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File: 139 KB, 1024x640, hate5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11967774 No.11967774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The world has become consumed by hate. People hate their lives and are sold hatred of others by con-men who justify that hate. Politics has become omnipresent, social discourse is effectively dead as people infested by viralized hate are compelled to make others hate along with them. 4chan is a microcosm of this, the core dysfunction magnified to extremes due to anonymity and mutual reinforcement. What frameworks explain this explosion of hate, and more importantly, can give direction to solve the problem? If this continues it will only lead to war when the maelstrom of hatred requires more than just words to satisfy it.

Bertrand Russell's wisdom about living is more relevant now than it ever has been: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYEI6jWT244

>> No.11967789

I was thinking about this recently but the reverse. I was thinking about humour and the lack of it. I've found that the two things really worth doing in this world is being honest(both to others and ourselves) and having good humour and spreading good cheer. The only thing that will save mankind is a good sense of humour.

>> No.11967798

Good. We need to accelerate.

>> No.11967816

>We need to accelerate.

never understood this. what you want to "accelerate" towards is inevitable because of its very catabolic nature. "accelerating" is what happens when you succumb to the hate. it's an individual admittance of nihilism. plunging headfirst into the hatred will never be a valid philosophical stance ( except for the psychopathic ruling class whose M.O. is to degrade life), but a weakness of character.

>> No.11967817


>> No.11967819

This is a curious topic for me, one I have written about to an extent. Some of the work I'm doing now is tangental to it. Let me explain.

Social contagion is an observed tendency for emotions or sentiments to propagate on an online social network. Studies by Facebook and other agencies have confirmed this effect empirically.

The internet often appears to behave like a school of fish. It displays synchrony of opinion and intent whenever there is a viral hysteria, a new meme, or "brigading" behavior. This collectivized activity is not consciously coordinated by the participants. Rather, it is stirred up through the topology of the social media architecture, which acquires its shape by way of a direct mapping of real world social and political schemas.

We impose our social values and political structures on the web, which then propagates those formats to all participants. Effectively the internet is an open free network that can be collectively programmed to display the architecture of any sociopolitical hierarchy.

Hatred is a powerful emotion that spreads easily in networks. It is a highly sympathetic emotion to those predisposed to it, we often hate together more forcefully than we love together. And with a world in turmoil, there are incentives for hatred and social exclusions to be articulated.

The failure of the present official order to establish harmony has created an internal pocket of growing cancerous hatred. This internal cancer is also a source of chaos, and can be exploited against itself for the benefit of more high minded ideals.

>> No.11967823


>> No.11967828


>> No.11967843

You misunderstand the accelerationist school of thought. It's actually a resurrection of old school marxism. The idea is that these problems of hatred and social disorder are directly related to internal contradictions of capitalism. The goal is to accelerate and sharpen those contradictions so that capitalism reaches a breaking point and something else happens.

The flaw with this outlook of course is that "something else" has never been adequately described. So the result might as well be Stalinist dystopia or war torn anarchy.

>> No.11967873

There is no solving it. Whoever gets their way gets their way and than eventually people get sick of that way and the process starts again.

>> No.11967874
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please refrain from posting non-replies

>The goal is to accelerate and sharpen those contradictions so that capitalism reaches a breaking point and something else happens

like i just said, to accelerate towards a breaking point is both redundant and immoral if the arrival to said breaking point is inevitable. this is mere abnegation of responsibility, to oneself and to others. as if we didn't know marxism was about driving civilization into the ground.

>The flaw with this outlook of course is that "something else" has never been adequately described. So the result might as well be Stalinist dystopia or war torn anarchy.

then why even be a proponent of it? this is moronic. people should instead be working towards a better future, yet they cannot conceptualize a better future because of effeminate ideologies such as this.

>> No.11967951

shut the fuck up leftypoltard

the future is happening whether you want it or not

>> No.11967953

I don't understand, looking at history shows repeatedly what happens when hate is accelerated, and it is never good. Why not accelerate love instead? This is what the late 60's was supposed to be about, but it was successfully undermined and ultimately turned into new-age absurdity because it wasn't love informed by reason.

>> No.11967961
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>shut the fuck up leftypoltard
>the future is happening whether you want it or not

did I just frazzle your feeble mind?

>> No.11967966


>> No.11967987

The point is that capitalism is supposed to implode in on itself. Rather than dragging this out and perpetuating the problems, it's better to bring it to a head and get it over with via a violent revolution. Marxism has always been marred by an inability to imagine an end to capitalism without a violent upheaval. It is impoverished in that as in other respects, no pun intended.

The point is to get it over with. Not that I necessarily agree; I'm playing devil's advocate.

>> No.11967989

i've noticed that when people are in a position of weakness, or they have the low ground, they preach and beg for mutual respect.
when the group eventually gains power they immediately succumb to hatred for their enemies.

