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/lit/ - Literature

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11972080 No.11972080 [Reply] [Original]

Any books to recommend like Serial Experiments Lain, The Matrix, etc.

>> No.11972101

The Sprawl Trilogy is probably the most famous one. There should be a chart somewhere however

>> No.11972102
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>> No.11972110

Everyone starts with neuromancer. you can also read

>The Stars My Destination

which inspired Gibson and the entire genre. However cyberpunk is better in a visual medium, p&p rpgs, video games, movies and anime all capture the feel better than books which seem a little dated with old technobabble.

>> No.11972111

The Bible

>> No.11972227
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I really wish i could find a book capturing the mysterious feel I got from Lain
I definitely agree with this but I will always have a soft spot for cyberpunk /lit/.

>> No.11972274

I gotta say princess of Mars and some of the sequels are actually fucking awesome.