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11955471 No.11955471 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not very smart. Honestly, I have a very hard time understand life, even day to day my daily tasks are very hard for me to do.
I've been close to suicide before because I couldn't control my life.

This Book in the picture has honestly saved me life. Can some one please explain why?

Athiests, Christians, some one, can any one out there please explain this to me?

>> No.11955538

You have discovered the truth. All the answers to your question are in the book you are reading.

>> No.11955586

Yeah, I just kinda realized, correct me if I am wrong but, God is Contained wholly in this book by Word, and that is how God enters our heart by reading and absorbing the Word.

The Word is the Body of Christ.
His people are of his word (the Body) and are the church.

>> No.11955611

>This Book in the picture has honestly saved me life. Can some one please explain why?
cuz you're retarded

>> No.11955621

And, explain exactly how this could help a retard but not a highly intelligent person? Where is your logic in that.

>> No.11955630


It can help anyone who is dumb enough to fall for the meme. It is just like any other popular meme, if you have no critical approach to reading you will probably get a lot out of it.

>> No.11955641

>dumb enough to fall for the meme
What's the meme exactly? I'm retarded, I do not think I'm on the same page as you on this.
What exactly have I fallen for? Have I fallen for a better life, is that foolish?
I'm terribly confused my dear anon. I take my reading of this book very serious, very very very serious.

Now, I do not know if I have the deepest grasp, but I can not ever be sure.
I am troubled, what have you gotten out of this, that I haven't?

>> No.11955652

It's an encoded treatise on kabbalah and you took it literally.

>> No.11955661

It may be anon, it very very well may be.
But, how does this make me foolish?
Why should this even change my view upon it?
Isn't the kabbalah More ancient than Judaism?
I'm very sure it is.

>> No.11955694

Because this book contains the Truth, anon. You are on the right path. Other modes of knowing are interesting, but will only make you suffer. Supra-rational Truth can only be discovered via supra-rational means. Some things can be explained, some are an eternal mystery. The Bible is the greatest story ever told, and it is a true story of the redemption of man. You're not alone in not understanding life, nobody truly does - this is why the bible speaks to you, because you are humble and accept that you do not know everything. This is an essential step in receiving God's grace. God bless you anon, keep reading and discovering, maybe read St Augustine' s Confessions.

>> No.11955702

because only dumb people are dumb enough to believe in that garbage, you idiot

>> No.11955707


If you are taking it as a moral framework in a spiritual/theological reading that is all well and good. But if you apply normal historical criticism, textual criticism, or redaction critique to it like a good /lit/izen should you will easily see that this is probably not a solid foundation to build a belief system upon as a whole.

If you get something spiritually fulfilling out of the book, that is still fine, but do a more thoughtful reading of it is my advice.

>> No.11955711

Okay, but how can dumb garbage help some one? I get the Why, but How.

>> No.11955712
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God loves you, OP. Even if you think no one in the world does. He does.

>> No.11955715

You don't sound stupid. ESL maybe, but far from stupid.

>> No.11955716

I confess to you it's true.
I am not Catholic, does St Augustine only use Catholic dogmas, is it okay if I still read him as a Reformed Calvinist?
I need guidance anon.
I'm alone in this night, the dark night of my soul.

>> No.11955718

>"all of the greatest philosophers and theologians of all time were, in fact, retards"
t. certified mid-wit

>> No.11955721

What is ESL? I am diagnosed ADHD.

>> No.11955723

English second language.

>> No.11955725

english as second language. meaning your english could be read as not written by a native speaker.

>> No.11955727


>> No.11955730
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>old testament is wacky jewish adventures featuring materialism, optimism, and just general spreading of suffering
>new testament does a 180, asceticism, pessimism, earthly existence is merely transitory
>go from a promise of paradise on earth and reincarnation to heaven and resurrection
>get a frankenstein mashup of zoroastrianism and platonism
>somehow this is supposed to work if you take it all literally
what the hell is going on

>> No.11955736

The shift from OT to NT is still one of the biggest hurdles I can't get over.

I absolutely love the NT, but Christ himself makes reference to OT as truth and that he is the one and the same god.

