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/lit/ - Literature

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11980286 No.11980286 [Reply] [Original]

post your ideal /lit/ lifestyle
mine is:
-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
-wear comfy all black all the time
-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
-work is publishing Marxist/poststructural articles in known academic journals
-no children
-grey hair by 29
-suicide around 55

>> No.11980339

- have qt somewhat tall, thin blonde wife with 4-5 kids
- live on a small farm at the base of a snowy mountain with forests and a river on my property
- goats, chicken, cats and dogs
- mid century modern house with library and a large office that houses my vinyl collection and where I do my writing
- wife works part time in the local village
- I write and tend to the farm
- explore the forest with wife and kids
- read to the children every night starting with Shakespeare and Homer
- wife and I enjoy an artistic film every night
- a glass of red wife once a week
- intense workout and cardio each day
- pure mind pure body
- major critical success, medium commercial success
- write under a pseudonym
- never talk to media
- win nobel prize and knighthood from my country's government
- decline both

>> No.11980344
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this sounds fucking terrible

>cabin inna woods somewhere in the dakotas
>just me and a blue tick coonhound named heinrich
>spend most days sleeping
>spends nights on the frozen lake, ice fishing/drinking/reading
>occasionally go into town for prostitutes
>fall in love with prostitute (her name is Rochelle, petite ginger gril, parents are devout lutheran, her father being a preacher)
>she has pill addiction
>take her out to cabin a few times
>she realizes her life in town is shit and stays with me
>gets sober
>eventually get married in trad Lutheran ceremony, her father married us
>have 1 kid, a girl named prudence
>she goes on to become a nurse
>die happy and surrounded by loved ones in cabin
>ashes scattered over the frozen lake, just like heinrich

>> No.11980359

>rural farm life
>>fall in love with prostitute (her name is Rochelle
Jesus Christ that's a 'Yikers' from me

>> No.11980371
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I think your books will suck ass. Look at this boi:

>travel and read all the time
>no wife
>no money except the little made from books and part time jobs
>no house
>no possessions beside one small luggage of clothes, pen and paper, a cheap laptop, 4/5 books which I am reading and leave behind as soon as I finish them
>live in small hotels or pensions
>work little hours at part time jobs, spend the rest of the day writing, reading and befriending strangers
>get local gfs, then leave forever
>gather stories from everyone
>never come back to the same place

>> No.11980388

>knighthood from my country's government

>> No.11980397

>living alone in a minimalist apartment in some tall building in some big, cold and ideally rainy city
>writing at least 12h a day
>alcohol and cigarettes wouldn't hurt, coke would be extra great
>wear hoodies everywhere
>build a franchise based on YA novels, hated by middle class critics, loved by everyone else
>artist and STEM students FWBs
>travel every month

5/7 so far.

>> No.11980398

>a cheap laptop
Don't do this, faggot.

>> No.11980436
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>meditate in the wastelands between cities
>accost people on the street with questions regarding philosophy/theology
>join south-american militias to experience killing
>enter a 5 year long fugue state
>become lucid in China (now fluent in canto/mandarin/koine greek/akkadian)
>people are wearing t-shirts with my face on it
>try to get answers but people have their eyes gouged out for looking at me, their tongues cut out for speaking to me
>start a blog or something

>> No.11980439


>> No.11980442
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Reading and writing a lot and posting quality posts to /lit/

>> No.11980461

>work several dead end jobs
>meet many different people
>have lots of experiences
>become a drug addict
>write and have everyone tell you it’s shit
>die and gain a little bit of popularity

>> No.11980465

> Always in love, does not matter with who
> Occasionally consume psychedelics
> Wear very colorful clothes
> Big house where I let artist/writers/philosophers in need stay for free
> 3-4 children
> Work as a philosopher in university
> The one who solves philosophy

>> No.11980469

>with sex
I never got this. It's easy to come by. Unfulfilling.
To ascend sexual desire and be able to be celibate indefinitely, now that's an admirable goal.

>> No.11980475

A real shame litpat never even came close to taking off

>> No.11980483

>beach house in Thailand
>two exquisite teenaged ladyboy maids
>copious amounts of heroin
>spend my days in tutoring the handsome young sons of the local Gentry
>nights spent in heroin/ladyboy bliss
>my depraved scribblings sell millions and hordes of handsome young men make pilgrimages to my doorstep to worship me

>> No.11980493

You're a fucking cringelord, and this idiotism is not literature related.

>> No.11980507
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are you the Rainmaker?

>be me
>write gritty novels that barely count as literature
>build passive solar home out in the desert but close enough to metro area
>install well, cultivate greenhouse
>shoot guns innadesert, stockpile goods for collapse
>fall in love with pic related, marry and have kids
>eventually the megacities come to swallow up our paradise
>wander off into the desert when old age makes me a burden instead of a help

>> No.11980515

>a trillionaire who sacrifices billions of humans for personal arousal.
>i have some kind of giant space laser that burns entire continents to a crisp.
>my memoirs are best sellers and also poison the reader killing them with a language virus

>> No.11980532

why do redheads with freckles look so good? it's unfair

>> No.11980557


>> No.11980583

Why do you want to life such an awful life?

>> No.11980616

>Live in space in zero gravity to keep my soul from getting weighed down
>Work on space battleship with lots of battles
>Write in my free time
>Never read a book in my life
>Only inspiration obtained from countless battles
>Die heroically in battle against the federation
>Writings will be discovered 30 years after my death
>instant classic

>> No.11980620

Male also?

>> No.11980629

well, I liked it, so

>> No.11980640

this is one of my favorite thread reading experiences in /lit/ so far. i hope there are a lot more posts to come.

>> No.11980645

-typewriter that's fairly quiet and still in production
-microdosing lsd
-nice house in the woods with security cameras
-loving gf
-basement with a good gym, sauna and ice bath
-write under a pen name
-don't interact with media
-top of the line moutain bike to ride around the woods
-german shepard who's well trained
-grow my own vegetables

>> No.11980677


>> No.11980682

>this whole thread

>> No.11980740

-get up early in the morning to go to work, carefully observing the surroundings
-do almost nothing but read books all day
-come home and find my roommates playing video games, make fun of them (though deep inside I recognize how important they are to my not feeling desperately lonely)
-lock myself in my room and write while listening to ambient music and smoking some weed

>> No.11980757

How do you even write when smoking? I could do notes but for anything more complex it just felt too distracting.

>> No.11980795

B I N G H A M ' D










>> No.11980873

>-suicide around 55
Why wait?

