Isn't all instances of romantic attraction ultimately rooted in sexual attraction? Both the male and female lusts after each other. The only difference is that males will obscure and confuse their lust for something more spiritual like "love." I've met several men and women who have told me of their romantic interests and their accounts were both equally that of trasncendental love you people claim only men experience.

This notion that women can't feel the same love a man can, where did it come from? A reactionary movement to the hijacked feminism of today perhaps?

>> No.11981016

Yeah, I wish I was gay. I hate women so much but I can't stop being attracted to them. I thought maybe my sex drive would calm down as I got near 30 but it just gets worse, honestly.

>> No.11981017

Like I said. You can freely die off, I have no duty of instilling common sense into someone that is delusional, there are therapists for that you can seek.

>> No.11981019

Liberals like you are literally being outbred. All those shitskins and muslims you're propping up will eventually replace you. And they aren't going to be liberal.

>> No.11981022

Imagine being this mentally weak. No wonder women don't want you bro, they can sense when you're a little bitch.

>> No.11981036

I haven't tried to get a woman in about a decade, so whether they want me isn't something particularly relevant to me.

>> No.11981040

How does that even happen? Are you 60+ and obese?

>> No.11981042

>waaaaaaaaaaaah incels

>> No.11981043

imagine that after all the scientific evidence on intelligence, behavioral genetics and neurobiology you still believe in muh free will and that life isn't controlled by genetic expression. China superpower when? they have no fear of the scientific truths.

>> No.11981047

no i'm just ugly and socially stunted. after all the rejections you just accept your life and move on

>> No.11981050

I'm 28. Is the idea that inconceivable to you? I had a girlfriend for a while in high school but that's it.

>> No.11981052

Let's be honest, you're closer to being an incel than you not being an incel.
That's because fate has been a big part of Chinese culture for 5000 years. The belief in free will is one of the reasons the West went ahead of everyone in every field for centuries. Genetic determnism leads to a stunted culture, China basically just copies the West in everything.

>> No.11981053

nah I'm probably levelling the playing field. My dad had 9 children and 6 of them have at least one child each.

>> No.11981056

1 child isn't above replacement levels.

>> No.11981064

genetic determinism is simply the truth. the west flourished because of its genetics, more importantly, the constant state of war that washed away the sea of genetic garbage in europe. the black plague, wwi,wwii, the fall of rome, crusades, protestantism and so on were all big eugenics happenings that consolidated europe's power. china not only lacks that, but also lacks creativity, which's also genetically determined.

>> No.11981065

And if you’re whining about incels on 4chan you’re pretty close to being a feminist.

>> No.11981067

>genetic determinism is simply the truth.
Not according to geneticists.

>> No.11981073

I'm a reactionary and believe women belong to men. 1 women and 1 man, the women should belong stay at home taking care of children and the household. The man should go out and provide for his family.

>> No.11981077

So if both of your parents posses recessive genes only you are not predetermined by those genes when conceived?

That a new great hypothesis you have, why not try for a Nobel prize?

>> No.11981078

>I'm a reactionary
No you are a faschist hitler nazi kys

>> No.11981081

The fact you think such an oversimplified argument is legtitimate tells me everthing I need to know about you.

>> No.11981082

I said at least one each. I will end up with over 20 nephews and nieces at this rate because they're all just as narcissistic as my father is.

>> No.11981087

Study biology brainlet. I feel so sorry to tell you, but your father might not be the one who raised you.

>> No.11981088

Exception. Most liberals aren't having lots of kids.

>> No.11981095

anon, i've had the chance to talk to geneticists and psychologists. it's not hard, just send an email to people in your college, most of the time they'll be happy to answer you. anyway, most of psychologists and geneticists agree that, Intelligence, behavioral traits such as agressiveness, passivity and so on, height, political opinions (this one kinda shocked me at the time but then i realized it made a lot of sense), even entertainment choices are also genetic.
>b-but muh enviroment
i don't know why leftists think that the enviroment is less deterministic than genetics. well, i guess is because they think that we're conquered earth's enviroment, so that must means what is enviromental is under our control, r-right? Wrong. our control of the enviroment comes not from a free will but gene-enviroment expressions. there's no free action to be had in any human ever. you're a literal biological machine and that's it. even your thoughts and choices are selected by the brain before you can conciously (it's an ilusion) "chose" something. this is not controversial in mainstream genetics and neurobiological studies. go talk to a few professors and they'll confirm what i'm saying.

