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11970876 No.11970876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books for this feel?

>> No.11970921

actually im 27, you whore

>> No.11970933

>tfw so unlovable can't even self-insert into these retarded wish-fullfillment mangas

>> No.11970960

I know that feel. I can't look at wish fulfillment romance stuff anymore because I've reached the point where I can't even fantasize about being in a romantic relationship.

>> No.11970963

I’ve hit the next level where I self insert into platonic friendships.

>> No.11970975

Try Petrolio by Pasolini you shit eating Degenerate

>> No.11970993

I'm an extremely good looking guy despite my social autism, so when I do get a girlfriend I'll just say I've had a couple before and make them up out of patchworks of my experiences with women across my entire life. I don't have social media or anything either so it won't even be possible to figure out htat i'm lying

>> No.11971019

>iam an extremely good looking guy
Prove it

>> No.11971034

>extremely good looking
Cope, you would be approached daily if that was the case

>> No.11971042

no you’re not man.

>> No.11971046

Is it possible for a girl to heal you?

>> No.11971047


>> No.11971063

I'm not approached every day but I am approached pretty often at school, usually once or twice a week. I also approach women a few times a week and am never outright rejected, usually I ask for their number after they ask me for my snapchat/insta/Facebook, they give it to me, and then I never talk to them again

I would but it's proving myself to a couple anons isn't worth the risk

>> No.11971072
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> tfw you were 23 when you had your first girlfriend (who happened to be 6 years older and almost 30, but you dated regardless for 3 years)

>> No.11971078

Good luck with your insecurity thinking she's lying to you all the time

>> No.11971084

I'm not a very jealous person but I do have major trust issues.

>> No.11971089

whenever chicks try to make me jealous i just lose all interest, i'm not going to get into a pissing contest with some chad, if u wanna fuck him, peace out, no offense no hard feelings

>> No.11971098


>> No.11971101

If you are over 20 and you have never been with anyone before, by that time the girl probably had somewhere around double digits number of partners. You will never able to stop thinking about her past, while you wasted your good years away she was fucking everyone on the block.

I guess the solution is just dont ask for the body count or details, but if you do, you're fucked

> t. someone who lost his virginity at 23

>> No.11971108

> implying you wouldn't get jealous or insecure if you found out her ex-bf had a fat 10 inch dick and a swimmers physique at 6'4

>> No.11971109

I'm 23 now. But like I said I'm not generally someone that gets caught up in that shit (though my only experience with it is a couple 'girlfriends' I had in middle school). I didn't waste my good years away yet either, I've been exercising a lot recently and I've never looked or felt so good. I imagine it's directly correlated with my confidence compared to the past and the fact that women frequently come up and talk to me out of nowhere.

>> No.11971111

i'm not a manlet so no that wouldnt bother me, how can you get jealous over people they fucked in the past? lmao i only care who they are fucking in the future

>> No.11971119

Nice digits

>> No.11971121

Does anyone even do this? Don't think I could ever self insert into an anime

>> No.11971127

I think I would feel way more drive to do anything it takes to win a girl over if I met one whom I'd genuinely like and not just ask myself how much I could disclose myself to her without chasing her away.
But I am coming to understand that that will never happen. True love as you see it in movies is only for boring and uninteresting people or maybe for some very very lucky individuals who happen to be in the right place at the right time.
I think the right approach is to just stay with pornography and prostitutes to keep your hunger for women in check and just focus on writing your magnum opus the rest of the time.

>> No.11971130

It is to a degree, a lot of problems stem from the stress of wanting/not having a girlfriend. I immediately noticed I was feeling better once I got a girlfriend, and I still do. However, that could just be me. I know a lot of people who are miserable because of their gf or wife.

>> No.11971141

26 khv, going strong.

>> No.11971270

If you really are extremely good looking you'd be better off owning the truth: Handsome is as handsome does. If you're in your twenties and good looking and have very little sexual experience its probably because of shyness and neurosis; coming up with BS about fake past relationships is neurotic, is more of what's killing you.

>> No.11971295

I'm 26 and I have no idea where to go to develop socially.
Job has old boring people, Pokemon Go has 17 year olds, I have no idea how anything works.