Christ feels like he's touching on the divine, while the god of the OT feels much more "human".

>> No.11955737

>If you are taking it as a moral framework in a spiritual/theological reading that is all well and good.
Yes this is the entire purpose of my reading of the book, and this is the way I've been shaping my life. Is this bad?

>But if you apply normal historical criticism, textual criticism, or redaction critique to it like a good /lit/izen should you will easily see
Can you give me examples that should give my worry? Where are the weak points so I know to be careful? Please help me.

>If you get something spiritually fulfilling out of the book, that is still fine, but do a more thoughtful reading of it is my advice.
I really take this critical, it's one of the few things I honestly do.


>> No.11955741

No, I live in Washington state of the USA. Is my writing bad, or tense and awkward perhaps? I apologize if it is heavy on your eyes.

>> No.11955751

I can understand you. You just type like a direct translation. "Heavy on the eyes" for example, I know what you're saying but I don't think I've ever seen some one refer to it that way.

>> No.11955753

Read him as whatever you want. This is Christianity very close to the time that Jesus was alive. He has extraordinary wisdom on the Gospel, different ways of knowing, God, the Trinity etc.
Of course, Augustine wrote this long before the Protestant reformation, so he was a Catholic. It has been of huge influence on all Christianity

>> No.11955756

anything could help you. you could replace christianity with any other religion and have the same results

>> No.11955761

Hey I am op, but I'm not 100%
but this is my take.
Old Testament and new Testament were written in 2 different languages,the old as hebrew, and the new was of greek.
The Old Testament led up to the New Testament, by the prophets and their message growing with warning of God being real. It led up to the point in the Old Testament, to the last prophet John.
This is the transition from Old to New. John the Baptist got wrote about in Greek.

Christ him self was the promise of God, as the coming of Heaven. This is why the split is a dynamic difference. It goes from Apocalypses, to the promise of God's fulfillment. As Christ really Did cause an apocalypse at the time. Look into it.

>> No.11955764


I mean to say that if you feel you get good advice on how to live morally and ethically out of the book that is good. If you think that the story is true or that the mysticism entailed is true, or that what is written in the bible is the non-contradictory word of god, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.11955769
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> Ionly listen to one philosopher, the greatest on of all time, Jesus

>> No.11955774

Yeah, I understand that, I like making my prose feel objective and authoritative, it allows my self to draw distance to any emotions while communicating. Like, a persona, a robotic one.

>> No.11955776

don't be afraid to think for yourself, little anon. also don't be afraid to read some eastern philosophy

>> No.11955780

Christ isn't a philosopher tho, his knowledge is of God, IE perfect.
Mans entire idea of philosophy is to find the perfect thought. All of God thoughts are perfect, therefor he does not philosophize.

>> No.11955788

>If you think that the story is true or that the mysticism entailed is true, or that what is written in the bible is the non-contradictory word of god,
Yes, I do. For this seems to be the only way to take the morals out of the book. This is a basic understanding for anyone wishing to read the Bible in the correct light.
Do you use a flash light to guide you in the dark, or a laser pen ?

>> No.11955792

it's fine. i don't think there's anything wrong with it. you just use unusual phrases and overly long expressions. "heavy on the eyes" "i do not think i'm on the same page as you on this" "my dear", and the lack of adverbs sometimes but not always.

anyway. if you want to know why the Bible is so great and why Christ is the man you have to go back to Plato and his form of the good as superlative form, or king of the forms. keep in mind plato/socrates were Christ-like in their day. they turned the old Greek hero myths on their heads. the NEW Greek hero was not a fighter, he was a thinker. a teacher of the youth, who drank hemlock rather than betray his ideals and lifes work. similarly, the Messiah was not the general the Israelites expected. he was a teacher who showed them how to live well, and accepted crucifixion rather than betray his ideals and lifes work. go even further back and examine primitive magic, the sort of iron age theurgy where man meets god in ritual, rhythm, and reverberation. it's the very roots of the Christian idea of Imitatio Dei (imitation of the deity). If we are pleasing to That, perhaps That will favor us. In ancient days the gods were pleased with worldly offerings. After Christ, WE are the offering. We do as he taught so that we may have His favor.


