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/lit/ - Literature

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11961094 No.11961094 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you read per year /lit/?

>> No.11961112

200 a year, thanks to audible

>> No.11961114


>> No.11961123

I bet if I drilled into his skull and put DBS in the right place, I can cure it. Nobody wants to be the guinea pig though. They make it look bad but when push comes to shove, "Actually it's no so bad, I can live with it!".

>> No.11961493

Nystagmus is an excuse people use to get out of drunk driving charges.

>> No.11961496

400 a year thanks to seeible

>> No.11961516

How did he write that

>> No.11961521

I haven't looked at my keyboard to type in years, and I can type with full accuracy without looking at the screen. touch typists are objectively superior at getting their points across.

>> No.11961557

Only around 25

>> No.11961562

I'm at 34 rn. Hoping to get to 40 by the end of the year

>> No.11961616

anywhere from 250-300. The most I did in a single year was 341.

>> No.11961745

Google Voice or whatever bits called

>> No.11961750

Books are different lengths so counting them is an arbitrary metric. I just consult the I Ching to tell me if I should be reading more or less, that's what prison life taught me.

>> No.11961854

At 29 atm. I need to bump up my numbers next year. I wasted a lot of time, only read 1-2 books over the course of two and a half months this summer because I was spending all my time with a girl.

Realistically I think I can do a little quicker than a book a week on average without feeling rushed, so I’d like to get to 60+ per year eventually.

>> No.11962188
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I'm sorry, but what's the point in reading as fast as some of you guys do? Wouldn't you get more out of the books if you actually took the time to, you know, enjoy them instead of just rushing through in order to brag about how many books you've read this year on /lit/?

Just askin'.

>> No.11962234

Most of them were colouring books though.

>> No.11962245

only a frogposter would ask something like this
really solidifies the idea that you all should be banned from this site

>> No.11962275


>> No.11962281

I read a lot of books because I spend a lot of time reading

>> No.11962286
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How many novellas do you own? Also, does rereading the fault in our Stars every single night count? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11962292


>> No.11962295

Around 20.

>> No.11962302


Daily reminder that studies have proven that "reading" using audio doesn't activate the same region of the brain as text.

Daily reminder that studies have proven that even reading using a digital screen is not as engaging in the brain as printed text.

>> No.11962875

He told his mom to do it

>> No.11962889
File: 15 KB, 311x199, goodreads 2018 done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal was to reach 30 books this year, and I finished that goal last week.

>> No.11962902

around 30. I'm trying to slow down a little bit. Reading just for goodreads points isn't worth it.

>> No.11962905

Audiobooks don't work because reading isn't a linear experience, unless we are talking Dr. Seuss.

>> No.11962906

Billions and billions

>> No.11962909
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>he listens linearly

>> No.11962933

>Daily reminder that studies have proven that even reading using a digital screen is not as engaging in the brain as printed text.
care to link some? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.11963036

Like 15 but I really want to get to like 35 or 40 next year

>> No.11963065

200 to 250 usually

>> No.11963163

Like,, mybe 5 or 6, my dude.

>> No.11963526
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about 50

>> No.11963533

It depends entirely on the year. Sometimes 50, sometimes 10. Never more than 50 though.

>> No.11963541


>> No.11963584

E...even on a kindle screen with the backlight off?

>> No.11963610
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Nystagmanon here. I'm so blind that I can't even see my hands. It's irritating trying to explain to people why glasses don't help when your world looks like a fucking earthquake 24/7. I can't imagine how fucked it would be to have epilepsy and this at the same time.

Regardless, I've read 30 books this year. That nigga has no excuse. If you really want to do something then you'll do it, not half ass it with audiobooks. I bet the pussy doesn't drive either.

>> No.11963674

Good reply, really well done.

>> No.11963902

2018 so far

Books read cover-to-cover: 0
Books purchased: 128

>> No.11963939

Holy fucking shit stay off the road

>> No.11964599

What's with all the typos, is this guy retarded or somehting?

>> No.11964636

There was one study which proved that most people have a higher retention rate reading printed books rather than e-books. For me it makes no difference.

>> No.11964682


>> No.11964690

Fuck you

>> No.11964723

Listening to books =\= reading books

>> No.11964756

35, just started reading seriously this summer

>> No.11965230

I read about 50 books by the middle of this year, but since then I've read practically fuckall. I've seen a lot of movies though.

>> No.11965303

The only thing these studies show is science still has some serious flaws. eg. replication crisis, p-hacking, posthoc analysis...
Here's how to read science articles. If it isn't a meta-analysis, ignore it. If it is, still might be crap actually.

>> No.11965557

You should read the sequences.

>> No.11965974

Depends on what is being read. If you are reading genre fiction or YA fantasy for mindless distraction its easy to complete a book per day. There is no mental fatigue so you can read 8-12 hours a day if you have no other commitments.

I'll read actual books more carefully. Literary fiction may take me 3-7 days depending on length and complexity, reading four hours a day.

I read 100+ books per yeaer fairly consistently and I don't try that hard, its more that reading is my main source of entertainment and I've got a lot of free time.

>> No.11965978

I read Ulysses 300 times a year and STILL have time to dab on shitposting brainlets.

>> No.11966083

>There was one study which proved that most people have a higher retention rate reading printed books rather than e-books.

except then there was another study where it turned out that screen readers perform noticeably worse than paper readers when the groups are assigned randomly, but the difference shrinks to almost nothing when people are allowed to pick their preference. so it seems that paper readers use the physical properties of the book as a crutch to help retention and perform poorly when they have to switch to a screen, but people who read from screens a lot become used to the crutch not being there and end up not actually having worse retention than paper readers.

>> No.11966118

I do enjoy them. I just read really fast. I could read a book a day if I didn't get distracted.

>> No.11966168

Reminder that books are meant to be heard

>> No.11966216

No shit. Engage more senses, produce more response

>> No.11966239

What website is this?