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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 441x630, 1540166263342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11974512 No.11974512 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that accurately portray the feeling of falling in love?

>> No.11974533

you're going to want to avoid my diary at all costs

>> No.11974535
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The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima

>> No.11974537
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Spring Snow

>> No.11974541

Ugly faces

>> No.11974560

hit or miss

>> No.11974575

I guess they never miss huh

>> No.11974576
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What are some books that accurately portray the feeling of getting cucked by a nerd?

>> No.11974593

Araby by Joyce. Short story but

>> No.11974605

lust isn't love

>> No.11974613

There's none. Those highly susceptible to schizophrenia will develop a lovesickness that brings out a ton of emotions. Narcicisstic people will project their image on to the other person and can easily drop this image if their desires aren't reciprocated. Depression/Anxiety will stir feelings of loneliness and existentialism. Just a few examples, and rarely can you simplify people to just one category. Love is an emotion which brings out the best and worst in us - as cliche as that might sound.

>> No.11974619

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.11974620

Why are people obsessed with this dumb camwhore?

>> No.11974646

Some /tv/ fag is actually spamming her with the purpose of getting more people calling her a trap, autism.

>> No.11974648
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He took the neckpill

>> No.11974664
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The sun also rises

>> No.11974673

not a trap btw. this has been confirmed

>> No.11974684

Unironically Lolita. Unfortunate that such a beautiful book is tainted by it's image as "/lit/ core". The madness and obsession of his infatuation, the push and pull of explosive love and the perfect, burning, dejected, aching desire for those moments to be preserved forever. Watching each second pass him by as he gets closer to a life without her, a black emptiness, and his increasing desperation as the clock ticks.

That's what it feels like to meet your twin flame.

>> No.11974714

Yeah it's not like it was sexually obsessive and that he had a total disregard for her independence or anything.

>> No.11974761

Perhaps I'm a sick individual based on the way that I was demonstrated love by my parental figures, however I have a person in my life who is the object of my obsession, and for myself I can say that in my intense passion, there is by extension, and with greater reason, a pervasive feeling of terrible fear, albeit deluded and ultimately rather destructive.

When you experience an intuitive karmic sense that you have met your perfect muse and "other half", the desire to keep that muse can generate actions that are controlling, paranoid, and crazed.

However, Humbert Humbert does a superbly manipulative job of dressing up his despicable actions quite nicely through his word play, which adds another dimension to the novel's excellence.

>> No.11974815
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that's gonna be an OMEGA yikes from me, dawg

>> No.11974826

Very mature post and I relate to it in my own way. I like how much praise Lolita gets on /lit/. Reaffirms my belief that it's worth spending some time here.

>> No.11974845


>> No.11975148

Family Happiness by Tolstoy
Tonio Kroger and Death in Venice by Thomas Mann

>> No.11975169


>> No.11975186

who is this semen demon?

>> No.11975203

Swann in Love does this really well, I think it's the best depiction I've seen in any novel. It's not all nice and perfect, but it's very believable and incredibly beautifully written as expected from Proust.

>> No.11975366

How do you associate schizophrenia with lovesickness? Wouldn't this be normal? I still have incredibly strong feelings for women I loved a decade ago, even though they fucked me over, and I'm now in a much better relationship, as far as I can tell this is the norm.
Not taking a dig, just curious.

>> No.11975812

It's one of my problems. If I become infatuated with someone and I've been using some weed/alcohol/cigarettes I can really heighten my Apophenia - it's like I enter a solipsist state of mind where I feel like radio/newspapers/whatever is trying to tell me something and that everything happens for a reason. When it first got so intense it really fucked me because I believed in it and spent a lot of time teying to convince others that something spiritual was going on.

I still get this all the time even if I just have mild feelings for someone and nothing else. These days I can push it aside and just appreciate the beautiful coincidences I see. This is how I think many artists felt in some way when they speak of another person being a 'muse'.

>> No.11975853

Didnt really answer your question properly. I use that word to mainly describe the weird symptoms of being in love while you're crazy. What you have is lovesickness too but it's more common. Humans are co-dependent animals but with most needs we can be independent on. Cutting off friends who you played video games with is easy. Cutting off someone who stimulated your feelings in a rare way can cause heaps of emotional agony.

>> No.11975869

Not a trap, just an ugly girl. Nothing to see here.