>> No.11971344

that's not a lot of information to go on, but an obvious answer about "how things work" is that there are social outlets for private interests - the SOCIAL part is secondary, at least at first. e.g. you get into band or DJ x; you hear they're coming to town; you go to a show, and people who like the same thing are there. You become interested in yoga, you go to a yoga class, and there are people interested in yoga there - or you get into working out, and join a gym. You like film, so you go to niche theaters and film festivals. etc etc blah blah blah. You're certainly the right age to do nightlife stuff too, bars and clubs, but that's a high-pressure environment if you're alone.

your problem might be that you aren't very interested in life; I suspect this could be so if your first thought of an activity outside your job is about a video-game. If that's true, how about figuring out some better things to do with your alone time first, then find other people who are into that stuff.

>> No.11971461

I just wanna talk to people so that in reciprocity through their interaction I develop my ego and persona.

I feel like a grotesque walking library without a real sense of being.

>> No.11971486

Is it worth going to an escort? I'm 25 and just want to lose my virginity at this point

>> No.11971493

You have the right to demand a virgin bride or else just go and take it by force.

>> No.11971510
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>> No.11971511
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> tfw no gf at 26
> tfw fine with it because I've focused on my career and focused on doing the things I love doing like going to the movies, going on quiet walks, reading, making music, singing, writing, filmmaking, learning another language, etc
> tfw going to study for my Masters next year
> tfw actually have money in my pocket
> tfw I don't feel the pressure to go force myself into dating multiple women or men just because it's expected of me

There's no harm in relationships or whatever, but I'd rather focus on me. Maybe it's selfish but I honestly just want to enjoy my me time (if I was a woman I'm sure that'd be admired for being career-centric).

If I come across the right person one of these days then fair enough, but I don't want to rush into anything. I might even be asexual to be completely honest.

>> No.11971512

girls like a cute guy who's inexperienced, just be honest and b.e.e you'reself x

>> No.11971513

this is an extremely good idea

>> No.11971515
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>I think the right approach is to just stay with pornography and prostitutes to keep your hunger for women in check and just focus on writing your magnum opus the rest of the time.


>> No.11971518

Be careful that you don't become like one of those Scholars Nietzsche speaks off in BGE, where they are possessed and deformed by the knowledge they acquire, like extra skin with no purpose.

You have to integrate what you do into yourself, into your being as a whole.

>> No.11971519

literally /ourguy/

>> No.11971520

stop posting faggot graffiti

>> No.11971523
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>> No.11971541

Fucking kek, no, either you fix your shit yourself or drown in your own faggotry. There is no other way out.

>> No.11971552

>no social media
>pretending to have experience
Anon... It won't be that easy

>> No.11971602
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I just want someone to hug
Why won't anyone approach me

>> No.11971918
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>> No.11971972
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>all that matters is material acquisition and emotions are a useless distraction.

Wow, imagine being this much of an NPC. Do you enjoy being a cog in a corporate machine Anon?

>> No.11971987


>> No.11971994

Lel don’t you guys all hate women? If you hate them so much who cares if you never get sex or a gf.

>> No.11972024

As horrible as it might be to admit this, this is why I like ntr.
Something about idea of being inadequate and being betrayed by your imagined love interest feels more honest, real, true to life than 'anon, I love you so much, let's have happily together, have vanilla sex and support each other for the rest of our lives.'

If it weren't for the possibility to express my feelings anonymously I'd probably have given up on life a long time ago.

>> No.11972032

man this is incredibly hot

imagine if she dumped you right there, holy shit

>> No.11972034

this, but unironically

>> No.11972039

You can't heal someone who doesn't want to be healed

>> No.11972045

S'okay. I like em broken in.

>> No.11972049

>/lit/ is one person

>> No.11972055

>by that time the girl probably had somewhere around double digits number of partners
>this is what some people actually believe

>> No.11972061

> while you wasted your good years away she was fucking everyone on the block
It's the other way around. Fucking everyone on the block is wasting your good years. You only get so much attempts at intimacy and love in your life. She has already wasted all of hers on various low-life fucktards. Her life is effectively over at 23.

>> No.11972062

You gotta approach other people. It's hard, but you gotta build up your social skills before other people want to talk to you.

>> No.11972084


>> No.11972093

what should I talk to people about