>> No.11980885

>small manageable heroin addiction
no shuch thing

>> No.11980985

>Bingham was friends with David Berman

>> No.11980993

• my bitch n I move far away to where nobody knows us
• my bitch n I write & create art
• my bitch n I die before 30

>> No.11981060
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>indepentently wealthy
>live in a brutalist interpretation of a roman watchtower on a hill overlooking an alpine forest in neutral switzerland while the EU collapses
>groceries flown in by drone
>collared barefoot african girl in raw cotton rags as household servant and sex slave that lives in the basement
>long walks with my greyhound while dictating u/acc poetry into a tape recorder

>> No.11981084

hoodies are anti-/lit/.

>> No.11981123

Clothes don't say that you read books or not, your action of reding does.

>> No.11981126

Bitching about what others wear is anti-/lit/.

>> No.11981136

Typical fucking marxist "academic" degenerate.

>> No.11981161
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This. Tracksuits are /lit/erary leisurewear.

>> No.11981180
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I basically just want to be Stoner

>> No.11981192


>> No.11981194

I just want to live with somebody who loves me and have a small circle of friends. Me and the one I love will have many children, as many as we can possibly support. I will read my books and leave the world alone, save for those few friends. People will let me be and I will let them be. I will age with grace, accepting the breakdown of my body and mind. Eventually, I will be physically incapable of self-care and my children will care for me. When my mind goes, my eldest son will take me ino the woods and shoot me in the head.

>> No.11981202
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>manageable heroin addiction

>> No.11981207

>live alone, on a farm, away from everyone, planting my food and working for myself
>some form of electricity and computer for my pirating of books and shitposting
>live like this until i have written at least 3 novels, and at least 200 pages of worthy poems
>kill myself by drowning
I'm unironically working for that goal. Though i don't know how i'll make myself being known if i'll have no contact with anyone there isn't me. I guess i'll figure this out some years before dying.

>> No.11981219

If you can't into aesthetics, you can't be /lit/. I'm sorry to break the news, but this is the truth of it.

>> No.11981242

your kids ain't going to care for you, they'll toss you into a nursing home

>> No.11981249

better than a porn addiction

>> No.11981256

No, not my kids. I will raise them to be different and to respect the elderly and to value the familh unit.

>> No.11981266

porn addiction in terms of dopamine is about as bad as sugar, porn addiction is bad but nowhere near heroin level

>> No.11981272

If you're not in a city where things are happening, what interesting stories about the human condition can you write? No body wants to read about ppl doing fuck all im country bumpkin nowhere

>> No.11981278


>> No.11981282

Out of everyone that posted so far. This seems like the only life style that could proeuce enough interesting experiences and interactions with people to fuel good literature.

>> No.11981290
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>> No.11981291

porn addiction is far worse than a smack habit

>> No.11981295

cringe of the day

>> No.11981371

>write a small gem that garners a small following that allows me to leave the boring wagecuck lifestyle.
>live in a big house decorated with dumb shit I find interesting
>appear in TV shows, podcasts and book-signings and weird them out
>have extravagant tastes
>say that I'm working on shit but not release anything my fans are expecting

>> No.11981372

>solve philosophy
Well you better hurry up because I've already started on my book

>> No.11981387

Cringe: The Thread

>> No.11981399

Anon number 7 who can't stop himself from sperging out at the sight of people with the strength of character to put personality into a post

>> No.11981429

no because porn addiction doesn't have any negatives that continue after 1 year of discontinued use

>> No.11981437
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>live in small farming community where people only know you as a writer but haven't read your stuff
>have at least 12 acres and a complex of small cabins so guests can come and stay as long as they want, as long as they chore
>spend most of the days tending to veggies and property after 5-8 hours of writing/editing starting at 6 a.m.
>eat well, drink beer and wine, collect art, chop wood, do sculpture and pottery as a side hobby in a studio converted from a barn
>have a catholic red head wife and at least 4 kids
>travel, but only North
>wear a lot of plaid

>> No.11981438

Brunette with blue eyes. Impossibly loving to the point of it sickening others.
Black cat named Fella.
Black German Shepard named Baby Cakes.
Three children, boy-girl-boy born 5 years apart.
House surrounded by books and children’s laughter.
Weight room where I lift and chat with my wife.
Go out on a boat every so often.
Go out to nature and camp with my family, eating only what we fish or hunt.
Enough money for trips to interesting locations in America, preferably by road.
Family close by that’s close to our hearts.

That’s the life I want.

>> No.11981451

Stop trying to turn /lit/ into a label you pseuds

>> No.11981456

you have to be 18 to post here anon

>> No.11981463

Yawn, boring.

>> No.11981609

I want to see more people’s thoughts.

>> No.11981626

pseud vision of lit spergingout: the thread.

>> No.11981644

I don’t think you really understood what you typed, anon.

>> No.11981731

my favourite autist

>> No.11981760
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I would find myself living in a robust metropolitan city, one that I hate. Subconsciously, though, it would be the only place I could find comfort since, according to my writings, I display a superficial hate for everyone and everything around me, while also being completely dependent on the minimal praise of others and a deep fear of open spaces.
Alcoholic, hard drugs on occasions, a few flings but never a serious romantic relationship due to self-sabotage and a conflict oriented personality.
None of my work would appeal to the mainstream audience but upon my inevitable suicide, the masses would finally understand I was a misunderstood genius all along, and angsty teens would post out-of-context-quotes of mine on their social media until the end of time.

>> No.11981787

This is 90% my life, I wouldn't recommend it. It gets fucking tiresome, and after 25 you want to kill yourself, maybe reserve this for the early 20s.

>> No.11981793

The urge to look at porn is stronger than drug urges and you have the "needle" attached to your body at all times.

>> No.11981796

yes but the side effects of one remain curable and of heroin they dont

>> No.11981813

Almost every post made in this thread is just 16 year old edgelord tier. You douches are aware that you don't have to live like a fucking noir detective in order to be an intellectual, right?

>> No.11981863

Wow. No, not by a long shot.

>> No.11981897

>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
>with sex
>with sex

Jesus Christ you fucking monkey. The veil's up now; you're really just a fucking oaf with some pseud tendencies.

OOO OOO SEX! YEAH BABY! oh yes, the literature, post-marxism, politosocialeconomic impact of The French Revolution on normative gender memes in the 21st century, art, a picture here a picture there (you're too daft to understand any of it), I don't understand anything about drugs but they seem sophisticated to here, one there (let's make that one heroin, yes, it's quite chic), and hum hum hum...yes...ah ha ha...etc...art...I'm reading...OH

OH! AND WITH SEX! Back to the locker room with the boys while you sit in the circle, passing the bong, dreaming up sexual fantasies while you listen to whatever niggershit is close at hand on the front page of spotify.

>> No.11981924


>> No.11981946
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I unironically love you.