>> No.11967997
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>I want poositivity, liberty, and a better future!!
>we want loove man

you're fucking caricatures

>> No.11968008

>you're fucking caricatures

caricatures of what? can you even explain that?

caricatures of your lost innocence, you dumb fucker. people are already dead inside, they are caricatures of their own former selves. you go ahead and "accelerate" into an early grave.

>> No.11968018

Let me just elaborate to drive the point home further. Marxists have bungled the whole thing by implying that communism is the necessary result of capitalism's end. In fact capitalism shows no sign of ending, just it's regular business cycles of boom and bust bumps in the road. It has even spread to China and excelled there, China being the last bastion of official Marxist political economy in the world.

If capitalisms internal contradictions, which marxism is right about, do end up crippling it--as we see today with most people in western societies struggling to get by in one way or another, especially in hyper-capitalist countries like USA, this halting of capitalism does not entail communism.

Something new entirely could emerge, propelled on the backs of the new technology which can drastically alter productive capabilities.

>> No.11968027
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>Bertrand Russell's Message to the Future

>> No.11968040

why shouldn't a hateful civilization be driven into the ground?

>> No.11968051

>taking life advice from an autisticstemlord who got cucked until he died

>> No.11968053

>i've noticed that when people are in a position of weakness, or they have the low ground, they preach and beg for mutual respect.
>when the group eventually gains power they immediately succumb to hatred for their enemies.

This is completely fucking accurate. When I was younger and leftists didn't have majority power, they were much more reasonable. They were always trying to reach common ground and were begging for mutual respect between everyone. Now that they have institutional power, the script has flipped and the left is doing everything in its power to censor and oppress the people it hates.

Humans are truly despicable with power.

>> No.11968062

By fighting fire with fire? More hatred? Pile it on? The result is invariably bloodshed and conflict. It's not like such a symmetrical relationship produces peace and harmony at the end. At least not until after the conflict and confrontation.

>> No.11968070
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>tfw want to join a comfy collapse cult with esoteric apocalypse bros but don't want to be involved with anything illegal

>> No.11968075

Having been a graduate from a super lefty college, I can confirm this. It was like a little petri dish breeding ground for the leftyism you see mainstreamed today. I resisted and my nonconforming efforts were met with stonewalling and ostracization. Jokes on them, I still got what I wanted from the place and I stood my ground. It was eventually I who dropped the mic and had the last laugh. They're all enjoying Trump now after I tried to warn them.

>> No.11968095

>why shouldn't a hateful civilization be driven into the ground?

>people create civilization
>it is people that make civilization hateful.

this is not complicated. the fact that you are even asking me why civilization should be destroyed means that you are unable to genuinely care for others nor yourself

>> No.11968103

we are beings made for conflict, shaped by conflict. this culture of hate is just a product of abstinence, that inner desire to rape and pillage boiling beneath the confines of civilization. it will erupt eventually - as it always has, as it always will.

>> No.11968104

>should be

*shouldn't be

>> No.11968114

things need to get worse before they can get better, friend. everything can and will be rebuilt, better than the last.

>> No.11968133
File: 16 KB, 318x458, HGKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm aware of that. accelerationism is a dumbfuck ideology however, propagated by equally stupid people.

instead of adding to the orgy of chaos, one should be preparing for war, should be detaching from the sickness of this age, for the keeping of knowledge, for surviving what is to come for the sake of the new world that will be build upon the corpse of babylon.

don't say nobody warned you

>> No.11968140

>implying communism is gonna be established through proletarian revolution rather than bourgeois exterminism.

>> No.11968143

Ok Bane. Why do you wear the mask?

>> No.11968265

>He can't see beyond the omnipresent hate he has been conditioned to accept as an unchangeable aspect of reality.

This is the root of the problem: a self-fulfilling prophecy. If people like you could see an alternative, you'd run towards it with every ounce of will, as perceiving life as being omnipresent conflict and hate is hell itself. The only way to do this is by challenging this assumption, Anon, and challenging yourself.

>> No.11968334

stfu nigga the world was always shit and degenerate, 99% of humans lived in absolutely deplorable materialistic and spiritual situations. we're in a better position actually, because we have some form of comfort in this sea of feces, like for example, my ancestor couldn't. read a history book, nigger
no there won't be another war that would be too far exciting. i wish we could have another pre WWI enviroment where people genuinely wanted to go out and just fuck shit up. but materialism and conformism will "save" us from another war. yeah yeah the 3rd world is a threat or whatever russia or china or whatever fuck off nigger they're easily controllable just see best korea fuck fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.11968455

don't bother responding to people who post frogs and wojaks. have you ever known an adult who would behave like that? it's clearly children who aren't interested in discussion but argument.

>> No.11968644

>> Creates thread asking for an analysis of the tendency towards hateful rhetoric
>> Gets thread full of hateful rhetoric

Kind of sad. I was hoping for more meaningful discussion.