>> No.11981097
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Imagine being a woman and thinking this is bad. Imagine having the privilege of being able to stay at home with the kids all day and just keep the house generally clean and keep everyone fed. Imagine thinking this is a sexist concept. They really got fucking swindled with the whole neoliberal pseudo empowering girlboss nonsense taking them out of the home and shoving them into the work force hell cycle

>> No.11981104

Yes let them inherit everything you own because you are even worse of a selfish narcissist.

I guess everything has it's price, especially childless life.

>> No.11981109

Of course there is a genetic component, but that component itself is influenced by the environment. I'm not arguing against genetics, I'm arguing against the unscientific genetic determinism the other guy was spouting.

>> No.11981122

>someone has genes to be a manlet
>is a manlet


>> No.11981128
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>/lit/ discussing women
I suppose talking about books you've never read is perfect training for you guys to talk about women

>> No.11981129

I don't think you could classify most of them as liberals anyway desu...which I guess works out for the anti-muslim agenda of the future (which I couldn't give a fuck about either way).

>> No.11981131

>confusing an actual fact like determinism with genetical determinism meme

>> No.11981138

>you want women to get to sit at home all day in luxury while the man has to work a shitty 9 to 5 job everyday and/or be conscripted and die in a war
So you’re a right-wing feminist?

>> No.11981147

No he wants to make women the slaves of luxury and pleasure. He is bigoted because he does not want to let women suffer same as men. It's her choice to deny herself of peaceful life god damn it!

>> No.11981157

People have been growing taller and taller every generation for centuries now due to increased diets. In most cases, people could have been normal height with a better diet.

>> No.11981163

Taking care of children, especially lots of them, is not an easy job. I certainly couldn't do it all day, everyday. Lots of women can, and they enjoy it,

>> No.11981169

The man has to raise the child to, only after getting home from a miserable day of work

>> No.11981173

That's life son.

>> No.11981182

It sounds pretty bad to me, I'd much rather waste my time working/studying.

>> No.11981210

There are multiple clips out there where the woman wants to step in and gets knocked out with one hit, just for the guy to get beaten up further. Running and screaming for help is much more effective and ingrained in the female brain. This doesn't mean they don't love their men, it means evolution made them use their "weapons" instead of acting like a guy without the power to hit like one.

>> No.11981215

women are just as capable of obsessing over people as men. on average, men tend to be less successful than women in getting what they want (or becoming comfortable with what they have), so you're more likely to see a man's obsession than a woman's. so basically, the explanation is evo psych and sexual marketplace but without directly poisoning the humanity of women. it sucks that guys have it harder, but the task of picking an ideal mate isnt easy for women either, and there's a reason why the exploits of men are remembered while the exploits of women are usually forgotten

>> No.11981217

>exploits of men are remembered while the exploits of women are usually forgotten

Explain. There are plenty of famous whores

>> No.11981224

You're most likely going to be depressed and miserable when you're in your 40s and you wasted your best years, just like most feminists.

>> No.11981233

exactly, but see, love isn't supposed to be a rational thing. humans have no free action and are slaves to their genetic expressions. that female example extends through other areas of life as well. they are simply not made to love a single man, and definitely not made to love a man like a man loves a woman. tribes were small, they didn't have the privillege of reproducing with only one guy because that would mean the tribe would die of insufficient offspring. it's rooted in their brain to think first of their physical well being and their children (actually the children comes first in dangerous situations).

>> No.11981236

>there are plenty of famous whores

You said it with your exact words. Hellen of Troy is famous precisely because she was a whore

>> No.11981276

So the exploits of women aren’t usually forgotten...

>> No.11981285


>Helen of Troy

That's a fictional character mate

>> No.11981286

because of the exploits of men that followed

>> No.11981297

Will your peepee get hard for once if you pathetically defend women, or is it just self righteousness?

>> No.11981303
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>99% of men are forgotten by history
>the other 1% are mostly men
>therefore “men” are remembered and women aren’t

>> No.11981306

that's right. any questions?

>> No.11981309

Yes. Why are you saying “men” when it’s not applicable to even a sizable minority of men? There are almost the same amount of men forgotten by history as women.
Do you mean to say “Great Men?”

>> No.11981317

Less than 1%. Far less.

>> No.11981320

>>gf pursued me aggresively, decided on the first day of meeting me that she wants me for life

what did you do in order to have someone to be obssesed with you since day one?