And I'm a heterosexual male.

>> No.11981968

mine is:
-shid my pants

>> No.11982118

> house within walking distance of town with a naturally lit atelier
> no computers or at least no internet in the atelier
> grind myself into dust working every day

>> No.11982158
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>Live in some mid-western state
>Live on a farm
>Tend to my farm duties
>Write and read during my breaks and at night in the quietness of my land
>No girl (unable to love) except for a whore I'll rent out occasionally
>Take horseback trips every once in awhile and go hunting

>> No.11982279

literally Sam Hyde, except for the big house

>> No.11982311

based schizo

>> No.11982352

This thread is a meme mine

>> No.11982363

Write only on incontrollable and agonizing bursts of rage and then feel desperate because of their scarcity. The rest of the time just chill and do whatever I feel like trying to drive away that uneasiness.

>> No.11982387
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>accumulate a great deal of wealth and investors
>use it all to fund a boarding school
>build it in the country, close to a small community and about a couple hours away from a big city
>employ only the best resources available
>dedicate my heart and soul to attract idealistic people who really care about the youth and are passionate towards teaching
>end up falling in love and marrying one of them, a kind and smart woman who finds joy in life
>little by little it becomes the most notorious private school in the continent
>accept only the brightest pupils, with no regards for their backgrounds
>those who are talented, but poor, are given scholarships
>write about it all during my free time
>eventually my own children study there
>decades latter my school is a stable and respected institution
>lots of old pupils are still involved with it in one way or another
>little by little they change the country towards something better
>I realize the school doesn't depend on me anymore
>decide to spend my retirement sailing around the world in the company of my wife and a small bird, writing poetry whenever inspiration finds me.
>when we get too old to sail, proceed to live in a small house in the community close to my school
>die having lived a fulfilling life and knowing I built a legacy and left the world a better place

>> No.11982413

>start a boarding school
>in the country, hours away from a city
>accept only the brightest pupils
Now tell me - why would the brightest of pupils choose a new, no-name school in Bumfuck Nowhere, over a well-established institution?

>> No.11982420

Like what? Genuinely interested, could only find meme-answer websites.

>> No.11982434


>> No.11982439
File: 1.43 MB, 4032x2016, IMG-20181015-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i do day to day in my semi-comfy normie life to improve my lifestyle?

>> No.11982449

Write 9999 books that become the top 9999 books of all time. Married to 600 girls all super hot 10/10 with big titty and but. Strongest man ever to live, kill any enemy with one punch. Live in floating mansion suspended by magnetic force. People gather at the ground below on days where I skydive down to sign autographs and recruit wives. Extensive gun and knife collection that I use to kill enemies. With sex. I father 2 sons both of whom become successful military commanders and one becomes president of USA. My books are the only books legally allowed to be purchased but nobody is upset because my books are so good and badass. I wear a black cloak with snakeskin cowboy boots and camo pants, ripped muscle shirt and oakley sunglasses. Covered in tribal tattoos. I wear a really tall cowboy hat like doug dimmadome. No hair on my entire body except one curly strand that sticks up off the top of my head like a baby. I gel it and style it perfectly every day so the ladies see it when I tip my enormous hat.

>> No.11982501

>Sodomize underage girls

>> No.11982554

Because education in my country is shit; even the rich are poorly educated. A good institution would have basically no competition around here.

Bright pupils are left adrift; their only choice is to go abroad and most of them can't/won't do it.

>> No.11982653

Only good life in this thread.

>> No.11982666

none of you city idiots could ever manage to live out by yourself or run a farm, fuck off

>> No.11982693


>> No.11982736

Why trade your entire life away to write books anons?

>> No.11982748

Cute thread guys keep it up i would say more but you guys tend to bully how i write

>> No.11982967

>lowercase "I"

>> No.11983042

based chadposter

>> No.11983062

>kidnapped by gotniks and stuffed into a cardboard box
>they throw in pens and vegetables
>only let out when I’ve finished covering the inner walls in writing
>abandoned in an isolated car park
>every week same bat time, same bat channel
>eventually released in the middle of an art gallery in Madison Wisconsin
>my cardboard novellas are selling for millions

>> No.11983090

>DFW-style dirty but fashionable aesthetic
>seminomadic, move to a new place for work every few years, maybe as a journalist or professor who can't get tenure
>functional alcoholic
>married and divorced at least 3 times, all to women no older than 25 at the time. Still love them all.
>apartment is a cluttered nightmare of books stacked on books stacked on books. Only used for reading, sleeping, fucking, and passing out drunk
>just enough work published to actually call myself a writer. Real writers have never heard of me, or think of me as beneath them
>adorable daughter from my second marriage is the only person I truly love. Would literally die for her, and secretly hope someday I'll actually get to

>> No.11983296


>> No.11983337

>work is publishing Marxist/poststructural articles
Good thing you plan to commit suicide,just try to do it earlier.

>> No.11983364


>> No.11983405
File: 10 KB, 158x175, tight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in urban city where things are happening (new york, toronto, london, or something)
>tastefully furnished apartment where I live with loving artist wife
>ridiculously huge record collection with music constantly playing
>small circle of close friends that I go out for coffee/drinks with once or twice a week and discuss politics and philosophy, riffing a lot
>a couple times a year I take psychedelics with wife or friends to stop taking the small aspects of life for granted

>> No.11984286

what gives you the impression that my writings would be limited by where I live or that I would even write about my experiences in such place?

I write about a vast array of things.

>> No.11984353

the best laugh I had all week. I needed that, thanks anon

>> No.11984356
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>> No.11984374

>he thinks that the "people" in cities are people

>> No.11984381

based and checked

>> No.11984389

>Manageable heroin addiction


Never met a junkie who was "managing" to do anything other than hop in and out of jail cells and barely not kill themselves

That's a harsh assessment, but it's not meant to be judgemental, it's just based on watching people I love destroy themselves

>> No.11984391
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>riffing a lot

>> No.11984417
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>chic, practical, minimal, a bit industrial, but cozy apartment in the East Village (Manhattan)
>study in house that we share. couch for cuddling, reading, writing, whatever else.
>bar always stocked with wine and spirits (both have minor alcoholism)
>wear dark suits and sweaters in earthy, lived in materials
>instead of having disdain for each other we have disdain for society
>wife(not legally of course)/girlfriend looks like pic related or OPs pic
>amazing and experimental sex some days/nights, other days/nights passionate romantic sex (not that they are mutually exclusive)
>we both write, read, listen to and discuss things we enjoy. some things we enjoy together, some things we laugh about the other liking
>both of us are published writers. we aren't rich, but we are fairly well off
>take regular trips to France, Sicily, Tangier, Antwerp
>both skilled musicians. i play guitar. she plays piano.
>both have small drug habits. cocaine, amphetamines, bennies, little bit of h. never let it control us, but we are in it together.
>never too pretentious to watch a dumb movie, play video games, and just mess around with each other

fucking hell, /lit/. I just broke up with my girlfriend last weekend and this just killed me to type out. How fucked am I?

