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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 1006x768, 1006px-Nordisk_sommarkväll_-_Richard_Berg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11959748 No.11959748 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/ recommend me some love novels by female authors.

>> No.11959791

Anything by the Brönte sisters.

>> No.11959801

Be more original. Everyone knows those.

>> No.11959805

Masterful painting. God I wish that were me etc. The aesthetics of my age are so fucking shit. I'm convinced they are an intentional aggression against the Soul by a supranatural power organized for the sole sake of a holistic demoralization and decimation of all that is Human within each person born today. Weaponized ugliness. Maybe suicide will put me into the painting. Maybe..
also to answer opee's question: Emily Bronte, Jane Austen, the list goes on...

>> No.11959909

It's called Satan anon. He's all over the place.

>> No.11959941

It's just so crystal clear. And saddening. No person could look at that painting and compare it to today and not see a striking decline in every possible aspect. The architecture. The clothing. The social relations between the sexes. It is ostentatiously evident that our day and age is so grossly impoverished compared to even the immediately preceding one. I think it was a mistake. Whoever was orchestrating this did not mean for there to be such a glaring dichotomy. Or maybe they did. Maybe they were betting on people being too engrossed within the haze of the incessant stream of comfort that has swallowed us all. Pulverized with sugary sweets and mundane entertainment as a replacement for genuine arts. It is undeniable: we are living our lives out in a Wasteland not even Eliot with all his poetic prowess could have sketched. So much beauty has been lost. And the avenues to restore it diminish with each passing hour.

>> No.11959955

Han Kang
Human Acts and The Vegetarian are both amazing and I've heard good things about her newest book.

>> No.11959964

That painting and what it depicts both look like shit. Fuck off /pol/

>> No.11959973

Wonderful refutation, you crude simpleton. I'm in no way interested or from /pol/. You don't deserve a reply beyond that.

>> No.11960095

>the list goes on
bitch you only named two and they were the two most obvious

what does "the list goes on" mean anyways, obviously the list goes on, there's a lot of female authors. OP didn't ask "do love novels by female authors exist", he's asking for specific recommendations, which presupposes that the fucking list goes fucking on

as a linguistic convention you ought to provide at least three examples before saying that, you're plainly disguising a lack of actual knowledge and the fact that you dare to do so pretentiously is astounding to me

>grossly impoverished compared to even the immediately preceding one
“Ours is certainly the dullest and most prosaic century possible” - Oscar Wilde

it wasn't special people always bitch about the times, nothing changes, it's always fine. It's an arbitrary decision whether or not to embrace the current state of affairs

>> No.11960113

Why is the woman painted in such a position? Looks uncomfortable. Like a meek JJBA character.

>> No.11960140

The first time I saw it I thought she was tied to the post.

>> No.11960169

Do any have steamy erotic scenes without being tasteless smut?

>> No.11960650

If rembrandt were alive today you'd have zero awareness of him and probably wouldn't respect his work if you did. The general state of art in the modern age is actually pretty healthy, however that's not visible to anyone who isn't giving it attention, obviously, because all you'll be exposed to is the snide public references to the shallow end of the avant-garde ("lol look at this dumb art ho pissing on a canvas").

The irony is that there are without a doubt way more people inclined towards "genuine arts" then there were in the past, and to a more advanced degree. Much better resources.

>> No.11960922

I don't argue with this, since I think you've missed what I am trying to accomplish. What I am saying is that the painting contains an obvious visual proof of decay. Just compare the fashion of those in the painting (and those of that time period) with ours today. It is a total decline. It is a reduction towards the casual as principle. The formality and decor that even in the 20th century had faded to a thin ersatz varnish of what it had once been is still decidedly superior to the current state of things. Think cargo shorts. Think septum piercings. Think yoga pants while in line for Chic-fil-A. Every suburban or city man used to wear a suit, or some sort of formal wear. Think of that. And of course the upper class still do. It is only the mid to lower classes that have been demeaned into wearing T-shirts and converse shoes. I am just distraught by this casualization of all things. Architecture, social graces, communication. Because it is a dimmer mode of expression. It is a weaker form of culture. It is all about what Taiwanese sweat-shops can churn out for Amazon to sell with a 10% discount. Artistry is quickly leaving all aspects of human life.
Perhaps my point was obscured, but I am not suggesting that I think the painting in question is the apotheosis of visual art or that all visual art should stagnate to that state, I was just struck with the stark difference between all of the little things that added up to the culture that the painting presents a snapshot of and our own. Surely you wouldn't deny that everything is becoming far more casual, and perhaps in-tandem, uglier.
and to apologize for highjacking your thread, op, even though it's a very stupid topic for a thread I'll recommend as well "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier and "The Lover" by Marguerite Duras

>> No.11961758

The Lover, Marguerite Duras

>> No.11961845

Most here still haven’t read them even if they are aware of them

Tenant of Wildfell Hall is great

>> No.11961937

>representation of the stiltedness and emotional seperation in a bourgeois marriage
>god I wish that was me

>> No.11962142

The man on the right stubbed his toe and proceeded to die a painful death from cellulitis as his foot rotted off and he went into septic shock. The woman on the left died in childbirth, the child was born deformed due to congenital syphilis and starved to death.