>> No.11955795

Gives you a soild foundation to rest your beliefs in. Religion is literally the study of life qua living.
Has nothing to do with the text. Although Christianity is certainly based in it's preaching of salvation through belief. I prefer to base my religious beliefs in scientific matters of fact. It might be nice for you but the mythology of old religions just isn't compatible with what we know today.

>> No.11955807

Nobody can get truly good advice out of the Bible if you consider it as a self-help pop psychology book. This is a true story, and only if you take a leap of faith and believe that Jesus was God, will you get anything out of it. It isn't a case of saying "He was a great guy and all, but definitely not god". There are hundreds of other belief systems that do that: eastern philosophy is rife with this kind of knowing; a deep pessimism and life-denying nihilism. You have no good reason to even read the Bible in that case. You cannot really say that "getting advice on how to live morally" is "good", especially when you consider the Bible as a load of shit (how are the morals "good" in that case?). God is a necessary part of the Bible.

>> No.11955812

It's psychological affects are the most important part of the Bible, and always has been.

>> No.11955824

I look at it that way. But deeper reflection recently has made me realize I'm doing it out of fear.

To truly believe Christ is Lord isn't as comforting as atheists like to claim being a Christian is. In fact it's fucking terrifying.

>> No.11955827

Thank you flattering, very much. I am only now getting through the Gospel of Marks Perspective which honestly compels me quicker than the book of Matthew. I find that to be odd, finding more worth in the second gospel.

>> No.11955828

Why isn't Jehovah mentioned once?

>> No.11955837

Can you explain why it is terrifying?
I agree, it is very scary on the wrath of God, but are you encompassing purely the act of His Son, and his sacrifice, or something else?

>> No.11955842

It is, Jesus is called Jehovah multiple times in the original Greek.

>> No.11955850

I wish I could make myself care about whether or not there is a God or an afterlife. It's something so abstract and there's no way to say anything definitively so I'm not sure why we should spend so much of our existence deliberating over it. There's so many different doctrines that give entirely different moral codes. I have enough going on in my life.

>> No.11955852

It's more not only is there a god but its the Christian god and I have some serious shit to work out in my life if that's the case.

>> No.11955855

Show me texts now

>> No.11955859

Think about death and realize if there is no after life then this is your only experience, and if it's a pessimistic view, you are stuck with it for eternity.

>> No.11955861

It's a living book for living person, from a living God.

>> No.11955870

Are you serious anon?


>> No.11955873

Yeah, I agree with you that it's terrifying. I find it interesting that everything holding my life together is based on an idea you could sum up in a single sentence (Jesus is God). I always found nihilism to be just as scary though. I think nihilism is the real rational conclusion (life is meaningless) and looking to our Lord is the only way to escape the trap of meaningless existence. Of course, if you seek the endless cycle of reason, you need to look beyond reason. I believe that God became human to show us exactly this.
G.K Chesterton speaks of this, in comparing Christianity to Buddhism "There is little else on earth that can compare with these for completeness. And he who does not climb the mountain of Christ does indeed fall into the abyss of Buddha."

>> No.11955878

edit sorry: if you seek TO ESCAPE the endless cycle of reason

>> No.11956113
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christian dum
atheist strong

>> No.11956155
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you hate us cuz you anus

>> No.11956166

Look up divine truth on YouTube. You'll get more knowledge. When you know the Bible you know aj is for real.

>> No.11956167

>people are willing to pay 1000$ to be in the same room as this nimrod

>> No.11956171
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Christ isn't a philosopher because philosophy = philo (love) sophia (wisdom), the philosopher is a lover of wisdom, but Christ IS God's uncreated Wisdom.

>> No.11956182

>Have I fallen for a better life, is that foolish?
Consider: if God isn't real and/or Christianity is not true, that implies that you can be just as happy as you are now without the actuality of those things. Understanding this, you are equipped to live faithfully and joyously regardless of a particular prescriptive religion, because a generalized sense of calm love appears to be a basic human capability.