>> No.11975877

Turgenev is great at writing this. First Love is a superb example, and Spring Torrents also. The latter's plot gives Turgenev a perfect vehicle to explore and describe the subtle differences between genuinely falling in love and just really *really* wanting to fuck someone.

>> No.11976689

I was going to say Turgenev. Also I'd recommend 'White Nights' by Dostoevsky.

>> No.11976704

God damn, you’re right

>> No.11976773

This, I came here to post this.
Also: GTFO tripfag, every single one of your posts has been cringe so far, I seriously doubt the next ten are going to add to the discussion.

>> No.11976782

The Great Depression: A Diary (2010)

>> No.11976853

not my diary desu

>> No.11976982

Fuck off and don't spend any more time here tripfag

>> No.11977010
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>> No.11977113

dont worry. shes not as attractive as you might think.

>> No.11977169 [DELETED] 

I think this video would be the Entertainment brought to real life, if she were actually a boy.

>> No.11977296
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Is TikTok peak Post-Modernism? The lines of sincerity and irony are now so blurred, they've become one

>> No.11977326
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>> No.11977340

Growing up with the internet from birth turns you into a warp wraith

>> No.11977341

Martin Eden

>> No.11977368


>> No.11977736

Waste and blackpilled

>> No.11977762


>> No.11977777


Truly, I love the far right in 2018.

>> No.11977799

Nice digits man

>> No.11977854

We in hypermodernism now niqqa

>> No.11977938

take it back

>> No.11978023

nostalgic and feelpilled

>> No.11978108

Is this real? I thought this was just an youtube ad meme. Do real people actually participate in this degeneracy? Is this - is... I don't... I don't get it.

>> No.11978135

im glad to see the youth are still making art

>> No.11978256

Are the zoomers fighting back against Millennial political correctness? Half of them are making fun of SJW virtues

>> No.11978425

Now I know how my parents felt while I was growing up.

>> No.11978444
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I don't understand and this makes me angry.

>> No.11978453

What will become of the zoomers, I don't know. I work in a school and I can't get a grip on how "woke" they are. They really don't seem all that different in temperament to late millennial like me.

>> No.11978456

Literal end of days stuff. What was the Roman equivalent during the decline?

>> No.11978678


>> No.11978702

La Morte Amoureuse, Gautier. Short history

>> No.11978728

Man, this girl is so cute. What are some good books about Cute girls or about the aesthetics of cuteness or some shit?

>> No.11978744


>> No.11978776



>> No.11978800

not a girl

>> No.11978808

Knowing the machinations of why you find something cute will probably only take the fun out of it.

>> No.11978810

Based and bestPostInTheThreadPilled

>> No.11978832

I had to search the lyrics to find this girl

>> No.11979020
File: 54 KB, 750x500, DclYcUKU8AAw1tO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books that accurately portray the feeling of falling in love with a cute boy in girl clothes?

>> No.11979112

Sorry, file not found.

>> No.11979716

>le monke

>> No.11979780

Weebs are so fucking pathetic lmao you virgin freaks sicken me to my core

>> No.11979793


>> No.11979987

Fuck, so this is what middle schoolers are getting up to these days
It's pretty funny

>> No.11980016

Yeah I find it pretty funny too, in an absurd completely out of the loop way. I really don't understand most of them but they're so weird that they're hilarious

>> No.11980041


>> No.11980045

Yeah I agree, you have absolutely no idea what gonna happen next. The ones where the guys punch their phones really get me
I don't know why these dudes are getting all bent out of shape, as a 22 year old this vein of humor is pretty par for the course.

>> No.11980093

Cringe. Stop enabling comedic turpitude.

>> No.11980105 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 971x546, Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's pretty funny
>they're so weird that they're hilarious
>you have absolutely no idea what gonna happen next.
>really get me
>bent out of shape
>as a 22 year old
>vein of humor
>par the course

>> No.11980112
File: 49 KB, 971x546, Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's pretty funny
>they're so weird that they're hilarious
>you have absolutely no idea what gonna happen next.
>really get me
>bent out of shape
>as a 22 year old
>vein of humor
>par the course

>> No.11980125

This is the first time I've ever really felt old and out of the loop.

>> No.11980131

Stop feeling bad that you're no longer a stupid teenager involved and aware of stupid teenage activities and trends. This worship of youth and the placing of teenagers as the primary movers and shakers of culture is partly what has led to the retardation of our society

>> No.11980146

I thought tik tok was that awful song from ten years ago by the feminist wigger?