>> No.11981324

if everyone was worth remembering, then nobody is worth remembering. it goes without saying that only a fraction of people will do things that are memorable. you're making a transparently dumb and pathetic argument. 99% of men might be forgotten, but at least some are remembered for their exploits and virtues, and even entire generations can be remembered for a particular admirable quality. what can you say about the other sex?

>> No.11981325

Great men are spooks

>> No.11981329

And you're the one talking about her and not the other way around.

>> No.11981330

INCEL my dear you will not get vagina by shilling for another gender on Mongolian throat whistling cat calling forum.

You are impressing no one with your virtue signaling.

>> No.11981334

That it happens with women too. Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Boudicca, Catherine, Victoria, just to name some off the top of my head. And those women did far less than some of the great men of history.
So this “waaah wymyn are oppressed by history waaaaah men get remembered based womXXn don’t waaaaah” doesn’t hold weight when women DO get remembered, sometimes over not that much, whereas more than 99% of men don’t.
Go cry on tumblr.

>> No.11981337

they get remembered for acting like men

another roastie btfo

>> No.11981341

Unironically just be myself.

>> No.11981346

>they get remembered for acting like men
Now this is deep.

>> No.11981348

c´mon, i want a real answer, most males (at least the normie ones) are being themselves all the time and i don´t see women being obssesed with them all the time

>> No.11981349
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>called roastie
>when I’m arguing from a point that women aren’t treated unfairly by history
Shouldn’t you be calling me an incel instead?

>> No.11981356

>biological reductionism
the last meme buzzword defense of the humanities student forced to confront the implications of darwinian evolution

>> No.11981362

What other anon is probably asking, yet phasing it wrongly. Have you talked to her what was the thing that made her knew immediately you are the one?
Most importantly is it physical or mental personalty, or both?

>> No.11981369

>humanities student forced to confront the implications of darwinian evolution
Yet then they use Darwinian Evolution when shilling against religion, tradition and hierarchy, even though every of those things if a by product of evolution.

>> No.11981378

This isn't rational behaviour, it's animalistic. Just like a guy which would safe a women, even if he'S not into her. It hs nothing to do with love to risk your male life for a female one. It'S evolution telling you that your life is worth less than that of a fertile female, no matter your feelings for her.

You think that this animalistic part of the male brain means love, but really that's just coping for the fact that you yourself want to die to safe a woman. Stop trying to make into into something else.

>> No.11981383

What matters is genetical success not history, and women have a 17 times higher probability to reprodude than men.

>> No.11981390

I agree

>> No.11981393

>religion, tradition and hierarchy,
>a by product of evolution.
Im a hard determinist but this is maybe too much even for me. Culture, technology, whatever the fuck this new stage of reality is, it follows different rules than biological evolution, it is on a higher plane of abstraction. We can say that evolution caused these things to emerge, but I don't think we can reduce them to it.

That being said culture doesn't negate or even mostly supplant biological imperatives, which still dominate our behavior. BUt it does harness them in ways in which we clearly do not understand given our inability to predict how civilizations develop with any sort of accuracy, or our understanding of our technology progresses.

>> No.11981394

To be brief, we spoke about life and what we wanted from it. I outlined a basic traditional life: lots of children, loyalty to each other, complete honesty/dependence on each other, life long marriage, and traditional gender roles. We strive to be the lovey dovey couple everyone cringes at. And yes, the physical component mattered, we both found each other very physically attractive.

>> No.11981404

Well that makes sense. It's a perfect date if I can imagine one, not only to find each other attractive but also share same ideals.

Good luck to both of you anon.

>> No.11981414

1. Most women suck at writing. Only Sappho from Lesbos wrote good love poems. And she was lesbian, so she had a male brain basically.
2. Women feel, but they dont understand the feeling. Thats why asking women for advice on feelings always fails. And how can you write about something that you dont understand?
3. A womens heart has only enough unconditional love for herself and her children, that were a part of her. The husband is only loved as long as he continues to do something for her.

>> No.11981428

We didn't go on a date, we met on the internet.
We bacame commited to each other before we physically met, which I still think is pretty crazy to this day, but that's how it happened.