>> No.11968654


>> No.11968687

this stuffi isn't deep or hard to figure out. it's just that when monkey brain see thingy that he doesnt like it goes no no i must end this!!! and then genocide and so on and so on. sure thing in the personal sphere your conciousness prevents you from killing everyone you don't like but you don't seem to realize that the collective unconcious is very real, (duuh societies are the sum of the individuals, why would you think it isn't also the sum of their psychology? start with the greeks nigger), so the unconcious dont act like hmm there must be some rational way to deal with this, no, the unconcious just goes and holocaust it and it can't accept the Other and so on and so on

>> No.11968731

conflict doesn't necessarily imply hate. the hate today stems for a lust for conflict that has been muzzled, that immanent conflict that has determined the direction of the very thing we call "progress." competition is a form of conflict, and while competition may grow hateful, it's not a rule. i see competition as stifled today, too many boundaries erected by hegemonic/monopolistic entities seeking dominion over multipolarity - both globally and individually, from bottom to top.

i DO think life is omnipresent conflict, but i don't think it's something that must be remedied, just mediated to ensure hate doesn't control the conflict. and it can't really be mediated apart from a mutual respect for the "force of the better argument"

>> No.11968736

>Bertrand Russell

Never ever quote this guy. He was a literal cuck. Got my wife son'ed not just once but twice. Anything and everything he ever said should be discarded.

>> No.11968750

>the collective unconscious is very real
prove this assertion

>> No.11968764
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>stop the hate
>especially THOSE people who are responsible for hating everyone, NOT the people on my side who are incapable of hating anyone
>i am objective

>> No.11968770
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hate isn't that bad. : )

>> No.11968776

>hmm sweatie no. where are the citations? could you give a source please? hmm no. correlation does not imply causation.
fuck off, start with the greeks

>> No.11968784


>> No.11968786

as expected nothing of substance. opinion disregarded, child. if you can't even support your claims, why should anyone else?

>> No.11968812
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that's why i made this post

people who hate hate tend to have their feefees so up in a knot they don't understand it's a normal human emotion that you should embrace. no, i don't mean everyone you don't like is to be genocided. what i mean is you have to acknowledge you are running a brain wired up by ancient hardware that has discussions about things before it even reaches your conscious mind.

so get over yourselves.

>the collective unconscious is very real
>prove this assertion

as a jungian, i am here to say the collective unconscious isn't provable. at this point, it's a cool idea that seems to have some basis in reality, but we don't know what that basis is. just because a hypothesis is interesting, doesn't mean it's real.

>> No.11968818
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holy jesus i hate you

>> No.11968831

>oh my sweet summer child, it seems that you haven't provided the scientific papers related to our discussion. i'm calling you out on it and saying that you're not a gentleman nor a scholar. i'll dowvoting you. enjoy.

>> No.11968841
File: 356 KB, 830x777, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's inherently wrong with hatred? Daily reminder that trying to edit out facets of the human experience is Satanic.

>> No.11968862

>trying to edit out facets of the human experience is Satanic.
i'm sorry sir, but could you please offer a scholarly citation on that assertion? beforehand, i'm going to advise you to not commit the evil mistake of assuming that correlation is equal to causation. i'll also leave an upvote, hoping that your post make it to the top.

>> No.11968869

impossible for me to care less about your opinion on anything let alone me since you've demonstrated you can't support them lmao

>> No.11968873

>we are beings made for conflict, shaped by conflict.
That's some interesting insight on the human conditions, but do you have any scientific proof of these concepts? Oh, no i don't mean Psychology. You see, i'm only working with neurobiology papers here. So i'm asking you a neurological proof that "humans are shaped by conflict" it shouldn't be too hard finding it, right? I'm also a bit skeptical of your line of thought since it seems to be based around the principle that correlation equals to causation, and that is simply wrong.

>> No.11968879
File: 166 KB, 647x780, 1502954536021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a pretentious fuck. if english isn't your first language, i can forgive you, but odds are you type like that because you spent too much time in furry RP communities and reading low-tier fantasy novels like dragonlance.

you go around with this air (reek) of sophistication nobody buys into because you're too lazy and/or afraid to approach anything genuine. you risk losing social status because you are in a group of self-hating social climbers who are happy to discard you as soon as you don't provide a buff to their ego or status.

don't you ever in your life approach anyone and ask for any kind of objective proof about anything, nor anything to support any claims because you only deal in the world of snappy rhetoric, which, while cute, is a shoddy replacement for honest-to-god critique.

take a fucking hike you literal snob loser.

>> No.11968882

>impossible for me to care less about your opinion
Any research about that? And no, correlation does not mean causation.

>> No.11968886

there's a difference between accepting hatred as a part of the human condition, and letting your hatred define your condition. the same goes for any emotion. just, like, chill out bros.

>> No.11968917

wow great post