>> No.11962149
File: 29 KB, 300x475, 537365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalizing the first letter of one word does not give it a more profound meaning

>> No.11962197

You sound like you're 19 years old but want to sound like you're 40 years old.

>> No.11962202
File: 34 KB, 334x334, 1509035022208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a, dare I say it, 19 year old boomer?

>> No.11962204

He's just a big fat faggot pseud n*igger

>> No.11962243

>The general state of art in the modern age is actually pretty healthy
give us some examples then

>> No.11962298

what makes it healthy is that the common rabble (i.e. people like you) remain ignorant

>> No.11962353
File: 971 KB, 1600x875, john_howe_robin%20hobb_the%20mad%20ship[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Liveship Traders Triliogy

>> No.11962660

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. The film is good too.

>> No.11962832

Kristin Lavransdattar

>> No.11963672

Death is a natural part of life.
The excessive technology and science that pervades our world only delays the inevitable.
Luxury and comfort won't save our souls.

>> No.11963958
File: 55 KB, 318x471, 11250317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11963975

>Weaponized ugliness
is that what they called you in high school LOL ugly dipshit

>> No.11964339

Your argument is stupid.

>> No.11964351

she was repulsed by the man because he was not black.

>> No.11964478

The argument is that this type of art is really no different from north korean/ soviet propaganda pieces, it presents an idealized view which would be repulsive and laughable if you would have actually lived in that era.
Contemporary art, for all it's ugliness, is more honest and actually respects the reality of pain and suffering.

>> No.11964844

>implying aesthetics aren't nessecary to remind people that there is beauty in the world and that life is still worth living

Beauty gives us something to aspire to.

>> No.11964854
File: 404 KB, 1000x776, 1514362825403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes comrade, although your layman eyes can't distinguish kitsch from beauty

>> No.11964872

OP's image isn't kitsch.

It's not high art either, but it's not kitsch.

>> No.11964878

Well, the painting in the OP belongs to a collection of works from the nordic national romanticism movement. It conjures up certain feelings, as is generally the goal of art, that might be most strongly felt by scandinavians, as opposed to people with no connection to the scenery or the context of the painting.

It certainly isn't fucking kitsch.

>> No.11964890

are a screenwriter for Rick and Morty?

>> No.11964899

>nordic national romanticism good
>soviet national romanticism bad

it's appeal is on the same cheap and naive level as kitsch, I wouldn't even go so far as to call it art

>> No.11964915

The Soviet image strikes me as propaganda, but the Nordic image gives me a very melancholic feeling. The distance between the man and the woman implies some sort of longing and the beautiful scenery helps draw out those sensations. That's a juxtaposition I'd call far from being naive.

Romanticism is arguably the furthest thing from being naive. In order to create an ideal fantasy, you have to highlight the grim reality as a contrast.

>> No.11964923

>he thinks national romanticism as an art movement is the same as political nationalism
Why you'd even compare a romantic art movement to propaganda created for a regime, even including the head of government/state in the painting, is fucking beyond me.

>> No.11964943

>Romanticism is arguably the furthest thing from being naive
I wonder what you consider naive then?

>> No.11964996

Unironically Irony is the most naive.


>> No.11965019
File: 1.35 MB, 3463x1999, 1526702008835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are as basic as figures and scenery can get. Maxfield Parish did it way better (and this isn't even one of my favorite paintings)

>> No.11965038

>columns lack doric fluting

>> No.11965067

But that would make them look worse. You wouldn't get the smooth color gradient

>> No.11965926

Thanks guys. I've got like four recommendations (two of which I've already read) in a thread with 46 replies. /lit/ is truly the best place on the internet to discuss literature. Han Kang seems cool though. I'll check her out.

>> No.11966211

you and your stupid needs are not important faggot, this isn't some forum where we have to stay on topic or big bad mod is gonna flex

>> No.11966222

You’re a faggot

>> No.11966293

He'res another for your victim complex chart

>> No.11967433

>Being this upset at an old meme.

>> No.11967615
File: 1.58 MB, 320x240, 1451240543483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think cargo shorts. Think septum piercings. Think yoga pants while in line for Chic-fil-A. Every suburban or city man used to wear a suit, or some sort of formal wear. Think of that.
Yes you're right everyone living in a city used to wear fancy expensive dresses with intricate designs on them regardless of their financial standing

>> No.11967633

don;t be such a mongchild and look up those old pictures of men in suits in /fa/ - most are working class or lower middle class, and they are all overdressed by today's standards. Why? Simply because people did not wear mass produced crap, and tailored clothes, no matter the fabric, always look better than off-the-rack crap.

>> No.11968041

Why the bitterness anon? What's wrong with shorts and polo shirts? Is the sight of female legs in yoga pants too much for you? Just let people be.

>> No.11968074

t. wears a 3-piece suit to his community college classes

>> No.11968101

I'd rather have students dressed in suits than in hoodies