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/lit/ - Literature

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11975600 No.11975600 [Reply] [Original]

>the author is female

>> No.11975618
File: 17 KB, 220x265, Elemire_Zolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the author is Hitler

>> No.11975634

I find it very helpful to categorize authors and publishers, shape my expected biases and see if I still want to read it.
>French intellectual - everything is this particular mess only I have approached in a complex and obnoxious enough fashion
>Anglo positivist - you see, religion is a dumdum
>Jewish subversive - there's this abstract thing that makes jews immune to moral responsibility, but everyone else can be blamed
>Modern poet - life sucks :(
>Woman - social interaction is everything
etc. etc.

>> No.11975700

>anon - I dismiss everything I don't understand.

>> No.11975714

AMAZING thread

>> No.11975735

I never said I lose all interest without exception.
Otto Weininger was an exception.

>> No.11975739

i prefer female authors because i imagine having sex with them.

>> No.11975798


>> No.11975803

Nothing wrong with sexism, or classism. Immaturity needs time to grow.

>> No.11975807

This but unironically. There are two boards designated to whine about roasties and whores. Why pollute the others?

>> No.11975814


>> No.11975824
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Misoginy is the first step into homosexuality.

Nonetheless OP is already a fag.

>> No.11975825
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>the author is female

>> No.11975832
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>> No.11975845

Two? R9k and?

>> No.11975854

I’ve been boycotting non male authors since the ‘no boys allowed’ screenings of Wonder Woman.

>> No.11975866

Just checked. I own one (1) biographie of a scientist made by a woman. The remaining nearly 800 are written by mostly dead males (not listing childrens classics). Even as a woman, reading fellow ones makes me gag. Beeing literary volcel is the patrician way of stocking ones library.

>> No.11975890

If so you will miss really good lit such as Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, Carson McCullers, Clarice Lispector, the Brontë sisters, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, Silvina Ocampo, Fernán Caballero, George Elliot, María Zambrano, Shirley Jackson, Mary Shelley, Edith Wharton, Ursula K. Le Guin, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Joyce Carol Oates, Gertrude Stein, Simone de Beauvoir, Saint Teresa of Ávila and more.

>> No.11975909

Probably adv, it's already r9k, but blue with bit more content and weaker identity

>> No.11975955

Not OP. I've read plenty of female-written lit and it was never above mediocrity. How much more confirmation do I need to dismiss women as incapable of creating literary works of worth without being sexist?

>> No.11975956

What's it like being a baby?

>> No.11975986

But you aren’t allowed to whine about roasties and whores on /r9k/ anymore

>> No.11976032

holy ass bananas, what? what do incels do there nowadays then?

>> No.11976086

talk about traps and wanting to be traps

>> No.11976093

>try to convert people to traps
>white knight threads
>woman /soc/ threads
>porn threads

>> No.11976126

>implying op read at all

>> No.11976128

That explains a lot about how misogyny pollutes other boards. So much for it being a “containment board”.

>> No.11976273
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>How much more confirmation
Maybe women are better at writing about a different topic that the ones you like, or maybe you don't like their style, but you cannot say women are incapable of writing a good lit based on your personal preferences and experiences.

>> No.11976278

>woman /soc/ threads
absolutely disgusting

>> No.11976280
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>the author can magically teleport her vagina on the opposite page that the text is written on, and she’s a nympho so she always wants it

>> No.11976292

The supply of great literature written by men is inexhaustible in one lifetime. You can be quite happy without women writers in your life.

>> No.11976299


>> No.11976325

>you cannot say women are incapable of writing a good lit based on your personal preferences and experiences.
What the fuck, which other experiences and preferences are there?

>> No.11976373
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>the author is a white guy writing about blacks in America

>> No.11976376

OP the biggest motivation, almost ideological aspiration of women lit is to find the perfect guy that takes her from her mundane life into the castle where she can live a perfect life.

Male motivation is about finding ways to surpass the other guys, kill them, conquer them, just so you can rise above the other guys is fuck their women, basically the literal purpose of politics, art, science, war.

Why do u read female lit and complain they write only about their biggest existential concern?

Should I dissmiss male lit simply on terms is always about in the end about rising to the top male hierarchy and steal other guys women?

>> No.11976403

This is a misrepresentation of the mentalities of both women and men.

You have a very puerile view of the world

>> No.11976404

thanks, def adding some of those in my list

>> No.11976419

>implying you’ve read any of them

>> No.11976422

All middlebrow mediocrities.

Why didn't you name any truly great female geniuses? Oh right, there are none.

>> No.11976457

judith butler's diary is better than yours desu

>> No.11976519

>biology is sexist
wow, no shit retard.

>> No.11976535

I don’t think I will ever forgive women for Ghostbusters and Star Wars.

>> No.11976706


>> No.11976709

Reminder that those films were directed by men.

>> No.11976722


>> No.11976729

Directed sure but at least for Star Wars, Kathleen Kennedy is really calling the shots.

>> No.11976735

No you misunderstand.

