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11968066 No.11968066 [Reply] [Original]

I wasn't impressed.

>> No.11968168

I'm impressed by how big of a fag you are

>> No.11968200

Suttree is better

>> No.11968342

I agree, OP. Part of me doesn't want to be impressed by anything, though, which I think is toxic.

>> No.11968348

I'm reading it right now, and I'm enjoying it. What didn't you like about it?

>> No.11968367

I hated The Road even though his prose was great.
I hated it because I found it repetitive, heavy handed and lacking in depth.
Should I give this one a go?

>> No.11968384

Yes. I liked it way better than the road

>> No.11968393

BM is much better. The Road was just edging for 2h and then going to sleep

>> No.11968401

I didn't look up 90% of the words I didn't know the meaning of.

>> No.11968406

Really? I had to re-read the first two pages bceause of how beautiful and epic the language was. It reminded me of reading Lolita for the first time.

>> No.11968410

I'm sick of people talking about this book. It's probably retarded.

>> No.11968427

That's one hell of a cover.

>> No.11968433

The cover is the best part. It really is a great cover.

>> No.11968502

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

>> No.11968526

too many adjectives and latinate words, but a decent satire of mccarthy's style. It's "arroyo" btw

>> No.11968533

it gets bites literally every single time

>> No.11968710
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It's one of my favorites, but I understand if you don't like it because it's not for everyone

>> No.11968758

But it's nothing like his style

>> No.11968851

oooh big scary red skull and some cowboys

>> No.11968881

what do you have against skulls?

>> No.11968890

It's not straightforward enough. Metaphor is a tool of the Jew

>> No.11968892

>I found it repetitive, heavy handed and lacking in depth
That was the point

>> No.11968898

I've never seen this post before...

>> No.11968901

>It's SUPPOSED to suck

>> No.11968907

Well, yeah, it's the end of the world

>> No.11968914
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>> No.11970272


It could have been more substantive.

>> No.11970942

For all the shit Blood Meridian gets, it's not a shallow novel. The subject matter is obvious but the themes behind it are not. It's a great, thought-provoking, exceptionally well-written novel

>> No.11970976

Actually, it's bad.

>> No.11970978

Mastery of metaphor is the only sure sign of literary genius.

Read Aristotle

>> No.11971001

*spits on ground*

Well. I suppose ye just a faggot. Eh?

>> No.11971021

Finished it last week. Found some parts in the middle to be not-quite-as-good as the rest of the book. The final chapters are some of the best I've read, gave me the shivers. If anyone could manage to make a movie out of BM like 'No country for old men', it would be epic on a grand scale.

>> No.11971044
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>> No.11971049

you fucking moron

>> No.11971717

every time

>> No.11971721


Meandered in the middle, but so did Moby Dick.

>> No.11971723

Is this really a word people don't know?

>> No.11971949
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>and then they all move on again

>> No.11972118
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Cowboys go shoot shoot, blood goes squirt squirt

>> No.11972129

You haven’t read the book
You did but were too up your own ass to enjoy the journey