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11970070 No.11970070 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the dumbest author in the canon?

>> No.11970087
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choose your fighter

>> No.11970207

This is golden.

>> No.11970217

The very idea is elitist. Read whatever you want.

>> No.11970223

Probably Heraclitus because he had the least prior knowledge and information to work on.

>> No.11970233

Moldbug is canon?

>> No.11970235

>lmao kids are angels
fucking retard could have visited any school in the country

>> No.11970257


>> No.11970266


>> No.11970277
File: 15 KB, 537x360, lemememanhimself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad.

>> No.11970281

Probably those sandniggers that wrote Gilgamesh

>> No.11970284

me desu

>> No.11970289

Definitely JK Rowling

>> No.11970297


>> No.11970304

the school of resentment and modern politics has made it very necessary.

>> No.11970307


>> No.11970323

Does anyone have an edit of a portrait of Hegel with the "Two Weiners Kid" face superimposed over Hegel's?

>> No.11970325

I thought that part of Rousseau’s viewpoint was incorrrect as well, but only partially. I think he’s right that civilization corrupts, but I think it can corrupt very quickly, quicker than he thinks. Which is why, as you mentioned the public schooling, Rousseau would have disliked that very much.

>> No.11970328

your mom went to public school

>> No.11970330

Correct, but my point is that Rousseau disliked the Catholic Convent, which was the only equivalent to public schooling at the time.

Who can really blame him? Rousseau was based and redpilled

>> No.11970333

shieet like 7 of these are mine

>> No.11970359

People have an innate tendency towards evil, selfishness and self-destruction tho. Civilization corrupts precisely because it was built corrupted, by corrupted people with a corrupted nature. Take the edenpill, kid.

>> No.11970362


>> No.11970366
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>> No.11970369

Lol! Haha btfo am i right? Get it cause they're totally "bad authors" lmao hahaha this is some high brow contrarian humour

>> No.11970370

I’m with you as long as you agree that (I) our lives are a purification process, and (ii)that we can develop societies that are less evil than others.

>> No.11970372

Voltaire's biggest contribution to literature was making fun of strawmen of people smarter than him.

>> No.11970378

/ourguy/ desu

>> No.11970405

t. Basedboy still mad that a chad was one of the best to do it.

>> No.11970425

I will say that (i) we can and should strive for purity, although it may not be attainable and (ii) some societies are less evil than others by the truism that not all societies are exactly the same
I think this means we agree, please confirm

>> No.11970440

On point one, what makes you think purity would ever not be attainable? Purity in the sense as I know it comes from within, not from without. It has nothing to do with material circumstances so I don’t see why a loving God wouldn’t allow each soul their predestined optimal path of purification

We agree on all other points though

>> No.11970546
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the kant one makes me lose it every time

>> No.11970556

I guess I should have said "not attainable in this life". I can't see any way to achieve purity without tearing apart reality and putting it back together whole and well-formed, or better yet passing from this world into the next, during which we will be aligned with God and his will becomes our will, etc etc theological shit
basically the reason I say purity is unreachable is based off of original sin, but I don't think that carries through to eternity

>> No.11970585

>basically the reason I say purity is unreachable is based off of original sin, but I don't think that carries through to eternity
It doesn’t, but I’m glad you are viewing God with souls as well. I fully think the idea of a soul is compatible with God, and the Abrahamic one at that. I’m glad you believe.

Yes I think we have been corrupted from our original intention. This is a part of life, and you see parallels for this very principle as you exist: other sorts of evil devices or obstacles will stop you from reaching your goal, no matter how divine. Your path should be sure and true though, no matter how much stuff tries to get in the way. And your life should be a testament to purification: the idea that we can shake off the evil that is in this world, and die more pure than when we entered.

>> No.11970608

Those are the geniuses

>> No.11970631

Well said
I also think that even in our failure we can exemplify the love and redemption of God, and in that way at least point to perfection. But I agree that perfection should be our constant goal
sounds like we're basically on the same page, it was good to meet you anon

>> No.11970652