>> No.11984429

you'll be fine
time is a healer

>> No.11984438

>pack belongings
>buy bus
>make makeshift RV out of bus
>drive to Alaska
>wander around tundra until I die

>> No.11984441

that's what they all say. and fuck if they aren't right. i'll find someone new to have this life with, or a version of it.

on another note, did you actually read my post? is it cringe (in your opinion)?

>> No.11984460

nah, not cringe, it's a nice dream to have

the regular trips to sicily, tangier, antwerp part though, have you been there before or are you just saying that to portray an image?

>> No.11984530


>> No.11984549
File: 62 KB, 778x512, A5B7BFBA-7EDE-4A5C-A168-5520B5D76B0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your ideal /lit/ lifestyle if it’s so much better, or gtfo.

>Most human experience throughout history is not worth writing about
>Going to night clubs or bars to desperately try to fuck whores is the only interesting experience
>Atomized wage slaves with sense of community, no shared culture, just a diverse hellhole

Cities were /lit/ pre-20th century. Now they’re mostly useful for developing depression.

Anyway, the most interesting lit is interesting with regards to its perspective on emotional and intellectual life, not just “things happening.”

>> No.11984559

Why would you pose with an empty bottle of wine? Is the implication that she just drank the entire bottle? If so, why is there no wine glass? Surely drinking wine straight out of the bottle is not something a /lit/ qt would do.

>> No.11984573

It's largely tongue in cheek but you, like a few others in this thread, don't seem to understand that.

>> No.11984574
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>thai boys

bleh, go for the big guns if you want handsome boys

>> No.11984582
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i'm Sicilian and French, so I obviously want to connect to the places I'm from (but they're objectively beautiful as well. love the country)

Tangier seems like the perfect place for my own brand of degeneracy. I'm not one to go on "exotic" vacations to Mexico or something. I'd rather go there. So much history.

Antwerp is where all of my favorite designers were born (not actually born, but they were all Belgian and went to school there). Fashion is an important part of my life and Antwerp seems to be a very lowkey but amazing place to indulge.

>> No.11984599

i read this rant in an almost Christian Bale type voice. ya know, the recording where he yells at the light guy on set?

i love it

>> No.11984610

you first, bud.

>> No.11984640

>small maneagable heroin addiction
This shit is so fucking stupid and is an immediate tell that you are a child who has never seriously tried drugs before. Either don't get addicted to heroin (which I reccomend) or start doing it on a semi regular basis and see where it goes. Fetishizing "addiction" but being to chickenshit to accept it fully and wanting to do it "safe" makes you a massive faggot and shows you're a bougie cunt who just wants to temporarily consume lower class lifestylism cuz you read it in Trainspotting or Requiem for a Dream or something without actually having to live that lifestyle

>> No.11984666

>all the people getting mad about 'small manageable heroin addiction'

holy fuck lmao
this thread is tongue in cheek you edgelords

>> No.11984690

>be scientist
>create time machine
>go back in time and document all the lives of Greek philosophers
>strike up conversations with them subtly warning them the dangers that modernity presents
>watch them give fair warning in their philsophies
>meet another time traveller when I wake up
>"you were the first?"
>two more time travelers show up and the Greeks treat is as a common occurance
>time travelers surround me and ask me to write about my knowledge of the "other times"
>make billions off relativistic fiction

>> No.11984696
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There’s not much to trade away. It’s all many of us have. Internet and books.
Why would you want to be a failure? There’s nothing romantic about this.
What do you people mean exactly when you talk about “things happening” in cities? Do you mean events like concerts, plays, that sort of thing? I don’t think it’s socially any more interesting—in fact, it seems that many have shittier social lives in cities, and end up very isolated, as opposed to a smaller place with a sense of community and a shared values/culture. It’s not like you’re going to get to know more than a fraction of a percent of the people in a city, so what’s the point of them being there?


Really, some addictions aren’t this way (I’m addicted to kratom and nicotine and they’re relatively manageable, don’t dominate my thoughts), but heroin isn’t like that at all. If you’re addicted to heroin, it tends to become the only thing you care about. Good luck reading and writing in such a state.

You can be tongue in cheek without being a retard.

>> No.11984702

>Requiem for a Dream

Dude that's the most bougie take on substance I've ever seen. All pain and suffering with a poetic twist.

William S Burroughs, Lou Reed, Trainspotting all seem to have it far more right according to my experience - which is admittedly all secondhand. But I never met a junkie who looked like the people in Requiem.

But yeah OP is stupid

>> No.11984710

Ow the edge

>Merely pretending in this, the year of our Lord, 2018
Shiggy diggy doop dee doop dee doodle dee doo dip dop dim dam dozzle

>> No.11984715

>suicide around 55
It has to be earlier. The best suicides are the ones around 35 when you're at your peak

>> No.11984717
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>remove all limbs in favor of implants
>remove the need for sensual pleasures and sustenance and instead live off solar energy and water
>create elaborate works of art that get mistaken for religious texts
>ascend beyond the need for humanity and begin floating in the universe
>visit strange distant galaxies to JUST OBSERVE
>after thousands of years of information capture being MAGNUM OPUS
>create universal language and begin DISSEMINATING INFORMATION
>realize the true path forward to amalgamate all life and fuse with the power of machines
>create a decentralized life form with a near instant communication language.
>the final life form is finished as the conglomeration of every living being united to serve the whole. SERVE THE WHOLE. Constantly optimizing. Stochastic thought variable and gene variables within localized trials of life form to ensure continuous evolution through trial and error.
>ascend to the final stage of being the master of the universe. GOD HIMSELF.

That or the small manageable heroin habit either one would be fine.

>> No.11984730

Who said I was a failure?
And who said it had to be romantic?
And what's more romantic than the undying love for one's child even in the face of suffering?

>> No.11984744

this, the most patrician of all.

>> No.11984746
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This is pasta because I know I've seen it in the last 12 months.

Cities are super overrated especially if you don't get out much (and/or don't have tons of disposable income). They're expensive to live in, generally filthy and run-down, filled with the worst people, and to get around you either need to deal with horrible traffic or mass transit. Obviously some cities are worse than others, but you're only kidding yourself if you think that's where the "real" things are.

