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11976718 No.11976718 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be cultural appropriation to use Wendigos in a story I'm writing? Or rather, a creature I'm loosely basing on the Wendigo?

Yes, serious question. Not bait (yet).

>> No.11976728

Who cares? Write a story that you think is good.

>> No.11976733

Should you care?

>> No.11976760

People do try to ruin your life over muh cultural appropriation.

>> No.11976772

Depends on your cast and the story and how it's framed. If you genuinely think about this shit, it's unlikely it'll come off that bad.

>> No.11976808

If you're gonna post a low effort shit thread could you at least include a decent woman? Thanks in advance.

>> No.11976866

>op posts a girl who is too cute for porn
>look her up and find that she indeed does porn
god bless op

>> No.11976898

Write a story about racist white people that get BTFO by Wendigos (after being warned by the indigenous people) and you'll be fine

>> No.11976907

I long for the day when the White Race finally exterminates all other peoples.

>> No.11976920

You should have saved the pic and fapped to it for a year and proclaimed her your waifu and then looked her up to find out she does porn. Huge opportunity wasted.

>> No.11976925

They tried pretty hard for a while now. Sorry, bucko, they suck even at the only thing they are good at.

>> No.11976931

>when you're glad that a cute girl takes dick on camera

>> No.11976932

Everything is cultural appropriation. You don't inherently belong to any tribe, you adopt their mannerisms as you encounter them and become joined to them. There is nothing you could write that would not have come from a group to which you didn't, at one point, belong.

>> No.11976954

I am.

>> No.11976956

Yes. Please be considerate and don't write about anything that's unrelated to your own culture. No matter how innocent your intentions are, the hurt and pain that can result from cultural insensitivity in fiction are so enormous that it's better not to give your imagination free rein, as frustrating as it might feel initially.

By the way, using characters that don't share your ethnicity and gender is also appropriation. It might even be a good idea to restrict yourself to creating characters whose life is similar to yours, just to be safe. You can't be sure you're not committing an act of appropriation unless your characters have the same job as you, look like you, are named after you, etc.

Basically, you shouldn't write anything other than your diary desu.

>> No.11976964


nothing is cultural appropriation because we are all human and that's all that matters.

>> No.11976968


except Klingons.

Fuck Klingons

>> No.11976972


>> No.11976995

Yeah, but don't worry about it too much. If you write them with a good understanding of the folklore and respect for their origins it's probably ok. Some people might be offended regardless.

>> No.11977013

>Yes. Please be considerate
Good advice
>and don't write about anything that's unrelated to your own culture. No matter how innocent your intentions are, the hurt and pain that can result from cultural insensitivity in fiction are so enormous that it's better not to give your imagination free rein, as frustrating as it might feel initially.
>By the way, using characters that don't share your ethnicity and gender is also appropriation. It might even be a good idea to restrict yourself to creating characters whose life is similar to yours, just to be safe. You can't be sure you're not committing an act of appropriation unless your characters have the same job as you, look like you, are named after you, etc.
>Basically, you shouldn't write anything other than your diary desu.
Don't let that razor wit cleave your tongue in two

>> No.11977120

Not him but that'd very hurtful to me.

OP, do you think a) anyone would recognize your appropriation and b) do you think anybody would spare a fuck?

>> No.11977509

she barely looks human now

>> No.11977823

I could've told you that just by looking at her face. I'm a thotxpert.

>> No.11977935

Nipples too close together.

>> No.11978092

thank you Jesus for creating hapas

>> No.11978274

Stfu you’re talking about my waifu

>> No.11978726

No but make sure you're done with it and it's out in the world before the new Hellboy drops because there's a Wendigo in it (granted, the film looks like shit and MovieDaimio will never rise to the level of love ComicDaimio had but still)

>> No.11978819
File: 202 KB, 1581x674, 1535778703214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*female hapas

>> No.11978822
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>> No.11978831
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>> No.11978833
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What could've been

>> No.11978837
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>> No.11978839
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>> No.11978841
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>> No.11978849 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, 1540211066504.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11978854
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>> No.11978860
File: 463 KB, 550x575, kelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11978878
File: 1.17 MB, 640x640, april.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11978886
File: 760 KB, 691x492, 1540343004029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11978890
File: 90 KB, 1080x1306, 4044f5d1d0925ab566796fd35a02c4d8af8be2b57a3032d2724e82a0cd6af203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11978903


>> No.11978975
File: 69 KB, 609x720, better_not_be_retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait? If not, non-sarcastically apply kill to self.

>> No.11979031

pity she never did cbt instructions/sph

>> No.11979352

why are you worried about cultural appropriation just right what comes to you damn the rest

>> No.11979373

Only if you go there to get your cube, Morty.

>> No.11979534

What is this a reference to? Some jewish thing?

>> No.11979562

Eva Lovia I think

>> No.11980048

mythological and/or/including oral tradition creatures are developed for a single people but they are developed with the notion of that selfsame people as masters of reality.

in the mythological there is no appropriation, only the confused claims of gaslighting by those who misunderstand the purpose of narrative's origin.

that said never do it head on that's a garbage praxis and if you get something good out of it for chrissakes hang on to it until next halloween, nothing's going to fucking print, buddy.

>> No.11980055


>> No.11981328

Based Lovia poster

Now to the matter of this thread. Wendigos are cool and use them as you please, who THE FUCK cares about you talking about supernatural cannibal spirits. Its like talking about vampires or werewolves, they exist throughout various cultures by different names and no one really cares what you call them. We know what you mean; also its all fake.

>inb4 /x/

>> No.11982297

She's really pretty but I've never watched any of her pornos because they are too vanilla.

>> No.11982309

What would you prefer she did? Cuntbusting on queensnake?