>> No.11980156

>seething roastie

>> No.11980202
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>> No.11980214

Read First Love, and, I'll have to make Spring Torrents my next Turgenev.

>> No.11980235

>Stop feeling bad that you're no longer a stupid teenager involved and aware of stupid teenage activities and trends.

Dude chill the fuck out.

>This worship of youth and the placing of teenagers as the primary movers and shakers of culture is partly what has led to the retardation of our society

I-I can't refute this...in fact I'm more inclined to say 'precisely' rather than 'partly'

>> No.11980372

>Dude chill the fuck out.
Get a grip, that was mild at best.

>> No.11981200


>> No.11981208

top fucking kek

>> No.11981212

I got a weird feeling about Zoomers lads... they all have this ever slightly deranged look in their eyes, like they are all on edge...

>> No.11981238

Ohh, the girl in the OP is from this shit, I thought she was from some TV show.
So what's the deal, everyone wants to bang her? Or everyone wants her to actually be a boy? Why are crossdressers so popular now, what's the reason around that? Zoomers help me out, why are you all into boys dressed as girls?

>> No.11981339

Definitely not my diary desu

>> No.11981345

What are some books that accurately pretty the feeling of accepting the fact that you'll never find love but not in a bitter incel way

>> No.11981488
File: 113 KB, 675x1200, DmkuGiVUwAANsWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you not into boys dressed as girls?

>> No.11981499


>> No.11981512


>> No.11981517


>> No.11981529

i want more pics, the twitter account doesn´t have any of that

>> No.11981533

Of course it's Blur signing this, put 90s Damon Albarn in a dress and he'd look prettier than most girls.

>> No.11981544


>> No.11981554
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, Dmkt9_WVAAA7Wio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wrong account, try this

>> No.11981783
File: 32 KB, 1253x202, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so popular?

>> No.11981848

Just read this, great story. Thanks

>> No.11981860

They use deep learning to optimize the video for maximum attraction, not joking. They are building Infinite Jest.

>> No.11981892

Hyperactive dream pixie girl or whatever that stereotype is called. See also: Boxxy.

>> No.11981900

Based and redpilled

>> No.11982009
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>> No.11982026

Is White Nights the story about the child being in love with a grown up woman, or the one about the cuck who mets a woman on the street?

>> No.11982547


>> No.11983298
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also came to say Swann in Love. Reading it made me literally do pic related multiple times.

And yes please tripfag fuck off you're an annoying faggot

>> No.11983325

it's fitting that the zoomers of this fragmented information age would fall in love not with a woman or an uninterrupted glance at a woman but with a loop of quick cuts of disconnected gestures, a curated flow of movement, an illusion of perfection achieved through fragmentation, an alchemical woman, the space in between the real woman

>> No.11983611

very good digits

>> No.11983730


Thank you to you both.

>> No.11984080

The Great Gatsby, for when one obsesses over the idea that she is the ontitis, and the getting her is impossible, and for when one dwells on past love. Fuck

>> No.11984538

I agree, but I don't think "the space in between the real woman" is a good assesment. I think the victims of tik tok fever fall in love with the idea that a girl can be innocent and evocative at the same time. The bonbi fiasco over at gif is my best evidence of this.

The victims, normally absorbed in porn, are subjected to a new addiction. They report ceased masturbation, unwillingly singing the songs from bonbi's tik toks, and the fluttery affection of immature love. It isn't a paternal love, but it isn't necessarily pedophilic either. Their affliction seems to be divorced from sexuality, but still absorbed in a nostalgic longing.

So what do I make of this? I would guess that, being /gif/ users, their youth was plagued by unfulfilled attempts at relationships, and that bonbi embodies these missed connections for them. This matches a common trope for pedophilia though, so the fact that their affection isn't normally sexual confuses me.

>> No.11984545

*wsg, not gif

>> No.11984557
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>s, their youth was plagued by unfulfilled attempts at relationships, and that bonbi embodies these missed connections for them.

>> No.11984562

I always wonder what the demographic over at /wsg/ is. Are there really 25-30 somethings like in other boards? I thought it would be mostly under 20's but lately that seems less probable.

>> No.11984593

There seems to be a good number of college aged to mid 20's guys. When they heard about people trying to dox bonbi, they tried to stop said people. When she quit, they agreed to stop posting her stuff. These are self-proclaimed porn addicts, yet they are trying to protect a girl out of affection they feel for characters she cosplays as.
I feel like a psychologist would have a field day analyzing the /wsg/ crowd and their bonbi fever, but I honestly can't make sense od it.