>> No.11956198

someone needs to make a new paradise lost but instead of getting kicked out of the garden of eden we get kicked out of belief in god by reason

>> No.11956214

>I'm not very smart.
>This Book in the picture has honestly saved me life.
Looks like you answered your own question.

>> No.11956236

Judaism isn’t zoroastrianism and christianity isn’t strictly paganism
This is because you’re noticing it was written by man

>> No.11956298

We are still fallen people, and our pride in thinking we can know everything without knowing God is a result of our fallen state.

As soon as you consider that it is not true, you cease to believe, and you cease to be happy. True joy is only in God's light and nobody is above God's love. You cannot be happy without it being true.

>> No.11956348

You mean we get kicked out of belief in God because of selfishness and blind defunct logic without reason.

>> No.11957093
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>> No.11957258

>As soon as you consider that it is not true, you cease to believe, and you cease to be happy. True joy is only in God's light and nobody is above God's love. You cannot be happy without it being true.
I disagree. What about all of the religions other than Christianity who lead to more or less the same positive life effects? What about saintly, faithful nonbelievers, of which there are many, people who act well and feel well and live well but are not adherents to a particular religion?

Again: /if/ religion is incorrect conceptually, that makes it obvious that the feelings it makes accessible are accessible via pure biology or minding or whatever you preference. And, even better, you can make a habit of such feelings.

>> No.11957335

Yes I agree with you on some things. Some other religions can lead to some variety of worldly happiness, absolutely. When it comes to salvation of the soul, however there is only one way about it: through Jesus. I should elaborate that Christianity is not only about being happy now - in fact, it doesn't matter at all if you are or not. Many unhappy Christians are probably alongside God in heaven, we cannot really know for sure; but I know from experience that religious life is not necessarily a happy life. I could be happy in the sense that I have hope that my soul is saved, and depressed in that I might doubt some days whether Jesus really is God. I hope that saintly nonbelievers are saved, I think it's reasonable to say that they may have received God's grace even without officially adhering to religion. I know many good nonbelievers myself.
I think the argument you make is solid, but only if we are principally concerned with earthly happiness. I would suffer a horrible death if it meant eternal life. So I say that God's Truth is essential for happiness, in the sense that happiness is not necessarily something we all attain on earth. People can be happy on earth in many different ways, whether through religion, gambling, drinking, sex. What comes after is eternal - at least that is what I believe.

>> No.11957373

>What about saintly, faithful nonbelievers
These don't exist.

>people who act well and feel well and live well
It's impossible to "live well". Everyone is going to die, and everything you do will eventually be destroyed in this world.

>> No.11957528
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>When it comes to salvation of the soul, however there is only one way about it: through Jesus.
How do you know that? All that you currently know is that which is worldly; that which is transcendent and/or in afterlife is fundamentally above and beyond worldly things, you yourself being a worldly thing, and as such you are currently incapable of knowing anything about it.
>I think the argument you make is solid, but only if we are principally concerned with earthly happiness.
Earthly happiness is all that you know. Claiming to know what God is or wants, or what the afterlife consists of or whom it rewards, amounts in my eyes to massive spiritual arrogance. Not to mention that (assuming that you are the OP) you opened the conversation specifically by discussing how Christianity saved your life. It's a bizarre double standard to espouse Christianity as productive of a wholesome happiness, and then to say that happiness doesn't really matter when confronted with the observation that many other things do the same.
>What comes after is eternal - at least that is what I believe.
Consider the Aquinian concept of the acceptability and even laudability pursuing knowledge about the world insofar as the world is an extension or echo from God and learning is a mode of more thoroughly grasping and loving God. In such a concept, you are jamming your ears to God, you are squeezing your eyes shut: to believe just because you believe is an unGodly, even Satanic act. I listen to God in the mode that he speaks to me, i.e. through the world, and so far as I can tell, the most rational and sustainable modes of seeking happiness are consistently healthful and prosocial, gentle and kind and loving and in awe of the grand mystery that is living, and I do not understand why it is so common for religious persons to actively deny the world we live in as a nothing, and to tell God what's what and how He should operate.
>It's impossible to "live well". Everyone is going to die, and everything you do will eventually be destroyed in this world.
Part of living well is accepting death, and hoping for a continuation of life in afterlife, but having the intellectual humility (i.e. understanding your smallness relative to God) to know that you do not really know where you are going, and if you are going anywhere at all.