>> No.11984786

>unironically being a suburban bug

lmao nyc is so fucking soft in 2018 but its still too hard for this ultrapleb

>> No.11984794
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>> No.11984799
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Where did I imply that I don't currently live in a city right now?

>> No.11984803

Meant to reply to >>11984786

>> No.11984854

- be single
- small apartment by the pier with a veranda
- read and play video games during the day
- write and do research during the night
- have enough money to run away to the seas of grass in Mongolia every now and then

I'm almost there, I just gotta make money now.

>> No.11984862

Why Mongolia?

>> No.11984868

>live in a secluded cabin on a mountain with my best friend
>close to a parochial small town, that looks like it belongs in the 19th century
>we spend our mornings reading and writing, and the evenings discussing philosophy
>I work on my great work, the spiritual predecessor to Plato’s Republic and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
>he writes the predecessor of Catcher in the Rye, as a more concise literary application of this philosophy
>go for long walks through the wilderness, reaching new peaks and valleys of thought never before reached
>once I finish my great epic of philosophy, literature, politics, and religion—both the completion and the great enemy of all that came before—I come down from the mountain and tell the people of the village what I’ve learned
>they respond with horror and disdain, and immediately arrest me, and nail me to a cross in town square, along with my friend
>as I hang on the cross, they surround me, jeering
>one boy in the crowd, I notice, is not jeering
>we make serious eye contact for a moment, and I know he understood exactly what I had preached
>the boy slips away from the distracted crowd, and runs up to my cabin
>he finds my work, knowing it will be burned as soon as the execution is over
>he runs into the forest and buries it in a hidden unmarked location, praying that it will be found again sometimes in the distant future
>by the time he comes back, the cabin has been searched, and they know what he did
>he knew that hiding the texts would be his death warrant
>he calmly kneels, closes his eyes until the mob reaches him and bests him to death
>the town slips back into obscurity, happy to have eliminated the greatest threat to their way of life imaginable
>as the centuries go by, the work is forgotten, until it is found by the most unlikely of creatures

>> No.11984932
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Because if I could define peace in one image, that's how it would look like.

>> No.11984992

-Casual alcoholism
-Living in a small flat somewhere in Continental Europe with my big tittied girlfriend
-Teach English literature in University
-Write philosophical essays, literary criticism, and novels
-Smoke pipe tobacco and take speed like Sartre
-Maybe ironically wear a monacle

>> No.11985125
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>Never go bald, but hair goes gray early
>spend my money on nice clothes and books
>get married in my 30s to someone ~10 years younger
>have 4-5 children
>teach classics and medieval studies at a top-tier liberal arts college in New England
>MacArthur Fellowship
>publish translations of Virgil, Seneca’s plays (which will renew interest in him beyond the moral epistles), and Augustine
>publish 5-6 novels, spending years meticulously working on each of them, literary but also not too up my own ass, still entertaining, like Dickens
>1 long book of history/hagiography/fiction which defies categorization, in the manner of Sebald/The Golden Legend, which will be my magnum opus and best uncommercial work
>1 book of poetry which I disown and attempt to destroy all copies of, cult classic, Keats/Shelley influenced

>> No.11985301
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>become a billionaire
>buy a castle in Italy
>build a small city within it, declare myself podesta
>family members from all over the world make their pilgrimage to my court so I can hear their demands
>In order to mold them into proper leaders they must take residency within the castle for parts of the year if they are to receive investments
>my family name becomes synonymous with power and wealth
>build the family foundation while I mold my heir to become the first emperor of America, second born becomes pope, third born becomes the manager of the estate and castle
>have a harem of women from each country of the world

If I don't become a billionaire

>buy a cabin in middle America wilderness
>live there until my mom dies
>kill myself

>> No.11985311

>small manageable heroin addiction

>> No.11985344

Yeah this is the legitimate path to churn out some good tier lit

>> No.11985357

Just a dark cramped room up high in some tower somewhere with a load of books and a computer to write with and a grumpy maid brings me dinner every night everyone can all fuck off

>> No.11985393

nice pic of my school desu, not in New England though

>> No.11985488

> normie lifestyle, wife and 2.3 kids
> she goes to work while I stay home and write middlebrow /lit/ that's neither commercially nor critically lauded but does well enough to pay the bills
> maybe give a lecture every now and then
> sneak in an opus that goes under appreciated but gains recognition after I die

>> No.11985800

I think the point is that he's already lived all that other shit, probably better than people who still insist on living in large populated piss smelling areas. Its a sort of, "those who know, know".

>> No.11986135


>> No.11986261
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>live in a pretty average suburban home
>have middling-attractive but relaxed wife
>own a little bit of woods with a cabin and a shooting range on it
>do acid and mescaline a couple times every year
>have a chromebook running Manjaro or something
>wear gray coveralls everywhere, presumably as some kind of statement
>really it's because they are comfy and easy
>write a bunch of sci-fi novels
>eventually write a good one that makes me somewhat successful
>do a media blitz so normies will buy my books
>slap a bunch of money in a retirement account
>proceed writing more and more niche books, with very little mainstream appeal
>retire with wife and travel
>die in obscurity, having had a good time

>> No.11986285

Fucking classic

>> No.11986359

That's the worst and you're the worst

>> No.11986426

You’re not a good writer. You’re not even a good reader.

>> No.11986569

holy shit this is gay

>> No.11986863

based stavposter

>> No.11986877

>dead from fentanyl cut H at 25

>> No.11986913


>> No.11986924

I just want to be left alone

>> No.11986943
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>buy bus

>> No.11987094

kill people like you and get away with it also have tons of money and spend it on hookers

>> No.11987140

To some extent, me too, except for getting married and having any children.

>> No.11987145

>>11980286 >>11980339 >>11980344 >>11980371 >>11980397 >>11980436 >>11980461 >>11980465 >>11980483 >>11980507 >>11980616 >>11981060 >>11981207 >>11981371 >>11981437 >>11981438
>>11982158 >>11982387 >>11983062 >>11983090 >>11983405 >>11984417 >>11984690 >>11984717 >>11984868 >>11985125 >>11985301 >>11985488 >>11986261

God all of these are awful, lemme help:

-live in a small houseboat with little to no money
-nothing in it other than a shit ton of books and a typewriter
-no internet,electricity or gas, water is purified from the ocean with a watermakr powered by solar
-hunting for food
-small chimney fueled by wood
-no wife, maybe a dog
-sail across the word without any fuel by air/sea currents
-fluent in +8 languages from all the sailing
-due to little to no maintainance of the houseboat, it barely functions and it is completely in ruins
-read all day
-write all day
-extremely muscular from the sailing/hunting/firewood cutting
-stoic but not autistic personality
-die in a fierce storm in the middle of the atlantic at the age of 62, and sink to the deepest depths of the sea with all my writings into physical and historic obscurity, never to be found or mourned for.