>> No.11981497

when a woman loves a man shes goes to him and shows him her love, when a man loves a whom he seeks to exploit the emotion for social and financial gain. not really, the actual truth is that poetic or romantic love isn't actually an emotion but a fiction invented by libertine perverts to make their degenerate sexual behaviours seem noble. When a woman is rejected by a man she moves on, when a woman wants to shit on her spouses chest she tells him, if he says no she moves on. If the same things happen to a man the pain of rejection is too great so he thinks 'I'm so deep, that bitch didn't understand me, I need to convince everyone that what I did was an expression of something beautiful'.

>> No.11981528

I don't care about all this shit I just want to experience love before I kill myself.

>> No.11981546


>> No.11981671

this is one of the more retarded posts I've ever seen on this website, which is certainly an achievement

>> No.11983017

>When a woman is rejected by a man she moves on
not always
>when a woman wants to shit on her spouses chest she tells him
depends on how shy the woman is
>f the same things happen to a man the pain of rejection is too great
only for immature men (of which there are heaps of today)

>> No.11983030

Have you ever read any romance fiction? Or are you basing this off a stereotype.

>> No.11983195
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After spending most of high school listening to gangster rap I became subconsciously redpill as fuck.

>> No.11983404

This is obviously false, because a man will still fight to defend his wife even when she's past menopause.

>> No.11983498

We have better things to talk about darling

>> No.11983544

yes, i've read them, i know they're trash

>> No.11983562

Holy shit imagine having that much money and wearing cheap Ray-Bans, absolutely dropped what a dumb kike

>> No.11983625

Don't bother trying to sound intelligent by using a word like "nay" when what you have to say is blindingly dogshit obvious

>> No.11983841

Art is a masculine pursuit.

>> No.11983880

Look, it's not that women can't love, they just don't fall in love as fast and easily as men do. Yes, there are goldiggers, women who only want money from men but there are also men who only want sex from women. Both sides are fucked up in their own way.

>> No.11983886

Too much bullshit even for /lit/'s standards.

>> No.11983899
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>> No.11984411

i know. how to cope with this feel?

>> No.11984815

Speaking as someone who got a kid with a woman I loved deeply, went through hard times and saw the relationship deteriorate, this seems more or less correct. I take no pleasure in saying this.

>> No.11984837

he looks cool

>> No.11984866 [DELETED] 

it's cuz his money is from his father being the biggest slumlord in new jersey lol

>> No.11984882

Incel needs to be filtered into woke or something. These normals are getting obnoxious

>> No.11984920

damn shame you feel that way, but not everyone has to be as cringeworthy as I am.

dunno if you are the same poster but I've already mentioned that I'm aware of what I'm doing. I'll continue to justify it everytime you post this to stroke my own ego.

>> No.11984959

He looks like an effeminate weakling who hasn't done a days honest work in his life.

>> No.11985734
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>> No.11985931

you can deny it and remain in the realm of Hollywood romance that you were drowned in since you are a kid.

You can also take the "red pill" and watch PUAs with names like "AlphaMasculinity" or corny names like that on YouTube and fake a path towards "knowledge" who is simply a defense mechanism against your underlying psychological issues. Basically becoming a shallow moron with an inferiority complex. It's a way to sublimate things but in the end you have your head so stuck in your own ass you can't fathom any other way to look at things.

Those two are 2 sides of the same coin. You get caught in some sort of ideology. The whole red pill thing has some good insights but the whole community around it is a shitty echo chamber.

There is also the whole MGTOW thing which is absolutely retarded simply because you don't need to identify to a group for something who is basically "stop chasing bitches, focus on improving yourself", in the end improvement is a mean to attract mates. I doubt it's a really genuine movement.

Or you cope with your own way. I'm not the kind who believe in trur love and all that shit. At some point there are things you are not really supposed to learn the way we do. You see things around you basically proving every point you wish weren't entirely true. I still have a romantic longing despite that. It's kinda hidden and not really expressed. But the way I live still imply its presence. I still lay down and have this nostalgia for things that will never be.
Resentment will remain, there is nothing to do about it except keep it in check and be aware of it.

Women don't really like me because I am not an especially good looking guy and I don't give the attention they feel entitled to by an average male. I don't want to dance around them like a clown to compensate for what I don't have, because it isn't about the other, it's about yourself.

They don't want you, they want themselves and vice versa.

That's why I have sympathy for 4chan, 8ch and imageboards in general (except the normie and the degenerate ones) A lot of us have the same struggles and issues and we cope by shitposting at one another. Content may be shit and going downhill because of exposure. But it's still there.

>> No.11986010

Which looks cool

>> No.11986029

Women love children.