>> No.11984722

Same guy with an update:
They are trying to get pages about her on knowyourmeme and kym taken down. They think doing so will help her, given what she said in her last stream.
These people are talking about being genuinely love-sick over her quitting. One said he was sterile, and that the realization may have made him want to protect "this kid". I don't know what to make of this, but I feel like someone could turn this into a research paper lol

>> No.11984725

mine too

>> No.11984756

lol faggot i know who you watch

>> No.11984805

For me, it's not a book, its a song. Cold tea blues from Cowboy Junkies.

>> No.11984842

No wonder kids shoot up schools in America.

>> No.11985545

What the fuck is this tiktok shit? I'm getting too old for this shit..

>> No.11985590


Zoomers mate

>> No.11985604

Where's the one with the chick with upside down red triangles on her face singing a song or some shit.

>> No.11985631
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>> No.11985664


I.. I'm very lost and concerned.

>> No.11985676

can someone explain what this is

>> No.11985683
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1539741951864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus zoomers are cynical as fuck lmao, whats the nihilistic equivalent of YOLO? at least they might be the most self aware generation ever

>> No.11985699

I don't get it

>> No.11985874

Why do 30 year old boomers pretend they don't understand tiktok?

>> No.11985971

So Vines are no longer the shit?

>> No.11986067

>Love is an emotion which brings out the best and worst in us - as cliche as that might sound.
Wow just wow

>> No.11986322

The Pizza Rolls one is amazing

>> No.11986495

Not really. Basic 4chan memes (rather, their innumerable unique renditions) far exceed it in that regard, tiktok is normalfag le quirky le ironic shit. Go look at popular memes of today, it's like a shadow of ol' 4chan style, with zero originality or self-awareness.

>> No.11986522

He is ugly though

>> No.11986525

I've never used it but from watching it I think people make their own videos and reply videos to other users. So, the video on the right is the video being replied to by the left. People basically shit on other users by sending dumb shit at them.

>> No.11986530

The key difference is that back then, this sort of irony and cynicism was only popular with the non-normie crowd. Most people weren't exposed to it because it was relegated to certain corners of the internet. Now, this brand of humor is prevelant on "normal" platforms, and "normal" people are the one's making it.

I genuinely believe that the zoomers will be the most cynical, edgy, and generally disatisfied generation in recent memory. The future scares me, lads.

>> No.11986584

>dumb roastie can't recognise beauty or understand that men are indifferent to the stock beauty standards set by industry

>> No.11987637

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11987710

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11987841

People participated on socialism...

>> No.11987873
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>mfw I spent all day viewing his pictures

Cheers anon

>> No.11987948

Death in Venice kinda fits

>> No.11987953

The girls and guys who take it seriously are fucking ridiculous
How do they operate with that level of narcissism?

>> No.11987958

ttt tik tok thot wanna cum in her face

>> No.11987959

what an awful choice for the cover

>> No.11987962

it's called being attractive and someone who has sex regularly. you should try it sometime.

>> No.11987965

accelerationism at work. soon the western world will be populated entirely by people who have been exposed to the internet since infancy. i cant wait.

>> No.11987991
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>Dude you should have sex. I relate everything back to sex. Like why diffuse your statement when I can just say you've never had sex?

>> No.11988012

sex is literally why there's life. it's the whole point of why you're alive: so you can fuck and satisfy the darwinian order to pass your genes onto the next manifestation of the evolutionary cycle.
I'm so sorry you are missing out on the whole purpose of life. I guess that's why you're so bitter

>> No.11988022


>> No.11988031

I don't think you even understand darwinian selection. We have many different desires, that are all ultimately about surviving to reproduce, but our ape brains don't understand that, there is no Freudian superstructure breaking down everything to sex.

When you feel brotherly camaraderie or the thrill of hunting or fighting or the beauty of art, or whatever, that's not secretly about sex, those are just actions that help you survive and reproduce.

Do you get the distinction?

>> No.11988039

what other point is there in life aside from pleasure? this life is all you get so you better enjoy it to the max. you sound upset that you were born an uggo lol. keep your resentment to your containment incel/MGTOW forums pls. you're just ruining the fun for everyone else

>> No.11988073

Someone didn't start with the greeks I see

>> No.11988128

Maybe there not model tier (few people are), but youre an autist if you genuinely think either of these women are "ugly".