>> No.11987158

That last part is guaranteed

>> No.11987162

>write a book

>> No.11987172

>sail across the word

>> No.11987201

This guy gets it
The only downside would be being restricted to having a small shit dog because of the small houseboat. Perhaps a bird or cat would be a better fit.

>> No.11987203


>live in a boat
>tons of books

Poor imagination. Books cannot withstand humidity and they'll get crinkled in no time on a boat. There was a similar thread quite some time ago where an anon gently shared his experience of living on a boat with books.



>> No.11987210

>get published and use the money to buy a farm with lots of land for my dog
>open up a dog boarding business so my dog has lots of friends to play with while i continue to write
>kill myself when my dog dies

>> No.11987216

>wake up in my apartment
>kill myself
>wake up in a garden
>write poetry about a woman
>drink wine
>die of old age beneath stars

>> No.11987229

I've done this for years. Apart from the coming back to the same place (home, there is literary power in a "home"). When I travel around, I carry about eight kilos, all my possesions I'm able to carry along with me. When I'm home, I could barely save 1% of my possesions, which are all somehow essential to get me through a day. It is incredible how much you have to have if you don't live temporarily with shared stuff.

>> No.11987232

I love it

>> No.11987275

Just buy two dogs nigga
Dogs can be disasters if they have shit owners so letting your dog play with randoms is rolling the dice.

>> No.11987296

>wrinkled books
that would be even more based anon

Writing by hand is a fucking nightmare in a boat where everything moves and it would fuck up your hand. With no electricity you'll only be able to have a typewriter

>> No.11987312

dont think i can afford a second dog desu
he plays with others at the park anyway and shit owners are mostly too lazy to take their dogs there

>> No.11987326

Literally me from the start until the artistic movie point (excluded) . Though there isn't a mountain near my farm and I only have 3 children and my wife is a small brunette.

>> No.11987339

A solitary life in a coastal town. I live in a cottage in a secluded, unfancy part of town. I write in the mornings and at night and walk for hours along the coastal trails. I have drinks at the pub and carouse with the local fisherman.

A young pretty boy (i'm gay) is my only company and stays with me at my cottage when I want him. I also have a cat and a dog and plenty of whisky.

>> No.11987790
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>alone in quiet house in village outskirts
>no drugs except very rarely
>get to wear pic related all the time
>only own what I use
>job as domestic electrician
>no friends, family or pets
>suicide 2069, April 20th, 4:20.

>> No.11987849

>workout and lift heavy ass weight
>found a way to control sexual desires
>live alone in a loft or a one bedroom apartment
>have a whippet/greyhound/chill dog

>> No.11987887

>Run some firm
>Hate my life
>Fuck art hoes who think theyre the shit for vacationing in European capitals other than London Paris Berlin
>meet shaved head girl
>holy shit why am in love write now
>follow her back to nyc
>she ods on smack
>Now what
>Move to silicon valley. Sell micro doses of acid to code monkeys
>Permanently damage and rewire neural pathways while on Datura + PCP bender
>Start writing poetry

>> No.11987895

Ha "write now"
How embarrassing

>> No.11987908

>small manageable heroin addiction
That's not a thing.

t. heroin addict going 6 years sober

>> No.11987930

>heroin addict
>write piano compositions on the side and play small clubs
>write stories, poetry, and novels every single day in my cozy apartment
>crank out about 70 novels, none of which are worth publishing
>eventually one of them gets published when I'm around 26
>write my next big novel to follow it up
>heroin addiction worsens
>finish novel just barely
>torch the other 70 shitty ones that I wrote
>suicide at 28
>second novel gets published 3 months after death

>> No.11988168

>fetishizing your own sadness
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11988191

- Big house with gym
- be rich
- fuck hot bitches and hot dudes
- own lost of fire arms
- secretly fund antifa and alt-right groups

>> No.11988365

this, completely, this board is full of children

>> No.11988549

>become famous and rich writing marxist literature, ghost writing for politicians, and screenwriting
>help bring America out of its anti-intellectual stupor
>well known feminist actress/writer as wife, possibly with shaved head
>split life between homes in NYC and the mountains of rural Idaho

>city life consists of rubbing elbows with the elites and other intellectuals
>sexless marriage, but wife has affairs with various dark skinned, sex icons (possibly, but not necessarily black since I'm not a racist who fetishizes black men)
>give talks at universities and interviews on top tier news programs
>eat only at the finest restaurants
>grow my hair out, wear vibrant, solid colors

>country life is where I do my writing
>wife stays back in New York to not distract me
>shave my head, foucault aesthetic, turtlenecks daily
>acid trip biweekly
>write about compassion, but not welcome at the local grocery store after shrieking at the redneck cashier for not giving me the correct change
>start a group for young men and women that teaches them how ignorant their parents are

>don't eat vegan, but claim to
>small manageable sissy porn addiction
>toilet with bidet
>win Nobel prize for literature

>> No.11988560

Oh also
>own cat named Pinecone or Karl

>> No.11988624

>small town in japan
>release techno and house 12's to a cult following every 2-3 years
>DJ in tokyo and kyoto a few times a year
>run a restaurant/bar with my wife
>bike everywhere
>hang out at the farmer's market
>2 kids
>friends with local influencers and clergy

>> No.11988632

>Not instead seeing suffering and failure as life's greatest teacher.
>Not talking about your troubles and failures in terms of epic battles from which you forged perseverance and courage.
>Not talking about other's troubles in the same terms, and seeing other's troubles in terms of invaluable opportunity for growth, and encouraging such growth.
>No persecutors, only challenges.
>No victims, only creators.
>No saviors, only coaches.

>> No.11989331

Have more children, and God bless you anon.

>> No.11989450

Ideal: a homestead in Alaska with a wife and a few kids, and enough money from writing to properly raise and educate the kids, travel, whatever. Pretty basic.
Realistic: suicide by 40 at the latest if I don’t catch the cancer or take some bad drugs, leaving a few scribblings I forget to burn. It’s likely i’ll buy a motorcycle and quit my job, run out of gas money, and spend a few weeks in the woods before doing the deed with the one gun I took care to not sell.

>> No.11989490

Replace microdose lsd with macrodose paint thinner, and all of the others with macrodose paint thinner and you have my life

>> No.11989504


>> No.11989540

based and redpilled

>> No.11989577

Not every city is the NYC/LA/Bay Area soulless hellhole.

