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11972200 No.11972200 [Reply] [Original]

Any good novels about an impoverished noble attempting to regain his status?

>> No.11972207

JoJo's Bizarre Adventures.

>> No.11972269

Fuck off weeb

>> No.11972294

The Accursed Kings series by Druon puts a large focus on Robert of Artois' quest to regain his title. Epic shit.

>> No.11972307
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>> No.11972311

Made me laugh out loud.

>> No.11972404
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>> No.11972420

I got "awe at the size of this lad"

>> No.11972460

Does Southern aristocracy count? If so, Jason Compson in The Sound and the Fury,

>> No.11972544

Dead Souls

>> No.11972549

Weebs hate JoJo though.

>> No.11972712

How can you let yourself get this fat? I won't lie, I feel bad about being disgusted by fat, polite people, it's like being overly angry towards a toddler who Made a minor mistake

>> No.11972727

Audible kek in class

>> No.11972728
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>> No.11972745

I'm pretty fat and I don't know either. I still have a tiny vestige of self restraint that prevents me from eating literally everything in sight. I think the people who get absolutely massive have some deep seated psychological issues. I've seen a few episodes of My 600 Pound Life, and those people belong in the mental hospital, not a weight loss program in my opinion. Being fat sucks, you know everyone looks down on you but you also know it's your own fucking fault, and that you deserve to be looked down upon. It doesn't help that some people are trying to turn being fat into a victim status, like being a minority or a homo.

>> No.11972748

Huh, must be good then

>> No.11972758
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It's very good anon.

>> No.11973812
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>> No.11973816

its really bad

>> No.11973830
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Nah, this comment is what is really bad

>> No.11973837

anime is really bad

>> No.11973843

You are really bad.

>> No.11973849


>> No.11974241
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Story of my life

>> No.11974252

Fuck off you goddamn lying savage. Part 2,4,7, and possibly 8 are the only alright parts in the whole series. Part 6 made me want to tear my eyes out. Part 5 made me want to go deaf. So no, it's not good. Read it at your own risk. I'f you enjoy a well built world and decent characters then usually you'll have to look elsewhere. Again listen to no one, but your gut.

>> No.11974486

part six is good. Parts 4 and 5 are the lowest points of the series, shonen clones 1 and 2 notwithstanding

>> No.11974614

goal body

>> No.11974623


This doesn't answer OP question, but 100 Years of Solitude is basically Jose's Bizarre Adventures.

>> No.11974636


>Part 5 made me want to go deaf
>first ever anime adaptation only 3 episodes in

What did he mean by this. Unless you mean the dogshit ED.

>> No.11974651

their brain doesn't receive the signal from the stomach: you're full stop, so they keep eating. humans can actually eat a lot more than you think, it's that "im full" feeling you have that stops you. if you are unlucky enough to not get the warning properly, you keep eating (because eating is delicious and feels good) so you overeat and become fat. it's pretty lame that fat people get blamed for this, it's probably something to do with conditioning (fat parents, bad formative habits) and a genetic propensity for the signal to be diminished. it's kinda like blaming redheads for being born with red hair.

there is also some tentative evidence that points to rapid generational adaptation. the children of a generation that underwent starvation like conditions tend to gain weight a lot easier. fat men's sperm make fat babies etc.

>> No.11974678

As much as I regret defending excesses of any kind, this is probably a significant factor to consider. However, this should not be taken as an excuse, but rather an insight into what measures a fat person should take in order to undermine the impulses of their damaged subconscious. They must be aware of their bad habits and learn to make conscious decisions that make perpetuating their bad habits more difficult and make creating good habits seems more enticing.

>> No.11974709

The day I am able to quit porn is the day I'll start judging fat people.

>> No.11974724

If a heroin addict with a needle hanging out of his arm told you about the harms associated with heroin abuse, would his statements be false?

>> No.11974874

yes, because you cannot subtract the speaker from the spoken message. if you could, written paradoxes would be impossible and not occur. we see therefore that there is no truth in language, it is a primitive form of symbolic mathematics, and cannot lead to any proof claims that are consistent unless the entire thing is taken into consideration. in your example the addict is unable to act against his compulsion despite professing to know better, suggesting a deeper hidden deception and creating doubt as to the intent of the message due to the implicit bias in all listeners to assume the speaker is self-interested and may be lying, due to the evolutionary need for all humans to be able to tell lies and assume they are being lied to, having credulity rank rather low on the navigation strategies of survival.

speak the truth, yet i hear only another lie.