>> No.11988190

The fuck is this shit? I dont follow pop culture, so im usually pretty late to the party with shit like this. Based on your vid related it looks like some kind of twist on a gay dating app or some shit?

>> No.11988205

How can you fall in love with a dude knowing the only thing between his legs is a dick and a hole he shits out of - in other words, nothing youd want your dick anywhere near?

Not memeing or

>> No.11988214

A similar effect could be achieved by watching infomercials or MSNBC.

>> No.11988258

Hey gen x is the real source of PC/SJW culture. Just compare anyone in their late 30s/early forties with people in their mid 20s to eaely 30s. My gen X, Hillary worshipping, lesbian, cuck sister once pointed out that everyone in my generation and all my friends liberally use the word bigger, even around black people and eeven if theyre white.

Millenials are the original online gaming generation, and online gaming in the early and mid 2000s was all about using the words "nigger", "faggot", "noob", "pussy", "ur mom", and "bk" as much as possible. I dont know how things are these days, but I doubt zoomers no shit about freedom of speech or being offensive.

>> No.11988279

"YOLO" is not really millennial shit bro, its thoroughly zoomer. Sure, that shit got popular probably ca. 2012 when a few boomers were still in high school, but I'm pretty sure that shit was popularized by the older suburban white zoomer kids who were in middle school/early high school at the time.

>> No.11988321

as a 25 year old boomer the last pop culture thing that felt new when I was a kid was Lil wayne circa 2007. everybody was trying to rap like him and drinking cough syrup and whatever
id already stopped caring by around 2010

>> No.11988379

I really dig that cover. I wish I'd seen that version before I bought the book.

>> No.11988507

What the fuck is up with all these reddit spaztics and their histrionics over this video as if it's some new low? This shithole's peak humor is fucking PUDI. This isn't worse than any zoomer output from the last ten years. It's so unremarkable in its type of humor and format I'm surprised it has even two replies

>> No.11988534

Upvoted. Came to post this.

>> No.11988784

stop being so basic

>> No.11988963

How is any of that ironic or cynical?

>> No.11988991
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>> No.11989474

/wsg/ is full of childeren.

>> No.11989483

based low iq anon

>> No.11989520

okay, listen dumbfucks, I'll walk you through it.

here are the facts
1) you get ONE (1) life, that's it
2) at some point that life will end
3) when your life ends, everything ceases to exist. reality does not continue. there is nothing.
4) in between then and now there is the possibility for pleasure and pain
5) in light of these truths, one should seek pleasure wholesale and fuck any prohibitions before the unavoidable extinction of the self is brought to fruition. one should seek pleasure because all else participates in the same extinction that you do and so building things for "future generations" that are not you is literally: cope, the boomer aphorism.

it is not difficult. also, being attractive significantly helps in the pursuit of pleasure and therefore physical attractiveness is an unparalleled virtue that ought to be lauded above all else

>> No.11989525

based average iq anon

>> No.11989534

this is a girl right? gosh is she cute pls be a girl

>> No.11989569

Thank you for sharing this with me. I will be jacking off to this material exclusively for the next week.

>> No.11989580

based below average iq anon

>> No.11990030

based anonimal

>> No.11990093

based npc anon

>> No.11990116

why don't you smart fucks try refuting me instead of playing cute. you literally can't

what I have said is upheld by logic of the highest order and anyone who thinks otherwise is either a coping theist or an uggo who can't get any and doesn't want to admit how life really is

you'd think that a board devoted to literature would be better at philosophy lmao

>> No.11990120

>a board devoted to literature would be better at philosophy lmao
That's why we're against you. You reduce life down to some dumb formula. You probably are also the type of guy who says "dude we're all just chemicals"
Leave here stem fag

>> No.11990473

>Narcicisstic people will project their image on to the other person and can easily drop this image if their desires aren't reciprocated.

I do this all of the time. I create a mental personality of a possible love interest I have spoken little with. And when they don't reciprocate my advances, I completely drop my mental image. And no longer have any feelings for this person.
Where can I read more about this, and other narcissist tendencies?

>> No.11991740

Well this thread really devolved into a shit cyclone huh. Thanks to those that posted quality recs

>> No.11992451

Not even a mutt you faggot. Stop making assumptions, I just find him ugly. I don't give a fuck about beauty standards, that mouth and that nigger tier wide nose are just ugly.

>> No.11992508

Lost all interest after I found out it was an actual girl.