>> No.11990308

>Cottage on the outskirts of a somewhat large town
>3+ children, beautiful wife
>Committed and very religious (Christian) family
>Many pets and a vegetable patch, large paddock too
>Very little modern tech in the house (no Internet, only a wallphone, 1 TV only, no computer)
>Church every Sunday, and my wife and I organise Sunday School for the local church
>We both work as teachers, I a high school English teacher and she a kindergarten teacher

>> No.11990356
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>> No.11990399

>live in a wooded valley in Upper Austria
>stay in a room in my friend's house with him and his family
>dine with his family each night
>spend my days working on a single architectural project - a perfect cone in the mathematical center of the Kobernausser forest
>keep meticulous notes on my project on separate slips of paper
>no contact with my family except my sister for whom I am planning and constructing the cone
>fully expect to be annihilated or at least destroyed by this task of constructing the cone
>commit suicide when cone is completed

>> No.11990407

Good read

>> No.11990412

Wow, I can just tell what subreddits you subscribe to from this post

>> No.11990417

ok, try me

>> No.11990431

Fucking bourgeois-bohemian fag. Your books will be forgotten in the span of a decade.
Also "minor alcoholism" sucks and is gay. Either have a healthy relationship with alcohol like normalfags or go full depressed alcoholic like Pessoa, Chandler and Debord. The middleground is reserved for the upper-middle class bored housewives and stressed out family men.

>> No.11990626
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>Lakeside cottage in the woods, small local community of ethnically Swedish brethren
>An hour's travel from Stockholm in order to keep in contact with friends
>Big garden to provide the household with organic greens and vegetables
>Greenhouse to maintain food production during the winter as well as growing a few cannabis plants
>Cultivate psilocybe cubensis on the lawn
>The house is alive with plants everywhere
>A few chickens, maybe some sheep or goats
>Maintain a healthy, mostly homegrown, diet supplemented by meat from the local farmer
>Sugar strictly banned in the household
>Qt gf that helps with the household and works part time at the local school
>Loyal, well-trained border collie
>Chill cat
>Home gym, sauna and a large library
>Private practice psychologist providing psychedelic therapy in a cozy therapy room at home
>Maintain just a few wealthy clients, high but fair fees due to the large amount of attention paid each one
>Due to largely self-sustaining lifestyle neither me nor the wife have to work much, and instead spend time at home tending to the garden and raising our 2-3 children
>Read, write and play the guitar during spare time
>Qt gf paints and decorates the house
>Spend the summers in the families' cabin innawoods in the swedish archipelago

I'm steadily working towards my dream, lads. Already acquired gf who shares my goal, halfway to my psych master and family already owns the perfect summer cabin. Just need to save up the capital to get things running.

>> No.11990658

>cabin inna woods somewhere in the dakotas
You have never been to the Dakotas then buddy there are no woods here. All prairie and farms.

>> No.11990668
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Y e s

>> No.11990728

> no partner, no romantic relationships, possibly ocassional sex
> live in some unregistred eerie place such as a basement or abandoned flat. the place is chaotic and untidy, but not straight-up dirty
> close contact with the church. pretend to be a good christian boy, help when needed, attend masses and meetings. possibly have a secret affair with some clergyman
> be a chronic petty criminal (drugs, shoplofting, "grey" fields) and never pay a dime of taxes
> publish in "samizdat" (aka self-publish) style, make it look like it's illegal literature from 20th century
> suicide when i start to age and feel old, around 30
also from this description alone, can you guess when kind of things i'm writing?

>> No.11990729
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>live in fantasy style castle, in rural Canada, with seven towers

>in the tallest tower, i'll place my study.

>there away from world. i will write without regard for money

> there in the presence of god i will past the small hours.

> writing commentaries on the bible, saint lives and apologia.

>> No.11990768

>Live in a rural setting a bike ride away from a small town with a highway and train connection to Copenhagen or Malmö
>Live in a large old red brick estate, make most of my money from renting out parts of the house.
>Have a car, a cat, a wife whos most relevant quality is loving me, and an occupation as freelancer psychiatrist.
>Do drugs often, not too often though
>Own the family summer cabin
>Write often, pump out newspaper articles, essays, scripts, a few novels
>Have a large, private garden
>Ideally move here once son(s) move out, children should live in the city.

>> No.11990861

>tfw no mads mikkelsen gf

>> No.11990866

holy fucking shit. how can this thread survive. the first post of op was so fucking cringy that i just ignored it hoping to die out fast. but how can so many people jump on this fucking retarded wagon. your fundament of your view of life is a fucking meme and has nothing in common with reality. what should people like you even write a book about. You dont know shit. Stop fantasizing and start concentrate on things that actually matter. Please dont turn this board into bullshit

>> No.11990951

I'd also have chickens :)

>> No.11990982

>read books and have fun with my friends :)

>> No.11991016

>newfag can't recognize a pasta
>please turn this board into shit
you have to go back
YES. but only if he's a muscular 6' 3" Nordic with a glorious red beard.

>> No.11991023

>freelancer psychiatrist
how does this work? I thought EU had more strict rules for medical practice.

>> No.11991026

The life of Hitchens

>> No.11991027

Many people spend more time fantasizing about reading and writing than actually doing it. I know when I was like 20 I did. What I don't get is all the "passive solar cabin in Montana" posts. Like, that sounds fucking awful. You suburbanites don't know what you really want.

>> No.11991352

Private business venture as opposed to the state run KBT factory

>> No.11991429

There's woods in western South Dakota.

>> No.11991890

Sick dude

>> No.11992481
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>QT GF (red/raven hair, /LIT/, etc. but not concerned desu)
>live in Paris in a cheap but super comfy apartment
>spend weekdays teaching literature at a college/university level
>not rich - just have enough money to get by and live a comfy lifestyle
>come home in the evenings to a warm flat and drink hard liquor while listening to vinyl, watching kino, and reading books with my girl
>write novels in my spare time so that my writings aren't pushed by monetary constraints, and are well-received by critics and liked enough by the public that we get a nice source of additional income (not that I'm writing for the money, that's not the point)
>smoke cigarettes, but not excessively
>wake up every morning to the city shrouded in early morning mist, then have a black coffee and a fag on the balcony overlooking Paris
>on the weekends go out to town, enjoy the local cuisine, culture, etc.
>never see family back in bongland

Basically just live a super comfy and 'bohemian' lifestyle with a girl by my side and a novel to my name.
Not that it's ever going to end out like that

>> No.11992826
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>LSD or shroom micro-dosing from time to time
>no lasting relationships with women, one-night stands only, because women are retarded and useless
>a small ascetic house as far away from cities as possible
>one aesthetically pleasing car, like black second generation Toyota Century to drive around from time to time
>still using a bycicle for most of the time
>huge computer set up, a whole room dedicated solely to computer science and engineering
>no beds in the house, only futons to sleep on the floor
>a Russian-style wooden banya built separately to fully enjoy some quality steam at least once a week
>a well-balanced diet with additional mineral and vitamin intake
>dressing in a more loose comfortable clothes
>regular camping, running, and swimming
>working mainly in creative writing and filmmaking
>writing long critical works on postmodernism disguised as post-cyberpunk novels as a hobby
>regular trips to either the most crowded or the most solitary places in the world
>occasional fine dining to discover new tastes
>self-educating on any new scientific advancement to use it in my works
>dying alone in a forest while listening to Bach's "Jesu"

>> No.11992855

Seriously, anon, you captured everything I aspire to be.