>> No.11974907

*smokes doobie*
wohj... dude

>> No.11975117

Jason does nothing to try and regain status

>> No.11975173
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It's our environment as well.

>> No.11975232

Just fast for a day and it's hard to even finish a meal afterward. It's actually a struggle to get your stomach the way it was beforehand.

>> No.11975595

so are you telling me that if we have a fat people holocaust we can eliminate obesity.

>> No.11975659

Boris and his mum in war and peace
Though he's a relatively minor character

>> No.11975694


>> No.11975913
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>> No.11975925

>because you cannot subtract the speaker from the spoken message
t. identity politics

>> No.11975931

I read it you fool. While reading my ears began to ring and my vision went white. Giorno is a shitty protagonist. He's like a sentient wet log.

>> No.11975938

as opposed to what? at what point in human history has the identity of a person not played an important role? are you doing scientific experiments or engineering complex machines?

pretty safe to say, as a rule of thumb, who someone is and their reputation is as important as what they say and do, given the two cannot be separated.

i supposed we should have non-identity politics, so.. collectivism without any individual expression or freedom? sounds really great. you know who didn't have identity politics? communist marxists and maoists because everyone was a worker, working towards the perfect state.

>> No.11975953

>rich guy must kill a vampire
>guy must kill ancient gods
>student must kill the same vampire again
>student must kill a serial killer
>vampire's son must overthrow an Italian mafia to stop the selling of drugs to children and women
>a prisoner must kill a priest who wants to reset the universe?
>two horse jockeys must kill the US President who funded a horse race to find Jesus' corpse parts so he can repel misfortune away from the USA?
>a guy, who is made of two guys and suffers from amnesia, must kill fruit smugglers who are also rock people?

>> No.11976305

War and Peace, at least Nicholas' arc

>> No.11976311

>Any good novels about an impoverished noble attempting to regain his status?
Being noble has no relation to being rich, they are orthogonal, you moronic amerilard.

The only way for a noble to lose his status is if he gets disowned by his family and banished.

>> No.11976359

>trying to lecture people while being wrong
The power and status of a noble house primarily corresponds to its wealth.

>> No.11976390

Just read Buddenbrooks backwards

>> No.11976415

We have to go back.

>> No.11976441

Mr. Stink

>> No.11976466

>The power and status of a noble house primarily corresponds to its wealth.
No, you absolute shit-for-brains burgertard.

Being noble means being a descendant of the professional warlord class. Full stop. Money doesn't figure into it and you can't buy nobility.

>> No.11976523

Number 1: I'm not an American
Number 2: Nobody gives a fuck about some poorfag that can trace his line back to some noble. If you have no money, you have no power or influence. If you're a poorfag and a noble, people will consider you a joke. Fact.

Guessing you're some poorfag with noble ancestry. No other reason why you'd be such a triggered little bitch.

>> No.11976529

man, i understand what point you thought you were making but you really are going full retard here.

>> No.11976539


>> No.11976552

>man, i understand what point you thought you were making but you really are going full retard here.
What, did I hurt you in the politeness feels? Go get fucked.

>Number 1: I'm not an American
Well, you're as dumb as one. Many such cases.

>Number 2: Nobody gives a fuck about some poorfag that can trace his line back to some noble. If you have no money, you have no power or influence. If you're a poorfag and a noble, people will consider you a joke. Fact.
Being aristocratic is not about power and influence, you assclown. Most aristocrats are NEETs who do nothing but hunt foxes all day and party all night.

>Guessing you're some poorfag with noble ancestry. No other reason why you'd be such a triggered little bitch.
I don't give a fuck about nobility, they're all dunderheaded blockheads anyways. What I really want is for stupid kids like you to go back to school and come back when you stop being retarded.

>> No.11976674

>What, did I hurt you in the politeness feels? Go get fucked.
no, you're confused. when i called you a retard i was referring to you being stupid, not impolite. that's what the word "retard" means.

you're stupid because you're so excited by the fact you remembered a bit of high school trivia about what a noble is that you can't read worth shit. op and everybody else are using the word "status" in the general sense of your power and position in society, not the specific sense of your legal status as a noble. whether you are a noble and whether you own land are two different questions but they both contribute to your "status" in society so a landless noble trying to win back ancestral land and wealth would still be regaining "status" even if he remains recognized as a noble throughout the whole process. your confusion about the different things the word "status" can indicate has led you to make embarrassingly retarded claims like "the power of a noble is not related to his wealth".