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/lit/ - Literature

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11962438 No.11962438 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ btfo
deep down you know it's true

>> No.11962447

Proust was a French degenerate with a small sloped forehead. To attribute influence in any way shape or form is more of an insult than a complement.
The only people who unironically hold Proust in high regards are undergrads who are pseuds who listen to what others tell them instead of thinking for themselves.

>> No.11962454

None of those things are gender specific.

>> No.11962456

I have never seen a woman read anything thought provoking
>inb4 anectodal
Yes it is

>> No.11962458

lol this is wrong. i'm a girl (yes an actual female) and all we think about are either ourselves or guys. it's rare that i have a tought that isn't about the hot guy walking down the street or how i look like to other people lol

>> No.11962460

Boring bait.

>> No.11962466
File: 53 KB, 605x681, blackops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11962471

stop baiting, there was a thread started with this same picture yesterday

>> No.11962480

Kek, women still think that their "feelings" and "emotions" matter. Most modern, intellectual men have transcended that bullshit and look at their life with an irreverent detachment and through a self-parodic lens.

>> No.11962489

Self parody can easily devolve into self loathing after a while, though.

It's destructive if not balanced by sincerity.

>> No.11962494

This but unironically.

>> No.11962501

Jokes on you, I don't read

>> No.11962503

and when they do they have the most asinine readings of the material. once i was in a bar when i saw a qt girl reading Brothers Karamazov. i approached her and we started talking, i eventually asked:
>so this book, is it good?
>hmm no, actually it's pretty bad, i'm only reading for a class
>why do you think so? i've read Crime and Punishment and Notes from the underground, both were great
>uhh yeah, it's a little too much of dead white male for me. like i've read these russian authors and it's incredible how they didn't cast person of colors and women to their books. it's always about a socially rejected white men doing white things, there's no diversity of thought and experience, and the women are always subjected to the man, it's like they have no free will lol
I say that i disagree and we respectfully debate for some minutes, then i shift the conversatin towards poetry.
>so you like modernism huh, have you ever read Hart Crane or Wallace Stevens? Crane is my favorite poet and i think Stevens is the best american poet after Dickinson
>hmm, Crane was homosexual wasn't he? yeah, like, he's probably really good. I haven't heard of Wallace Stevens, but do you like T.S Eliot?
>not really, i think he's quite overrated
>yeah, me too, he is dead white heterosexual male: the poet.
i decided to abruptly end the conversation, and she looked surprised. it had already passed 2 hours and at least i made her waste time

>> No.11962523

>i approached her
Anon you have to put some effort into these made up stories to make them believable. Nobody on /lit/ has ever approached a woman in a bar

>> No.11962553

i forgot to mention that she's a friend of a friend, and also she has a literal model bf. even though i never met her directly, we've seen each other before, (she ended recognizing me) so i had no pressure approaching. also i had no delusions of fucking her (though of course i would love to, there's simply no chance for me). i just wanted to get to know someone who was apparently into the same type of books that i read (i literally don't know a single person who reads, let alone read the classics). also not everyone here's a r9k virgin, though that is certainly my past.

>> No.11962566


The stupidest thing about this image is that they are portrayed as reading different books. If the creator of the image seriously wanted to challenge the misogyny on this board they would not have portrayed the girl reading a "more girly" book. Unless they were making the assertion that not only are all men pretentious psueds who secretly hate reading, but that Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young man is an innately unenjoyable book. It's just a deeply ignorant argument on many levels.

9/10 bait.

>> No.11962572


>> No.11962576

I think in Times New Roman though

>> No.11962797

I like thinking in Helvetica, but you do you