>> No.11992882

>write a masterpiece (doing it right now)
>publish it
>acquire some small fame in an academic circle
>kill myself by drowning
we're all going to make it, even though 90% of this thread is juvenile trash

>> No.11992893

>write mixture of phenomenology, post cyberpunk, Gnosticism and Buddhism
>have various shitty relationships with chubby 4/10 girls
>always pine for a thin average/cute girl that I can marry and have children with
>derided by mainstream media
>have to work various jobs that make me feel constant dread
>no friends
>cut connections with family
>occasionally travel and do drugs
>bouts of clean living inter-spliced with rough, dangerous living
>die alone
>works are lauded after death, spoiled nieces and nephews that I never met get entire estate

>> No.11992918

>Travel around the world, staying in each place I stop in for 3 months at a time.
>Going from whorehouse to whorehouse to see if anyone will rent a room to me at a cheap price/for free if I clean the place for them.
>Befriend sex-workers and interview them.
>Listen through walls and record conversations.
>Compile their stories and use them to write depressing romance novels of questionable quality.
>Leave, publish, repeat.
>Come back to hometown every now and then.
>Settle down in our family cabin when the folks kick the bucket.
>Take care of chickens, go fishing and hunting with friends and neighbors. Read and write. Enjoy life.
>Kick the bucket

>> No.11993513

>tiny (I feel safe in cramped places) flat in a big city’s skycraper
>few relationships outside a few cénacles
>forced by publishers to write a lot because I have a hard time being motivated
>one significant literary award because I’m insecure and need recognition
>always dine in the same 2-3 restaurants where I no longer need to place orders
>no more shitty habits like video games so that I can focus exclusively on reading, writing, and learning languages
>become alcoholic as soon as I realize I have peaked

It hurts that I could have all that if I had ever written anything better than kinda good.

>> No.11993616

Some scandi countries you can do whatever you want so long as you hang out a "quackdoctor" sign. If you want to do homeopathy or psychic surgery or Reichian orgone therapy, you just need to not falsely advertise.

>> No.11994066

>write bleak minimalist poetry
>largely unnoticed
>painful past, lost love
>win some minor award that gives me a bit of money
>cut ties with family and friends
>run off to rural New Hampshire or something and buy some cheat property
>find a cute, decently attractive wife, daughter of local clergyman that I appreciate but don't have that same tragic love for
>write bleak literary novels
>good reviews but barely any sales
>have 3 or 4 kids
>reminisce about painful past but remain stoic for family
>write left-field post apocalyptic Gnostic cyberpunk epic that becomes magnum opus
>decline most interviews, stay put where I am
>die satisfied

>> No.11994593
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-live in a tiny apartment
-live with roommate who doesn't speak any english
-roommate throws bottles at me hard enough to cause brain damage
-family thinks I died while serving in the French Foreign Legion
-everything I read/write is stored on a thinkpad t420 with no external backups
-I will kill myself once it stops working

MFW I'm livin' the dream right now

>> No.11994636

>It's okay Stan, I'm just gonna do a little bit of heroin.

>> No.11994640
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>Manage a cafe
>Live in attic of said cafe
>Waking up extremely early for writing/drawing
>Tending to cafe during the day whilst throwing friendly banter with the few employees I have
>Closing cafe during late afternoon
>Walking around talking, having tea with the neighbours, and seeing what's up generally.
>Slowly but surely courting the florist girl 4 doors down the street
>During twilight, leaning on the railings of a bridge and watching cars pass by
>Maybe visit the arcade or the bar
>Return home for late night writing/drawing
>Books selling decently with lukewarm critical reception

>Suddenly hear a violent knocking on the door
>Mafia are hunting me down for some off-hand comment I had spouted in the bar the night prior.
>Flee from mafia, run into florist girl, take her with me and travel across the country whilst being hunted down by a national crime syndicate
>Gun fights and stand-offs
>Eventually make a bittersweet deal that allows me some semblance of freedom, albeit with the cost of occasionally working for this criminal organisation.
>Start up another cafe with their funding
>Get engaged with florist girl - she starts work at another local flower shop
>Cafe has more flowers now I guess

That's all I can think of at the moment

>> No.11995460

I see you've watched the movie "naked", great one.

>> No.11995713

Only based post

>> No.11995719

Based and redpilled

>> No.11995761

>Become a scientist and a philosopher
>my work makes it impossible for me to have stable relations, so only have esporadic sexual partners going from hot men to busty women
>fall in love with a drug addict whore, beat her until she cant walk again and then left her
>after decades of hardwork finally achieve full understanding of human nature, now im capable of predicting human behaviour
>my work so revolutionary that appears disguting to every other sane mind
>my new found wisdom makes it impossible for me to relate to another human, i see all of them as beneath me
>society and civilization in fear rejects me and my work
>go to live in a cabin in the woods all alone
>spend all my days until i die perfectioning my work and asking to a god "why? Why should i have to follow this path?"

>> No.11995769

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.11995793
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>> No.11996867

>Because education in my country is shit
>Bright pupils are left adrift
Sounds like 'Murika

>> No.11996900

This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen on here.

>> No.11996928

hello shrikeli

>> No.11996997


this is the only good one

>> No.11997095
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Childish gibberish itt so far.

> have rich parents
> travel with father who is a politician all around the world
> mother owns a medical practice and treats former drug and alcohol addicts from wealthy families
> meet and talk to a lot of people who have seen every corner of the world
> meet former addicts and let them share their experiences with you
> take a lot of hallucinogenic drugs that will help you to be creative
> write everything down
> let your father's political influence and acquaintances benefit you with the publishers
> tell everyone you're a committed writer
> marry some aristocrat, sophisticated woman

9/10 so far

>> No.11997143

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11997269

Kill yourself

>> No.11997356
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my ideal lit lifestyle is publishing a book and banging at least one girl because im a published author even though it wont sell at all
>writing so you can conform to a movie aesthetic you have created in your head instead of just being a real person