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/lit/ - Literature

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11970137 No.11970137 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.11970144
File: 73 KB, 601x601, F3A02CF4-CF26-4A74-9909-21F99A4B2AB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn’t comfy

>> No.11970410

Runaway Romanticism. The problem that has always plagued the American Mind.

>> No.11970442

Because Anglos are stupid and can't meme.

>> No.11970567

Anglos are in fact the only ones who can meme. The continentals are all, sadly, autistic brutes.

>> No.11971397

Der Jude

>> No.11971403

That's REALLY handsome man, now i feel bad about myself

>> No.11971427

there is 0 doubt in my mind that he would post here if he could

>> No.11971459

>runaway romanticism
awkwardly forced alliteration...also bullshit.
he was a moralist devoted to the notion of universal truth -- felt as much was incumbent of any serious-minded and responsible poet -- in an age of relativism, rapidly advancing moral decay and cultural retrograde.
also jews sought to destroy him.
interesting that he, of all people, would underestimate their resolve and power to crush. he was friends with people like JJ Angleton -- so maybe he thought himself beyond reproach...and, really, who knows if he wasn't working at the behest of hidden forces.
whatever the case, he made a lot of powerful enemies and they put the screws to him. the whole episode is a national disgrace. the concentration camp for making radio broadcasts was one thing; putting him in a psych ward was just obtuse. in his later years it was clear his sense of self had been irrevocably shaken.
this world system is pernicious: Pound learned that the hard way.
Pound's sense of courage was nourished by an abiding stubborness stilted on conviction, but if courage is to endure it must subsist on an intrepid and resourceful wit. being so bold against so savvy an enemy requires a cagey mind. Pound was ill-equipped for the challenge...had absolutely no mind for tactics and political brinkmanship.
all of which is to say, he knowingly fused his politics to his poetry...his side lost...he burrowed deep in the bunker of his shattered ideology and became a trophy of his enemies.

he and the team he played for didn't know how to win. he'd long primed his pen to write his enemy's eulogy and fete the celebrated heroes of his cause. it didn't work out that way.

now, fast forward some eighty years and there's a small group of talented bards who saw the writing on the wall, felt the sway of cultural inevitability and cast their lot with the team capable of freeing the world of usuary, corporate proto-bolshevism, degeneracy, warmongering and venality.
the world's most gifted genius has allied itself with MAGA.
as regards Ezra and his varied crusades, it's a shame he braided his noble objectives (like the attack on international banking) in with the philistinism of fascism...but little could he at the time know, fascism was just the patrician bracket of the socialist dialectic (communism being that of 'progressives'), that it was designed to fail and that from its ashes a meta-fascism premised on multiculturalism (as opposed to racialism) would come to subsume everything west of the Rhine.
anyway, the observant among us have tried to draw whatever lessons are available from this rediculous scene in modern history. some of us think we can actually avert the long planned ww3 and the advent of the chinese century...some of us think we can scrap debt-based currency along with it
some of us have observed that socialism is itself fundamentally flawed, and that anything upon which it is premised is of necessity similarly flawed
>Ezra Pound, cautionary tale

>> No.11971462

The Jews won.

>> No.11971463


>> No.11971469

Are you girardfag? That post was great!

>> No.11971479

t. janus
but thank you.

>> No.11971501

Pound was a pretty good poet, with an excellent grounding in literary tradition. His translations, though not always faithful to the originals, are particularly strong.

He was the best American poet of his generation, far better than Eliot, whose poetry is often prosaic and affected. That is not to say Pound was perfect - his poems are quite often impenetrably dense, and bombastically self-important.

But there's no doubt he had true talent. He was a great experimenter with rhythm and meter. "To break the pentameter, that was the first heave", he wrote famously. He tried transplanting metrical systems from foreign languages into English poetry to create new effects. He tried instilling musical rhythms in lines of English text. These were remarkable formal innovations. He also experimented with free verse.

Unfortunately, these experiments threw open the floodgates for inferior poets. Pound's legacy, therefore, has been the destruction of poetic convention. These days, people no longer "experiment" with rhythm and meter - they simply disregard it because they think it's old fashioned.

Lineation is now arbitrary. Rhythm is arbitrary. Poems are now obscure by default, and there is rarely any effort to contextualize the poem's subject (this stems from Pound's "imagism" which was inspired by Chinese and Japanese poetry).

When Pound broke these conventions, it was iconoclastic and interesting. It was an expression of the inner conflict of Modernism. But today, it's no longer interesting. It's simply what everybody does. It's a way for inferior poets to conceal their lack of talent, for pseudo-intellectuals to hide behind obscurantism.

The point is, we have Pound to thank for much of what is wrong with poetry today. People like Charles Olsen acknowledged him as a major influence. Before Pound, poetry was a way of sharing and expressing powerful feelings. After Pound, it is a pedantic experiment in linguistic obfuscation.

I know this post is bait to talk about his politics. But Pound's influence on literature is far more profound (and relevant to a discussion on /lit/). The fact is, he killed poetry. That's what went wrong.

>> No.11971548
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this post is worth reading.
i agree with your conclusions.
big fan of Eliot, but
>prosaic and affected
can be fairly applied to even his most inspired works. an obsession with obscurity (for its own sake), and rarely was the effort invested uncovering these bluntly inserted obscurities worth it. in Wasteland more space was devoted to the footnotes than the poem...a truly gaudy conceit.
this is my first time on /lit/
thought you guys were just a bunch of pansy fags.
weak, whispy minds frothy with the frenzied sanctimony of our activist age.
you lads aren't really so bad after all.
it seems Natural Law is winning arguments and trouncing vacuity on a board devoted to literature.
that's nice to know.
greetings from /pol/, btw.

>> No.11971614

Nothing. Don't judge a poet based on his personal life.

>> No.11971632

fascism rots the mind

>> No.11971701

frig off, /pol/

>> No.11971708

Cringe pseud.

>> No.11971767

I want him to Ezra Pound my boypussy

>> No.11971800

As a former /pol/ack, quit posting. There are more intricacies and nuances to everything than I realized before coming here. Lurk and wait.

>> No.11971801

>it seems Natural Law is winning arguments and trouncing vacuity on a board devoted to literature
oh no no no no no

>> No.11971883

nice post

>> No.11972132

that´s adam driver

>> No.11973078

>lurk and wait.
maybe i'll just invade and dominate
perhaps it's time to fully colonize /lit/


pansy feg

>> No.11973352

>as regards Ezra and his varied crusades, it's a shame he braided his noble objectives (like the attack on international banking) in with the philistinism of fascism...but little could he at the time know, fascism was just the patrician bracket of the socialist dialectic (communism being that of 'progressives'), that it was designed to fail and that from its ashes a meta-fascism premised on multiculturalism (as opposed to racialism) would

What does this even mean?

>> No.11973711

that the new fascism is based on inclusion instead of ayrian idealism.
that Pound had some good ideas but enjoined himself to a losing cause.

>> No.11973717

Blonde On Blonde is great and all but I say New Morning was his best album.

>> No.11973723

this is the highest degree of pseudery I've seen on this board since Piercefag sperged out last

>> No.11973776

Am Yisrael Chai but this is a good post

>> No.11974029

freewheelin' is the best album