>> No.11957644

For your first point:
The fact that we are saved through Jesus is revealed to us through the scriptures. Obviously without the scriptures or divine revelation I would know nothing whatsoever. We are all capable of knowing God through divine revelation and this is because God became Human. I agree that all which is transcendent and/or in the afterlife is absolutely above and beyond worldly things, I don't agree that humans are incapable of knowing anything about this "above and beyond" in light of revelation. I take the divinity of Jesus as truth.
On the second point (I should have clarified that I am not the OP sorry, my fault):
Earthly happiness is all I experience on earth, and I never claim to know more than is reasonable to know through what God has revealed.
On the third point:
I feel that Aquinas would be totally out of his depth if he didn't have faith in divine revelation. And you have a point, I think it would be a little forced if out of nowhere, he were to search for something that he wanted to be true, instead of what was actually true. God tells us how he operates, and obviously a certain amount of care must be taken in how any exploration of God's word to avoid making far-fetched claims on God's nature.
I have to go anon so I may not reply after this, but thanks for the questions. God bless

>> No.11957685

>The fact that we are saved through Jesus is revealed to us through the scriptures. Obviously without the scriptures or divine revelation I would know nothing whatsoever.
On what grounds do you ignore other religious texts?
>God tells us how he operates, and obviously a certain amount of care must be taken in how any exploration of God's word to avoid making far-fetched claims on God's nature.
Same question.

>> No.11957825

>you become a Dawkins Circle member

>> No.11958300

>On what grounds do you ignore other religious texts?
lol as tho islam or buddhism can compare to the glroy of christ

>> No.11958895

I hate monotheists

>> No.11959247

>spiritualism made Dante write an enduring book i find incredible
>spiritualism drove a bunch of sculptors and artists to create statues / frescoes / tapestries i find beautiful and fascinating
>spiritualism encouraged the OP to struggle through life and grow in the process

I'll never argue with results. I just hope apostasy can be as powerful for future creators as faith was for our ancestors.

>> No.11959326

>as fallen people, we have enough pride to think we can know everything without knowing god (paraphrase)

It seems quite the contrary to me. In the absence of god, we've started to reject absolute truths on principle. For many thinkers, this eliminates the basis of /any/ possible conclusions about anything, and makes concepts like "knowing" and "learning" seem impudent - like relics from the past which are imperfect in their conception.

Where would pride come from without a point of reference to guarantee our superiority? How can we be proud if there's nothing to tell us how close we are to 'perfection'? We can devise a system like natural necessity, social Darwinism, or dialectical materialism from the aether, but don't these just seem like deities with different names?

It is clear that man tends toward a search for meaning, and repeatedly defines this meaning as a place within a harmonious whole - a thing which "makes sense" and confers sense.

To completely reject this line of thought doesn't seem proud or hubristic to me - it seems profoundly humble and (of the struggle to maintain order after the cornerstone is yanked from it) demanding of extraordinary courage. Then again, I might be guilty of the same crime I outlined above - anthropomorphizing the universe without a guarantee of man's achievement as a metric for anything.

>> No.11959462

happy to hear that bro, I feel the same way in a sense, christ is keeping me alive without him id kys

>> No.11960403

n you dont stip lying

>> No.11960433

Actually irreligiousness often probably just produces anxiety and depression whereas religiosity can probably take away the anxiety part and give you a sense of peace.

>> No.11961387

Waking Up Podcast Ep. 125: What is Christianity?

>> No.11961396


>> No.11961397

fuuuuuuuck sam harris and ehrman. two faggots who are presently, temporally, trapped in their own low IQ hells.

>> No.11962607

what? Buddhism is about pursuing an unreachable goal. About freeing your mind from opinions of the outside world but that's not possible considering the fact that people will always absorb information. Christianity is about absorbing the information that will help you to cope with your life and also to help others...
I can write about other religions too but why bother since you are too egocentric too listen

>> No.11962655

If you are a Calvinist, you must believe you are frozen