>> No.11986039

well...maybe. thanks for encouraging me to breed btw.

>> No.11986065

women are children

>> No.11986066

Christ this dude needs a deeper voice

>> No.11986104

because men fucking suck dumbass

>> No.11986290

not like you, you're a big boy

>> No.11986458

this but unironically

>> No.11986515

>cooking and cleaning is not waisting your best years
they are fucking around in college and then working and having one ot two kids, it's a correct balance imo

>> No.11986554

Thank you anon

>> No.11987197

i wasnt being ironic in the slightest

>> No.11987268

>Hellen of Troy is famous precisely because she was a whore
>Hellen (HeLLen)
>real historical person

I guess you intelligence isn't part of your family's genetic makeup.
Too bad you can't d shit about it because it's genetically determined. Reading books won't help.

>> No.11987286
File: 9 KB, 192x300, 1538849963049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit fuck off you dumb tripfag

I hate you you're literally a fucking brainlet who thinks his natural, retarded stubbornness marks him out as some enlightened user.

wouldn't even be surprised if you were a chick or gay because u somehow obviously feel a deep and desperate need for attention otherwise you wouldn't be a tripfag. if your ideas were actually good and worth conversation then people would talk to u if u were just a regular anon

>> No.11987409

>Do women really like men or do they just see us as a means to an end (security, children, etc)?
The latter.

>> No.11987432

holy shit...my feelings...

>> No.11987440

women writers haven't announced that they were women.
and men being historically dominant in the public sphere means that we have more records of men writing/publishing

>> No.11987442
File: 82 KB, 680x454, the brownings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

>> No.11987532
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 3A77DDED-B456-4BD9-B224-843A5C4DBF81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post

>> No.11987566

No one will. Get over yourself. Part of any healthy relationship is a silent acknowledgment that neither participant can understand the other in full.

>> No.11987818


>> No.11987880

Austen is satire.

>> No.11987900

In practice one person understands the other very well and doesnt care that much about them, while the other has a mystified image of the former and obsesses over them.

SImplified of course, there are other sorts of relationships, but this is the main one.

>> No.11988716
File: 13 KB, 480x360, the bad boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is depressingly accurate

>> No.11988743

Holy shit that's right A woman would never sacrifice herself for a man she loved. Wouldn't even enter her head.

>> No.11988754

Why do you insist on being a tripfag when you post so much retardation on a regular basis? Are you seriously proud of the inane garbled nonsense you write?

>> No.11988763

What should he be wearing? Gucci?

>> No.11988798

excellent refutation of his ideas

>> No.11988802
File: 205 KB, 683x761, 1532775970400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his ideas

>> No.11988852

ITT: men who have never experienced the joy of a woman's love bitterly assure themselves it doesn't exist

>> No.11989999

Men love women
Women love the idea of love.

>> No.11990021

>he thinks women can fall in love

>> No.11990022

Go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.11990044
File: 34 KB, 468x320, 1470620496083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much salt in this thread, and all of it from incel sweat. Read more, losers. As far as prose goes, genre romance is the most profitable literary market today. Most current romance authors are women. Most of it is crap pulp, but pick any of it up and you'll find women desperately in love with men. Most famous literary women wrote romance stories featuring women head-over-heels for men at some point or another during their careers. I'm not big on poetry, but Izumi Shikibu and Ono no Komachi wrote some great love haiku (often pretty steamy...) in Heian Japan and a good chunk of Sappho's work was about men.

>> No.11990049

How many books have you read by women in general?

>> No.11990104

But they only write about chad so it doesn't count.

>> No.11990123

Most of those women were writing about falling in love with the average-looking guys, but I guess every regular guy on the street is Chad when you're an unwashed little shit with an egotistic worldview.

>> No.11990148

>Most of those women were writing about falling in love with the average-looking guys
Average looking guys aren't browsing 4chan complaining that they're a virgin. You obviously don't understand demographics.
>unwashed little shit with an egotistic worldview.
Implying there's a single non egotistic human being in 2018. Do your reading, sweatye, Cristopher Lasch and so on.

>> No.11990298

Do you have trouble at times detecting sarcasm? I was making fun of the people ITT.

>> No.11990315

>but never the opposite?

women don't have to write poems or books to impress men, the just need nice bollocks and milkies

>> No.11990324

Post of the fucking year.

>> No.11990328

>nice bollocks

>> No.11990368

Women don't have bollocks.