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11963510 No.11963510 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think happened in the jakes /lit/? What's your interpretation of the judge? The kid?

What a great, bloody read.

>> No.11963617

>“The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible. Had you not seen it all from birth and thereby bled it of its strangeness it would appear to you for what it is, a hat trick in a medicine show, a fevered dream, a trance bepopulate with chimeras having neither analogue nor precedent, an itinerant carnival, a migratory tentshow whose ultimate destination after many a pitch in many a mudded field is unspeakable and calamitous beyond reckoning.”

>> No.11963626

okay I'm rereadong this book for the third or fourth time, I still don't get where all the child rape theories come from. can anyone enlighten me on where the theories come from?

>> No.11963633

whenever authors put mysterious shit in books, i never spend time thinking 'OHH WHAT HAPPENED', i just think 'oh so the author wants me to think something mysterious happened, guess i'll never know' and move on

>> No.11963652

Finished this book this friday, really liked it. The last chapters were intense as hell.

I think the judge killed both The Kid and the missing girl, which is what the other people then found.

There's young people who go missing here and there, when the judge is close at hand. I also think there was a time when they found the judge naked in his tent with a child.

>> No.11963661

more to the theories about the Kid raping the organ grinder girl at the end. the Judge is a confirmed sadistic child murderer so it's not to hard to make that leap

>> No.11963691

When The Man is going to his final destination he passes over bison bones and there's a hunter who tells him about the bison hunting that has destroyed the population. The culling of the bison is associated in history with the death of the American frontier. The Judge represents the force of nature that is so dominant above all else despite being a part of it - human nature, war personified. The Man is the Old West, he's aged. He was rebellious in his youth. He is dominated, raped, destroyed in a disgraceful manner. It is man's overthrowing of nature. The man at the end erecting fenceposts is fencing off the Old West, it's gone, man killed it.
>The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible.
In the context of Blood Meridian, this is such a powerful statement. It's gravity is elucidated only because it is so simply stated in relation to everything else. It cuts through the bullshit and bravado.

>> No.11963863

Someone pointed out to me yesterday that The Kid (or, The Man) doesn't seem to 'get it up' when he meets with the midget hooker at the end. Since it's not exactly clear what happens between the Judge and The Man at the end, just that some people later find two dead bodies (The Man and the girl), you could argue that the Judge finally corrupted The Kid and got him to rape and kill the girl before killing him.

>> No.11964074

chapter X is so goddamn good wtf

>> No.11964137

they never find two bodies, they look into the jakes and see something that makes them not want to use it. the girl is missing and the Man was up with the whore when the girl disappeared (unlike the judge who is found by the Man naked in the jakes while people start to look for the girl)

>> No.11964312

>interpretation of the judge

Some people wrote something about a gnostic archon, but IDK.

Maybe he was just a weird dude that was able to drive a lot of great dialogue?

>> No.11964982
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>> No.11965135
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>> No.11965175

Kids go missing during the course of the story, it could be the Judge but it could be the Kid as well. The part with the midget hooker at the end was also weird.

>> No.11965218
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>as an author myself

>> No.11965306

They're the same character though

>> No.11965310

that makes no sense, there is so much about the book that doesn't work if they are the same person

>> No.11965314

naked scrabble
cramped conditions
super awkward

>> No.11965351

The Judge is the man who lives by his own means, without God.

>> No.11965363

>They posted guards atop the azotea and unsaddled the horses and drove them out to graze and the judge took one of the pack animals and emptied out the panniers and went off to explore the works. In the afternoon he sat in the compound breaking ore samples with a hammer, the feldspar rich in red oxide of copper and native nuggets in whose organic lobations he purported to read news of the earth's origins, holding an extemporary lecture in geology to a small gathering who nodded and spat. A few would quote him scripture to confound his ordering up of eons out of the ancient chaos and other apostate supposings. The judge smiled.
>Books lie, he said.
>God dont lie.
>No, said the judge. He does not. And these are his words.
>He held up a chunk of rock.
>He speaks in stones and trees, the bones of things.
>The squatters in their rags nodded among themselves and were soon reckoning him correct, this man of learning, in all his speculations, and this the judge encouraged until they were right proselytes of the new order whereupon he laughed at them for fools.

>> No.11966560

Think about it

>> No.11966579

I think maybe taking him as an archon in a non-literal sense works. As in he's a 'demon' or figure that is evil BECAUSE the world is evil, that instead of being opposed to the just laws of nature like a traditional villain he thrives precisely because nature is evil.
Also, although this is a bit of a /leftypol/ reading I do see the argument that the Judge is a sort of 'super white' person, and that he's appears to the whites in the book as a white person would to a Native American: pale, physically large, incredibly intelligent but unempathetic and evil.

>> No.11966583


>> No.11966592

I didn't say I agree with it, or even believe it, just that I see the argument. It very well could have been McCarthy's intention, just as likely it's a butthurt commie overreading.

>> No.11966596

bye now.

>> No.11966858

when the kid heard all those stories was he hearing about himself the whole time? obviously the Kid doesn't speak Dutch, so he must have just imagined all those conversations. in fact, the kids has to be the expreist and possibly the imbicile too or the whole chase scene makes no sense. did the kid pick up the howitzer? or was that made up too? is half the book just the kid imagining random conversations and shit happening? it might as well have all been a dream, every character was the kid and he was just hallucinating after fucking a midget

>> No.11966870

It's a metaphor

>> No.11966889

if the entire plot is a metaphor it might as well be a dream. the shit that happens in the book makes no sense if the judge is a 14 year old boy.

>> No.11966899

maybe life is a dream

>> No.11966919

thanks Borges