I’m saying what you’ve typed there is factually incorrect

>> No.11976738

>Otto Weininger
sounds about right

>> No.11976744

Wuthering Heights is greater than Moby's D*ck. Change my mind. By the way you write I've already known you think Hermale Vale was a "great" """""genius."""""

>> No.11976768

males and females are driven by their sexual strategy.

women are driven by their hypergamy.
males are driven to get to the top of the male social hierarchy.

>> No.11976771

I’m not him, but Wuthering Heights lacks the linguistical and thematic complexity of MD. They’re both great books, but MD operates on a much higher level.

>> No.11976776

Yeah that’s not supported by any facts. And I don’t see any sources in your posts either

>> No.11976785

seems like a fairly accurate list to me

>> No.11976788


>> No.11976790

peterson talks about it.

humans are basically an hypergamous specie, just like species where sexual diphormis is observated.

males compete to establish a social order based on things like agression, inteligence, force, which allows them to get the best females.

many species follow this logic, like deers.
females in such species use the male social hierarchy as a heuristic that allows them to pick alfa males from the beta losers.

why do u think redpill PUA BS teaches shit like shit test?

why do u think women do shit tests?
Also, is been proven resources can make the same male more sexually appealing, there's even a mathematical formula that predicts your sexual market based simply on your income.

>> No.11976806

And this is all vastly uninformed, mug like Jordan Peterson himself. Try again, atheist

>> No.11976811

>humans don't naturally form social hierarchies based on male meritocracy
wow, I guess humans are special and dont follow the same rules other social animals follow.

>> No.11976822

You are correct

>> No.11976863

t. Fotzenknecht

>> No.11976879

Yourcenar is the only one woman worth reading because she doesn't write like a woman

>> No.11977164

How does one define “writing like a woman”?

>> No.11977188

When a woman writes a book I don't like

>> No.11977605

the characters of Moby's D*ck are as deep as a puddle.

>> No.11977618


>> No.11977972
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>grab classical book
>translated by woman
>introduction and annotations filled with "um X was pretty misogynistic" "X says a lot about how women were seen" "X is very problematic"

>> No.11978010

The only good female writers are lesbians or asexual shut-ins, aka female males.

>> No.11978031

Colleen McCullough's Masters of Rome. Excellent series.

>> No.11978032 [DELETED] 
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>(((Sylvia Plath)))
>(((Gertrude Stein)))

>> No.11978060

Only Woolf, Austen, Dickinson, and Eliot are relevant or worth a damn.

>> No.11978824

what kind of shitty """"classical"""" book did you read?
you sound very american.

>> No.11978984

I've never read a book by a woman and enjoyed it. I've read them, and they've been awful. It wasn't because they were women, but being women didn't make the books any better.

>> No.11979476

Translation of the Gallic Wars

>> No.11979513

Absolutely ebin filename

>> No.11979826

Why is she so cute, bros?

>> No.11979874

There's a flaw in your brain causing you to be attracted to dysgenic individuals.

>> No.11980088

It's almost like you can use your past observations to set expectations for the future.

>> No.11980090


>> No.11980367

Beauvoir is fucking awful and most people acknowledge this.
You just threw her in there because you ran out of women lol

>> No.11980429
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>the author is literally hitler

>> No.11980611

t. Have never read Otto Weininger

>> No.11980624

The only book written by a woman I have liked is Wuthering Heights.

>> No.11980648

redditest meme I've seen on here yet

>> No.11980662

Lit is the most reddit out of all the 4chan boards

>> No.11980670

>Nothing wrong with classism
for now

>> No.11980676
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>> No.11980678

not since 2016

>> No.11980947


>> No.11981287


>> No.11981298
File: 777 KB, 1138x1707, 06390780-0984-403C-A05A-5329BE124BFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have enough filters to completely avoid all the trap psyops you discordfags coordinate on /r9k/

>> No.11981304

I started the meme and then left. Haven't been to r9k in months. I guess it's a movement that is perpetual

>> No.11981323

kill yourself faggot

>> No.11981357

what the hell is this thread, am i on reddit? people calling each other sexist for not liking the obviously mediocre works of almost all female authors... most of you need to be genocided.

>> No.11981571

>Pick book based on summary/title for the potential of being pleasantly surprised.
>Half-way through book.
>It's a fucking drag or just not very interesting
>look up author.
It's like life itself wants you to be an asshole.

>> No.11982661

So is the supply of literature written by unbeardead men who come from countries that don't start with an S, M, or U, but why would you impose such a silly limit on your mental horizon

>> No.11982669

>here are the authors my highschool teacher mentioned last week: the post

>> No.11982718

>no Flan-Flan

>> No.11982783

Humans have been selecting people for trends, institutional pressure and qualifiers, religious and memetic values - and disqualified others based on these. Wives are themselves a way to rise in the male dominance hierarchy. Thots only among teen kids.

>> No.11982812

Lol this is pretty accurate

>> No.11982975

Flan-Flan is better than McCullers.