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File: 76 KB, 489x720, THE ODYSSEY - Wilson translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11976654 No.11976654 [Reply] [Original]

Why do pseuds hype this up so much?

I am sick of my classics teachers (all of whom are women, including the entire class except for me, last year of a-level, 18) praising this book. It cant be THAT amazing just because it's a female. Everyone is hyping this up as some major accomplishment and I think it is pretty insulting actually to female intelligence to suggest that this is some kind of milestone. What does a female perspective bring anyway, exposing misogyny that we are all already aware of in the text? Of course it has females depicted on the cover - they are all too obsessed with themselves to be objective in any way. I'll stick to Fagles thank you

>> No.11976681

Also, why do so many females take classics/latin/greek? What is particularly appealing about it to women? I don't understand

>> No.11976746

all women long for bronze age perversion

>> No.11976757

Why do men take classical studies? Because it's interesting. Does there have to be more reason?

>> No.11976770

Yes. Unless the gender distribution is around a half there must be a reason. It seems to me that women are disproportionately represented in classical courses at university and school.

>> No.11976784

I was a Classics Major for one semester. The reason 90% of the women taking that major are there is that they're Herry Potter fans and it was J.K. Rowling's major.
The ratio is 5 women to each man at least from my experience.

>> No.11976792

That explains it, every single girl in my class is obsessed with Harry Potter.

But what about before Harry Potter was written? Was there still a disproportionate number of females taking classics courses? If so, why?

>> No.11976794

it's a simplified version that's easy to read and it had the benefit of an expensive marketing campaign. that's it. all the stuff about feminism was a cynical manufactured controversy to promote a product and it worked. /lit/ fell for it big time. you're falling for it now.

>> No.11977362
File: 51 KB, 474x293, od.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail Odysseus! Destroyer of fuckbois and thots.

>> No.11977394

I don't even think the Odyssey itself is very good

>> No.11977408

How many female translations of the odyssey have we got, again?

>> No.11977467

>Also, why do so many females take classics/latin/greek? What is particularly appealing about it to women? I don't understand
As someone who used to date a classicist major and was around those types for a while let me explain.
Basically women are drawn to the noble savagery of it all. My gf talked about how she loved the violence coupled with supreme activities of arts and philosophies. In other words, women get soaking wet when they think about the fact that the same men who would sack cities, put all the men to the sword, divide the women up to be lead away in chains to be the forced wives of the victors, who kept slaves and even thought such a violation of "human rights" to be virtuous were also the same men writing god-tier poetry, creating the first western philosophies, and etching into the face of the world all that glorious architecture we still admire.
So in short, women get off on the idea of men who would treat them like property, kill the weak betaboys who try to cuck them instead of capitulating to women with "it's her choice", and who while doing all this were also laying the foundations for all Western culture. Women like to daydream in that era and imagine getting railed by Odysseus' massive, kingly cock after he comes home from slaughtering the lesser men, the types today that wear Marvel graphic Ts and donate to twitch streamers.

>> No.11977493

That first description sounds a lot like me, should I learn latin?

>> No.11977505

So basically the same reason men like the classics

>> No.11977511

This is clearly culture appropriation. Why woman are such fags

>> No.11977517


>> No.11977549
File: 692 KB, 918x494, READ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11977836

Except whenever such a character comes up in class the girls are all shocked and disgusted, labelling him as sexist and lamenting the fact that society and laws oppressed women, while praising matriarchal classical societies.

But Im not saying you are wrong I think that is definitely true for some, but what about the women who act as I described? Is that just a cover for them getting off over Odysseus' chest hair?

>> No.11977845
File: 570 KB, 2518x1024, 1510268529341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying in an all female class with female teachers has completely turned me off classics altogether. Every lesson is torturous

>> No.11977863

The ones that you describe are actually the most likely to act as the Anon you're responding to described.
Yep. Ruined the field. Not like the rest of society gives a damn about the classics anymore anyway.

>> No.11977868

>Is that just a cover for them getting off over Odysseus' chest hair?
yes. it is part of the game. women have to go "oh nono, what a bad, sexist, brute of a man! daddy (aka, some authority, social or political), punish the bad man!" but if the bad man makes daddy their bitch, then the women will have their legs spread faster than Speedy Gonzalez could swipe cheese from a mouse trap.
it's just one of those tests women have to weed out genetic undesirables. the men who could give a fuck about obeying the rules and (most importantly) have the power to do whatever the fuck they want are always what women want.

>> No.11977883

I'm sure Odysseus had a small wee wee as in the amphora

>> No.11977899

Odysseus literally had goddesses fighting over his BIC (Big Ithican Cock).
Cope more.

>> No.11977906

>Bronze Age Men had large penises compared to today's men

>> No.11977928

They were probably pretty similar in size. Bronze Age warriors weren't typically suffering from malnutrition. The tiny ancients idea is a meme from the generation after the Victorians.

>> No.11977946

I take it as escapism from the matriarchal country I live in. Doesn't seem logical for women to do the same thing

>> No.11977971

When you study classics in education you are entering a whole new matriarchy

>> No.11977977

I didn't realize that until it was too late.
Although I mostly just sleep through the lectures (which is just feminists droning at me) and learn about classics on my own terms at home, with my own translations.

>> No.11978006

>hyped as the first major translation of the Odyssey by a woman
>women had been translating the Odyssey for fun from the time Homer composed it right up until Progressives got mad that women were learning Greek
>many of the major translations of the Odyssey, including the most popular Italian translation, were made by women
So this... Is the power... Of Modernity...

Women desparately want to live in a Patriarchy, anon. Every woman longs for Odysseus to tell them what to do. Why do you think Penelope waited twenty years for him? Because he was the biggest man in Ithaca, was rich, didn't take shit from women, and dicked her better than any of the Virgin Suitors could.

The question is how close you are to Odysseus, and that varies woman to woman. Some are more realistic, some are not.