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1196265 No.1196265 [Reply] [Original]

Which to buy?
Slaughterhouse 5
Brave New World

>> No.1196268

totaly not trolling.
havent read any of em

>> No.1196267

I'm going to assume you're not trolling and go with Brave New World.

>> No.1196269

Is this a troll? I see this exact thread on /lit/ every day along with the discussions about Camus and the jokes about Rand.

Are you all just fourteen and finally getting into reading real books or am I being trolled?


>> No.1196273

thats just it, ive been reading everything but that so i decided why not try em out

>> No.1196281

If you want a dystopian novel, read "We."

If you want a high school AP Lit class novel, read "1984."

>> No.1196282


Fuck you jackass.

>> No.1196284

All of them, then read something more obscure!, to be fair though it is kind of a right of passage to read them...among others

>> No.1196287



>> No.1196290


Nope. If you feel like dismissing great works because they are too well renowned for you that's your loss. I'm not going to lower myself to actually arguing with you however.

>> No.1196292

okay, what would be obscure, my "need to read pile" is getting low

>> No.1196293
File: 32 KB, 524x720, george-orwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then "Homage to Catalonia"

>> No.1196298


>more obscure

Why? What the fuck is wrong with you people? What the fuck why would reading something obscure somehow be better than reading something popular? Fuck I feel like I'm really on /mu/

>> No.1196304

Shut up e/lit/ist fag. Just because the average person has heard of the first two books doesn't mean you can act like their not with literary merit. I'd take both those books over brave new world any day. Just because Huxley is in vogue these data doesn't mean you get to spout your biased opinions as fact. Open minds bitches

>> No.1196306

Right, because arguing with someone is much "lower" than saying "EFF YOU JACKASS" out of butthurt, huh?

>> No.1196307

because dood Obscure=Cool!!!

>> No.1196315


Because popular shit usually includes shit like Twilight jackass or harry potter bullshit, REAL good books are hardly ever what you would call popular, by obscure i just mean something you wont get told to read in some shitty magazine or by your fucking english teacher, find a book thatlooks interesting, dont ask an opinion on it and just read it, then fuck what anybody else thinks.

>> No.1196331

i just want a good book to read?

>> No.1196332


So mad. I wasn't dismissing them at all, these are obviously great books. I'm just saying, he should read "We."

>> No.1196341


Calm the fuck down man. I didn't say anything about the fucking popularity of Orwell or Vonnegut or Huxley, OP asked for one recommendation so I gave it to him.

>> No.1196363

so no ones pro-slaughterhouse?

>> No.1196370

I'm pro slaughter house, but up until now i had not known about this thread i do tend to follow time linearly. so it goes

>> No.1196380

okay so we are tied.
1984: 1
Slaughterhouse 5: 1
Brave New World: 1

>> No.1196389

I've only read 1984 and Brave New World. I prefer 1984, but just to warn you everything you read about politics afterward will make you grit your teeth. Of course, ditto BNW and sociology/education. :T

>> No.1196399

I enjoyed all three books while reading them. You should probably read them all, I'm pretty sure that you can find copies of Brave New World and 1984 pretty easily for free, so if you're buying, I'd go for Slaughterhouse 5.

But seriously, read all three.

>> No.1196402

yeah i was planning on reading all three, just which one to start. i was debating between slaughterhouse and BNW

>> No.1196405
File: 76 KB, 410x315, world1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The World Inside, by Robert Silverberg. It's about a future human race who have enshrined procreation as the primary social good in the world and have ordered their entire society around the concept. They live in geometric patterns of million-man skyscrapers with no personal space, have casual sex with each other ceaselessly, and total a world population of 75 billion (and growing).

It is a better ___topian work than those others mentioned because half of the people I've met who have read it have called it dystopian, while the other half have insisted it is a utopian vision instead. That sort of ambiguity to me is indicative of a future vision that has a real probability of coming to pass - just appealing enough for us to secretly want it; just sinister enough for us to recoil inwardly from it.

>> No.1196411

hmm sounds interesting. i might check that out, thanks

>> No.1196420

buy slaughterhouse
it's the better of the three and most library's have numerous copies of 1984 and bnw

>> No.1196989

>he reads books

>> No.1197004

I keep trying to pick up 1984, and I always end up putting it back down. I don't know why. But I've read Slaughterhouse 5 and Brave New World, and enjoyed both--Brave New World was a bit easier to get through, so if you're looking for something to breeze through I think that's your best bet.

>> No.1197829
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