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/lit/ - Literature

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11953496 No.11953496 [Reply] [Original]

The anonymous Anon who recommended this book deserves my warmest thanks.
It's not as dark and depressing as I thought (I was expecting something like Novel with Cocaine, or Blood Dark - something so thick you can hardly keep breathing). But it's more poetic than I thought, and really significant from a 'moral' point of view. A bit less metaphysical but more literary. And while having the social and political background of the 1930's, it's still a real page-turner thanks to the 'crime story' plot (it's not a thriller, just saying it's as efficient as a thriller).
It also has niggers, and a "pleb-in-chief". Thank you for this rec, anon.

>> No.11954154

I saw that rec too. I'm thinking about getting this and The Eternal Phillistine.